Results: 2Comments by: Kamiri
File: AutoBuff [Emerald]11-05-06
Hmm, I d/l'ed ACE 2.0 and added it...
Posted By: Kamiri
Hmm, I d/l'ed ACE 2.0 and added it to my AddOns directory and I no longer recieve the error. I'm not sure if this is how it is intended but as long as it works I'm happy. I have an addiction to Autobuff so what can I say lol.
File: AutoBuff [Emerald]11-05-06
I am recieveing the same error abou...
Posted By: Kamiri
I am recieveing the same error about ACE Locale not being found. Anyone found a fix for this yet or know what is causing it? I deleted the Autobuff directory and all saved variables but I can't get rid of the error (