Results: 5Comments by: Rancid Jellyfish
File: DoTimer06-20-07
I'm sorry to say it but in spite of...
Posted By: Rancid Jellyfish
I'm sorry to say it but in spite of all your hard work Ash, 3.2.9 is still creating multiple targets for the same mob. Also when DoTing multiple mobs (A and B) i start by DoTing up target A and then move onto target B, when i cast Currption on target B however, DoTimer refreshes the Corruption on target A instead of creating a Cor...
File: DoTimer06-15-07
3.2.8 creating multiple targets for...
Posted By: Rancid Jellyfish
3.2.8 creating multiple targets for the same mob again ;) Oh and Cooldowns bar textures have gone funny.
File: DoTimer06-15-07
hehe <3 I've deleted the addons...
Posted By: Rancid Jellyfish
hehe <3 I've deleted the addons and anything in the WTF relating to DoTimer and its still doing it, mobs were the Skettis Water Elemental things.
File: DoTimer06-14-07
3.2.5 is going nuts when DoTing mul...
Posted By: Rancid Jellyfish
3.2.5 is going nuts when DoTing multiple mobs with the same name. Appears to be creating multiple timers all under 1 target, when fighting 3 same named mobs i ended up with maybe 9 of each of DoT all under 1 target. ;)
File: DoTimer05-28-07
Hiya Ash, thanx for the update, it...
Posted By: Rancid Jellyfish
Hiya Ash, thanx for the update, it fixed all the troubles i was having but it has however introduced a new problem. I have my DoTimers set to sort in order of Time Left Ascending but when renewing DoT's already on the target they no longer get sorted. Thanx for the hard work <3 DoTBoT