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How do I find my paypal donation secure id?

1. Visit this page to create a button.

2. Change the button type to donation and fill out the form.

3. Click 'Create Button'.

4. You will be given some form code, click the tab that says email (see attached image, ignore black box)

5. Use the ID found at the end of the url.

Alternately, use this page to create a button and use the ID generated at the end of the URL for email.

Finally, the last option would be to just create your own button with bbcode. When you create your donation button in paypal just use the email url and wrap it around an image:

[ url=https://www.paypal......][ img][ /img][ /url]

How do I find my pledgie id?

1. Go to Pledgie

2. Choose start your own

3. Sign up for an account

4. Fill out the Required Fields

5. Choose Create a new campaign. You may want a single one for all your addons, or one per addon. Make sure you set the end date far in the future.

6. Fill out the necessary information

7. Click on Launch Campaign

8. Open up your campaign, the ID can be found in the URL

Is there BBcode to use for PayPal & Pledgie?
Yes. Once you have set up your Paypal and/or Pledgie accounts, you can use:

[paypal]secureid[/paypal] and/or


Also, please note, whatever email address you use will show up on your donation page. If you don't want to provide a personal account, you may wish to set up another email address through gmail, yahoo or some such. example: [email protected]