Results: 4Comments by: ash23
File: Flourish08-25-10
Re: Re: Hey mate
Posted By: ash23
Originally posted by spAnser it would be possible might checking into for a later feature There is an addon called Factionizer if i am not mistaken it gives you in number how much virtual rep you have in your bags and bank but it is not always accurate. If you can translate these numbers into the rep bar you are halfway done.
File: Combuctor05-12-09
Some Issues
Posted By: ash23
Hi all, I just have a quick question. In bagnon when i am not near the bank i can still open the bank and see what i have there.. I can mouse over the individual items. In combuctor i can't. Also i don't know the 2 issues i have with combuctor have been fixed or not namely If i have a tradeskill bag in my bank i can't see what...
File: Combuctor04-23-09
Bagnon Vs. Combuctor
Posted By: ash23
Dear Tuller, I absolutely love both addons by you but i have a problem in each. For some strange reason Bagnon refuses to show Rod of the Fallen Monarch. It saves the spot in the inventory and i can't put anything in that spot or move it but for some strange reason that is the only item i have trouble seeing. (can't mouseover it...
File: Bagnon04-15-09
Hi Tuller, Thanks for the great...
Posted By: ash23
Hi Tuller, Thanks for the great addon! I just have 2 issues, sometimes when i am looking at the inventory and searching for a specific item say "consumables" after hitting exit the screen will still show some items as "selected" or "lit up" and the rest greyed out. Also i recently got this item Wand of Ahn'kahet and after loot...