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03-04-11, 03:11 PM
Well, moved my map, threat meter and dps/healing meters to the right side. I need to start working on meh raid frames ><

Gotta move my pet bar as well and move my combat text, to close together right now :(

03-04-11, 05:27 PM
12 / no outline

Finished my buff module today:


Wow I really like the cooldown border idea!! For very short duration ones like Renew, does it still flash in the last few seconds, or did you remove that?

03-04-11, 05:36 PM
hey do meet in the top middle of the buff correct?

does it still flash in the last few seconds

yes and yes

03-05-11, 01:25 PM
http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/2568/wowscrnshot030511201456.th.jpg (http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/2568/wowscrnshot030511201456.jpg)

New one I put together. Not much originality. Merely practicing making stuff.

edit: (gradient fail @ bottom panel >_> )

03-05-11, 02:18 PM
some new ui's i'm working on.

http://i.imgur.com/JWg5i.jpg :raid
http://i.imgur.com/5WJyt.jpg :config
http://i.imgur.com/cwL77.jpg :ooc

http://i.imgur.com/KrLpL.jpg :raid
http://i.imgur.com/qnNxO.jpg :combat
http://i.imgur.com/wRWx3.jpg :combat w/ CD bar up

any c&c is appreciated

03-05-11, 03:39 PM
12 / no outline

Finished my buff module today:


God. That's hot! neeed.


/ignore the QuestTracker ;) ..and the keybinds.. aaand the party frames are off, just noticed.
inspired by all them awesome UI's.

edit: addon that auto hides/minimizes the QT?

03-05-11, 03:54 PM
edit: addon that auto hides/minimizes the QT?

I was gonna convert my WatchFrameAdv. module into a stand-alone addon soon, can probably have it ready by tomorrow if you wanted it. Can change the position, text colors, and auto-hide/collapse under configurable conditions.

03-05-11, 03:58 PM
some new ui's i'm working on.

http://i.imgur.com/JWg5i.jpg :raid
http://i.imgur.com/5WJyt.jpg :config
http://i.imgur.com/cwL77.jpg :ooc

http://i.imgur.com/KrLpL.jpg :raid
http://i.imgur.com/qnNxO.jpg :combat
http://i.imgur.com/wRWx3.jpg :combat w/ CD bar up

any c&c is appreciated

the second ui looks very similar to mine:S

03-05-11, 04:05 PM
12 / no outline

Finished my buff module today:


wow very cool - ur whole ui is awesome - very creative ;) respect man ;D

03-05-11, 05:57 PM
I was gonna convert my WatchFrameAdv. module into a stand-alone addon soon, can probably have it ready by tomorrow if you wanted it. Can change the position, text colors, and auto-hide/collapse under configurable conditions.

hah, can't say No to that - Yes, please. Would be really nice to have something to screw that annoying thing over with :).
No haste tho, take ur time!

03-06-11, 07:05 AM
12 / no outline

Finished my buff module today:


Ideally instead of flashing the entire frame, one could mess around with SetVertexColor() on the actual icon, going from white (normal texture) and the color that is used in the border, and back.

I really hate the opacity issues wow has when it comes to adding textures on top of frames.

03-06-11, 01:27 PM
My current UI, still W.I.P
The buff frame breaks my heart ;(

http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/wowscrnshot0306112gwaexy7i1h_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/wowscrnshot0306112gwaexy7i1h.jpg)

http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/wowscrnshot0306112clhapgvukr_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/wowscrnshot0306112clhapgvukr.jpg)

03-06-11, 01:34 PM
Dead center of screenshot is experience points gain. Does ANYONE know how to manipulate size/font of that? I've looked and looked, lol, it's driving me mad. It's not the error frame, its not spell overlay, etc. I just want to get rid of it, because I can control look and feel of it with MSBT. Can anyone help me please? :o

03-06-11, 03:53 PM
hah, can't say No to that - Yes, please. Would be really nice to have something to screw that annoying thing over with :).
No haste tho, take ur time!

Watch Frame customization: nibWatchFrameAdv (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19526-nibWatchFrameAdv.html)

Window Resizing (to make in-game windows a little larger / smaller): nibWindowSize (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19529-nibWindowSize.html)

And some Runes! nibRunes (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19525-nibRunes.html)

03-06-11, 08:23 PM
Been working on some idea actionbar-wise lately.


03-06-11, 11:27 PM
Been working on some idea actionbar-wise lately.


Familiar looking UF setup :p Interesting Action Bars, quite nice.

03-07-11, 02:58 AM
Familiar looking UF setup :p Interesting Action Bars, quite nice.

oUF_Hank with some custom textures :3

03-07-11, 08:08 AM
Lol. Brothers in mind. hank had the same idea for a new cooldown display as myself. (using the border and no spiral)
I would start in the top left corner though. Not sure if top center is actually needed since it is a different kind of display.

Btw is the coloring based on time or depending on percent? Because you could have a long buff that turns red if it is still active for 5min.

What I was thinking through is the idea of having each side for a specific time span. Top for stuff < 10sec. Right for stuff > 10sec < 30sec. Bottom for >30sec < 2min and left for > 2min < 2h

That way you could look at a icon and tell just by looking at the border how long it will take to run out. Once the timer is <2min the depletion time would be the same for every icon.

A percentage value would not deliver that. It would just deplete at random speed based on aura timer.

Plus: You could remove the aura time fontstring.

Another possibility is use the full 4 border in different colors for each timespan.
Phase 1: Aura > 2min - green color, 4 borders
Once the 4 borders of green color have depleted it enters green-yellow stage.
Phase 2: Aura >30sec - lime color, 4 borders
Phase 3: Aura > 10sec - orange color, 4 borders
Phase 4: Aura > 0sec - red color

But I think that could be disturbing. :)

03-07-11, 08:18 AM
What would be cool would be a function like DBM uses that moves the timers (in this case buffs or debuffs) to a different location and scales them up a bit.

This way it would be really easy to notice important buffs going off and short debuffs on you (like stuns, etc).

I always forget to re-apply poisons and self buffs before a fight so this would be really helpfull.

03-07-11, 09:24 AM
Hey, zork! I developed this idea a few days ago and thought it was totally original and genuine. Then I saw this (http://www.vranx.com/screens/auracle.jpg) on vranx.com while looking for secure aura template examples. So apparently we have not being the first to come up with this in common.

As for the time span concept I think that it is a bit too sophisticated for taking a peek on the buffs while in a raiding environment.

And there is no need to remove the FontStrings. The users can do that themselves (Interface->Buffs and Debuffs->Buff Duration). I personally like having them.

You can take a look at the buff module in my project repository (svn://svn.wowinterface.com/hankui-811) if you like.

03-07-11, 09:33 AM
Link doesn't work

03-07-11, 11:04 AM
I assume a subversion client is needed to see the snv:// links? I was peeking at his buffs code at http://svn.wowinterface.com/filedetails.php?repname=hankui&path=%2FInterface%2FAddOns%2Fhankui%2Felements%2Fbuffs.lua.

03-07-11, 05:25 PM

I just finish a preview demo of RDX 8.
RDX in few words :
- One single addon
- Multi user interface manager
- Powerfull IDE built in the game


More info in our official web site :


Best regards

03-08-11, 04:56 AM
Dead center of screenshot is experience points gain. Does ANYONE know how to manipulate size/font of that? I've looked and looked, lol, it's driving me mad. It's not the error frame, its not spell overlay, etc. I just want to get rid of it, because if I wanted to see it, I could control the look and feel of it with MSBT. Can anyone help me please? :o

Bumpty bumpty bump~v ;)
Edit:I have disabled ALL addons, and it still shows up, so I'm guessing (with a serious lack of expertise) it's the default UI. Still

Led ++
03-08-11, 06:00 AM
If I'm not mistaken it's part of the combat text blizzard uses. Perhaps it's in those options.

Led ++
03-08-11, 06:05 AM
Been working on some idea actionbar-wise lately.


I keep wondering what the boxes above your actionbar is. Imo it looks kinda strange cause the font is way to big for the boxes it seems.

Also you should get some better looking raid frames and perhaps hide your stancebar (and just keybind it). Would look a lot cleaner.
Oh and perhaps put your runic power text above your health like your ToT text is.

03-08-11, 06:54 AM
If I'm not mistaken it's part of the combat text blizzard uses. Perhaps it's in those options.

Sadly, no, it isn't. I can't find it anywhere, spell overlay/combat text, etc, it's literally driving me crazy, like an itch I can't reach, lol.:confused:

03-08-11, 07:48 AM
Sadly, no, it isn't. I can't find it anywhere, spell overlay/combat text, etc, it's literally driving me crazy, like an itch I can't reach, lol.:confused:

It's DAMAGE_TEXT_FONT which can be changed, but doesn't accept font flags. In the past I've used xDamageFont (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7731-xDamageFont.html) with a blank font file to hide the default exp text, and used MSBT to show it (with a purdy outline :p).

03-08-11, 09:16 AM
It's DAMAGE_TEXT_FONT which can be changed, but doesn't accept font flags. In the past I've used xDamageFont (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7731-xDamageFont.html) with a blank font file to hide the default exp text, and used MSBT to show it (with a purdy outline :p).

Please explain how to 'blank' a font file? Or where to get one, lol?

03-08-11, 09:23 AM
Please explain how to 'blank' a font file? Or where to get one, lol?

I would assume it would be the same way of using a blank of any other file type. Make a new txt file, and rename it to something else. Voilà, blank file.

03-08-11, 10:08 AM
My apologies for the idiocy, lol. TMcMahon, Aprikot, you both rock, that little detail has been troubling me for days.

03-08-11, 01:25 PM
Here, I uploaded a ttf file with a 'blank' font (it's a zip cause it won't let me upload ttf files, hope it works). I use it on my window title bars in Windows :p

Btw, hank, awesome UI you got going there!

03-08-11, 01:30 PM
Here, I uploaded a ttf file with a 'blank' font (it's a zip cause it won't let me upload ttf files, hope it works). I use it on my window title bars in Windows :p

Btw, hank, awesome UI you got going there!

My thanks~:D

03-08-11, 02:52 PM
I keep wondering what the boxes above your actionbar is. Imo it looks kinda strange cause the font is way to big for the boxes it seems.

Also you should get some better looking raid frames and perhaps hide your stancebar (and just keybind it). Would look a lot cleaner.
Oh and perhaps put your runic power text above your health like your ToT text is.

The boxes are the action bar (the faded one below is short CDs, etc). If you could suggest a decent 10 or 12pt pixel font, it'd be sweet, because all the ones I've found are either small at 10, or are 8pt.

I've actually been looking into several solutions for Runic Power placement.

working on raid frames, rocking the default at the moment ;P

I suppose I could keybind stances, I just generally don't have to switch them often enough to matter, but I've got most of my Naga's keys still open and a good bit of stuff on my Anansi open.

03-08-11, 02:58 PM
I've actually been looking into several solutions for Runic Power placement.

Recently dabbled with oUF_Hank, and wanted to move my power above my health as well, so I came up with this little custom modification. Just pace in custom_modifications.lua

-- Create new Power tag
oUF.TagEvents["ppSimple"] = oUF.TagEvents["curpp"]
oUF.Tags["ppSimple"] = function(unit)
local _, pType = UnitPowerType(unit)
local color = cfg.colors.power[pType] or cfg.colors.power["FUEL"]
local CurPower = UnitPower(unit)

if pType == "RUNIC_POWER" or pType == "FOCUS" or pType == "RAGE" or pType == "ENERGY" then
return ("|cFF%.2x%.2x%.2x%s|r"):format(color[1] * 255, color[2] * 255, color[3] * 255, valShort(UnitPower(unit)))
local MaxPower = UnitPowerMax(unit)
return ("|cFF%.2x%.2x%.2x%d%%|r"):format(color[1] * 255, color[2] * 255, color[3] * 255, math.floor(CurPower/MaxPower*100+.5))

-- Move Player Power
oUF_Hank_hooks.PlayerPowerPosition = {
UpdateHealth = function(self)
local status = (not UnitIsConnected(self.unit) or nil) and "Off" or UnitIsGhost(self.unit) and "G" or UnitIsDead(self.unit) and "X"
if self == oUF_player then
self.power:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", self.health[4], "TOPRIGHT", 0, 2)
if not status then
if not self.power:IsShown() then self.power:Show() end

-- Move Player Status icons
oUF_Hank_hooks.PlayerStatusPosition = {
UpdateStatus = function(self)
-- Attach the first icon to the right border of self.power
local lastElement = {"BOTTOMRIGHT", self.health[4], "BOTTOMLEFT", -86, -2}

-- Status icon texture names and conditions
local icons = {
["C"] = {"Combat", UnitAffectingCombat("player")},
["R"] = {"Resting", IsResting()},
["L"] = {"Leader", IsPartyLeader()},
["M"] = {"MasterLooter", ({GetLootMethod()})[1] == "master" and (
(({GetLootMethod()})[2]) == 0 or
((({GetLootMethod()})[2]) and UnitIsUnit("player", "party" .. ({GetLootMethod()})[2])) or
((({GetLootMethod()})[3]) and UnitIsUnit("player", "raid" .. ({GetLootMethod()})[3]))
["P"] = {"PvP", UnitIsPVPFreeForAll("player") or UnitIsPVP("player")},
["A"] = {"Assistant", UnitInRaid("player") and UnitIsRaidOfficer("player") and not UnitIsPartyLeader("player")},

for i = -1, -string.len(cfg.StatusIcons), -1 do
if icons[string.sub(cfg.StatusIcons, i, i)][2] then
self[icons[string.sub(cfg.StatusIcons, i, i)][1]]:ClearAllPoints()
self[icons[string.sub(cfg.StatusIcons, i, i)][1]]:SetPoint(unpack(lastElement))
self[icons[string.sub(cfg.StatusIcons, i, i)][1]]:Show()
-- Arrange any successive icon to the last one
lastElement = {"RIGHT", self[icons[string.sub(cfg.StatusIcons, i, i)][1]], "LEFT"}
-- Condition for displaying the icon not met
self[icons[string.sub(cfg.StatusIcons, i, i)][1]]:Hide()

-- Move Player Raid Icon, change Player Power text, move Pet text
oUF_Hank_hooks.PlayerRaidIconPower = {
sharedStyle = function(self, unit)
-- Modify Power and Raid icons
if unit == "player" then
self:Tag(self.power, "[ppSimple]")
self.power:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Hank_v3\\fonts\\din1451e.ttf", 32, "THICKOUTLINE")
self.power.frequentUpdates = 0.1
self.RaidIcon:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.power, "LEFT", -175, -30)

-- Move Pet text
if unit == "pet" then
self.name:SetPoint("RIGHT", 0, 30)

03-08-11, 03:40 PM
Recently dabbled with oUF_Hank, and wanted to move my power above my health as well, so I came up with this little custom modification. Just pace in custom_modifications.lua


Thanks for that :D

Led ++
03-08-11, 03:51 PM
The boxes are the action bar (the faded one below is short CDs, etc). If you could suggest a decent 10 or 12pt pixel font, it'd be sweet, because all the ones I've found are either small at 10, or are 8pt.

I've actually been looking into several solutions for Runic Power placement.

working on raid frames, rocking the default at the moment ;P

I suppose I could keybind stances, I just generally don't have to switch them often enough to matter, but I've got most of my Naga's keys still open and a good bit of stuff on my Anansi open.

The boxes ARE actionbars? :o

And I'm probably wrong but isn't Semplice a 10 pixelfont?

03-08-11, 04:20 PM
The boxes ARE actionbars? :o

And I'm probably wrong but isn't Semplice a 10 pixelfont?

I believe Sempreg is 10, but I'm looking for more in the style of Hoog0056, which I think has a larger version, but I haven't found it.

I'm currently using SWFiT.

03-08-11, 05:57 PM
I believe Sempreg is 10, but I'm looking for more in the style of Hoog0056, which I think has a larger version, but I haven't found it.

I'm currently using SWFiT.

I've been using Swfit alot, it's a 8 Pixel font though, not a 10.
I use Swfit for everything but things such as my quest info/character stats and use supernatural1001.

03-08-11, 07:45 PM
I've been using Swfit alot, it's a 8 Pixel font though, not a 10.
I use Swfit for everything but things such as my quest info/character stats and use supernatural1001.

Yeah, currently using SWFiT @ size 18, because it still retains pixel perfectness @ that size, while most fonts won't. 04b_08 might work though, I'll need to try it.

03-08-11, 08:38 PM
Yeah, currently using SWFiT @ size 18, because it still retains pixel perfectness @ that size, while most fonts won't. 04b_08 might work though, I'll need to try it.

Actually if it was a Size 8px font, it would be 16, not 18 :O

You might have your profile set to a specific scale~

03-08-11, 08:44 PM
This what I've been using. I'm not sure what I'd change, I've kept the same basic layout for a while and have been experimenting with several unitframe options.


03-08-11, 09:03 PM
Actually if it was a Size 8px font, it would be 16, not 18 :O

You might have your profile set to a specific scale~

Yeah, meant 16.

03-09-11, 01:24 AM
I believe Sempreg is 10, but I'm looking for more in the style of Hoog0056, which I think has a larger version, but I haven't found it.

I'm currently using SWFiT.

If you Looking for Hoog i have hoog0655 if you want me to email or send it to you somehow. I used it on size 8px for EVERYTHING, expect for Crits which are obviously larger than 8px and any other text that needs to be larger like warnings.

Just send me a PM if you need it.

03-09-11, 02:33 AM
I recommend PF Tempesta Five. (Normal, not condensed)
Pixel font with easily readable characters and numbers while still maintaining the same height as the normal fonts (hooge, etc).


It also features all the custom chars that is usable in a wow character name.

One thing though. I had to open the font in a font editor to reduce it's height a little bit as it was placed 1 pixel higher than my normal font. If you have no problems setting the yValue of the setpos -1 then you shouldn't need to do this.

03-09-11, 05:21 PM
My Current UI - attached images show it Idle, Idle (Mouseover UF/Bar) & in Combat. Curerntly using Kong, Bartender, Stuf, Lite Panels/Stats and a handfull of Data Brokers.
Comments Appreciated.

03-09-11, 09:04 PM
Having taken some suggestions (and acquired Hoog0655) this is where I'm at.
Working on redoing the action bar panels to be a bit more functional.

03-09-11, 09:07 PM
I suggest uploading the images as an attachment instead of uploading using a imaging site. ;D

03-09-11, 09:19 PM
What is the difference between an image hosting site and WoWI's attachments?

03-09-11, 09:27 PM
your picture is all blurry and hard to see :3 at least to me it is, it doesn't seem to be the right resolution at all.

03-09-11, 09:28 PM
Now you just need to hide those Chat Tabs for when they're not in use, and make them appear on mouse-over / flash.

03-09-11, 09:37 PM
Ahh, that's because I'm lazy and it's a jpg. Would look the same as an attachment.

I'll prolly set chat tabs to show while resting/flash/mouseover.

03-09-11, 09:46 PM
your picture is all blurry and hard to see :3 at least to me it is, it doesn't seem to be the right resolution at all.

It is resized to 1600x1000, which as far as I am aware, is not used by ANY monitors on the market. 1680x1020, however, IS a very common resolution. If it was resizing it to 1600x1000, it would throw everything out of whack, so to speak. Try uploading it as an attachment, as then we can basically see the original file's size and quality, for the most part ;)

EDIT: Just saw your post, d'oh! Still, the resizing issue might be fixed via attaching, who knows? Try to get them in your native resolution, as then they'll be nice and clear :)

03-09-11, 10:14 PM
Yeah, I occasionally upload them as pngs or hq jpgs, but generally just go for a quick upload to show kind of a basic layout.
As for getting them up in my native res, they're showing as 1680x1020 for me (looking at the images properties) and Safari auto thumbnails them in the browser to like 500x something.

03-10-11, 08:21 AM
Yeah, I occasionally upload them as pngs or hq jpgs, but generally just go for a quick upload to show kind of a basic layout.
As for getting them up in my native res, they're showing as 1680x1020 for me (looking at the images properties) and Safari auto thumbnails them in the browser to like 500x something.

ya, just try use the attachment options, makes things easier imo then uploading them and posting.

But I think I'm really close to finished with my own, thanks to Nibelheim, I was able to get my 'aggro' textures working!\

1st picture is with party, debuffs go above the party memembers, and buffs to the right, (my buffs)
2nd picture is what happens to player frame when you have aggro.
3rd is cast bars
4th is what threat/dps meters look like.
The only thing left to do is hope StufRaid starts working again so i can get rid of grid and do what I want

03-10-11, 09:08 AM
This what I've been using. I'm not sure what I'd change, I've kept the same basic layout for a while and have been experimenting with several unitframe options.


Hi, what font are you using ?

03-11-11, 03:29 AM
the artwork and placing is not relevant because i´m still working on the technical part.
except for dmg/threatmeter and (atm still) unitframes, a few tweaked little helpers all is selfmade.
theres still enough time to do the candy later when everything is finished.
the ui comes with a 3 option setup selfinstall, and all ui elements are movable,
scalable and show/hideable as long as a hotkey is pressed.
the core of the ui uses about 150-200kb, the complete ui runs on 1-1.5mb (+dmg meter data)
dont know if it will ever be finished or if i will sometimes move on to the next ui.
anyway this ui will not be available... (the way it looks atm prob nobody cares anyway^^)

the last thumbnail is a really old ui of mine ;)
that ui was simply made of addons, nothing selfcoded.

03-11-11, 10:23 AM
One of the best pixel fonts I saw in quite a long time


local NAMEPLATE_FONT = "Interface\\AddOns\\rChat\\PixAntiqua.ttf"

03-11-11, 11:22 AM
One of the best pixel fonts I saw in quite a long time


local NAMEPLATE_FONT = "Interface\\AddOns\\rChat\\PixAntiqua.ttf"

That hurts my eyes :<

03-11-11, 11:32 AM
I thought the point of pixel fonts was to have a small but still very clear font.

That font is not small (or clear, really). I would just use your normal font (the one below the minimap) as that is a lot more sexy.

03-11-11, 11:37 AM
Why people love pixel fonts so much I don't get it. If the screen is so cluttered up that you need to present information with a tiny font you're doing something wrong otherwise you render too much space of your UI useless. While they may have a purpose for saving space with moot information and creating a stylized look they have poor legibility and look out of place when mixed with serif typefaces. Especially in a chat window my eyes would bleed after a short while. I can't recall that I've ever seen pixel fonts in an original video game UI other than some bitmap fonts in NES games from back in the days... rightfully so. To each his own, I suppose. Anyway, I've done some debugging and finished the chat bubbles:


03-11-11, 12:02 PM
The spike at the bottom is a couple pixesl too high, other than that. DAMN. Thats hawt! Can I have your babies?

03-11-11, 12:10 PM
Why people love pixel fonts so much I don't get it. If the screen is so cluttered up that you need to present information with a tiny font you're doing something wrong otherwise you render too much space of your UI useless. While they may have a purpose for saving space with moot information and creating a stylized look they have poor legibility and look out of place when mixed with serif typefaces. Especially in a chat window my eyes would bleed after a short while. I can't recall that I've ever seen pixel fonts in an original video game UI other than some bitmap fonts in NES games from back in the days... rightfully so. To each his own, I suppose. Anyway, I've done some debugging and finished the chat bubbles:


Either do i! i hate it and indeed. Good job hank, looks really cool!

anyways, here is a preview of my UI, http://www.xfire.com/video/42baa3/ just abit bored, for new ideas, im always up for it.

03-11-11, 12:17 PM
One of the best pixel fonts I saw in quite a long time

It looks to my eyes like any regualar font in monochrome. :confused:

Why people love pixel fonts so much I don't get it. If the screen is so cluttered up that you need to present information with a tiny font you're doing something wrong otherwise you render too much space of your UI useless. While they may have a purpose for saving space with moot information and creating a stylized look they have poor legibility and look out of place when mixed with serif typefaces. Especially in a chat window my eyes would bleed after a short while. I can't recall that I've ever seen pixel fonts in an original video game UI other than some bitmap fonts in NES games from back in the days... rightfully so. To each his own, I suppose. Anyway, I've done some debugging and finished the chat bubbles:

I'm no pixel font zealot, but I enjoy them in some cases (not for any space-related concern, but for the absence of anti-aliasing which I find refreshing sometimes :)). I think these are some decent examples where there is little or no legibility loss:


03-11-11, 02:40 PM
aprikot what font/tooltip are you using in ui number 1 and what is that bar above ur minimap if it is exp bar
which one is it and can i have the lua? please.

03-11-11, 03:06 PM
aprikot what font/tooltip are you using in ui number 1 and what is that bar above ur minimap if it is exp bar
which one is it and can i have the lua? please.

They're not mine. The screenshots are from Care UI (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19539-CareUI.html), oUF Svelte (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info17558-oUFSvelte.html), and Korda UI (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info17072-KordaUI.html) respectively.

Edit: the font is Pixelway Baseline which I just found out was created by Dawn :O (/bow).

03-11-11, 05:50 PM
One of the best pixel fonts I saw in quite a long time

I can't tell if you're kidding or not... even with my new glasses on I cannot read that lol.

03-11-11, 05:57 PM
Why people love pixel fonts so much I don't get it.

That's the cool thing about creating your own UI. It matters not if "we" get it. What's important is if "the person creating and using the UI" gets it. =)

I really really really love pixel fonts, and if my eyes weren't so damn old I would add them in the UI that I use.

Not picking at ya Hank, but we've had this discussion before... and often times it ends up in cross words. Probably best to let those who like using what they use, use what they use hehe. ;)

03-12-11, 03:45 AM
It's not that we necessarily love pixel fonts, it's just that they look a lot better in small sizes.
Normal fonts look jagged when they are small enough and with small unitframes/buffs/etc you need a small font.

03-12-11, 09:54 AM
Also, the 1 pixel monochrome outline goes well with 1 pixel frame borders, whereas normal outline makes text look like it fell in the mud (when up against crisply bordered frames)...imo. :)

03-12-11, 05:53 PM
The only thing I really like about pixel fonts, is that they work with MONOCHROME OUTLINE. Which simply looks far better than the blurry font flags of non pixel fonts.

Btw, I just added Totem icons (and level display, again) to dNameplates. :)

Might add a 1px border to the icons, too. :rolleyes:

03-12-11, 06:06 PM
I like the totem icon idea, I might borrow it. Just finished my broker bar and objectives tracker. Nothing wild about those.



03-12-11, 06:08 PM
I like the totem icon idea, I might borrow it. Just finished my broker bar and objectives tracker. Nothing wild about those.

Any idea when are you to release?

03-12-11, 06:12 PM
Any idea when are you to release?

Never, ever ask this. Never. Seriously. Don't ... do ... it.

03-12-11, 06:24 PM
There are a few things left on my to-do list like modules for loot windows, Blizzard's PowerAuras and tooltips as well as some minor issues with existing modules that I put on the backburner. I'm also weighing up if I can get rid of Skinner with a reasonable amount of work. After that I'll polish some standard textures and debug extensively. So it's gonna take some more time.

03-12-11, 06:36 PM
There are a few things left on my to-do list like modules for loot windows, Blizzard's PowerAuras and tooltips as well as some minor issues with existing modules that I put on the backburner. I'm also weighing up if I can get rid of Skinner with a reasonable amount of work. After that I'll polish some standard textures and debug extensively. So it's gonna take some more time.

Not sure if it's worth getting rid of Skinner. While it's doable, it limits the amount you can skin when it comes to users installing their favorite addons. With Skinner you can just copy the AddonSkins file to SkinMe. Very convenient.

03-12-11, 09:12 PM
Never, ever ask this. Never. Seriously. Don't ... do ... it.


*insert more than 10 characters here*

Led ++
03-13-11, 03:33 AM
The only thing I really like about pixel fonts, is that they work with MONOCHROME OUTLINE. Which simply looks far better than the blurry font flags of non pixel fonts.

Btw, I just added Totem icons (and level display, again) to dNameplates. :)

Might add a 1px border to the icons, too. :rolleyes:

The icons are screaming for a pixel border.

03-13-11, 04:29 AM
Pixels, pixels everywhere, and not a one to eat.

03-13-11, 02:08 PM
New and improved chat window:

http://www3.picturepush.com/photo/a/5250726/img/5250726.jpeg (http://picturepush.com/public/5250726)

I suggest clicking on it for pixel perfection. The panel on the left (the rectangle with the arrow pointing to the right) of the chat box will hide or show everything related to the chat frame and the exp/rep bar with the click of the panel. Also, the panel is shown on mouseover.

03-13-11, 03:08 PM
New and improved chat window:


I suggest clicking on it for pixel perfection. The panel on the left (the rectangle with the arrow pointing to the right) of the chat box will hide or show everything related to the chat frame and the exp/rep bar with the click of the panel. Also, the panel is shown on mouseover.

I really, really love that.

...And the GMoTD.

03-14-11, 04:22 AM
My friend re-subbed my wow account and forced me to download the game at gunpoint. So I'm back for a month! Maybe more if something keeps me attached.

Care UI was released about a week ago but I know that it's going to break in 4.1 because a couple of people informed me it breaks on the PTR so I'll probably have to update it a bit and it still needs quite a bit of tuning.

Here's a couple of images attached anyway.
PS How do you get a 1pixel border on the icons of Forte_Cooldown?

03-14-11, 05:45 AM
Try CoolLine instead.

Small and lightweight addon which is easy to tweak.

Led ++
03-14-11, 05:53 AM
@carebear, Start posting some actual in raid combat screenshots or so.

I always love your UI, but idling is just idling you know. It get's trickier to get a clean UI in a raid, bashing omnitron while healing for example. :)

I want to see raidframe, position and boss timerzzzzzzzz.

03-14-11, 06:37 AM
My friend re-subbed my wow account and forced me to download the game at gunpoint. So I'm back for a month! Maybe more if something keeps me attached.

Weakling. I would have taken the money and bought Dragon Age II instead.


You're using an awful lot of action buttons for such a minimal UI. Not a big fan of the coolline either.

Led ++
03-14-11, 07:06 AM
Weakling. I would have taken the money and bought Dragon Age II instead.


You're using an awful lot of action buttons for such a minimal UI. Not a big fan of the coolline either.

Quite sure the 2 top actionbars are just there for people who need it or on mouseover.

03-14-11, 08:20 AM
@carebear, Start posting some actual in raid combat screenshots or so.

I always love your UI, but idling is just idling you know. It get's trickier to get a clean UI in a raid, bashing omnitron while healing for example. :)

I want to see raidframe, position and boss timerzzzzzzzz.

I will do eventually, but I'm not going to be raiding at all so it will probably just be a BG shot to show it instead. There will be some up soon hopefully.

Weakling. I would have taken the money and bought Dragon Age II instead.


You're using an awful lot of action buttons for such a minimal UI. Not a big fan of the coolline either.

He said he missed me and that I was going to have to update the UI for patch 4.1 because he tested it on the PTR and it broke. So he paid for my wow sub so that I would be able to update the UI so I don't really mind ^_^

Going to be bashing away on C9 later this evening though, managed to buy a korean account for £8 so it should be fun! (8v8 death match (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh64ekXHLU8&feature=player_embedded)) it's all korean and a korean only game but there's loads of europe and US players on one particular server.

Quite sure the 2 top actionbars are just there for people who need it or on mouseover.

Very true, there's a total of 5 actionbars, 3 in the middle as you can see there and then a further two on the right hand side. They're all toggled off with the in-game show actionbar stuff. rActionBarStyler is just <3

03-14-11, 05:47 PM
I'm designing a new interface, and I'm looking for some C&C on it. I threw this together in photoshop, so try and picture it without all the white backgrounds and stuff.

Also, i just grabbed a random pic from google images for the background so you can see where everything is in relation to the play screen.

Let me know what you think!


03-14-11, 09:22 PM
Try CoolLine instead.

Small and lightweight addon which is easy to tweak.

that's what i did ended up doing for my ui, here's how it turned out

hectic combat (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10662676/WoWScrnShot_031411_210337.jpg)
pet and focus (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10662676/WoWScrnShot_031411_205409.jpg)

I'm designing a new interface, and I'm looking for some C&C on it. I threw this together in photoshop, so try and picture it without all the white backgrounds and stuff.

Also, i just grabbed a random pic from google images for the background so you can see where everything is in relation to the play screen.

Let me know what you think!

I think it looks great, I like the aura placement. I could see myself using it.

03-15-11, 04:55 PM
What font? Looks like ExpressFreeway but I think it's a bit thicker...not sure.

Added an AltPowerBar element to my layout.
http://www.abload.de/thumb/wowscrnshot_031511_232mnuv.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=wowscrnshot_031511_232mnuv.jpg)

03-15-11, 05:36 PM
What font?

Looks like Expressway Rg Bold. I have a copy from Skullflower's UI.

03-15-11, 09:38 PM
Looks like Expressway Rg Bold. I have a copy from Skullflower's UI.

That it would be. I got mine from the same place. Can't use any UI without it anymore.

03-16-11, 01:19 AM
Well it's not a freefont. To bad.

03-16-11, 08:17 AM
Just finishing up my unit frames and I'm not really sure where to put the pet frame. Because of the design & layout it's really hard to fit another frame in. Thinking of maybe just merging it into the player frame but thinking that might overcomplicate it. Had to 'shop some parts of the UFs into the picture below as I couldn't get them all to show at once. Any suggestions for the pet frame placement?

http://i56.tinypic.com/2u4pxtl_th.png (http://i56.tinypic.com/2u4pxtl.png)

03-16-11, 12:24 PM
Castbar icons are a must. You know why.

03-16-11, 01:00 PM
Castbar icons are a must. You know why.

Jupp indeed, on Focus, Target.

03-16-11, 01:19 PM
Done :) although still not sure why!

http://i54.tinypic.com/10mjwhu_th.png (http://i54.tinypic.com/10mjwhu.png)

03-16-11, 02:09 PM
Not happy with the font, any ideas? Any other ideas also welcome.

03-16-11, 02:27 PM
Hihi, I moved to the dark side. Pixel Font <33

http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/wowscrnshot031q4jryiw3gm_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/wowscrnshot031q4jryiw3gm.jpg)

Need Ideas and Feedback :)

03-16-11, 03:16 PM
Hihi, I moved to the dark side. Pixel Font <33

http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/wowscrnshot031q4jryiw3gm_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/wowscrnshot031q4jryiw3gm.jpg)

Need Ideas and Feedback :)

which font is that?

03-16-11, 03:57 PM
Hihi, I moved to the dark side. Pixel Font <33

http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/wowscrnshot031q4jryiw3gm_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/wowscrnshot031q4jryiw3gm.jpg)

Need Ideas and Feedback :)

Noes, pixel fonts :<

Anyways.. here is my having some fun with

UIFrameFade and added class colors on buffs. like 2(h < classcolor) 1(m < classcolor)

http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1941/wowscrnshot031611225212.jpg (http://img200.imageshack.us/i/wowscrnshot031611225212.jpg/)

03-16-11, 04:13 PM
Not happy with the font, any ideas? Any other ideas also welcome.

Myriad Condensed Web (https://code.google.com/p/ethereal113/downloads/detail?name=Myriad%20Condensed%20Web.ttf&can=2&q=) (AKA "ABF"), Expressway (http://www.dafont.com/expressway.font), an PT Sans Narrow Bold (http://www.google.com/webfonts/family?family=PT+Sans+Narrow&subset=latin) are some of my favs for WoW.

http://www.google.com/webfonts/ is worth a peek.

03-16-11, 04:13 PM
which font is that?

Hooge0655 (Numbers)
Semplice Regular (Text)

03-17-11, 06:03 AM
Done :) although still not sure why!

http://i54.tinypic.com/10mjwhu_th.png (http://i54.tinypic.com/10mjwhu.png)

Even though knowing how to read means we just read things without really thinking about it, it's the same reason that STOP signs are all the same: a bright red octagon. Red is a warning color, and the octagon is unique to the STOP sign (in America at least). It's mentally faster to process a color or a shape instead of reading something.

Regarding WoW, it's not as important to have them in your own cast bar, as it is on the target. You need to be able to quickly see casts that need interrupting in the heat of battle (or very bad non-interruptible casts), and icons are the best for that.

I like the textures you use btw. However, you don't think all of that stuff is too cluttered at the bottom of your screen? Or is your main focus to show detailed UFs while still preserving screen real estate?

I will add though, I have a shaman also and I find it really irritating that 3 of the heals all have the same icon with just a slight color variation -_-.

03-17-11, 06:40 AM
Even though knowing how to read means we just read things without really thinking about it, it's the same reason that STOP signs are all the same: a bright red octagon. Red is a warning color, and the octagon is unique to the STOP sign (in America at least). It's mentally faster to process a color or a shape instead of reading something.That's a good point, I never really thought about it that way... which is suprising for me as I'm a raider and I like anything that improves my reaction time. In fact thinking about it, it'll probably help immediately on Twilight Council when I have to interrupt Harden Skin, as I find I keep interrupting the other ability that boss does due to not having time to read the text. Thanks!

I like the textures you use btw. However, you don't think all of that stuff is too cluttered at the bottom of your screen? Or is your main focus to show detailed UFs while still preserving screen real estate?Aye, that is one of the main reasons. I don't PvP at all, just raid, so screen space is extremely important to me, as is the ability to look at one section of the UI that is close to my character and get all the information I need. The texture is by zork, I used to use his Diablo layout over a year back and loved the texture so much that I use it for all my personal-only addons.

The layouts of the UI different for my characters though since I don't raid on all of them, only my Shaman has close knit UF's like that, and since I have profiling in my oUF layout I can have them positioned and styled differently for each character.

I will add though, I have a shaman also and I find it really irritating that 3 of the heals all have the same icon with just a slight color variation -_-.Yeah this is highly annoying, in fact I might add some custom textures for the 3 heals that share the icons to help differentiate them better at some point. It's the same for the "Call of the ..." and weapon imbues, I can imagine color blind people having issues with those abilities due them all being the same texture and only a color seperates them.

Thank you for your input!

Led ++
03-17-11, 12:42 PM
OOC (http://ompldr.org/vN3VlZQ), Combat (http://ompldr.org/vN3Vkeg), More Combat (http://ompldr.org/vN3VlOQ). The only thing that needs 'fixing' is the stupid casting bar spark in stuf. I can't find an option to turn it off.

It's somewhere in Stuf's castbar options. Player -> castbar -> and I think you have to set the opacity of some color to 0% here.

03-17-11, 03:31 PM
Fixed Combat Text ;> looks super awsome, chould not be happier.

What do you think?

http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/720/wowscrnshot031711222824.jpg (http://img829.imageshack.us/i/wowscrnshot031711222824.jpg/)

03-17-11, 07:14 PM
I think you shouldn't really use blizzards default combat text.
It's to big, to spammy, impossible to customize (positions, etc). xCT is fine for all of that.

03-17-11, 07:34 PM
I think you shouldn't really use blizzards default combat text.
It's to big, to spammy, impossible to customize (positions, etc). xCT is fine for all of that.

I second that. That being said, looking at the UI as a whole, the combat text fits~

03-17-11, 10:32 PM
I second that. That being said, looking at the UI as a whole, the combat text fits~

The position, possibly. It's way to big, though. :D

03-18-11, 07:35 AM
The position, possibly. It's way to big, though. :D

That being said, my opinion would be that the majority of his UI is really oversized for being at 1680x1050.

03-18-11, 07:46 AM
Raid shot and combat shot. Pretty much everything that can be shown at once.

I'm not happy with buffs and debuffs on the unit frames. I'll probably have a fiddle around with them and also remove keybind text off the actionbars.

03-18-11, 10:52 AM
The position, possibly. It's way to big, though. :D

I'm pretty sure you can scale it down, switch i am going to try now :D

03-18-11, 08:12 PM
Anyone know if there is a way to get indicators for HoTs going on Stuf Frames/Raid Frames?

03-18-11, 11:58 PM
So, this isn't a very original concept anymore, but I like it a lot :) Put this together in an hour or two, what do you think?

03-19-11, 12:27 AM
I like it. Target debuffs go on top of target? :)

03-19-11, 12:28 AM
Zagrei; I like it. The only nit I have is that the background texture behind your main action bar looks kind of empty stretched all the way across the screen. Otherwise, I think it's really nice.

03-19-11, 12:39 AM
Zagrei; I like it. The only nit I have is that the background texture behind your main action bar looks kind of empty stretched all the way across the screen. Otherwise, I think it's really nice.

And that's the whole point of said layout. :D

03-19-11, 01:00 PM
So, this isn't a very original concept anymore, but I like it a lot :) Put this together in an hour or two, what do you think?

Looks really good!
Just a little thing, that I would change:
Put the playerframe 1px to the right, and target 1px to the left, but that's just my obsessivenes with pixelperfect relationships between frames :)

03-19-11, 02:46 PM
So, this isn't a very original concept anymore, but I like it a lot :) Put this together in an hour or two, what do you think?

I like this ui its nice and tidy but its not your best work:S
I do have a question though.
Do you know if it is possible to set up sldt like your lynstats?
with those slashes in between different information.
what im referring to is the following format.


03-19-11, 09:42 PM
Looks really good!
Just a little thing, that I would change:
Put the playerframe 1px to the right, and target 1px to the left, but that's just my obsessivenes with pixelperfect relationships between frames :)

I'm really obsessive about that too, but it ended up looking more cramped. I decided to try moving it 1px in each direction, and it made it a lot clearer :)

03-19-11, 09:47 PM
I like this ui its nice and tidy but its not your best work:S
I do have a question though.
Do you know if it is possible to set up sldt like your lynstats?
with those slashes in between different information.
what im referring to is the following format.


Well, I would have to look through the code of SLDT, as I don't personally use it. However, this might help:
-- xp stuff
xp_cur = UnitXP("player")
xp_max = UnitXPMax("player")
xp_rest = GetXPExhaustion("player") or nil
if UnitLevel("player") < MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL then
ep = "|c00ffffff"..floor(xp_max - xp_cur).."|r / |c00ffffff"..floor((xp_cur/xp_max)*100).."%|r / "
if xp_rest ~= nil then
ep = ep.."|c00c0ff3e"..floor((xp_rest/xp_max)*100).."%|r / "

The "%|r / " is where I added the slashes, as opposed to the clock, which looks like:
if time24 == true then
ticktack = date("%H:%M")
ticktack = date("%I:%M")
ticktack = "|c00ffffff"..ticktack.." |r"

Note that this is just a small snippet of the code to give you an idea, not anything copyable or something. Hope that helps!

03-19-11, 10:30 PM
Btw any 1 know how I can change the class colors for sthreatmeter.
I cant seem to find the area where it says it :S.

03-19-11, 11:39 PM
Do you mean displaying things in classcolor or changing the classcolors look ?

If it's the colors you wanna change i'd suggest using


Hope that helps.

And a little hint too some... feedback thread. :]

03-19-11, 11:48 PM
And a little hint too some... feedback thread. :]

Feel free to make a thread dedicated to your question! :) Then nothing will get lost in the sea of UI screenshots and feedback posts.

03-20-11, 08:37 AM
Some ideas that came to my mind today :

Frames :

Grid + minimap :

Nameplate :

let me know what you think ;)

03-20-11, 08:59 AM
let me know what you think ;)
Well the first thing that came to mind was something along the lines of: "Oh my ****ing god, I have to get my hands on this beauty."

As for constructive feedback, I don't really want to change much. Guess it may lack some functionality in some parts. Examples being target of target consisting of just the name and has no display of HP and debuffs. As a whole, it's not exactly healer friendly etc, but that's not even the point of this UI. Guessing it's aimed at being minimalistic, (extremely) aesthetically pleasing and work just fine for a DPS class.

In conclusion: It does a good job for it's purpose and looks great.

03-20-11, 09:08 AM
Well the first thing that came to mind was something along the lines of: "Oh my ****ing god, I have to get my hands on this beauty."

Same here :)...<3 them textures, did you make em xtothx? I just started making a texture based on Outlook buttons :p
http://i.imgur.com/jEAPr.png but won't bother if yours are available!

03-20-11, 10:17 AM
Big thanks for kind words guys :)

@Yandere :

Yes, it may be lacking some informations, but as long as I play rogue as my main character, it does very good job for me.

@Aprikot :

I'm using this texture :
It's from DukeUI.

Now I'm trying to make my own minimap arrow ;)

03-20-11, 10:41 AM
I'm using this texture :
It's from DukeUI.)

Ty! Buttons look great too...is it a pHish skin by chance? :)

03-20-11, 10:44 AM
Yes, buttonfacade_pHish, skin : Random1, gloss set to 50%

03-20-11, 04:03 PM
So, this isn't a very original concept anymore, but I like it a lot :) Put this together in an hour or two, what do you think?

I really like the idea in this UI, but can't stand the bright colors and - personal taste - the pixel font-usage.
But the concept is really great and everything seems really organised, I like that.

Here's what I'm working on atm.

I shamelessly ripped the idea of the offsetted PowerBars when I saw it in one of Game's Screenshots and started to include it into an oUF-layout.

http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8928/wowscrnshot031711201500.jpg (http://img846.imageshack.us/i/wowscrnshot031711201500.jpg/)

Obviously it is not finished yet. I'll have to make some more adjustments to the unitframes (this was the first raid test), skin the buff/debuff-stuff and sort out some minor bugs in my "PredatorBar"-mod, which now supports skinning (made for this project).

Tomorrow I'll try to switch from MSBT to xCT, I encountered this in one of Dawn's posts and it seems promising.
I'm not really sure about the font which is used on names in the unitframes. I like the look, but some characters in the font seem to be too fancy for me.
What do you think?

03-20-11, 11:35 PM
Pretty much ledUI (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18968-ledUI1920x1080.html) with a couple of extra addons and some movement.

This shows raid and idle. Will get a combat shot in raid tonight. Target goes above the raid and ToT goes just under Target. Player buffs are above frame, debuffs are under raid. Target buffs/debuffs go on top of Target. And most things are faded upon entering combat.

Would appreciate any suggestions.

03-21-11, 07:00 AM
Here's what I'm working on atm...

PocketPlot (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info9192-PocketPlot.html) for minimap if you want to move the dungeon flag. Looks good otherwise :D.

03-21-11, 07:45 AM
Some ideas that came to my mind today :

Frames :

Grid + minimap :

Nameplate :

let me know what you think ;)

I simply love it, makes my fingers itch, wanting to play with it, lol~ Great Job.

03-21-11, 01:25 PM
Pretty much ledUI () with a couple of extra addons and some movement.

This shows raid and idle. Will get a combat shot in raid tonight. Target goes above the raid and ToT goes just under Target. Player buffs are above frame, debuffs are under raid. Target buffs/debuffs go on top of Target. And most things are faded upon entering combat.

Would appreciate any suggestions.
I think the NibPD needs to be more 'slim' takes a lot of your bar imo.

Some ideas that came to my mind today :

Frames :
Grid + minimap :
Nameplate :

let me know what you think

Absolutely loove the nameplates, would love to use it in my own UI.

Redid alot of art work and framework for my own UI. I love it more then before~

1st Image: New Edition
2nd Image: Old Edition

Thoughts? Opinions on the change?

03-21-11, 01:38 PM
Redid alot of art work and framework for my own UI. I love it more then before~

1st Image: New Edition
2nd Image: Old Edition

Looks great, very nicely textured. What is bulleting your chat like that?

03-21-11, 01:52 PM
Looks great, very nicely textured. What is bulleting your chat like that?

Thank you~ And Prat, just changed the channel names themselves.

03-21-11, 02:28 PM
I think the NibPD needs to be more 'slim' takes a lot of your bar imo.

Absolutely loove the nameplates, would love to use it in my own UI.

Redid alot of art work and framework for my own UI. I love it more then before~

1st Image: New Edition
2nd Image: Old Edition

Thoughts? Opinions on the change?

This is amazing:) what i think u should change, take ur minimap on top where it should be beside ur buffs. take ur chat alittl lower than that for me it looks so wierd xD but guess its a "personal" ui.. but imo change that and ull have the best ui made atm:P

03-21-11, 02:31 PM
This is amazing:) what i think u should change, take ur minimap on top where it should be beside ur buffs. take ur chat alittl lower than that for me it looks so wierd xD but guess its a "personal" ui.. but imo change that and ull have the best ui made atm:P

Lol the edition that I gave my friend has the chat down at the bottom, for me it kinda strains my eyes a little when down there. But the reason the minimap is down there is that the Threatmeter and DPS/HPS charts are down next to it with the same textures; which still haven't been changed since the old edition. Will post that later.

And thank you for the compliment :o it did not go unnoticed ;D

03-21-11, 02:50 PM
I really like the idea in this UI, but can't stand the bright colors and - personal taste - the pixel font-usage.
But the concept is really great and everything seems really organised, I like that.

Here's what I'm working on atm.

I shamelessly ripped the idea of the offsetted PowerBars when I saw it in one of Game's Screenshots and started to include it into an oUF-layout.

http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8928/wowscrnshot031711201500.jpg (http://img846.imageshack.us/i/wowscrnshot031711201500.jpg/)

Obviously it is not finished yet. I'll have to make some more adjustments to the unitframes (this was the first raid test), skin the buff/debuff-stuff and sort out some minor bugs in my "PredatorBar"-mod, which now supports skinning (made for this project).

Tomorrow I'll try to switch from MSBT to xCT, I encountered this in one of Dawn's posts and it seems promising.
I'm not really sure about the font which is used on names in the unitframes. I like the look, but some characters in the font seem to be too fancy for me.
What do you think?

Hehe ^^ you should try out ITC Avant Garde Gothic LT Medium, love this font.

03-21-11, 02:54 PM
For threatmeter/dps

I can't seem to get my DPS meter to have a Shadowed outline like my threatbar sadly. Makes me sad :(

03-21-11, 03:23 PM
Do you mean displaying things in classcolor or changing the classcolors look ?

If it's the colors you wanna change i'd suggest using


Hope that helps.

And a little hint too some... feedback thread. :]

ty for that.but I was wondering if it could be done through LUA.

I really:S cant find out how to start a thread (very sad I know).

03-21-11, 03:28 PM
For threatmeter/dps

I can't seem to get my DPS meter to have a Shadowed outline like my threatbar sadly. Makes me sad :(

This is very nice And clean.
Question though what are you using for your exp bar??
what font is being used in it?
Could I possibly get the LUA for it?


03-21-11, 03:33 PM
This is very nice And clean.
Question though what are you using for your exp bar??
what font is being used in it?
Could I possibly get the LUA for it?


The exp bar is MicroExperience (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19094-MicroExperience.html). Font is SuperNatural1001
And all I did was change the settings that were set to color of (.3, .3, .3, 1) to (..., .3, 0) - btw don't change it to ... lol keep it the way it is.

The actual Idea of this UI came from Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) Which I have downloaded.

03-21-11, 03:44 PM
For threatmeter/dps

I can't seem to get my DPS meter to have a Shadowed outline like my threatbar sadly. Makes me sad :(

What dps meter are you using?

03-21-11, 03:50 PM
What dps meter are you using?\

Tiny DPS (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16780-TinyDPS-LightweightDamageMeter.html)

I also would love to make a BF skin that is similar to the actual UI. I can probably design it, the coding I would fail lol.

03-21-11, 06:15 PM
For threatmeter/dps

I can't seem to get my DPS meter to have a Shadowed outline like my threatbar sadly. Makes me sad :(

I know you said that you got the border idea from Aurora, but how did you modify it to your frames? I use SetBackdrop on literally everything, but I always liked that border style. I looked through the Aurora code, until the lazy side of me kicked in :rolleyes:

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm blind and apparently missed the entire walkthrough in the beginning of the code :P

03-21-11, 06:37 PM
I know you said that you got the border idea from Aurora, but how did you modify it to your frames? I use SetBackdrop on literally everything, but I always liked that border style. I looked through the Aurora code, until the lazy side of me kicked in :rolleyes:

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm blind and apparently missed the entire walkthrough in the beginning of the code :P

KG Panels and anchors O.o xDD Im lazy too

I usually do 2-3 Panels/frame. One for the original border that 'fits' around the frame, then another one that's three pixels off to create the 'space' between them. Then another border for fuzzy darkness I guess I'll call it xD

On some simple frames all I had to do was make 2,1 with the Fuzzy border and a black BG, but change the insets so it's fitting the frame then another panel to create the space >>

though I do know how to create the border by changing the original lua, it would take to long imo lol

03-21-11, 06:51 PM
Redid alot of art work and framework for my own UI. I love it more then before~

1st Image: New Edition
2nd Image: Old Edition

Thoughts? Opinions on the change?

I really love how you've done the UI. I think the only thing that kind of throws it off though are the missing pixel borders for your unit frames. Add those and it'll be totally awesome!

03-21-11, 06:52 PM
I really love how you've done the UI. I think the only thing that kind of throws it off though are the missing pixel borders for your unit frames. Add those and it'll be totally awesome!

I'll try it, though I think it would be kinda odd. Ill add it around player frame then post :o

I think I would have to make the frames transparent in order to make it actually match though.

03-21-11, 06:57 PM
Why people love pixel fonts so much I don't get it.

The point of them is missed in a lot of UIs. Pixel fonts have their place, and it depends on the UI author to have some good taste in not putting the font in horribly ugly places, like being chat, quest, scrolling combat text and overhead damage font to name a few. They just look horrible there.

A few of the places pixel fonts excel in are: (Must have MONOCHROME mod to look its best with shadow set to (0, 0)

Coords on Minimap
Raid Unit frames
Stack count on small icons (<20pixels) Usually class timers or target UF debuffs
-Very- minimalistic UIs

03-21-11, 06:58 PM
Well... here it is xD unit frames go~ looks kinda odd to me still :P

There is a border though behind the UF's, the shadowy border at least as seen in Image2 when I have threat. Also, 3rd Image shows party frames. And ops, apparently something happened to my threat~ Dps bars z.z gotta look at it.

The point of them is missed in a lot of UIs. Pixel fonts have their place, and it depends on the UI author to have some good taste in not putting the font in horribly ugly places, like being chat, quest, scrolling combat text and overhead damage font to name a few. They just look horrible there.

Actually, depending on the pixel font, (i am using one that has lower and uppercase letters) quest text is fine with one. Chat does look awful, and ya, I can't seem to use pixel font well in a scrolling battle text.
--Example of my quest text is in image3 below.

I am using a mixture of Swfit and Supernat1001 for my fonts, swfit for UnitFrames, and data text, and supernat for like quest text, my exp bar minimap and some other things. Pixel fonts have a lot of varieties and uses :o

03-21-11, 07:19 PM
Well... here it is xD unit frames go~ looks kinda odd to me still :P

There is a border though behind the UF's, the shadowy border at least as seen in Image2 when I have threat. Also, 3rd Image shows party frames. And ops, apparently something happened to my threat~ Dps bars z.z gotta look at it.

Actually, depending on the pixel font, (i am using one that has lower and uppercase letters) quest text is fine with one. Chat does look awful, and ya, I can't seem to use pixel font well in a scrolling battle text.
--Example of my quest text is in image3 below.

I am using a mixture of Swfit and Supernat1001 for my fonts, swfit for UnitFrames, and data text, and supernat for like quest text, my exp bar minimap and some other things. Pixel fonts have a lot of varieties and uses :o

Id move your UF information inside the health bar and set them to Monochrome, shadow 0,0 and hidden when at full health OOC, Other than that they look good. Pixel fonts love an outline to make them excel at what they are used for; high contrast in low real estate areas.

03-21-11, 08:15 PM
Here is my a WIP:

http://i.min.us/kmapdq.jpg (http://min.us/mvoansR)

03-21-11, 08:52 PM
Here is my a WIP:

http://i.min.us/kmapdq.jpg (http://min.us/mvoansR)

Looks good (a bit like Jasje Tukui). I like the background strata of the actionbar panel, was that intentional?

03-22-11, 09:44 AM
I have the following mods

Move Anything
Bartender 4
Doom Cooldown Pulse
Lose Control
Nug ComboBar
Power Auras
Button Façade (or whatever replaced it)

The background I made specifically for my rogue (although my DK uses it as well) The paladin has different artwork which I might submit at a later time.
The artwork has elements from the Diablo III Official Website, Rothui (map background) and hacked up bits from several images from a wonderful interface artist known by Hunqwert on deviantart.


03-22-11, 11:44 AM
The artwork is really well done, though I simply can not stand those standard UFs... looks terrible and ruins all the great work you put into it.
The minimap is the other spot I would change... (Nearly) standard map doesn't fit the rest of the (changed) stuff...

03-22-11, 11:47 AM
The artwork is really well done, though I simply can not stand those standard UFs... looks terrible and ruins all the great work you put into it.
The minimap is the other spot I would change... (Nearly) standard map doesn't fit the rest of the (changed) stuff...

Do you have a suggestion for something I can do about the UFs but not lose the "artsy" feel, or I am not sure where I would start to making my own, the graphics part Im not worried about, its all the rest...

Good point about the map not fitting, I will be making a new one today

Thanks for the comments and advice ;)

03-22-11, 11:49 AM
Check out oUF and the great layout by zork, it may be a starting point.

I guess you have already messed with Blizz-Lua, so oUF should provide you a sufficient framework to create "fitting" unitframes.

03-22-11, 02:56 PM
Here is my a WIP:

http://i.min.us/kmapdq.jpg (http://min.us/mvoansR)

I really like this UI its very clean I especially love the tooltip. What addon are you using for it?

03-22-11, 05:06 PM
Not quite sure what to do with my Skada and DBM. Any suggestions?

03-22-11, 05:22 PM
Well... here it is xD unit frames go~ looks kinda odd to me still :P

Why is your chat box in the middle of the screen?

Not quite sure what to do with my Skada and DBM. Any suggestions?

Bottom right. No use reinventing the wheel here.

I have the following mods

I actually think the default UFs would look good if they weren't so small compared to the rest of your UI elements. As it stands right now, the artwork draws attention away from them, which is never a good idea.

03-22-11, 05:39 PM
Bottom right. No use reinventing the wheel here.

Tooltip goes there!

Just place it here after joining a party though.

03-22-11, 06:46 PM
My new one...digging it pretty much so far.


showing tooltip and target buff/debuffs


03-23-11, 01:55 AM
Not quite sure what to do with my Skada and DBM. Any suggestions?

what are you using for those raid frames they look really elegant.

03-23-11, 02:14 AM
I think the NibPD needs to be more 'slim' takes a lot of your bar imo.

That's pretty much stock from ledUI, though I understand what you mean. I will look into making them slimmer. And the combat shot I will get tonight, forgot on Monday :)

03-23-11, 04:37 AM
what are you using for those raid frames they look really elegant.

They are part of my oUF.

03-23-11, 05:43 AM
Tooltip goes there!

Just place it here after joining a party though.

Vortex Pinnacle at night is one of my faves, nice shot!

03-23-11, 06:02 AM
In my continuing effort to learn putting together a UI, this is my latest offspring.
Not reinventing the wheel. Merely taking a square piece of metal and hitting it until it sorta looks round-ish.

http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5420/laptop2b.th.jpg (http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5420/laptop2b.jpg)

03-23-11, 07:25 AM
Why is your chat box in the middle of the screen?

Just my own preference, for friends that I gave the UI too, the chat box is down on the bottom left, but for myself, I find it easier on my eyes to have it higher.

In my continuing effort to learn putting together a UI, this is my latest offspring.
Not reinventing the wheel. Merely taking a square piece of metal and hitting it until it sorta looks round-ish.

Only problem I have with yours, is the shadow around the text after you have Monochrome on, (imo) I find it not so appealing. :O

03-23-11, 08:40 AM
Only problem I have with yours, is the shadow around the text after you have Monochrome on, (imo) I find it not so appealing. :O

I briefly attempted to remove it, couldn't find it in AzCastbar. Haven't looked into Skada yet, but I agree, it's just something I haven't gotten to yet.

03-23-11, 02:57 PM
Raid shot. Whole bunch going on. SCT(D), DBM, sFilter, casting, target.

03-23-11, 03:02 PM
In my continuing effort to learn putting together a UI, this is my latest offspring.
Not reinventing the wheel. Merely taking a square piece of metal and hitting it until it sorta looks round-ish.

I do very much like this. What are you using for your UFs? And what is the, I am guessing, xp bar at the bottom?

03-23-11, 03:07 PM
Raid shot. Whole bunch going on. SCT(D), DBM, sFilter, casting, target.

Seems like your target already only shows your own debuffs, using sFilter doubles the information. On top of that you seem to be using 2 timers - possibly one through omnicc and one through the unitframes themself - on your target. I'd say get rid of one sort of timers, get rid of sFilter and increase target debuffs size instead (if that's why you are using sFilter).

That minimap instance difficulty flag ... :eek:

Can you really read that combat text? I mean it's barely visible on a screenshot, how is it readable in action? Just curious. :rolleyes:

03-23-11, 03:26 PM
Seems like your target already only shows your own debuffs, using sFilter doubles the information. On top of that you seem to be using 2 timers - possibly one through omnicc and one through the unitframes themself - on your target. I'd say get rid of one sort of timers, get rid of sFilter and increase target debuffs size instead (if that's why you are using sFilter).

That minimap instance difficulty flag ... :eek:

Can you really read that combat text? I mean it's barely visible on a screenshot, how is it readable in action? Just curious. :rolleyes:

I mostly had sFilter cause it showed a couple things that the UFs weren't showing. So I may just get rid of the UF debuffs instead, or find out why they're not showing everything.

I don't know how to get rid of the flag? :confused:

And I can, when I'm looking for what I need, though any suggestions to how to change it or to a better font, are welcome. Even a pixel font that will look nice bigger. I just wanted to keep the fonts as simple as possible.

03-23-11, 03:32 PM
... any suggestions to how to change it or to a better font, are welcome. Even a pixel font that will look nice bigger. I just wanted to keep the fonts as simple as possible.

Pic0 (http://www.dafont.com/pic0.font) looks great as combat text imo (16pt).

03-23-11, 04:09 PM
I do very much like this. What are you using for your UFs? And what is the, I am guessing, xp bar at the bottom?

Thanks! The UFs are Stuf, and the xpbar is bXP.

03-23-11, 04:21 PM
Pic0 (http://www.dafont.com/pic0.font) looks great as combat text imo (16pt).

Appreciated, thank you :)

03-23-11, 04:36 PM
My current Tukui Edit (W.I.P)
Still not satisfied with it :/
Need ideas and feedback!

http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/wowscrnshot032vsymzf1u4w_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/wowscrnshot032vsymzf1u4w.jpg)
http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/thumbnail/wowscrnshot032lz50csyf7h_thumb.jpg (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/wowscrnshot032lz50csyf7h.jpg)

03-23-11, 05:27 PM
My current Tukui Edit (W.I.P)
Still not satisfied with it :/
Need ideas and feedback!

I think the layout is beautiful. A slightly convex unit frame texture, and one pixel borders would be my taste.

03-23-11, 08:44 PM
My fotw wip. I like the look of health-only bars, but haven't figured a good alt way of showing power yet. :p

03-23-11, 09:36 PM
My fotw wip. I like the look of health-only bars, but haven't figured a good alt way of showing power yet. :p

I like :) suggested percentage, but see you already have that shown haha. Not sure otherwise. The percentage looks fine though.

03-24-11, 12:15 AM
My fotw wip. I like the look of health-only bars, but haven't figured a good alt way of showing power yet. :p

What are those name plates from, that's hot.

03-24-11, 01:01 AM
My fotw wip. I like the look of health-only bars, but haven't figured a good alt way of showing power yet. :p

Cool nameplates ;) i like ze colors!

03-24-11, 01:37 AM
What are those name plates from, that's hot.

Cool nameplates ;) i like ze colors!

Looks alot like dNamePlates (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16873-dNamePlates.html).

03-24-11, 02:05 AM
Looks alot like dNamePlates (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16873-dNamePlates.html).

I almost have the same once.


03-24-11, 02:13 AM
I almost have the same once.


True, could be those too.

03-24-11, 08:47 AM
I almost have the same once.


Yeah I'm using Headline. I'm shooting for class/reaction colored name text, but not as easy as I thought at first. I'll get it eventually. :/

03-24-11, 09:26 AM
What are your opinions on these two colour schemes?
Spent a little while this morning messing around with it but I'm not sure whether I like the normal class colour scheme or the greyed / class colour scheme.

The UI is bugging the hell out of me again which means there's something wrong with it but I can't quite figure it out. I'll find it eventually.

03-24-11, 09:48 AM
I would go with a static color on raidframes and your personal preference for single frames (player, target, etc).

I would also try to find a different position for those timers ... bottomright or whatever.

03-24-11, 08:44 PM
What are your opinions on these two colour schemes?
Spent a little while this morning messing around with it but I'm not sure whether I like the normal class colour scheme or the greyed / class colour scheme.

The UI is bugging the hell out of me again which means there's something wrong with it but I can't quite figure it out. I'll find it eventually.

what exp bar are you using above the map could i get the lua for it?

03-25-11, 03:37 AM
what exp bar are you using above the map could i get the lua for it?

It looks like Xparky.


03-25-11, 04:09 AM
what exp bar are you using above the map could i get the lua for it?

Its "stExperienceBar".

You can just take it out of his UI package here:

03-25-11, 09:34 AM
What are your opinions on these two colour schemes?
Spent a little while this morning messing around with it but I'm not sure whether I like the normal class colour scheme or the greyed / class colour scheme.

The UI is bugging the hell out of me again which means there's something wrong with it but I can't quite figure it out. I'll find it eventually.

I prefer the brighter colors, but I like to tell the class at a glance. This is especially useful in PVP, but matters less in PVE.

03-25-11, 11:45 AM
Changed my Bars/buff borders. I LOVE pixel borders, but BF PixelSkin was way to small for my buttons... So thanks to someone I found something even better!

two combat images~ Shows the Heath% in the middle, I like it :3

One image shows the HP bar with less then 50% health, the other before 50% is reached.

Trying to find a good font for my combat text z.z no luck so far

03-25-11, 04:33 PM
Changed my Bars/buff borders. I LOVE pixel borders, but BF PixelSkin was way to small for my buttons... So thanks to someone I found something even better!

two combat images~ Shows the Heath% in the middle, I like it :3

One image shows the HP bar with less then 50% health, the other before 50% is reached.

Trying to find a good font for my combat text z.z no luck so far

I am falling in love with this :)

03-25-11, 04:48 PM
I am falling in love with this :)

Lol thank you <3 I plan to put another edited version of my party frames soon.

I plan to create my own raid frames, but for some reason, stuf raid now requires a reload on every change... and i'm lazy lol.

03-26-11, 06:02 PM
Changed my Bars/buff borders. I LOVE pixel borders, but BF PixelSkin was way to small for my buttons... So thanks to someone I found something even better!

two combat images~ Shows the Heath% in the middle, I like it :3

One image shows the HP bar with less then 50% health, the other before 50% is reached.

Trying to find a good font for my combat text z.z no luck so far

What font are you using for UF and nameplates, please?

03-26-11, 06:15 PM
New version: Any feedback at all is appreciated, thanks.

Solo Combat / Some Frames Hidden:

http://www5.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332303/img/WoW/-Some-Frames-Hidden.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332303)

Party Combat:

http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332295/img/WoW/-Combat.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332295)

Raid Combat:

http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332297/img/WoW/-Frames-Hidden.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332297)

03-26-11, 07:32 PM
What font are you using for UF and nameplates, please?

Swfit for nameplates and UF's

Supernat1001 for everything else.
@Rosoaa, I like how yours look, though I wouldn't use the backdrop behind everything. (imo<---)

Also it seems like the Backdrop for the UF and Buttons is not the same spacing if you look at it closely.

03-26-11, 08:33 PM
Heres my current UI its a remake of Dicate UI mixed with ninui, Led++, Nefs, and FreeUI elements.

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/2457/wowscrnshot032611221115.jpg (http://img88.imageshack.us/i/wowscrnshot032611221115.jpg/)

03-26-11, 09:18 PM
I really like this UI its very clean I especially love the tooltip. What addon are you using for it?
Its a heavily modified version of ElvUI, witch is a very heavily modified version of TukUI. The tooltips have not been modified except the font.
Looks good (a bit like Jasje Tukui). I like the background strata of the actionbar panel, was that intentional?
Yes it was intentional, I like a bottombar for things to be attached to. I wanted the main and split action bars to look clamped to that bar to give a solid feeling to some UI elements. Ill probably add hankthetanks buff bordertimer and nameplates at some point, and ditch numrical cooldown timers on a lot of buttons.

03-26-11, 10:03 PM
Here it is in a random AV, with a few bugs here and there still. In development.

As a side note, the player frame will highlight its borders like shown red on the tank in the raid frame when they have aggro, and orange when they are close to taking aggro (inherited from Tukz/ElvUI). I may expand on it further in different areas. If I wanted I could make every border in the UI turn bright red when you take aggro. I do not like having whole addons just for aggro awareness, when it can be done in two layers:near taking aggro/has aggro.

03-27-11, 07:36 AM
Here it is in a random AV, with a few bugs here and there still. In development.

As a side note, the player frame will highlight its borders like shown red on the tank in the raid frame when they have aggro, and orange when they are close to taking aggro.


I really like all of the textures that you used here and how you kept your same border throughout, even on the nameplates and tooltip.

However, you realize that you have 3 different ways of showing the power bars there?

1 in the main UF you have yours and target being offset from the health.
2 in ToT and focus you have it larger and behind the health.
3 in the raid frame it is smaller and in front of the health.

At the very least the ToT/focus should have the same style as the raid frame, since they are both smaller.

I think I understand why you did it tough: the tot/focus has the middle design because they are centered between the player/target frames. If you had made them offcenter as the larger ones, it would look weird. In the same way, if you had made them like the raid frames, it would look inconsistent.

Actually, as I wrote all of that out, I don't really see how you can get around having the 3 different styles, other than to change the main player/target ones to not be offcenter. It's something to think about at least ;D.

The raid frames are my favorite part of the whole UI btw. Have you thought about only showing the power from mana users? I would think that having all of the colors from hunters/rogues/warriors/DK jumping around constantly would be distracting, especially since you aren't a healer and don't look at the raid frames often.

03-27-11, 08:59 AM
I really like all of the textures that you used here

+1, beautifully done. I'm not usually a fan of panels, but your bottom panel composition is gorgeous.

I'm curious did you already try a pixel font on the unit frames? The text looks a bit dirty against the monochrome'd raid frames & nameplates.

03-27-11, 01:21 PM
I dont want to take credit for the overall UI, that is Tukz and Im working off a version of a version of TukzUI moded by Elv. This is a heavily moded ElvUI. Though I will take credit for how the bottom action bars and the composition down there, so thank you :D

What isnt seen is a lot of customization inherits and added to from the base ElvUI i started from. The bottom action bars have several different combinations ranging from one single 12 button long bar only to two layers of 12 middle buttons and 2 layers of split bars on either side (split into 4 and 2 buttons, image shows 1 layer of this) So it looks like: 2 4 12 4 2 or 4 12 4 or 12

Also you will see their are 4 odd lil button looking things next to the left and right chat frames. 2 of witch are inherited from ElvUI, and 2 I added and improved. Their boarders highlight bu class color and raises 2 pixels when mouse over. They have differing functions, like turning on Elvs move-element ability, and raid buff reminder under the minimap and my function of opening his ui config; unfinished.


I will most likely have the tot have a thin power bar like the raid frames, but I have not focused much there yet. Im actually still teaching myself LUA. in 6-25man raids all power is shown, in 26-40 man the power is hidden. It doesnt distract me as its not in my center of view so I rarely notice when in DPS mode, and when I do look over there it compliments the name color in quickly distinguishing class makup of a given random AV. I have not done much with raid frames yet so Im sure I may change more than the shape and a couple colors in the future, with options for hiding elements possible.

For people interested in this UI, and the wonderfully customizable and editable UI it is based off of (and lots of really great custom UIs based off TukzUI) go here: http://www.tukui.org

03-27-11, 02:14 PM
I've been inspired by this: http://www.wowuigallery.com/topic/underscore-1

So, I made my own version of it. Here's what I have finished so far:

http://www3.picturepush.com/photo/a/5338926/oimg/WoW/v2.9-Feedback-2.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5338926)

In Combat: You'll notice two the panels are different colors. The red panel means I have aggro and the white panel means I'm in combat. Also, (not shown) a blue panel will replace the white panel when the players mana drops below 20%.

http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/5338925/oimg/WoW/v2.9-Feedback.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5338925)

03-27-11, 06:48 PM
It's pretty much done now, but I need a few opinions.

http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/5339610/220/WoW/WoWScrnShot-032711-201356.jpeg (http://picturepush.com/public/5339610)http://www3.picturepush.com/photo/a/5339611/220/WoW/WoWScrnShot-032711-203552.jpeg (http://picturepush.com/public/5339611)

Does the font on the aura's match the rest of the UI? I'm using Expressway Free on everything except the aura icons because it looks messy with an outline. Also, I think I need to do something about my nameplates.

If you noticed it looks like the chat frame, skada, and minimap are popping out at your face. It has a nice look, but I feel I should do the same for the unit frames, and possibly the raid, boss, and party frames as well. Any ideas on that?

03-27-11, 07:18 PM
My first attempt at a UI. I'm a fairly new player and only recently have I discovered that I actually enjoy customizing my interface almost as much as the game itself. Posting here because it generally feels like it's still missing something and I figured this was the place to get good feedback.


03-27-11, 07:32 PM
My first attempt at a UI. I'm a fairly new player and only recently have I discovered that I actually enjoy customizing my interface almost as much as the game itself. Posting here because it generally feels like it's still missing something and I figured this was the place to get good feedback.

What do you mean by missing something? For people just getting into custom UI's the best advice I can give is... making all UI elements match. Basically you want a theme for your UI. All colors, borders, fonts, etc .. should generally be the same on each frame to achieve some sort of symmetry. I wouldn't say your UI isn't symmetrical, but I don't see a theme that really makes it flow.

I hope this helps.

03-27-11, 07:38 PM
What do you mean by missing something? For people just getting into custom UI's the best advice I can give is... making all UI elements match. Basically you want a theme for your UI. All colors, borders, fonts, etc .. should generally be the same on each frame to achieve some sort of symmetry. I wouldn't say your UI isn't symmetrical, but I don't see a theme that really makes it flow.

I hope this helps.

By missing something, I meant it didn't feel complete and I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head with your suggestion of theme. I've spent a lot of time figuring out where I want the addons/information to be but I've never really thought about fluidity and theme. I guess now, my next step of action would be to figure out an over all theme and look. Thank you.

03-27-11, 07:44 PM
By missing something, I meant it didn't feel complete and I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head with your suggestion of theme. I've spent a lot of time figuring out where I want the addons/information to be but I've never really thought about fluidity and theme. I guess now, my next step of action would be to figure out an over all theme and look. Thank you.

No problem.

03-27-11, 08:44 PM

If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for improvement on my current UI i'd be happy too hear em! :)

What im not completely happy with is cooldowntracking. (probably because im not used too actionbars though. :P)

I've been trying coolline,eventhorizon,different "bar" addons.. but i just don't get it too flow/fit the overall ui that well. -_-

Screenies are showing in combat and idle.

EDIT: Small vid , sorry for poor quality. testing coolline and dawns barfader/smoothing.



03-27-11, 09:02 PM
Also you will see their are 4 odd lil button looking things next to the left and right chat frames.

Oooh I was wondering what those were for. Hidden stuff ftw :D.

03-27-11, 10:31 PM
New version: Any feedback at all is appreciated, thanks.

Solo Combat / Some Frames Hidden:

http://www5.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332303/img/WoW/-Some-Frames-Hidden.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332303)

Party Combat:

http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332295/img/WoW/-Combat.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332295)

Raid Combat:

http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332297/img/WoW/-Frames-Hidden.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332297)

How did you change how the chat bubble looks?

03-27-11, 11:03 PM
HankTheTanks addon BubbleBobble.

03-28-11, 12:24 AM
New version: Any feedback at all is appreciated, thanks.

Solo Combat / Some Frames Hidden:

http://www5.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332303/img/WoW/-Some-Frames-Hidden.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332303)

Party Combat:

http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332295/img/WoW/-Combat.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332295)

Raid Combat:

http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/5332297/img/WoW/-Frames-Hidden.png (http://picturepush.com/public/5332297)

What font is that on uf AND data feeds, please?

03-28-11, 12:28 AM

If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for improvement on my current UI i'd be happy too hear em! :)

What im not completely happy with is cooldowntracking. (probably because im not used too actionbars though. :P)

I've been trying coolline,eventhorizon,different "bar" addons.. but i just don't get it too flow/fit the overall ui that well. -_-

Screenies are showing in combat and idle.


I really like the UI you've got there. But, where is your cooldowns shown?

And may I ask, what font are you using for your UI? :)

03-28-11, 01:22 AM
HankTheTanks addon BubbleBobble.

Could you link me your LUA??

03-28-11, 01:49 AM
Could you link me your LUA??

Uh oh :p

Though you can just download the addon. (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19562-BubbleBobble.html)

Led ++
03-28-11, 05:07 AM

If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for improvement on my current UI i'd be happy too hear em! :)

What im not completely happy with is cooldowntracking. (probably because im not used too actionbars though. :P)

I've been trying coolline,eventhorizon,different "bar" addons.. but i just don't get it too flow/fit the overall ui that well. -_-

Screenies are showing in combat and idle.


Ninzie, where are your nameplatezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

03-28-11, 09:03 AM
What font is that on uf AND data feeds, please?


03-28-11, 09:04 AM
Could you link me your LUA??

All I did was change a few fonts, borders, and backdrops in the lua.

03-28-11, 11:36 AM
Screenies are showing in combat and idle.

Me wants! :) Your UF / raid frames are so damn nice ! As for cooldowns, did you try Filger or rFilter ?

03-28-11, 12:38 PM
Anyone know if Hankthetank has his nameplates/bufftimers up anywhere?

03-28-11, 12:54 PM

Screenies are showing in combat and idle.


I'm in love. Sounds stupid, but something like this might make me buy a new gamecard :P And on the cooldown management: You said you used coolline but it didnt match, isnt that costumizable enough?

And maybe combine that with something like cooldownpulse.

03-28-11, 01:09 PM

If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for improvement on my current UI i'd be happy too hear em! :)

What im not completely happy with is cooldowntracking. (probably because im not used too actionbars though. :P)

I've been trying coolline,eventhorizon,different "bar" addons.. but i just don't get it too flow/fit the overall ui that well. -_-

Screenies are showing in combat and idle.


Good work. Bright and simple, important things catch the eye while not losing style. 8/10!

03-28-11, 01:18 PM
where is your cooldowns shown?

And may I ask, what font are you using for your UI? :)

Doh, was really late when i posted, i just noticed i had nothing on cooldown in the pics.

I use my actionbars for cd's atm. they go fully visible when they are on cooldown and has slight alpha when ready. :)

The font on uf's are DIN 1451 Engshcrift , chat etc is tahoma.

Ninzie, where are your nameplatezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?
Ledminator, I rarely have nameplates showing :P but they look like my uf's more or less.

did you try Filger or rFilter ?

Yep, i did. gonna try out the icons some more and see if it's just not being used too track cd's with icons.

Anyone know if Hankthetank has his nameplates/bufftimers up anywhere?

You could take a peek at http://svn.wowinterface.com/listing.php?repname=hankui

But no finished releases yet what it looks like.

And on the cooldown management: You said you used coolline but it didnt match, isnt that costumizable enough?

And maybe combine that with something like cooldownpulse.

What i feel dont match is with the overall ui(i dont want a bar on top of the bottompanel), i can easily get it too fit the ui with textures etc.

Im playing around some now with having coolline replace the bottompanel in combat, it has to be a little bigger though than the panel so dno if i like it. i'll post a update on what it looks like when i got more time. :)

thanks for the inputs! ♥


03-28-11, 05:37 PM

If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for improvement on my current UI i'd be happy too hear em! :)

What im not completely happy with is cooldowntracking. (probably because im not used too actionbars though. :P)

I've been trying coolline,eventhorizon,different "bar" addons.. but i just don't get it too flow/fit the overall ui that well. -_-

Screenies are showing in combat and idle.

whats the rgp colour for that pink pally color?

03-28-11, 09:23 PM
Nin, I have switched to Raven for all my buff/debuff and cooldown needs. It is SO flexible and the configuation is amazing. A bit of a learning curve to get started when you want to add custom bars and such but I think overall it is very worth the effort. Check it out!

03-28-11, 09:35 PM

If anyone has any cool ideas or suggestions for improvement on my current UI i'd be happy too hear em! :)

What im not completely happy with is cooldowntracking. (probably because im not used too actionbars though. :P)

I've been trying coolline,eventhorizon,different "bar" addons.. but i just don't get it too flow/fit the overall ui that well. -_-

Screenies are showing in combat and idle.


what addon are you using for your raid frames?

03-28-11, 09:38 PM
what addon are you using for your raid frames?


I'll take a look at it Porsha , thanks!

03-28-11, 09:55 PM

I'll take a look at it Porsha , thanks!

jw, are you going to upload your oUF at any point? :O

03-28-11, 10:28 PM
Got my UI finished, here are the screens, sorry didn't have any combo points up but they show in the middle under the target's target frame.



A couple people asked for a download link so here it is

link removed

You will need to change [account name] , [server name], and [character name] in the WTF folder to your own account, server, and char name respectively.

*There is an invisible bag button on the left chat frame skull, click it to access Bags

*Skada is set to dps and threat meter over the chat frame, just drag the "loot window chat" into your main chat and then click the skada minimap button for "raid mode"

Mods included:

Bartender 4
Power Auras
Move Anything
oUF Diablo
KgPanels (with custom art)
Lose Control
Dispel Border
Tidy Plates

03-29-11, 01:29 AM
Hi thread. :D

I like the artwork on yours, Remsaa.


Been getting back to UI modding, version 3.0 of my UI is nearly done. After having done boss frames, finally got some arena frames too. Work in progress of course - needs to be more to the center of the screen, bigger etc, but hey, it works!


03-29-11, 03:09 AM
Hi thread. :D

I like the artwork on yours, Remsaa.


Been getting back to UI modding, version 3.0 of my UI is nearly done. After having done boss frames, finally got some arena frames too. Work in progress of course - needs to be more to the center of the screen, bigger etc, but hey, it works!


Pixel font destorys the UI :( and the chatfont, it just doesn't fit in.

03-29-11, 04:44 AM
I'm looking for actual constructive criticism rather than "I don't like this".

03-29-11, 04:55 AM
He's right about the non-matching fonts.

I'm not a fan of pixel-fonts, but hey. But if you use them, you will have to take care, that they are used throughout the whole UI (I think Led goes this way), including chat, or find a really fitting alternative, what I would consider difficult.

I don't like your minimal approach, but the work you put into it is amazing. Everything seems to fit, everything but the chat. ;)

You're using oUF, right? Would you mind sharing the code to spawn the arena-frames?

edit: I'm no arena-player, but shouldn't you filter the buffs in some way? Or is the buff-frame able to display more buffs? I'm just curious, because I always thought, that you will need to see some very special buffs on the opponents.

03-29-11, 05:02 AM
It's never bothered me that the chat frame doesn't use pixel fonts. I like pixel fonts for names/numbers because they're crisp and clean, but for actual text, it's better to use a regular font, in my opinion.

I still need to work on a buff filter for arena frames, yeah. Since I'm lazy I'm trying to look for a list of all buffs you'd actually want to care about. :p

It's oUF indeed, the code for arena frames is exactly the same as for boss frames. I'm using the latest Github updates though which includes handling of arena frames by default (https://github.com/haste/oUF). Then it's pretty much just this:

for n = 1, 5 do
spawnHelper(self, 'arena' .. n, 'LEFT', 50, 0 - (56 * n))

spawnHelper being this (pulled from oUF_Lily):

local spawnHelper = function(self, unit, ...)
if(UnitSpecific[unit]) then
self:SetActiveStyle('Free - ' .. unit:gsub("^%l", string.upper))
elseif(UnitSpecific[unit:match('[^%d]+')]) then -- boss1 -> boss
self:SetActiveStyle('Free - ' .. unit:match('[^%d]+'):gsub("^%l", string.upper))

local object = self:Spawn(unit)
return object

I'm honestly not a pro with oUF mechanics, took me ages to add boss frames myself. Had to ask Haste to create an example.

03-29-11, 05:16 AM
Thx for the oUF-hint, will try this with the github-version.

It's never bothered me that the chat frame doesn't use pixel fonts. I like pixel fonts for names/numbers because they're crisp and clean, but for actual text, it's better to use a regular font, in my opinion.

Yeah, we're clear on "regular font for text", this is exactly my opinion. And it is the fact that causes me to use a "regular" font on my unitframes.
'Cause I want them fitting.

I see the benefits of pixelfonts (more information, less space^^), but I have never achieved something, that pleased my eyes. ;)

It's a matter of taste. When you like the mixture of pixel- and non-pixel-font, you should stick to it. I just wanted to point out, that it stands out in your screenshot.

03-29-11, 05:16 AM
It's never bothered me that the chat frame doesn't use pixel fonts. I like pixel fonts for names/numbers because they're crisp and clean, but for actual text, it's better to use a regular font, in my opinion.

I still need to work on a buff filter for arena frames, yeah. Since I'm lazy I'm trying to look for a list of all buffs you'd actually want to care about. :p

It's oUF indeed, the code for arena frames is exactly the same as for boss frames. I'm using the latest Github updates though which includes handling of arena frames by default (https://github.com/haste/oUF). Then it's pretty much just this:

for n = 1, 5 do
spawnHelper(self, 'arena' .. n, 'LEFT', 50, 0 - (56 * n))

spawnHelper being this (pulled from oUF_Lily):

local spawnHelper = function(self, unit, ...)
if(UnitSpecific[unit]) then
self:SetActiveStyle('Free - ' .. unit:gsub("^%l", string.upper))
elseif(UnitSpecific[unit:match('[^%d]+')]) then -- boss1 -> boss
self:SetActiveStyle('Free - ' .. unit:match('[^%d]+'):gsub("^%l", string.upper))

local object = self:Spawn(unit)
return object

I'm honestly not a pro with oUF mechanics, took me ages to add boss frames myself. Had to ask Haste to create an example.

Wow, i just use this..

oUF:RegisterStyle('Aftermathh', Shared)

if AftermathhUI.config.bossframes == true then
local boss = {}
for i = 1, MAX_BOSS_FRAMES do
boss[i] = oUF:Spawn('boss'..i, 'oUF_BossAftermathh'..i)
if i == 1 then
boss[i]:SetPoint('TOPRIGHT', UIParent, -14, -490)
boss[i]:SetPoint('BOTTOM', boss[i-1], 'TOP', 0, 55)
boss[i]:SetSize(150, 27)

if AftermathhUI.config.arenaframes == true then
local arena = {}
for i = 1, 5 do
arena[i] = oUF:Spawn("arena"..i, "oUF_ArenaAftermathh"..i)
if i == 1 then
arena[i]:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', UIParent, 101, -360)
arena[i]:SetPoint("BOTTOM", arena[i-1], 'TOP', 0, 49)
arena[i]:SetSize(170, 27)

then just use.. if (unit and unit:find('boss%d') or unit and unit:find("arena%d")) then ^_^

03-29-11, 06:26 AM
It depends on how you code your layout. I use unitSpecific functions like in oUF_Lily.

03-29-11, 08:32 AM
Nin's frames inspired me and I trying to do the same with the one I am using, oUF_Freeb <3 !

Here is what I did so far for the resources bars. But it doesn't feels right, what do you think ?



Edit: Actually, I'd like to do like the power bar for resources class. I'm sure it will be more "natural".

03-29-11, 08:58 AM
He's right about the non-matching fonts.

I'm not a fan of pixel-fonts, but hey. But if you use them, you will have to take care, that they are used throughout the whole UI (I think Led goes this way), including chat, or find a really fitting alternative, what I would consider difficult.

Lol, pixel fonts definitely do NOT belong as the chat font. What rubbish is that? Though his chosen pixel font is poor. I would find a pixel font that has better spacing (1 pixel not 2 like this)and use OUTLINE, MONOCHROME for better outlines.

Some pixel fonts need to be set to monochrome, and set -1 size lower to get their best spacing. Others just have bad spacing no matter what you do.

03-29-11, 09:11 AM
No need to be so fierce. I've seen pixel fonts in a chat frame, it can be done. I just don't like it, myself.

Anyways, not sure what you mean about the pixel font. Fairly sure the spacing is at its minimum, and as you can see it's already using monochrome outline.

Afaik SetSpacing(x) is vertical, not horizontal.

03-29-11, 09:26 AM
Hi thread. :D

I like the artwork on yours, Remsaa.

Thank you sir!

and gj on your ui!

03-29-11, 09:47 AM
jw, are you going to upload your oUF at any point? :O

I've been thinking about it but i don't think so, i feel bad when i can't maintain addons i upload. and atm the code layout is a mess and only built around my pally healer wich is the only char i play.

I still need to work on a buff filter for arena frames, yeah. Since I'm lazy I'm trying to look for a list of all buffs you'd actually want to care about. :p

Did you have a peek at ouf_phanx filtering list? It's what i use for my buffs/debuffs.

Only things i could mention about your ui is mainly personal preference, i think the ui on overall is ace.

What i would change is:

• the spacing on arena aura's so they match width of frames.
• slightly change rogue power color so they don't blend in so much with the hp bar.
• Put a 1 px black border around the classcolored line on you bottompanel.


03-29-11, 10:32 AM
I've been thinking about it but i don't think so, i feel bad when i can't maintain addons i upload. and atm the code layout is a mess and only built around my pally healer wich is the only char i play.

If u want i can help with some coding, especially with Disc/Shadow Priest and Tankpala spezific CD's.

03-29-11, 11:14 AM
My last UI post had the link removed because it was an off-site link, here is a new on-site link.
