Results: 2Comments by: intellax
File: OneBag303-15-07
Starting randomly today, everytime...
Posted By: intellax
Starting randomly today, everytime I log in when Onebag is installed it breaks several other ace mods and doesn't work itself. Mods that I know it breaks: Simpleminimap, skinner, onebag, cycircled, ... that's all i can remember right now. !Improvederrorframe reported the following errors: Error: AceModuleCore-2.0: OnInstanceI...
File: ag_UnitFrames03-12-07
I have a question or a request......
Posted By: intellax
I have a question or a request... Is there any way to show party member targets? Like target of target, but for party members? I'm not even sure if there is a function to call for that information... but I think it would be extremely helpful, especially in the arenas. And I just noticed that the person two posts down also a...