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Klim 09-03-12 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 262226)
in loringo's post there is a bit of lua code, that's taken right out of localization.lua and it's how carbonite is able to work with other languages since the game reports different zone names based on which your using.

for carbonite to work properly you would need to go through that bit of code line by line, and replace the itallian with the chinese (made easier because every line is ["english"] = "itallian")

Like this?

elseif GetLocale() == "itIT" then        -- Italian

        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGORIGINAL                = "Toggle Original Map"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGNORMMAX                = "Toggle Normal or Max Map"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGNONEMAX                = "Toggle None or Max Map"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGNONENORM                = "Toggle None or Normal Map"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPSCALERESTORE        = "Restore Saved Map Scale"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGMINIFULL                = "Toggle Full Size Minimap"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGHERB                        = "Toggle Herbs on map"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPTOGMINE                        = "Toggle Mining on map"
        BINDING_NAME_NxTOGGLEFAV                        = "Toggle Favorites"
        BINDING_NAME_NxTOGGLEGUIDE                        = "Toggle Guide"
        BINDING_NAME_NxTOGGLEWAREHOUSE        = "Toggle Warehouse"
        BINDING_NAME_NxTOGGLEWATCHMINI        = "Toggle Watch List Minimize"
        BINDING_NAME_NxWATCHUSEITEM                = "Use Top Quest Watch Item"
        BINDING_NAME_NxMAPSKIPTARGET                = "Skip Current Target"

        NXLOADING                        = "Caricamento"
        NXLOAD_DONE                        = "Caricamento Completato"

        NXlARTIFACTS                = "Recherche d'art\195\169facts"
        NXlGas                                = "Gaz"
        NXlEXTRACTGAS                = "Extraction de gaz"
        NXlFISHING                        = "P\195\170che"
        NXlHERBGATHERING        = "Cueillette"
        NXlINCONFLICT                = "Territoire disput\195\169"
        NXlLEVELSPC                        = "Niveau "
        NXlMINING                        = "Minage"
        NXlOpening                        = "Ouverture"
        NXlOpeningNoText        = "Ouverture - pas de texte"
        NXlGLOWCAP                        = "Chapeluisant"
        NXlEverfrost                = "Morceau de permagivre"

        NxlRiding                        = "Monte"

        NXlDurPattern = "^Durabilit\195\169 (%d+) / (%d+)"

        NXlClassLocToCap = {
                ["Cavaliere della Morte"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
                ["Druido"] = "DRUID",
                ["Druida"] = "DRUID",
                ["Cacciatore"] = "HUNTER",
                ["Cacciatrice"] = "HUNTER",
                ["Mago"] = "MAGE",
                ["Maga"] = "MAGE",
                ["Paladino"] = "PALADIN",
                ["Paladina"] = "PALADIN",
                ["Sacerdote"] = "PRIEST",
                ["Sacerdotessa"] = "PRIEST",
                ["Ladro"] = "ROGUE",
                ["Ladra"] = "ROGUE",       
                ["Schiamano"] = "SHAMAN",
                ["Schiamana"] = "SHAMAN",
                ["Stregone"] = "WARLOCK",
                ["Strega"] = "WARLOCK",
                ["Guerriero"] = "WARRIOR",
                ["Guerriera"] = "WARRIOR",

        NXlBGMessages = {                -- Battleground messages. Menu text, message text
                "Incoming", "Inc",
                "Clear", "Clear",
                "Help", "Help",
                "Attack", "Attack",
                "Guard", "Guard",
                "Well Defended", "Well Defended",
                "Losing", "Losing",

        NXlItemTypes = {

        NXlBGStatus                        = "Report Status"

        NXlMapNames = { -- zhTW
                -- hack
                ["Gilneas City"] = "吉爾尼斯城",
                ["Ruins of Gilneas City"] = "吉爾尼斯城廢墟",
                ["Kezan"] = "凱贊",
                ["Vashj'ir"] = "瓦許伊爾",
                ["Gilneas"] = "吉爾尼斯",

                ["Abyssal Depths"] = "地獄深淵",
                ["Northern Stranglethorn"] = "北荊棘谷",
                ["Northern Barrens"] = "北貧瘠之地",
                ["Shimmering Expanse"] = "閃光瀚洋",
                ["Kelp'thar Forest"] = "凱波薩爾森林",
                ["Abyssal Maw"] = "無盡之淵",
                ["Ahn'Qiraj Terrace"] = "安其拉殿堂",
                ["Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom"] = "安其拉: 沒落的王朝",
                ["Baradin Hold"] = "巴拉丁要塞",
                ["Blackrock Caverns"] = "黑石洞穴",
                ["Blackwing Descent"] = "黑翼深淵",
                ["Brian and Pat Test"] = "布萊恩和帕特測試",
                ["City"] = "City",
                ["Deepholm"] = "地深之源",
                ["Deeprun Tram"] = "礦道地鐵",
                ["Firelands"] = "火焰之地",
                ["Halls of Origination"] = "起源大廳",
                ["Lost City of the Tol'vir"] = "失落之城托維爾",
                ["Mount Hyjal"] = "海加爾山",
                ["Nightmare Scar"] = "惡夢之痕",
                ["Putricide's Laboratory of Alchemical Horrors and Fun"] = "普崔希德的恐懼與歡樂鍊金實驗室",
                ["Quel'thalas"] = "奎爾薩拉斯",
                ["Ruins of Gilneas"] = "吉爾尼斯廢墟",
                ["Seat of Life"] = " 生命之座",
                ["Slitherblade Shore"] = "滑刃水濱",
                ["Steelspark Station"] = "鋼火崗哨",
                ["Storm Cliffs"] = "暴風崖",
                ["The Bastion of Twilight"] = "暮光堡垒",
                ["The Battle for Gilneas"] = "吉爾尼斯之戰",
                ["The Battle for Gilneas (Old City Map)"] = "吉爾尼斯之戰(舊城地圖)",
                ["The Crimson Hall"] = "赤紅大廳",
                ["The Frost Queen's Lair"] = "冰霜之后的巢穴",
                ["The Frozen Throne"] = "冰封王座",
                ["The Lost Isles"] = "失落群島",
                ["The Maelstrom"] = "大漩渦",
                ["The Park"] = "花園",
                ["The Ruby Sanctum"] = "晶紅聖所",
                ["The Sanctum of Blood"] = "血之聖所",
                ["The Steam Pools"] = "蒸汽之池",
                ["The Stonecore"] = "石岩之心",
                ["The Vortex Pinnacle"] = "漩渦尖塔",
                ["Throne of the Four Winds"] = "四風王座",
                ["Throne of the Tides"] = "海潮王座",
                ["Tol Barad Peninsula"] = "托巴拉德半島",
                ["Tol Barad"] = "托巴拉德",
                ["Twilight Highlands"] = "暮光高地",
                ["Twin Peaks"] = "雙子峰",

                ["Star's Rest"] = "繁星之眠",
                ["Moa'ki"] = "默亞基",
                ["Dun Nifflelem"] = "丹尼弗蘭",
                ["Westfall Brigade"] = "西荒兵團駐營",
                ["Valgarde Port"] = "瓦爾加德港口",
                ["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "銀白聯賽場地",
                ["Ahn'kahet:The Old Kingdom"] = "安卡罕特:古王國" ,
                ["Grom'gol"] = "格羅姆高",
                ["Crossroads"] = "十字路口",
                ["Bloodvenom Post"] = "血毒崗哨",
                ["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "斷脊氏族崗哨",
                ["Silvermoon"] = "銀月城",
                ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安琪拉神廟",
                ["Ahn'kahet"] = "安卡罕特",
                ["The Old Kingdom"] = "古王國",
                ["The Eye"] = "風暴之眼",
                ["Arena Battlemaster"] = "阿拉希戰場管理員",
                ["Pit of Saron"] = "薩倫之淵",
                ["Halls of Reflection"] = "倒影大廳",
                ["The Forge of Souls"] = "眾魂熔爐",
                ["7th Legion Front"] = "第七軍團前線" ,
                ["Abandoned Armory"] = "被遺棄的軍械庫" ,
                ["Abandoned Camp"] = "廢棄營地" ,
                ["Abandoned Mine"] = "棄置礦坑" ,
                ["Abyssal Sands"] = "深沙平原" ,
                ["Access Shaft Zeon"] = "礦井之路通道" ,
                ["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "亞榭洛:黯黑堡" ,
                ["Addle's Stead"] = "腐草農場" ,
                ["Aerie Peak"] = "鷹巢山" ,
                ["Aeris Landing"] = "艾瑞斯平臺" ,
--                ["Agama'gor UNUSED"] = "Agama'gor UNUSED" ,
                ["Agama'gor"] = "阿迦瑪戈" ,
                ["Agamand Family Crypt"] = "阿加曼德家族墓穴" ,
                ["Agamand Mills"] = "阿加曼德磨坊" ,
                ["Agmar's Hammer"] = "阿格瑪之錘" ,
                ["Agmond's End"] = "埃格蒙德的營地" ,
                ["Agol'watha"] = "亞戈瓦薩" ,
                ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉" ,
                ["Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom"] = "安卡罕特:古王國" ,
                ["Alcaz Island"] = "奧卡茲島" ,
                ["Aldor Rise"] = "奧多爾高地" ,
                ["Aldrassil"] = "奧達希爾" ,
                ["Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate"] = "奧多薩:荒寂之門" ,
                ["Alexston Farmstead"] = "艾力克斯頓農場" ,
                ["Algaz Gate"] = "奧加茲隘口" ,
                ["Algaz Station"] = "奧加茲崗哨" ,
                ["Allerian Post"] = "艾蘭里哨站" ,
                ["Allerian Stronghold"] = "艾蘭里堡壘" ,
                ["Alliance Base"] = "聯盟營地" ,
                ["Altar of Har'koa"] = "哈寇亞祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of Hir'eek"] = "希爾雷克祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of Mam'toth"] = "瑪姆托司祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of Quetz'lun"] = "奎茲倫祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of Rhunok"] = "魯諾克祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of Sha'tar"] = "薩塔祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of Sseratus"] = "司瑟拉圖斯祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of Storms"] = "暴風祭壇" ,
                ["Altar of the Blood God"] = "血神祭壇" ,
                ["Alterac Mountains"] = "奧特蘭克山脈" ,
--                ["Alterac Valley"] = "奧特蘭克山谷" ,
                ["Alterac Valley"] = "奧特蘭克山谷" ,
                ["Alther's Mill"] = "奧瑟爾伐木場" ,
                ["Amani Catacombs"] = "阿曼尼地下墓穴" ,
                ["Amani Pass"] = "阿曼尼小徑" ,
                ["Amber Ledge"] = "琥珀岩臺" ,
                ["Ambermill"] = "安伯米爾" ,
                ["Amberpine Lodge"] = "琥珀松小屋" ,
                ["Amberstill Ranch"] = "凍石農場" ,
                ["Amberweb Pass"] = "琥珀網小徑" ,
                ["Ameth'Aran"] = "亞米薩蘭" ,
                ["Ammen Fields"] = "安曼牧場" ,
                ["Ammen Ford"] = "安曼淺灘" ,
                ["Ammen Vale"] = "安曼谷" ,
                ["Amphitheater of Anguish"] = "苦痛露天競技場" ,
                ["An'daroth"] = "安都拉斯" ,
                ["An'owyn"] = "安歐恩" ,
                ["An'telas"] = "安泰拉斯" ,
                ["Ancestral Grounds"] = "先祖之地" ,
                ["Andilien Estate"] = "安狄里安莊園" ,
                ["Angerfang Encampment"] = "怒牙營地" ,
                ["Ango'rosh Grounds"] = "安格拉斯營地" ,
                ["Ango'rosh Stronghold"] = "安格拉斯要塞" ,
                ["Angor Fortress"] = "苦痛堡壘" ,
                ["Angrathar the Wrath Gate"] = "『憤怒之門』安格拉薩" ,
                ["Antonidas Memorial"] = "安東尼達斯紀念碑" ,
                ["Anvilmar"] = "安威瑪" ,
                ["Apocryphan's Rest"] = "聖者之陵" ,
                ["Apothecary Camp"] = "藥劑師營地" ,
                ["Arathi Basin"] = "阿拉希盆地" ,
                ["Arathi Highlands"] = "阿拉希高地" ,
                ["Area 52"] = "52區" ,
                ["Arena Floor"] = "競技場地面" ,
                ["Argent Vanguard"] = "銀白先鋒駐地" ,
                ["Ariden's Camp"] = "埃瑞丁營地" ,
                ["Arklon Ruins"] = "阿克隆廢墟" ,
                ["Arklonis Ridge"] = "阿卡隆斯山脊" ,
                ["Arriga Footbridge"] = "亞瑞加之橋" ,
                ["Ashenvale"] = "梣谷" ,
                ["Ashwood Post"] = "灰木崗哨" ,
                ["Aspen Grove Post"] = "白楊崗哨" ,
                ["Astranaar"] = "阿斯特蘭納" ,
                ["Ata'mal Terrace"] = "阿塔莫露臺" ,
                ["Auberdine"] = "奧伯丁" ,
                ["Auchenai Crypts"] = "奧奇奈地穴" ,
                ["Auchenai Grounds"] = "奧奇奈營地" ,
--                ["Auchindoun"] = "奧齊頓" ,
                ["Auchindoun"] = "奧齊頓" ,
                ["Auren Falls"] = "奧倫瀑布" ,
                ["Auren Ridge"] = "奧倫山脊" ,
                ["Axxarien"] = "艾克薩瑞安" ,
--                ["Azjol-Nerub"] = "阿茲歐-奈幽" ,
                ["Azjol-Nerub"] = "阿茲歐-奈幽" ,
                ["Azshara Crater"] = "艾薩拉盆地" ,
                ["Azshara"] = "艾薩拉" ,
                ["Azure Dragonshrine"] = "蒼藍龍殿" ,
                ["Azure Watch"] = "藍色守望" ,
                ["Azurebreeze Coast"] = "蔚藍海岸" ,
--                ["Azurelode Mine"] = "碧玉礦坑" ,
                ["Azurelode Mine"] = "碧玉礦坑" ,
                ["Azuremyst Isle"] = "藍謎島" ,
                ["Badlands"] = "荒蕪之地" ,
                ["Bael Modan"] = "巴爾莫丹" ,
                ["Bael'dun Digsite"] = "巴爾丹挖掘場" ,
                ["Bael'dun Keep"] = "巴爾丹城堡" ,
                ["Baelgun's Excavation Site"] = "巴爾古恩挖掘場" ,
                ["Bal'lal Ruins"] = "巴拉爾廢墟" ,
                ["Balargarde Fortress"] = "巴拉加德堡壘" ,
                ["Baleheim"] = "貝爾海姆" ,
                ["Balejar Watch"] = "貝爾亞守望" ,
                ["Balia'mah Ruins"] = "巴里亞曼廢墟" ,
                ["Balnir Farmstead"] = "巴尼爾農場" ,
                ["Ban'Thallow Barrow Den"] = "班薩羅獸穴" ,
                ["Ban'ethil Barrow Den"] = "班奈希爾獸穴" ,
                ["Ban'ethil Hollow"] = "班尼希爾山谷" ,
                ["Baradin Bay"] = "巴拉丁海灣" ,
                ["Bash'ir Landing"] = "貝許爾平臺" ,
                ["Bashal'Aran"] = "巴莎蘭" ,
                ["Bathran's Haunt"] = "巴斯蘭鬼屋" ,
                ["Battle Ring"] = "戰鬥之環" ,
                ["Battlescar Spire"] = "戰傷尖塔" ,
                ["Bay of Storms"] = "風暴海灣" ,
                ["Bear's Head"] = "熊頭" ,
                ["Beezil's Wreck"] = "比吉爾的飛艇殘骸" ,
                ["Befouled Terrace"] = "玷污殿堂" ,
                ["Beggar's Haunt"] = "乞丐鬼屋" ,
                ["Beren's Peril"] = "博倫的巢穴" ,
                ["Bernau's Happy Fun Land"] = "博諾的快樂之地" ,
                ["Beryl Coast"] = "碧晶海岸" ,
                ["Beryl Point"] = "碧晶哨點" ,
                ["Bitter Reaches"] = "痛苦海岸" ,
                ["Bittertide Lake"] = "惡潮湖" ,
                ["Black Channel Marsh"] = "黑水沼澤" ,
                ["Black Temple"] = "黑暗神廟" ,
                ["Blackchar Cave"] = "黑炭谷" ,
                ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "黑暗深淵" ,
                ["Blackhoof Village"] = "黑蹄村" ,
                ["Blackriver Logging Camp"] = "黑河伐木營地" ,
                ["Blackrock Depths"] = "黑石深淵" ,
                ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "黑石山" ,
                ["Blackrock Pass"] = "黑石小徑" ,
                ["Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔" ,
                ["Blackrock Stronghold"] = "黑石要塞" ,
                ["Blacksilt Shore"] = "黑泥沙海岸" ,
                ["Blacksmith"] = "鐵匠舖" ,
--                ["Blackthorn Ridge UNUSED"] = "Blackthorn Ridge UNUSED" ,
                ["Blackthorn Ridge"] = "黑棘山" ,
                ["Blackwatch"] = "黑色守望" ,
                ["Blackwater Cove"] = "黑水灣" ,
                ["Blackwater Shipwrecks"] = "黑水灣沉船" ,
                ["Blackwind Lake"] = "黑風湖" ,
                ["Blackwind Landing"] = "黑風平臺" ,
                ["Blackwind Valley"] = "黑風谷" ,
                ["Blackwing Coven"] = "黑翼集會所" ,
                ["Blackwing Lair"] = "黑翼之巢" ,
                ["Blackwolf River"] = "黑狼河" ,
                ["Blackwood Den"] = "黑木洞穴" ,
                ["Blackwood Lake"] = "黑木湖" ,
                ["Blade Tooth Canyon"] = "劍齒峽谷" ,
                ["Blade's Edge Arena"] = "劍刃競技場" ,
                ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "劍刃山脈" ,
                ["Bladed Gulch"] = "刀刃峽谷" ,
                ["Bladefist Bay"] = "刃拳海灣" ,
                ["Blades' Run"] = "劍之小道" ,
                ["Bladespire Grounds"] = "劍刃庭園" ,
                ["Bladespire Hold"] = "劍刃要塞" ,
                ["Bladespire Outpost"] = "劍刃崗哨" ,
                ["Bladewood"] = "劍木林" ,
                ["Blasted Lands"] = "詛咒之地" ,
                ["Bleeding Hollow Ruins"] = "血之谷廢墟" ,
                ["Bleeding Vale"] = "浴血谷" ,
                ["Bleeding Ziggurat"] = "血色通靈塔" ,
                ["Blistering Pool"] = "極熱之池" ,
                ["Blood Elf Tower"] = "血精靈哨塔" ,
                ["Blood Watch"] = "血色守望" ,
                ["Bloodcurse Isle"] = "血咒島" ,
                ["Bloodfen Burrow"] = "血沼墓穴" ,
                ["Bloodhoof Village"] = "血蹄村" ,
                ["Bloodmaul Camp"] = "血槌營地" ,
                ["Bloodmaul Outpost"] = "血槌前哨站" ,
                ["Bloodmaul Ravine"] = "血槌深谷" ,
                ["Bloodmoon Isle"] = "血月島" ,
                ["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "血謎島" ,
                ["Bloodsail Compound"] = "血帆營地" ,
                ["Bloodscale Enclave"] = "血鱗營地" ,
                ["Bloodscale Grounds"] = "血鱗營地" ,
                ["Bloodspore Plains"] = "血孢平原" ,
                ["Bloodtooth Camp"] = "血牙營地" ,
                ["Bloodvenom Falls"] = "血毒瀑布" ,
                ["Bloodvenom Post "] = "血毒崗哨" ,
                ["Bloodvenom River"] = "血毒河" ,
                ["Blue Sky Logging Grounds"] = "藍天伐木地" ,
                ["Bluefen"] = "藍色沼地" ,
                ["Bluegill Marsh"] = "藍鰓沼澤" ,
                ["Bogen's Ledge"] = "伯根的棚屋" ,
                ["Boha'mu Ruins"] = "波哈姆廢墟" ,
                ["Bolgan's Hole"] = "波爾甘的洞穴" ,
                ["Bonechewer Ruins"] = "噬骨者廢墟" ,
                ["Bones of Grakkarond"] = "格拉卡隆之骨" ,
                ["Bonesnap's Camp"] = "斷骨營地" ,
                ["Booty Bay"] = "藏寶海灣" ,
                ["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = "博格洛克前哨" ,
                ["Bor's Breath River"] = "伯爾之息河谷" ,
                ["Bor's Breath"] = "伯爾之息" ,
                ["Bor's Fall"] = "伯爾瀑布" ,
                ["Borean Tundra"] = "北風凍原" ,
                ["Borune Ruins"] = "伯盧恩廢墟" ,
                ["Bough Shadow"] = "大樹蔭" ,
                ["Boulder Hills"] = "巨礫之丘" ,
                ["Boulder Lode Mine"] = "石礦坑" ,
                ["Boulder'gor"] = "博多戈爾" ,
                ["Boulder'mok"] = "圓面之地" ,
                ["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = "石崖避難所" ,
                ["Boulderfist Hall"] = "石拳大廳" ,
                ["Boulderslide Cavern"] = "滾岩洞穴" ,
                ["Boulderslide Ravine"] = "滾岩峽谷" ,
                ["Brackenwall Village"] = "蕨牆村" ,
                ["Brackwell Pumpkin Patch"] = "布萊克威爾南瓜田" ,
                ["Brambleblade Ravine"] = "刺刃峽谷" ,
--                ["Bramblescar UNUSED"] = "Bramblescar UNUSED" ,
                ["Bramblescar"] = "迅猛龍平原" ,
                ["Brann's Base-Camp"] = "布萊恩營地" ,
                ["Brave Wind Mesa"] = "強風台地" ,
                ["Brewnall Village"] = "烈酒村" ,
                ["Brian and Pat Test"] = "布萊恩和帕特測試" ,
                ["Brightwater Lake"] = "澈水湖" ,
                ["Brightwood Grove"] = "陽光樹林" ,
                ["Brill Town Hall"] = "布瑞爾城鎮大廳" ,
                ["Brill"] = "布瑞爾" ,
                ["Bristlelimb Enclave"] = "鬚肢營地" ,
                ["Bristlelimb Village"] = "鬚肢村" ,
                ["Broken Hill"] = "破碎之丘" ,
                ["Broken Pillar"] = "破碎石柱" ,
                ["Broken Spear Village"] = "斷矛村" ,
                ["Broken Wilds"] = "破碎荒野" ,
                ["Bronze Dragonshrine"] = "青銅龍殿" ,
                ["Bronzebeard Encampment"] = "銅鬚營地" ,
--                ["Browman Mill"] = "布洛米爾" ,
                ["Browman Mill"] = "布洛米爾" ,
                ["Brunnhildar Village"] = "布倫希爾達村" ,
                ["Bucklebree Farm"] = "巴克布雷農場" ,
                ["Burning Blade Coven"] = "火刃集會所" ,
                ["Burning Blade Ruins"] = "燃燒之劍廢墟" ,
                ["Burning Steppes"] = "燃燒平原" ,
                ["Caer Darrow"] = "凱爾達隆" ,
                ["Caldemere Lake"] = "凱德米爾湖" ,
                ["Camp Aparaje"] = "阿帕拉耶營地" ,
                ["Camp Boff"] = "博夫營地" ,
                ["Camp Cagg"] = "卡格營地" ,
                ["Camp E'thok"] = "伊索克營地" ,
                ["Camp Kosh"] = "柯什營地" ,
                ["Camp Mojache"] = "莫沙徹營地" ,
                ["Camp Narache"] = "納拉其營地" ,
                ["Camp Oneqwah"] = "歐尼克瓦營地" ,
                ["Camp Taurajo"] = "陶拉祖營地" ,
                ["Camp Tunka'lo"] = "坦卡羅營地" ,
                ["Camp Winterhoof"] = "冬蹄營地" ,
                ["Camp Wurg"] = "瓦格營地" ,
                ["Camp of Boom"] = "布姆營地" ,
                ["Carrion Hill"] = "腐蝕嶺" ,
                ["Cathedral of Darkness"] = "黑暗大教堂" ,
                ["Cauldros Isle"] = "科德洛斯島" ,
                ["Caverns of Time"] = "時光之穴" ,
                ["Celestial Ridge"] = "天國山脈" ,
--                ["Cenarion Enclave UNUSED"] = "Cenarion Enclave UNUSED" ,
                ["Cenarion Enclave"] = "塞納里奧區" ,
                ["Cenarion Hold"] = "塞納里奧城堡" ,
                ["Cenarion Post"] = "塞納里奧前哨" ,
                ["Cenarion Refuge"] = "塞納里奧避難所" ,
                ["Cenarion Thicket"] = "塞納里奧灌木林" ,
                ["Cenarion Watchpost"] = "塞納里奧看守站" ,
                ["Central Bridge"] = "中央橋樑" ,
                ["Champions' Hall"] = "勇士大廳" ,
                ["Chapel Yard"] = "教堂庭院" ,
                ["Chapel of the Crimson Flame"] = "赤紅之焰禮拜堂" ,
                ["Charred Rise"] = "焦炭高崗" ,
                ["Chill Breeze Valley"] = "寒風峽谷" ,
                ["Chillmere Coast"] = "寒凜海岸" ,
                ["Chillwind Camp"] = "冰風營地" ,
                ["Chillwind Point"] = "冰風崗哨" ,
--                ["Chunk Test"] = "Chunk Test" ,
                ["Churning Gulch"] = "翻騰峽谷" ,
                ["Circle of Blood Arena"] = "血之環競技場" ,
                ["Circle of Blood"] = "血之環" ,
                ["Circle of East Binding"] = "東部禁錮法陣" ,
                ["Circle of Inner Binding"] = "內禁錮法陣" ,
                ["Circle of Outer Binding"] = "外禁錮法陣" ,
                ["Circle of West Binding"] = "西部禁錮法陣" ,
                ["Circle of Wills"] = "意志之環" ,
                ["City"] = "城鎮" ,
                ["Clan Watch"] = "氏族守望" ,
                ["Claytön's WoWEdit Land"] = "克雷頓的WoW編輯地" ,
                ["Cliffspring Falls"] = "峭壁之泉" ,
                ["Cliffspring River"] = "壁泉河" ,
                ["Coast of Echoes"] = "回聲海岸" ,
                ["Coast of Idols"] = "巨像海岸" ,
                ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "盤牙蓄湖" ,
                ["Coilskar Cistern"] = "考斯卡水池" ,
                ["Coilskar Point"] = "考斯卡崗哨" ,
                ["Cold Hearth Manor"] = "爐灰莊園" ,
                ["Coldarra"] = "凜懼島" ,
                ["Coldridge Pass"] = "寒脊山小徑" ,
                ["Coldridge Valley"] = "寒脊山谷" ,
                ["Coldrock Quarry"] = "冷岩礦場" ,
                ["Coldtooth Mine"] = "冷齒礦坑" ,
                ["Coldwind Heights"] = "冷風陵地" ,
                ["Coldwind Pass"] = "冷風小徑" ,
                ["Commons Hall"] = "平民大廳" ,
                ["Conquest Hold"] = "征服堡" ,
                ["Corin's Crossing"] = "考林路口" ,
                ["Corp'rethar: The Horror Gate"] = "寇普雷薩:驚怖之門" ,
                ["Corrahn's Dagger"] = "考蘭之匕" ,
                ["Cosmowrench"] = "扭曲太空" ,
                ["Courtyard of the Ancients"] = "遠祖庭院" ,
--                ["Craftsmen's Terrace UNUSED"] = "Craftsmen's Terrace UNUSED" ,
                ["Craftsmen's Terrace"] = "工匠區" ,
                ["Cragpool Lake"] = "峭壁湖" ,
                ["Crash Site"] = "失事地點" ,
                ["Crimson Watch"] = "赤紅守望" ,
                ["Crown Guard Tower"] = "皇冠哨塔" ,
                ["Crusader Forward Camp"] = "十字軍前進營地" ,
                ["Crusader Outpost"] = "十字軍前哨" ,
                ["Crusader's Landing"] = "十字軍臺地" ,
                ["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = "十字軍之巔" ,
                ["Crushridge Hold"] = "破碎嶺城堡" ,
                ["Crypt of Remembrance"] = "緬懷墓穴" ,
                ["Crystal Lake"] = "水晶湖" ,
                ["Crystal Spine"] = "水晶背脊" ,
                ["Crystalsong Forest"] = "水晶之歌森林" ,
                ["Crystalvein Mine"] = "水晶礦坑" ,
                ["Crystalweb Cavern"] = "晶網洞窟" ,
                ["Cursed Hollow"] = "詛咒之谷" ,
                ["D.E.H.T.A. Encampment"] = "D.E.H.T.A.駐營" ,
                ["DO NOT USE"] = "DO NOT USE" ,
                ["Dabyrie's Farmstead"] = "達比雷農場" ,
                ["Daggercap Bay"] = "匕鞘海灣" ,
                ["Daggerfen Village"] = "匕首沼地村" ,
                ["Daggermaw Canyon"] = "匕爪峽谷" ,
                ["Dalaran Arena"] = "達拉然競技場" ,
                ["Dalaran City"] = "達拉然城" ,
                ["Dalaran Crater"] = "達拉然陷坑" ,
                ["Dalaran Floating Rocks"] = "達拉然漂浮岩" ,
                ["Dalaran Island"] = "達拉然島" ,
                ["Dalaran"] = "達拉然" ,
                ["Underbelly"] = "下層",
                ["Dalson's Tears"] = "達爾松之淚" ,
                ["Dandred's Fold"] = "達倫德農場" ,
                ["Dargath's Demise"] = "達加希的終點" ,
                ["Darkcloud Pinnacle"] = "黑雲峰" ,
                ["Darkcrest Enclave"] = "暗羽營地" ,
                ["Darkcrest Shore"] = "暗羽陸地" ,
                ["Darkmist Cavern"] = "暗霧洞穴" ,
                ["Darkshire"] = "夜色鎮" ,
                ["Darkshore"] = "黑海岸" ,
                ["Darkspear Strand"] = "暗矛海灘" ,
                ["Darkwhisper Gorge"] = "暗語峽谷" ,
--                ["Darnassus UNUSED"] = "Darnassus UNUSED" ,
                ["Darnassus"] = "達納蘇斯" ,
                ["Darrow Hill"] = "達隆山" ,
                ["Darrowmere Lake"] = "達隆米爾湖" ,
                ["Darrowshire"] = "達隆郡" ,
                ["Dawn's Reach"] = "黎明之境" ,
                ["Dawning Lane"] = "黎明小路" ,
                ["Dawning Wood Catacombs"] = "黎明墓穴" ,
                ["Dawnstar Spire"] = "晨星尖塔" ,
                ["Dawnstar Village"] = "晨星村" ,
                ["Dead Man's Hole"] = "亡者之穴" ,
                ["Deadeye Shore"] = "死眼海岸" ,
                ["Deadman's Crossing"] = "亡者路口" ,
                ["Deadwind Pass"] = "逆風小徑" ,
                ["Deadwind Ravine"] = "逆風谷" ,
                ["Deadwood Village"] = "死木村" ,
                ["Death's Breach"] = "死亡止境" ,
                ["Death's Door"] = "死亡之門" ,
                ["Death's Hand Encampment"] = "死亡之手駐營" ,
                ["Death's Rise"] = "死亡高崗" ,
                ["Death's Stand"] = "死亡看臺" ,
                ["Deathforge Tower"] = "死亡熔爐哨塔" ,
                ["Deathknell"] = "喪鐘鎮" ,
                ["Deatholme"] = "死亡之域" ,
                ["Deep Elem Mine"] = "深埃連礦坑" ,
                ["Deeprun Tram"] = "礦道地鐵" ,
                ["Deepwater Tavern"] = "深水旅店" ,
                ["Defiler's Den"] = "污染者之穴" ,
--                ["Delete ME"] = "Delete ME" ,
                ["Demon Fall Canyon"] = "屠魔峽谷" ,
                ["Demon Fall Ridge"] = "屠魔山" ,
                ["Demont's Place"] = "迪蒙特荒野" ,
                ["Den of Haal'esh"] = "海艾斯洞穴" ,
                ["Derelict Caravan"] = "被遺棄的商隊" ,
                ["Derelict Manor"] = "遺棄的莊園" ,
                ["Derelict Strand"] = "遺棄水岸" ,
                ["Designer Island"] = "設計者之島" ,
                ["Desolace"] = "淒涼之地" ,
                ["Development Land"] = "開發之地" ,
                ["Diamondhead River"] = "鑽石河" ,
                ["Dire Maul"] = "厄運之槌" ,
                ["Direforge Hill"] = "惡鐵嶺" ,
                ["Direhorn Post"] = "恐角崗哨" ,
                ["Dolanaar"] = "多蘭納爾" ,
                ["Dorian's Outpost"] = "多里安前哨" ,
                ["Draco'dar"] = "德拉考達爾" ,
                ["Draenei Ruins"] = "德萊尼廢墟" ,
                ["Draenethyst Mine"] = "德萊尼礦坑" ,
                ["Draenil'dur Village"] = "德萊尼村" ,
                ["Dragon's Fall"] = "龍殞營地" ,
                ["Dragonblight"] = "龍骨荒野" ,
                ["Dragonmaw Base Camp"] = "龍喉營地" ,
                ["Dragonmaw Fortress"] = "龍喉堡壘" ,
                ["Dragonmaw Gates"] = "龍喉大門" ,
                ["Dragonmaw Skyway"] = "龍喉航線" ,
                ["Dragons' End"] = "飛龍之末" ,
                ["Dragonspine Peaks"] = "龍脊群山" ,
                ["Dragonspine Ridge"] = "龍脊山脊" ,
                ["Dragonspine Tributary"] = "龍脊支流" ,
                ["Drak'Agal"] = "德拉克亞苟" ,
                ["Drak'Mabwa"] = "德拉克瑪布瓦" ,
                ["Drak'Mar Lake"] = "德拉克瑪湖" ,
                ["Drak'Sotra Fields"] = "德拉克索璀原野" ,
                ["Drak'Sotra"] = "德拉克索璀" ,
                ["Drak'Tharon Keep"] = "德拉克薩隆要塞" ,
                ["Drak'atal Passage"] = "德拉克托通道" ,
                ["Drak'ural"] = "德拉克烏洛" ,
                ["Drakil'jin Ruins"] = "德拉齊金遺跡" ,
                ["Dreadmaul Hold"] = "巨槌要塞" ,
                ["Dreadmaul Post"] = "巨槌崗哨" ,
                ["Dreadmaul Rock"] = "巨槌石" ,
                ["Dreadmist Den"] = "鬼霧獸穴" ,
                ["Dreadmist Peak"] = "鬼霧峰" ,
                ["Dreadmurk Shore"] = "恐懼海岸" ,
                ["Dream Bough"] = "夢境之樹" ,
                ["Drygulch Ravine"] = "枯水谷" ,
                ["Drywhisker Gorge"] = "枯鬚峽谷" ,
                ["Dubra'Jin"] = "杜布拉金" ,
                ["Dun Algaz"] = "丹奧加茲" ,
                ["Dun Argol"] = "丹亞戈" ,
                ["Dun Baldar Pass"] = "丹巴達爾小徑" ,
                ["Dun Baldar"] = "丹巴達爾" ,
                ["Dun Garok"] = "丹加洛克" ,
                ["Dun Mandarr"] = "丹曼達爾" ,
                ["Dun Modr"] = "丹莫德" ,
                ["Dun Morogh"] = "丹莫洛" ,
                ["Dun Niffelem"] = "丹尼弗蘭" ,
                ["Dunemaul Compound"] = "砂槌營地" ,
                ["Durnholde Keep"] = "敦霍爾德城堡" ,
                ["Durotar"] = "杜洛塔" ,
                ["Duskhowl Den"] = "暮嚎之穴" ,
                ["Duskwither Grounds"] = "暮萎營地" ,
                ["Duskwither Spire"] = "暮萎尖塔" ,
                ["Duskwood"] = "暮色森林" ,
                ["Dustbelch Grotto"] = "火山洞穴" ,
                ["Dustfire Valley"] = "塵火谷" ,
                ["Dustquill Ravine"] = "塵羽峽谷" ,
                ["Dustwallow Bay"] = "塵泥海灣" ,
                ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "塵泥沼澤" ,
                ["Dustwind Cave"] = "塵風洞穴" ,
                ["Dustwind Gulch"] = "塵風峽谷" ,
                ["East Pillar"] = "東部石柱" ,
                ["East Sanctum"] = "東部聖所" ,
                ["East Supply Caravan"] = "東部補給營地" ,
                ["Eastern Bridge"] = "東部橋樑" ,
                ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "東瘟疫之地" ,
                ["Eastern Strand"] = "東部海灘" ,
                ["Eastmoon Ruins"] = "東月廢墟" ,
                ["Eastspark Workshop"] = "東炫工坊" ,
                ["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = "東谷伐木場" ,
                ["Eastwall Gate"] = "東牆大門" ,
                ["Eastwall Tower"] = "東牆之塔" ,
                ["Eastwind Shore"] = "東風水濱" ,
                ["Ebon Watch"] = "黯黑守望" ,
                ["Echo Cove"] = "回音灣" ,
                ["Echo Isles"] = "回音群島" ,
                ["Echo Reach"] = "回音之境" ,
                ["Echo Ridge Mine"] = "回音山礦坑" ,
                ["Eclipse Point"] = "日蝕崗哨" ,
                ["Eclipsion Fields"] = "伊克利普森農場" ,
                ["Eco-Dome Farfield"] = "秘境原野" ,
                ["Eco-Dome Midrealm"] = "秘境領地" ,
                ["Eco-Dome Skyperch"] = "秘境棲木" ,
                ["Eco-Dome Sutheron"] = "桑什倫秘境" ,
                ["Edge of Madness"] = "瘋狂之緣" ,
                ["Elder Rise"] = "長者高地" ,
--                ["Elder RiseUNUSED"] = "Elder RiseUNUSED" ,
                ["Eldritch Heights"] = "異法陵地" ,
                ["Elemental Plateau"] = "元素高原" ,
                ["Elevator"] = "升降梯" ,
                ["Elrendar Crossing"] = "艾蘭達路口" ,
                ["Elrendar Falls"] = "艾蘭達瀑布" ,
                ["Elrendar River"] = "艾蘭達之河" ,
                ["Elwynn Forest"] = "艾爾文森林" ,
                ["Ember Clutch"] = "餘燼窩巢" ,
                ["Ember Spear Tower"] = "餘燼矛塔" ,
                ["Emberglade"] = "餘燼林地" ,
                ["Emberstrife's Den"] = "艾博斯塔夫的巢穴" ,
                ["Emerald Dragonshrine"] = "翡翠龍殿" ,
                ["Emerald Forest"] = "翠葉森林" ,
                ["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "翡翠聖地" ,
                ["Engine of the Makers"] = "造物者動力核心" ,
                ["Ethel Rethor"] = "艾瑟雷索" ,
                ["Ethereum Staging Grounds"] = "伊斯利恩軍事要塞" ,
                ["Evergreen Trading Post"] = "常青貿易站" ,
                ["Evergrove"] = "永恆樹林" ,
                ["Everlook"] = "永望鎮" ,
                ["Eversong Woods"] = "永歌森林" ,
                ["Expedition Armory"] = "遠征隊軍械庫" ,
                ["Expedition Point"] = "遠征隊哨塔" ,
                ["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "探險者協會前哨" ,
                ["Eye of the Storm"] = "暴風之眼" ,
                ["Fairbreeze Village"] = "晴風村" ,
                ["Fairbridge Strand"] = "美橋海岸" ,
                ["Falcon Watch"] = "獵鷹哨站" ,
                ["Falconwing Square"] = "獵鷹之翼廣場" ,
                ["Faldir's Cove"] = "法迪爾海灣" ,
                ["Falfarren River"] = "弗倫河" ,
                ["Fallen Sky Lake"] = "墜星湖" ,
                ["Fallen Sky Ridge"] = "墜天山脈" ,
                ["Fallen Temple of Ahn'kahet"] = "阿卡罕特墮落神殿" ,
                ["Fallow Sanctuary"] = "農田避難所" ,
                ["Falls of Ymiron"] = "依米倫瀑布" ,
                ["Falthrien Academy"] = "法薩瑞安學院" ,
                ["Faol's Rest"] = "法奧之墓" ,
                ["Far Watch Post"] = "前沿哨所" ,
                ["Fargodeep Mine"] = "法戈第礦坑" ,
                ["Farm"] = "農場" ,
                ["Farshire Fields"] = "遠郡原野" ,
                ["Farshire Lighthouse"] = "遠郡燈塔" ,
                ["Farshire Mine"] = "遠郡礦坑" ,
                ["Farshire"] = "遠郡" ,
                ["Farstrider Enclave"] = "遠行者營地" ,
                ["Farstrider Retreat"] = "遠行者居所" ,
                ["Featherbeard's Hovel"] = "羽鬚小屋" ,
                ["Feathermoon Stronghold"] = "羽月要塞" ,
                ["Fel Reaver Ruins"] = "惡魔劫奪者廢墟" ,
                ["Fel Rock"] = "惡魔石" ,
                ["Felfire Hill"] = "冥火嶺" ,
                ["Felpaw Village"] = "魔爪村" ,
                ["Felspark Ravine"] = "魔焰深谷" ,
                ["Felstone Field"] = "費爾斯通農場" ,
                ["Felwood"] = "費伍德森林" ,
                ["Fenris Isle"] = "芬里斯島" ,
                ["Fenris Keep"] = "芬里斯城堡" ,
                ["Feral Scar Vale"] = "深痕谷" ,
                ["Feralas"] = "菲拉斯" ,
                ["Feralfen Village"] = "菲拉芬村" ,
                ["Festering Pools"] = "膿瘡之池" ,
                ["Feth's Way"] = "費司之路" ,
                ["Field of Giants"] = "巨人曠野" ,
                ["Field of Strife"] = "征戰平原" ,
                ["Fire Plume Ridge"] = "火羽山" ,
                ["Fire Scar Shrine"] = "火痕神殿" ,
                ["Fire Stone Mesa"] = "火石台地" ,
                ["Firewatch Ridge"] = "觀火嶺" ,
                ["Firewing Point"] = "火翼崗哨" ,
                ["First Legion Forward Camp"] = "第一軍團前進營地" ,
                ["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = "嘶軸簡易機場" ,
                ["Fizzcrank Pumping Station"] = "嘶軸幫浦站" ,
                ["Fjorn's Anvil"] = "斐雍之砧" ,
                ["Flame Crest"] = "烈焰峰" ,
                ["Flamewatch Tower"] = "焰望哨塔" ,
                ["Foothold Citadel"] = "塞拉摩堡壘" ,
                ["Force Interior"] = "力場內部" ,
                ["Fordragon Hold"] = "弗塔根堡" ,
                ["Forest Song"] = "林歌神殿" ,
                ["Forest's Edge Post"] = "林邊崗哨" ,
                ["Forest's Edge"] = "森林邊界" ,
                ["Forge Base: Gehenna"] = "熔爐基地:苦難" ,
                ["Forge Base: Oblivion"] = "熔爐基地:遺忘" ,
                ["Forge Camp: Anger"] = "煉冶場:怒氣" ,
                ["Forge Camp: Fear"] = "煉冶場:恐懼" ,
                ["Forge Camp: Hate"] = "煉冶場:仇恨" ,
                ["Forge Camp: Mageddon"] = "煉冶場:黑色祭壇" ,
                ["Forge Camp: Rage"] = "煉冶場:狂怒" ,
                ["Forge Camp: Terror"] = "煉冶場:驚駭" ,
                ["Forge Camp: Wrath"] = "煉冶場:憤怒" ,
                ["Forlorn Ridge"] = "淒涼山" ,
                ["Forlorn Rowe"] = "荒棄鬼屋" ,
                ["Forlorn Woods"] = "凋落樹林" ,
                ["Fort Wildervar"] = "威德瓦堡壘" ,
                ["Fray Island"] = "勇士島" ,
                ["Frayfeather Highlands"] = "亂羽高地" ,
                ["Freewind Post"] = "亂風崗" ,
                ["Frenzyheart Hill"] = "狂心之丘" ,
                ["Frenzyheart River"] = "狂心之河" ,
                ["Frigid Breach"] = "嚴寒止境" ,
                ["Frost Dagger Pass"] = "霜刀小徑" ,
                ["Frostblade Pass"] = "霜刃隘口" ,
                ["Frostblade Peak"] = "霜刃峰" ,
                ["Frostfield Lake"] = "霜域湖" ,
                ["Frostfire Hot Springs"] = "冰火溫泉" ,
                ["Frostfloe Deep"] = "浮冰霜淵" ,
                ["Frostgrip's Hollow"] = "霜握谷" ,
                ["Frosthold"] = "霜堡" ,
                ["Frosthowl Cavern"] = "霜嚎洞窟" ,
                ["Frostmane Hold"] = "霜鬃食人妖要塞" ,
                ["Frostmourne Cavern"] = "霜之哀傷洞窟" ,
                ["Frostsaber Rock"] = "霜刀石" ,
                ["Frostwhisper Gorge"] = "霜語峽谷" ,
                ["Frostwolf Graveyard"] = "霜狼墓地" ,
                ["Frostwolf Keep"] = "霜狼要塞" ,
                ["Frostwolf Pass"] = "霜狼小徑" ,
                ["Frostwolf Village"] = "霜狼村" ,
                ["Frozen Reach"] = "冰凍之境" ,
                ["Fungal Rock"] = "蘑菇石" ,
                ["Funggor Cavern"] = "方格洞穴" ,
                ["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = "法布隆南瓜農場" ,
                ["Furywing's Perch"] = "狂怒之翼棲所" ,
                ["GM Island"] = "GM島" ,
                ["Gadgetzan"] = "加基森" ,
                ["Gahrron's Withering"] = "蓋羅恩農場" ,
                ["Galak Hold"] = "加拉克城堡" ,
                ["Galakrond's Rest"] = "葛拉克朗安息地" ,
                ["Galardell Valley"] = "加拉德爾山谷" ,
                ["Gallows' Corner"] = "絞刑場" ,
                ["Gallows' End Tavern"] = "恐懼之末旅店" ,
                ["Gammoth"] = "甘默斯" ,
                ["Garadar"] = "卡拉達爾" ,
                ["Garm"] = "迦姆" ,
                ["Garm's Bane"] = "迦姆之禍" ,
                ["Garm's Rise"] = "迦姆高崗" ,
                ["Garren's Haunt"] = "加倫鬼屋" ,
                ["Garrison Armory"] = "要塞軍械庫" ,
                ["Garrosh's Landing"] = "卡爾洛斯臺地" ,
                ["Garvan's Reef"] = "加爾文暗礁" ,
                ["Gate of Echoes"] = "回聲之門" ,
                ["Gate of Lightning"] = "雷光之門" ,
                ["Gate of the Blue Sapphire"] = "藍晶之門" ,
                ["Gate of the Green Emerald"] = "碧翠之門" ,
                ["Gate of the Purple Amethyst"] = "紫晶之門" ,
                ["Gate of the Red Sun"] = "紅日之門" ,
                ["Gate of the Yellow Moon"] = "黃月之門" ,
                ["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉之門" ,
                ["Gates of Ironforge"] = "鐵爐堡大門" ,
                ["Gavin's Naze"] = "加文高地" ,
                ["Geezle's Camp"] = "吉索的營地" ,
                ["Gelkis Village"] = "吉爾吉斯村" ,
                ["General's Terrace"] = "將軍工匠區" ,
                ["Ghost Walker Post"] = "鬼旅崗哨" ,
                ["Ghostblade Post"] = "鬼刃崗哨" ,
                ["Ghostlands"] = "鬼魂之地" ,
                ["Giants' Run"] = "巨人小徑" ,
                ["Gillijim's Isle"] = "吉利吉姆之島" ,
                ["Gimorak's Den"] = "吉摩拉克獸穴" ,
                ["Gjalerbron"] = "夏勒布隆" ,
                ["Gjalerhorn"] = "夏勒宏恩" ,
                ["Glacial Falls"] = "冰川瀑布" ,
                ["Glimmer Bay"] = "微光海灣" ,
                ["Glittering Strand"] = "閃耀水岸" ,
                ["Gnarlpine Hold"] = "脊骨堡" ,
                ["Gnomeregan"] = "諾姆瑞根" ,
                ["Gnomeregan"] = "諾姆瑞根" ,
                ["Go'Shek Farm"] = "格沙克農場" ,
                ["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = "古博拉採掘場" ,
                ["Golakka Hot Springs"] = "葛拉卡溫泉" ,
                ["Gold Coast Quarry"] = "金海岸礦坑" ,
                ["Gold Mine"] = "金礦" ,
                ["Gold Road"] = "黃金之路" ,
                ["Golden Strand"] = "金色湖岸" ,
                ["Goldenbough Pass"] = "金枝小徑" ,
                ["Goldenmist Village"] = "金霧村" ,
                ["Goldshire"] = "閃金鎮" ,
                ["Gor'gaz Outpost"] = "葛卡茲哨站" ,
                ["Gordunni Outpost"] = "戈杜尼前哨站" ,
                ["Gornia"] = "戈尼亞" ,
                ["Grangol'var Village"] = "葛蘭戈瓦村" ,
                ["Granite Springs"] = "花崗岩之泉" ,
                ["Greatwood Vale"] = "巨木谷" ,
                ["Greengill Coast"] = "綠鰓海岸" ,
                ["Greenpaw Village"] = "綠爪村" ,
                ["Grim Batol"] = "格瑞姆巴托" ,
                ["Grimesilt Dig Site"] = "煤渣挖掘場" ,
                ["Grimtotem Compound"] = "恐怖圖騰營地" ,
                ["Grimtotem Post"] = "恐怖圖騰崗哨" ,
                ["Grishnath"] = "葛瑞許納什" ,
                ["Grizzlemaw"] = "灰喉鎮" ,
                ["Grizzlepaw Ridge"] = "灰爪山" ,
                ["Grizzly Hills"] = "灰白之丘" ,
--                ["Grol'dom Farm UNUSED"] = "Grol'dom Farm UNUSED" ,
                ["Grol'dom Farm"] = "格羅多姆農場" ,
                ["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = "葛羅姆亞什失事地" ,
                ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "格羅姆高營地" ,
                ["Grosh'gok Compound"] = "格羅高克營地" ,
                ["Grove of the Ancients"] = "古樹之林" ,
                ["Growless Cave"] = "無草洞" ,
                ["Gruul's Lair"] = "戈魯爾之巢" ,
--                ["Gundrak"] = "剛德拉克" ,
                ["Gundrak"] = "剛德拉克" ,
                ["Gunstan's Post"] = "古斯坦的崗哨" ,
                ["Gunther's Retreat"] = "岡瑟爾的居所" ,
                ["Gurubashi Arena"] = "古拉巴什競技場" ,
                ["Gyro-Plank Bridge"] = "環木橋" ,
                ["Haal'eshi Gorge"] = "海艾斯峽谷" ,
                ["Hakkari Grounds"] = "哈卡萊獵場" ,
                ["Halaa"] = "哈剌" ,
                ["Halaani Basin"] = "哈剌尼盆地" ,
                ["Haldarr Encampment"] = "哈達爾營地" ,
                ["Halgrind"] = "霍葛萊" ,
                ["Hall of Horrors"] = "驚怖大廳" ,
                ["Hall of Legends"] = "傳說大廳" ,
                ["Hall of the Conquered Kings"] = "征服諸王大廳" ,
                ["Hall of the Frostwolf"] = "霜狼大廳" ,
                ["Hall of the Shaper"] = "塑造者大廳" ,
                ["Hall of the Stormpike"] = "雷矛大廳" ,
                ["Halls of Binding"] = "束縛大廳" ,
                ["Halls of Lightning"] = "雷光大廳" ,
                ["Halls of Stone"] = "石之大廳" ,
                ["Halls of the Ancestors"] = "先祖大廳" ,
                ["Hammerfall"] = "落錘鎮" ,
                ["Hammertoe's Digsite"] = "鐵趾挖掘場" ,
                ["Hardknuckle Clearing"] = "硬拳空地" ,
                ["Harkor's Camp"] = "哈克爾營地" ,
                ["Hatchet Hills"] = "戰斧嶺" ,
                ["Havenshire Farms"] = "避風郡農場" ,
                ["Havenshire Lumber Mill"] = "避風郡伐木場" ,
                ["Havenshire Mine"] = "避風郡礦坑" ,
                ["Havenshire Stables"] = "避風郡馬廄" ,
                ["Havenshire"] = "避風郡" ,
                ["Heart's Blood Shrine"] = "心之血聖壇" ,
                ["Hearthglen"] = "壁爐谷" ,
                ["Heartwood Trading Post"] = "心材貿易站" ,
                ["Heb'Drakkar"] = "希伯德拉卡" ,
                ["Heb'Valok"] = "希伯伐洛克" ,
                ["Hellfire Basin"] = "地獄火盆地" ,
                ["Hellfire Citadel"] = "地獄火堡壘" ,
                ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地獄火半島" ,
                ["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "地獄火壁壘" ,
                ["Helm's Bed Lake"] = "盔枕湖" ,
                ["Heroes' Vigil"] = "英雄崗哨" ,
                ["Hetaera's Clutch"] = "赫塔拉的巢穴" ,
                ["Hewn Bog"] = "開闢泥沼" ,
                ["Hibernal Cavern"] = "凜冬洞窟" ,
                ["Hidden Path"] = "秘道" ,
                ["High Wilderness"] = "高原荒野" ,
                ["Highperch"] = "風巢" ,
                ["Hillsbrad Fields"] = "希爾斯布萊德農場" ,
                ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵" ,
                ["Hillsbrad"] = "希爾斯布萊德" ,
                ["Hiri'watha"] = "西利瓦薩" ,
                ["Hive'Ashi"] = "亞什蟲巢" ,
                ["Hive'Regal"] = "雷戈蟲巢" ,
                ["Hive'Zora"] = "佐拉蟲巢" ,
                ["Hollowstone Mine"] = "穴石礦坑" ,
                ["Honor Hold"] = "榮譽堡" ,
--                ["Honor's Stand UNUSED"] = "Honor's Stand UNUSED" ,
                ["Honor's Stand"] = "榮耀崗哨" ,
                ["Horde Encampment"] = "部落營地" ,
                ["Howling Fjord"] = "凜風峽灣" ,
                ["Howling Ziggurat"] = "哀嚎通靈塔" ,
                ["Hrothgar's Landing"] = "赫魯斯加臺地",
--                ["Hunter Rise UNUSED"] = "Hunter Rise UNUSED" ,
                ["Hunter Rise"] = "獵人高地" ,
                ["Huntress of the Sun"] = "太陽女獵師" ,
--                ["Hyjal Past"] = "海加爾廢墟" ,
--                ["Hyjal Summit"] = "海加爾山" ,
                ["Hyjal"] = "海加爾山" ,
                ["Ice Heart Cavern"] = "冰心洞窟" ,
                ["Ice Thistle Hills"] = "冰薊嶺" ,
                ["Iceblood Garrison"] = "冰血要塞" ,
                ["Iceblood Graveyard"] = "冰血墓地" ,
                ["Icecrown Citadel"] = "冰冠城塞" ,
                ["Icecrown Glacier"] = "寒冰皇冠" ,
                ["Icecrown"] = "寒冰皇冠" ,
                ["Iceflow Lake"] = "湧冰湖" ,
                ["Icemist Falls"] = "冰霧瀑布" ,
                ["Icemist Village"] = "冰霧村" ,
                ["Icewing Bunker"] = "冰翼碉堡" ,
                ["Icewing Cavern"] = "冰翼洞穴" ,
                ["Icewing Pass"] = "冰翼小徑" ,
                ["Idlewind Lake"] = "微風湖" ,
                ["Illidari Point"] = "伊利達瑞崗哨" ,
                ["Illidari Training Grounds"] = "伊利達瑞訓練場" ,
                ["Indu'le Village"] = "因度雷村" ,
                ["Insidion's Perch"] = "印希迪恩棲所" ,
                ["Invasion Point: Annihilator"] = "侵略點:殲滅者" ,
                ["Invasion Point: Cataclysm"] = "侵略點:災難" ,
                ["Invasion Point: Destroyer"] = "侵略點:摧毀者" ,
                ["Invasion Point: Overlord"] = "侵略點:主宰者" ,
                ["Iris Lake"] = "伊瑞斯湖" ,
                ["Ironband's Compound"] = "鐵環營地" ,
                ["Ironband's Excavation Site"] = "鐵環挖掘場" ,
                ["Ironbeard's Tomb"] = "鐵鬚之墓" ,
                ["Ironclad Cove"] = "鐵甲灣" ,
                ["Ironclad Prison"] = "鐵欄監獄" ,
                ["Irondeep Mine"] = "深鐵礦坑" ,
                ["Ironforge"] = "鐵爐堡" ,
                ["Ironstone Camp"] = "鐵石營地" ,
                ["Ironstone Plateau"] = "鐵石高原" ,
                ["Irontree Cavern"] = "鐵木山洞" ,
                ["Irontree Woods"] = "鐵木森林" ,
                ["Ironwall Dam"] = "鐵牆水壩" ,
                ["Ironwall Rampart"] = "鐵牆壁壘" ,
                ["Iskaal"] = "伊斯考" ,
                ["Island of Doctor Lapidis"] = "拉匹迪斯之島" ,
                ["Isle of Dread"] = "恐怖之島" ,
                ["Isle of Quel'Danas"] = "奎爾達納斯之島" ,
                ["Isle of Conquest"] = "征服之島",
                ["Isle of Tribulations"] = "磨難之島" ,
                ["Itharius's Cave"] = "伊薩里奧斯的洞穴" ,
                ["Ivald's Ruin"] = "伊瓦德遺跡" ,
                ["Jadefire Glen"] = "碧火谷" ,
                ["Jadefire Run"] = "碧火小徑" ,
                ["Jademir Lake"] = "加德米爾湖" ,
                ["Jaedenar"] = "加德納爾" ,
                ["Jagged Reef"] = "鋸齒暗礁" ,
                ["Jagged Ridge"] = "鋸齒山脊" ,
                ["Jaggedswine Farm"] = "野豬農場" ,
                ["Jaguero Isle"] = "哈圭羅島" ,
                ["Janeiro's Point"] = "加尼羅哨站" ,
                ["Jangolode Mine"] = "詹戈洛德礦坑" ,
                ["Jasperlode Mine"] = "玉石礦坑" ,
--                ["Jeff NE Quadrant Changed"] = "Jeff NE Quadrant Changed" ,
--                ["Jeff NW Quadrant"] = "Jeff NW Quadrant" ,
--                ["Jeff SE Quadrant"] = "Jeff SE Quadrant" ,
--                ["Jeff SW Quadrant"] = "Jeff SW Quadrant" ,
                ["Jerod's Landing"] = "傑羅德碼頭" ,
                ["Jintha'Alor"] = "辛薩羅" ,
                ["Jintha'kalar Passage"] = "辛薩卡拉通道" ,
                ["Jintha'kalar"] = "辛薩卡拉" ,
                ["Jotunheim"] = "卓頓海姆" ,
                ["K3"] = "K3" ,
                ["Kal'ai Ruins"] = "卡萊廢墟" ,
                ["Kamagua"] = "卡瑪廓" ,
                ["Karazhan"] = "卡拉贊" ,
                ["Kargath"] = "卡加斯" ,
                ["Kargathia Keep"] = "卡加希亞要塞" ,
                ["Kartak's Hold"] = "卡爾塔克之堡" ,
                ["Kaskala"] = "卡斯卡拉" ,
                ["Kaw's Roost"] = "卡烏的棲息地" ,
                ["Kessel's Crossing"] = "凱索十字路" ,
                ["Kharanos"] = "卡拉諾斯" ,
                ["Kil'sorrow Fortress"] = "吉爾索洛堡壘" ,
                ["Kili'ua's Atoll"] = "齊里厄雅環礁" ,
                ["King's Harbor"] = "國王港" ,
                ["Kirin'Var Village"] = "肯瑞瓦村莊" ,
                ["Kodo Graveyard"] = "科多獸墳場" ,
                ["Kodo Rock"] = "科多石" ,
                ["Kolkar Crag"] = "科卡爾峭壁" ,
                ["Kolkar Village"] = "科卡爾村" ,
                ["Kolramas"] = "科爾拉瑪斯" ,
                ["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = "柯爾克隆先鋒駐地" ,
                ["Kormek's Hut"] = "考米克小屋" ,
                ["Krasus' Landing"] = "卡薩斯平臺" ,
                ["Krom's Landing"] = "克羅姆臺地" ,
                ["Kul Tiras"] = "庫爾提拉斯" ,
                ["Kul'galar Keep"] = "庫爾加拉要塞" ,
                ["Kurzen's Compound"] = "庫爾森的營地" ,
                ["Lake Al'Ameth"] = "奧拉密斯湖" ,
                ["Lake Cauldros"] = "科德洛斯湖" ,
                ["Lake Elrendar"] = "艾蘭達之湖" ,
                ["Lake Elune'ara"] = "月神湖" ,
                ["Lake Ere'Noru"] = "艾利諾魯湖" ,
                ["Lake Everstill"] = "止水湖" ,
                ["Lake Falathim"] = "法拉希姆湖" ,
                ["Lake Indu'le"] = "因度雷湖" ,
                ["Lake Jorune"] = "佐魯湖" ,
                ["Lake Kel'Theril"] = "凱斯利爾湖" ,
                ["Lake Kum'uya"] = "庫姆亞湖" ,
                ["Lake Mennar"] = "門納爾湖" ,
                ["Lake Mereldar"] = "米雷達爾湖" ,
                ["Lake Nazferiti"] = "納菲瑞提湖" ,
                ["Lake Sunspring"] = "日春湖" ,
                ["Lakeridge Highway"] = "湖邊大道" ,
                ["Lakeshire"] = "湖畔鎮" ,
                ["Lakeside Landing"] = "湖畔起降場" ,
                ["Lakkari Tar Pits"] = "拉卡利油沼" ,
                ["Land's End Beach"] = "天涯海灘" ,
                ["Landing Beach"] = "起降海灘" ,
                ["Lariss Pavilion"] = "拉瑞斯小亭" ,
                ["Laughing Skull Courtyard"] = "獰笑骷髏庭院" ,
                ["Laughing Skull Ruins"] = "獰笑骷髏廢墟" ,
                ["Legash Encampment"] = "雷加什營地" ,
                ["Legion Hold"] = "軍團要塞" ,
                ["Lethlor Ravine"] = "萊瑟羅峽谷" ,
                ["Light's Breach"] = "聖光止境" ,
                ["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "聖光之願禮拜堂" ,
                ["Light's Point Tower"] = "聖光之尖哨塔" ,
                ["Light's Point"] = "聖光之尖" ,
                ["Light's Trust"] = "聖光之託" ,
                ["Lighthouse"] = "燈塔" ,
                ["Loch Modan"] = "洛克莫丹" ,
                ["Loken's Bargain"] = "洛肯的交易地" ,
                ["Longshore"] = "長灘" ,
                ["Lordamere Internment Camp"] = "洛丹米爾收容所" ,
                ["Lordamere Lake"] = "洛丹米爾湖" ,
                ["Lost Point"] = "迷失哨塔" ,
                ["Lost Rigger Cove"] = "落帆海灣" ,
                ["Lothalor Woodlands"] = "洛薩羅林地" ,
                ["Lower City"] = "陰鬱城" ,
                ["Lower Veil Shil'ak"] = "迷霧希拉克下層" ,
--                ["Lower Wilds UNUSED"] = "Lower Wilds UNUSED" ,
                ["Lower Wilds"] = "低地荒野" ,
                ["Lumber Mill"] = "伐木場" ,
                ["Lushwater Oasis"] = "甜水綠洲" ,
                ["Lydell's Ambush"] = "黎戴爾的埋伏處" ,
                ["Maestra's Post"] = "邁斯特拉崗哨" ,
                ["Mag'har Grounds"] = "瑪格哈營地" ,
                ["Mag'har Post"] = "瑪格哈崗哨" ,
                ["Mag'hari Procession"] = "瑪格哈利隊伍" ,
                ["Mage Tower"] = "法師塔" ,
                ["Magisters Gate"] = "博學者之門" ,
                ["Magisters' Terrace"] = "博學者殿堂" ,
                ["Magma Fields"] = "熔岩平原" ,
                ["Magmoth"] = "瑪格默斯" ,
                ["Magnamoth Caverns"] = "瑪格納默斯洞窟" ,
                ["Magram Village"] = "瑪格拉姆村" ,
                ["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "瑪瑟里頓的巢穴" ,
                ["Magus Commerce Exchange"] = "魔導師貿易區" ,
                ["Makers' Overlook"] = "造物者瞰臺" ,
                ["Malaka'jin"] = "瑪拉卡金" ,
                ["Malden's Orchard"] = "瑪爾丁果園" ,
                ["Malykriss: The Vile Hold"] = "瑪里庫立斯:邪鄙堡" ,
                ["Mam'toth Crater"] = "瑪姆托司爆坑" ,
                ["Mana-Tombs"] = "法力墓地" ,
                ["Manaforge Ara"] = "法力熔爐艾拉" ,
                ["Manaforge B'naar"] = "法力熔爐巴納爾" ,
                ["Manaforge Coruu"] = "法力熔爐寇魯" ,
                ["Manaforge Duro"] = "法力熔爐杜羅" ,
                ["Manaforge Ultris"] = "法力熔爐奧崔斯" ,
                ["Mannoroc Coven"] = "瑪諾洛克集會所" ,
                ["Manor Mistmantle"] = "密斯特曼托莊園" ,
                ["Mantle Rock"] = "披肩石" ,
                ["Maraudon"] = "瑪拉頓" ,
                ["Mardenholde Keep"] = "瑪登霍爾德城堡" ,
                ["Marshal's Refuge"] = "馬紹爾營地" ,
                ["Marshlight Lake"] = "沼澤光之湖" ,
                ["Maw of Neltharion"] = "奈薩里奧之喉" ,
                ["Mazra'Alor"] = "瑪茲拉羅" ,
                ["Mazthoril"] = "麥索瑞爾" ,
                ["Menagerie Wreckage"] = "獸欄殘骸" ,
                ["Menethil Bay"] = "米奈希爾海灣" ,
                ["Menethil Harbor"] = "米奈希爾港" ,
                ["Menethil Keep"] = "米奈希爾城堡" ,
                ["Mid Point Station"] = "中點抽水站" ,
                ["Middenvale"] = "廢棄谷" ,
                ["Midrealm Post"] = "領地崗哨" ,
                ["Mightstone Quarry"] = "力石礦場" ,
                ["Mimir's Workshop"] = "彌米爾工坊" ,
                ["Mirage Flats"] = "幻象平地" ,
                ["Mirage Raceway"] = "沙漠賽道" ,
                ["Mirkfallon Lake"] = "暗色湖" ,
                ["Mirror Lake Orchard"] = "明鏡湖果園" ,
                ["Mirror Lake"] = "明鏡湖" ,
                ["Mist's Edge"] = "薄霧海" ,
                ["Mistvale Valley"] = "薄霧山谷" ,
                ["Mistwhisper Refuge"] = "霧語避難所" ,
                ["Misty Pine Refuge"] = "霧松避難所" ,
                ["Misty Reed Post"] = "蘆葦崗哨" ,
                ["Misty Reed Strand"] = "蘆葦海灘" ,
                ["Misty Ridge"] = "多霧山脊" ,
                ["Misty Shore"] = "霧氣湖岸" ,
                ["Misty Valley"] = "迷霧谷" ,
                ["Mizjah Ruins"] = "米扎廢墟" ,
                ["Mo'grosh Stronghold"] = "莫格羅什要塞" ,
                ["Moa'ki Harbor"] = "默亞基港" ,
                ["Moggle Point"] = "摩戈爾哨塔" ,
                ["Mok'Gordun"] = "莫克高頓" ,
                ["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "摩克納薩爾村" ,
                ["Molten Core"] = "熔火之心" ,
                ["Moon Horror Den"] = "慘月洞穴" ,
                ["Moonbrook"] = "月溪鎮" ,
                ["Moonglade"] = "月光林地" ,
                ["Moongraze Woods"] = "牧月森林" ,
                ["Moonrest Gardens"] = "月眠花園" ,
                ["Moonwell"] = "月井" ,
                ["Moonwing Den"] = "月翼獸窟" ,
                ["Mor'shan Base Camp"] = "莫爾杉營地" ,
                ["Mord'rethar: The Death Gate"] = "默德雷薩:死亡之門" ,
                ["Morgan's Plot"] = "摩根墓場" ,
                ["Morgan's Vigil"] = "摩根的崗哨" ,
                ["Morlos'Aran"] = "摩羅薩蘭" ,
                ["Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound"] = "莫什奧格巨魔山" ,
                ["Mosshide Fen"] = "蘚皮沼地" ,
                ["Mosswalker Village"] = "苔行者村" ,
                ["Mudsprocket"] = "泥鏈營地" ,
                ["Mulgore"] = "莫高雷" ,
                ["Mystral Lake"] = "密斯特拉湖" ,
                ["Mystwood"] = "神秘森林" ,
                ["Nagrand Arena"] = "納葛蘭競技場" ,
                ["Nagrand"] = "納葛蘭" ,
                ["Narvir's Cradle"] = "那維爾搖籃" ,
                ["Nasam's Talon"] = "納森之爪" ,
                ["Nat's Landing"] = "納特的平臺" ,
                ["Naxxanar"] = "納克薩爾" ,
                ["Naxxramas"] = "納克薩瑪斯" ,
                ["Naz'anak: The Forgotten Depths"] = "納茲安那克:遺忘深淵" ,
                ["Naze of Shirvallah"] = "希瓦拉爾之角" ,
                ["Nazzivian"] = "納茲維恩" ,
                ["Nek'mani Wellspring"] = "納克邁尼聖泉" ,
                ["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = "奈辛瓦里營地" ,
                ["Nesingwary Safari"] = "奈辛瓦里狩獵隊" ,
                ["Nesingwary's Expedition"] = "奈辛瓦里遠征隊營地" ,
                ["Nestlewood Hills"] = "奈斯特山丘" ,
                ["Nestlewood Thicket"] = "奈斯特灌木林" ,
--                ["Nethander Stead"] = "奈杉德崗哨" ,
                ["Nethander Stead"] = "奈杉德崗哨" ,
                ["Nethergarde Keep"] = "守望堡" ,
                ["Netherstone"] = "虛空石" ,
                ["Netherstorm"] = "虛空風暴" ,
                ["Netherweb Ridge"] = "幽網山脊" ,
                ["Netherwing Fields"] = "虛空之翼農場" ,
                ["Netherwing Ledge"] = "虛空之翼岩架" ,
                ["Netherwing Mines"] = "虛空之翼礦坑" ,
                ["Netherwing Pass"] = "虛空之翼小徑" ,
                ["New Agamand Inn"] = "新阿加曼德旅店" ,
                ["New Agamand"] = "新阿加曼德" ,
                ["New Avalon Fields"] = "新亞法隆農地" ,
                ["New Avalon Forge"] = "新亞法隆熔爐" ,
                ["New Avalon Orchard"] = "新亞法隆果林" ,
                ["New Avalon Town Hall"] = "新亞法隆市政廳" ,
                ["New Avalon"] = "新亞法隆" ,
                ["New Hearthglen"] = "新壁爐谷" ,
                ["Nidavelir"] = "尼達維里爾" ,
                ["Nifflevar"] = "尼弗瓦" ,
                ["Night Elf Village"] = "夜精靈村" ,
                ["Night Run"] = "夜道谷" ,
                ["Night Web's Hollow"] = "夜行蜘蛛洞穴" ,
                ["Nighthaven"] = "永夜港" ,
                ["Nightmare Vale"] = "夢魘谷" ,
                ["Nightsong Woods"] = "夜歌森林" ,
                ["Nijel's Point"] = "尼耶爾前哨站" ,
--                ["Nine"] = "Nine" ,
                ["Njord's Breath Bay"] = "尼約德之息海灣" ,
                ["Njorndar Village"] = "尼約達村" ,
                ["Noonshade Ruins"] = "熱影廢墟" ,
                ["Nordrassil"] = "諾達希爾" ,
                ["North Gate Outpost"] = "北門崗哨" ,
                ["North Gate Pass"] = "北門小徑" ,
                ["North Point Station"] = "北點抽水站" ,
                ["North Point Tower"] = "北點哨塔" ,
                ["North Sanctum"] = "北部聖所" ,
                ["North Spear Tower"] = "北矛哨塔" ,
                ["North Tide's Hollow"] = "北流谷" ,
                ["North Tide's Run"] = "北流海岸" ,
                ["Northdale"] = "北谷" ,
                ["Northern Rampart"] = "北方堡壘" ,
                ["Northfold Manor"] = "諾斯弗德農場" ,
                ["Northmaul Tower"] = "北槌哨塔" ,
                ["Northpass Tower"] = "北地哨塔" ,
                ["Northridge Lumber Camp"] = "北山伐木場" ,
                ["Northshire Abbey"] = "北郡修道院" ,
                ["Northshire River"] = "北郡河" ,
                ["Northshire Valley"] = "北郡山谷" ,
                ["Northshire Vineyards"] = "北郡農場" ,
                ["Northwatch Hold"] = "北方城堡" ,
                ["Northwind Cleft"] = "北風斷崖" ,
--                ["Not Used Deadmines"] = "Not Used Deadmines" ,
                ["Nozzlerust Post"] = "鏽鼻崗哨" ,
                ["O'Breen's Camp"] = "奧布瑞恩營地" ,
                ["Obsidia's Perch"] = "歐比希迪亞棲所" ,
                ["Obsidian Dragonshrine"] = "黑曜龍殿" ,
                ["Odesyus' Landing"] = "奧迪席斯平臺" ,
                ["Ogri'la"] = "歐格利拉" ,
                ["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址" ,
                ["Olembas"] = "奧萊姆貝斯" ,
                ["Olsen's Farthing"] = "奧森農場" ,
                ["Oneiros"] = "奧奈羅斯" ,
                ["Onslaught Base Camp"] = "突襲營地" ,
                ["Onslaught Harbor"] = "突襲軍港口" ,
                ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴" ,
                ["Orebor Harborage"] = "奧雷伯爾港" ,
                ["Orgrim's Hammer"] = "奧格林之錘" ,
--                ["Orgrimmar UNUSED"] = "Orgrimmar UNUSED" ,
                ["Orgrimmar"] = "奧格瑪" ,
                ["Oronok's Farm"] = "歐朗諾克的農場" ,
                ["Ortell's Hideout"] = "奧泰爾的隱居處" ,
                ["Oshu'gun"] = "歐夏剛" ,
                ["Outland"] = "外域" ,
                ["Owl Wing Thicket"] = "梟翼樹叢" ,
                ["Pagle's Pointe"] = "帕格漁場" ,
                ["Pal'ea"] = "帕雷亞" ,
                ["Palemane Rock"] = "白鬃石" ,
                ["Parhelion Plaza"] = "幻日廣場" ,
                ["Passage of Lost Fiends"] = "失落惡魔通道" ,
                ["Path of the Titans"] = "泰坦之途" ,
                ["Pestilent Scar"] = "瘟疫之痕" ,
                ["Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave"] = "東瘟疫之地:血色領區" ,
                ["Plaguemist Ravine"] = "疫霧深谷" ,
                ["Plaguewood Tower"] = "病木林之塔" ,
                ["Plaguewood"] = "病木林" ,
                ["Plain of Echoes"] = "回聲平原" ,
                ["Plain of Shards"] = "裂片曠野" ,
                ["Plains of Nasam"] = "納森平原" ,
                ["Pod Cluster"] = "卵囊串" ,
                ["Pod Wreckage"] = "卵囊殘骸" ,
                ["Pool of Tears"] = "淚水之池" ,
                ["Pools of Aggonar"] = "阿葛納爾之池" ,
                ["Pools of Arlithrien"] = "亞里斯瑞恩之池" ,
                ["Pools of Jin'Alai"] = "金阿萊之池" ,
                ["Pools of Zha'Jin"] = "薩金之池" ,
                ["Portal Clearing"] = "暮光之門" ,
                ["Programmer Isle"] = "工程師島" ,
                ["Prospector's Point"] = "勘察員崗哨" ,
                ["Protectorate Watch Post"] = "護國者哨站" ,
                ["Purgation Isle"] = "贖罪島" ,
                ["Pyrewood Village"] = "焚木村" ,
                ["Quagg Ridge"] = "跨格山脊" ,
                ["Quel'Danil Lodge"] = "奎爾丹尼小屋" ,
                ["Quel'Lithien Lodge"] = "奎爾林斯小屋" ,
                ["Quel'thalas"] = "奎爾薩拉斯" ,
                ["Raastok Glade"] = "羅史達克林地" ,
                ["Rage Fang Shrine"] = "怒牙聖壇" ,
                ["Rage Scar Hold"] = "怒痕堡" ,
                ["Rageclaw Den"] = "怒爪巢穴" ,
                ["Rageclaw Lake"] = "怒爪湖" ,
                ["Ragefeather Ridge"] = "怒羽山脊" ,
                ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "怒焰裂谷" ,
                ["Rainspeaker Canopy"] = "雨頌者之篷" ,
                ["Rainspeaker Rapids"] = "雨頌者急湍" ,
                ["Ranazjar Isle"] = "拉納加爾島" ,
--                ["Raptor Grounds UNUSED"] = "Raptor Grounds UNUSED" ,
                ["Raptor Grounds"] = "迅猛龍巢穴" ,
                ["Raptor Pens"] = "迅猛龍圍欄" ,
                ["Raptor Ridge"] = "恐龍嶺" ,
                ["Ratchet"] = "棘齒城" ,
                ["Ravaged Caravan"] = "被破壞的貨車" ,
                ["Ravaged Twilight Camp"] = "暮光營地廢墟" ,
                ["Raven Hill Cemetery"] = "烏鴉嶺墓園" ,
                ["Raven Hill"] = "烏鴉嶺" ,
                ["Raven's Wood"] = "烏鴉林" ,
                ["Ravencrest Monument"] = "黑羽紀念碑" ,
                ["Ravenholdt Manor"] = "拉文霍德莊園" ,
                ["Raynewood Retreat"] = "林中樹居" ,
                ["Razaan's Landing"] = "雷森平臺" ,
                ["Razor Hill Barracks"] = "剃刀嶺兵營" ,
                ["Razor Hill"] = "剃刀嶺" ,
                ["Razor Ridge"] = "剃刀山脊" ,
                ["Razorfen Downs"] = "剃刀高地" ,
                ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "剃刀沼澤" ,
                ["Razormane Grounds"] = "鋼鬃營地" ,
                ["Razorthorn Rise"] = "刺棘高地" ,
                ["Razorthorn Shelf"] = "刺棘沙洲" ,
                ["Razorthorn Trail"] = "刺棘蔓" ,
                ["Razorwind Canyon"] = "烈風峽谷" ,
                ["Reaver's Fall"] = "劫奪者荒野" ,
                ["Rebel Camp"] = "反抗軍營地" ,
                ["Red Cloud Mesa"] = "紅雲台地" ,
                ["Red Rocks"] = "赤色石" ,
                ["Redridge Canyons"] = "赤脊峽谷" ,
                ["Redridge Mountains"] = "赤脊山" ,
                ["Redwood Trading Post"] = "紅木貿易站" ,
                ["Refuge Pointe"] = "避難谷地" ,
                ["Refugee Caravan"] = "難民商隊" ,
                ["Reliquary of Agony"] = "苦楚聖匣" ,
                ["Reliquary of Pain"] = "痛苦聖匣" ,
                ["Remtravel's Excavation"] = "雷姆塔維爾挖掘場" ,
                ["Render's Camp"] = "撕裂者營地" ,
                ["Render's Rock"] = "撕裂者之石" ,
                ["Render's Valley"] = "撕裂者山谷" ,
                ["Rethban Caverns"] = "瑞斯班洞穴" ,
                ["Rethress Sanctum"] = "雷瑟斯聖所" ,
--                ["Reuse Me 7"] = "Reuse Me 7" ,
                ["Revantusk Village"] = "惡齒村" ,
                ["Ricket's Folly"] = "芮凱特異所" ,
                ["Ridge of Madness"] = "瘋狂山脊" ,
                ["Ridgepoint Tower"] = "山巔之塔" ,
                ["Ring of Observance"] = "儀式競技場" ,
                ["Riplash Ruins"] = "裂鞭遺跡" ,
                ["Riplash Strand"] = "裂鞭水岸" ,
                ["Rise of Suffering"] = "苦難高崗" ,
                ["Rise of the Defiler"] = "污染者高地" ,
                ["Rivendark's Perch"] = "瑞文達科棲所" ,
                ["Rivenwood"] = "裂木森林" ,
                ["River's Heart"] = "大河之心" ,
                ["Rock of Durotan"] = "杜洛坦之石" ,
                ["Rocktusk Farm"] = "石牙農場" ,
                ["Roguefeather Den"] = "飛羽洞穴" ,
                ["Rohemdal Pass"] = "洛罕達之徑" ,
                ["Roland's Doom"] = "羅蘭之墓" ,
                ["Ruby Dragonshrine"] = "晶紅龍殿" ,
                ["Ruins of Aboraz"] = "阿博拉茲廢墟" ,
--                ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Alterac"] = "奧特蘭克廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Andorhal"] = "安多哈爾廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Baa'ri"] = "巴瑞廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Constellas"] = "克斯特拉斯廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Drak'Zin"] = "德拉克辛遺跡" ,
                ["Ruins of Eldarath "] = "埃達拉斯廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Eldra'nath"] = "艾卓納斯遺跡" ,
                ["Ruins of Enkaat"] = "安卡特廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Farahlon"] = "法拉隆廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Isildien"] = "伊斯迪爾廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Jubuwal"] = "朱布瓦爾廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Karabor"] = "卡拉伯爾廢墟" ,
--                ["Ruins of Lordaeron"] = "羅德隆廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Lordaeron"] = "羅德隆廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Loreth'Aran"] = "羅薩倫廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Mathystra"] = "瑪塞斯特拉廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Ravenwind"] = "鴉風廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Sha'naar"] = "夏納廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Shandaral"] = "珊達拉遺跡" ,
                ["Ruins of Silvermoon"] = "銀月廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Solarsal"] = "索蘭薩爾廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Tethys"] = "瑟希斯遺跡" ,
                ["Ruins of Thaurissan"] = "索瑞森廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Zul'Kunda"] = "祖昆達廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of Zul'Mamwe"] = "祖瑪維廢墟" ,
                ["Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave"] = "血色領區廢墟" ,
                ["Runestone Falithas"] = "符石菲薩斯" ,
                ["Runestone Shan'dor"] = "符石夏納多爾" ,
                ["Rut'theran Village"] = "魯瑟蘭村" ,
                ["Ruuan Weald"] = "魯安曠野" ,
                ["Ruuna's Camp"] = "魯巫娜的營地" ,
                ["Saldean's Farm"] = "薩丁農場" ,
                ["Saltheril's Haven"] = "薩瑟里的避風港" ,
                ["Saltspray Glen"] = "鹽沫沼澤" ,
                ["Sanctum of Reanimation"] = "再活化聖所" ,
                ["Sanctum of the Moon"] = "明月聖所" ,
                ["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "星光聖所" ,
                ["Sanctum of the Sun"] = "太陽聖所" ,
                ["Sands of Nasam"] = "納森沙地" ,
                ["Sandsorrow Watch"] = "流沙崗哨" ,
                ["Sapphire Hive"] = "天藍蜂巢" ,
                ["Sar'theris Strand"] = "薩瑟里斯海岸" ,
                ["Saragosa's Landing"] = "薩拉苟莎臺地" ,
                ["Sardor Isle"] = "薩爾多島" ,
                ["Sargeron"] = "薩格隆" ,
                ["Saronite Mines"] = "薩鋼礦坑" ,
                ["Satyrnaar"] = "薩提納爾" ,
                ["Savage Ledge"] = "蠻荒岩臺" ,
                ["Scalawag Point"] = "無賴角" ,
                ["Scalding Pools"] = "沸水之池" ,
                ["Scalebeard's Cave"] = "鱗鬚海龜洞穴" ,
                ["Scalewing Shelf"] = "鱗翼沙洲" ,
                ["Scarab Terrace"] = "甲蟲工匠區" ,
                ["Scarlet Base Camp"] = "血色十字軍營地" ,
                ["Scarlet Hold"] = "血色堡" ,
                ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "血色修道院" ,
                ["Scarlet Overlook"] = "血色瞰臺" ,
                ["Scarlet Point"] = "血色哨點" ,
                ["Scarlet Tavern"] = "血色旅店" ,
                ["Scarlet Tower"] = "血色哨塔" ,
                ["Scarlet Watch Post"] = "血色十字軍崗哨" ,
                ["Scholomance"] = "通靈學院" ,
                ["School of Necromancy"] = "通靈術學校" ,
                ["Scourgehold"] = "瘟疫要塞" ,
                ["Scourgeholme"] = "天譴岸地" ,
                ["Scrabblescrew's Camp"] = "瑟卡布斯庫的營地" ,
                ["Scryer's Tier"] = "占卜者階梯" ,
                ["Scuttle Coast"] = "流亡海岸" ,
                ["Searing Gorge"] = "灼熱峽谷" ,
                ["Sen'jin Village"] = "森金村" ,
                ["Sentinel Hill"] = "哨兵嶺" ,
                ["Sentry Point"] = "警戒崗哨" ,
                ["Seradane"] = "瑟拉丹" ,
                ["Serpent Lake"] = "毒蛇之湖" ,
                ["Serpent's Coil"] = "盤蛇谷" ,
                ["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "毒蛇神殿洞穴" ,
                ["Sethekk Halls"] = "塞司克大廳" ,
                ["Sewer Exit Pipe"] = "下水道出口管道" ,
                ["Sha'naari Wastes"] = "夏納瑞荒地" ,
                ["Sha'tari Base Camp"] = "薩塔營地" ,
                ["Sha'tari Outpost"] = "薩塔前哨" ,
                ["Shadow Grave"] = "灰影墓穴" ,
                ["Shadow Hold"] = "暗影堡" ,
                ["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "暗影迷宮" ,
                ["Shadow Ridge"] = "暗影山脊" ,
                ["Shadow Tomb"] = "暗影之墓" ,
                ["Shadowbreak Ravine"] = "破影峽谷" ,
                ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "影牙城堡" ,
                ["Shadowfang Tower"] = "影牙塔" ,
                ["Shadowglen"] = "幽影谷" ,
                ["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "影月谷" ,
                ["Shadowmoon Village"] = "影月村" ,
                ["Shadowprey Village"] = "葬影村" ,
                ["Shadowsight Tower"] = "影景哨塔" ,
                ["Shadowsong Shrine"] = "影歌神殿" ,
                ["Shadowthread Cave"] = "影絲洞" ,
                ["Shadra'Alor"] = "沙德拉洛" ,
                ["Shadra'zaar"] = "沙德拉札爾" ,
                ["Shady Rest Inn"] = "樹蔭旅店" ,
                ["Shalandis Isle"] = "薩藍迪斯小島" ,
                ["Shalzaru's Lair"] = "沙爾札魯的巢穴" ,
                ["Shamanar"] = "夏瑪那" ,
                ["Shaol'watha"] = "沙爾瓦薩" ,
                ["Shartuul's Transporter"] = "夏圖歐的傳送門" ,
                ["Shatter Point"] = "破碎崗哨" ,
                ["Shatter Scar Vale"] = "碎痕谷" ,
                ["Shattered Plains"] = "破碎平原" ,
                ["Shattered Straits"] = "破碎海峽" ,
                ["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "破碎之日會所" ,
                ["Shattrath City"] = "撒塔斯城" ,
                ["Shattrath"] = "撒塔斯城" ,
                ["Shell Beach"] = "貝殼海灘" ,
                ["Shield Hill"] = "盾丘" ,
                ["Shimmer Ridge"] = "閃光嶺" ,
                ["Shimmering Bog"] = "幻光泥沼" ,
                ["Shindigger's Camp"] = "拉普索迪營地" ,
                ["Sholazar Basin"] = "休拉薩盆地" ,
                ["Shrine of Dath'Remar"] = "達斯雷瑪神殿" ,
                ["Shrine of Remulos"] = "雷姆洛斯神殿" ,
                ["Shrine of Scales"] = "群鱗聖壇" ,
                ["Shrine of the Deceiver"] = "欺詐者神殿" ,
                ["Shrine of the Dormant Flame"] = "眠炎聖殿" ,
                ["Shrine of the Fallen Warrior"] = "戰士之魂神殿" ,
                ["Sifreldar Village"] = "希弗爾達村" ,
                ["Silent Vigil"] = "靜默警戒" ,
                ["Silithus"] = "希利蘇斯" ,
                ["Silmyr Lake"] = "泥濘湖" ,
                ["Silting Shore"] = "淤塞海岸" ,
                ["Silver Stream Mine"] = "銀泉礦坑" ,
                ["Silverbrook Hills"] = "銀溪丘" ,
                ["Silverbrook"] = "銀溪鎮" ,
                ["Silverline Lake"] = "銀線湖" ,
                ["Silvermoon City"] = "銀月城" ,
                ["Silvermoon's Pride"] = "銀月之驕" ,
                ["Silvermyst Isle"] = "銀謎小島" ,
                ["Silverpine Forest"] = "銀松森林" ,
                ["Silverwind Refuge"] = "銀風避難所" ,
                ["Silverwing Flag Room"] = "銀翼旗幟房間" ,
                ["Silverwing Grove"] = "銀翼樹林" ,
                ["Silverwing Hold"] = "銀翼要塞" ,
                ["Silverwing Outpost"] = "銀翼哨站" ,
                ["Sindragosa's Fall"] = "辛德拉苟莎之殞" ,
                ["Singing Ridge"] = "美聲山脊" ,
                ["Sinner's Folly"] = "罪人愚行號" ,
                ["Sishir Canyon"] = "希塞爾山谷" ,
                ["Skald"] = "斯卡德" ,
                ["Sketh'lon Base Camp"] = "史凱瑟隆營地" ,
                ["Sketh'lon Wreckage"] = "史凱瑟隆殘骸" ,
                ["Skethyl Mountains"] = "斯其索山脈" ,
                ["Skettis"] = "司凱堤斯" ,
                ["Skorn"] = "斯考恩" ,
                ["Skulk Rock"] = "隱匿石" ,
                ["Skulking Row"] = "潛隱路" ,
                ["Skull Rock"] = "骷髏石" ,
                ["Skyguard Outpost"] = "禦天者崗哨" ,
                ["Skyline Ridge"] = "沖天嶺" ,
                ["Skysong Lake"] = "天歌湖" ,
                ["Slag Watch"] = "爐熔守望" ,
                ["Slaughter Hollow"] = "屠殺谷" ,
                ["Sleeping Gorge"] = "沉睡峽谷" ,
                ["Slither Rock"] = "滑石" ,
                ["Snowblind Hills"] = "雪盲丘" ,
                ["Snowblind Terrace"] = "雪盲殿堂" ,
                ["Snowdrift Plains"] = "雪迅平原" ,
                ["Snowfall Glade"] = "落雪林地" ,
                ["Snowfall Graveyard"] = "落雪墓地" ,
                ["Socrethar's Seat"] = "索奎薩爾的領地" ,
                ["Sofera's Naze"] = "索菲亞高地" ,
                ["Solliden Farmstead"] = "索利丹農場" ,
                ["Solstice Village"] = "季至村" ,
                ["Sorlof's Strand"] = "索洛夫水岸" ,
                ["Sorrow Hill"] = "悔恨嶺" ,
                ["Sorrow Wing Point"] = "憂傷之翼哨站" ,
                ["Sorrowmurk"] = "憂傷濕地" ,
                ["Soulgrinder's Barrow"] = "靈魂研磨者獸穴" ,
                ["South Gate Outpost"] = "南門崗哨" ,
                ["South Gate Pass"] = "南門小徑" ,
                ["South Gate Pass"] = "南門小徑" ,
                ["South Point Station"] = "南點抽水站" ,
--                ["South Seas UNUSED"] = "South Seas UNUSED" ,
                ["South Seas"] = "南海" ,
--                ["South Seas"] = "南海" ,
                ["South Tide's Run"] = "南流海岸" ,
                ["Southbreak Shore"] = "塔納利斯南海" ,
                ["Southern Barrens"] = "南貧瘠之地" ,
                ["Southern Gold Road"] = "南黃金之路" ,
                ["Southern Rampart"] = "南方堡壘" ,
                ["Southern Savage Coast"] = "南野人海岸" ,
                ["Southfury River"] = "怒水河" ,
                ["Southmaul Tower"] = "南槌哨塔" ,
                ["Southmoon Ruins"] = "南月廢墟" ,
                ["Southpoint Tower"] = "南點哨塔" ,
                ["Southridge Beach"] = "南山海灘" ,
--                ["Southshore"] = "南海鎮" ,
                ["Southshore"] = "南海鎮" ,
                ["Southwind Cleft"] = "南風斷崖" ,
                ["Southwind Village"] = "南風村" ,
                ["Sparksocket Minefield"] = "炫臼礦區" ,
                ["Sparktouched Haven"] = "炫觸避風港" ,
                ["Spearborn Encampment"] = "矛生駐營" ,
                ["Spinebreaker Mountains"] = "斷脊氏族山脈" ,
                ["Spinebreaker Pass"] = "斷脊氏族小徑" ,
                ["Spinebreaker Post"] = "斷脊氏族崗哨" ,
                ["Spire of Blood"] = "鮮血尖塔" ,
                ["Spire of Decay"] = "凋零尖塔" ,
                ["Spire of Pain"] = "苦痛尖塔" ,
                ["Spirit Den"] = "靈魂之穴" ,
                ["Spirit Fields"] = "靈魂原野" ,
                ["Spirit Rise"] = "靈魂高地" ,
--                ["Spirit RiseUNUSED"] = "Spirit RiseUNUSED" ,
                ["Spirit Rock"] = "靈魂石地" ,
                ["Splinterspear Junction"] = "斷矛路口" ,
                ["Splintertree Post"] = "碎木崗哨" ,
                ["Splithoof Crag"] = "裂蹄峭壁" ,
                ["Splithoof Hold"] = "裂蹄堡" ,
                ["Sporeggar"] = "斯博格爾" ,
                ["Sporewind Lake"] = "孢子風之湖" ,
                ["Spruce Point Post"] = "雲杉峰崗哨" ,
                ["Stables"] = "獸欄" ,
                ["Stagalbog Cave"] = "雄鹿泥沼洞穴" ,
                ["Stagalbog"] = "雄鹿泥沼" ,
                ["Staghelm Point"] = "鹿盔崗哨" ,
                ["Starbreeze Village"] = "星風村" ,
                ["Starfall Village"] = "墜星村" ,
                ["Stars' Rest"] = "繁星之眠" ,
                ["Steam Springs"] = "蒸汽之泉" ,
                ["Steamwheedle Port"] = "熱砂港" ,
                ["Steel Gate"] = "鋼鐵之門" ,
                ["Steelgrill's Depot"] = "鋼架補給站" ,
                ["Steeljaw's Caravan"] = "鋼顎商隊" ,
                ["Stendel's Pond"] = "斯特登的池塘" ,
                ["Stillpine Hold"] = "靜松要塞" ,
                ["Stillwater Pond"] = "靜水池" ,
                ["Stillwhisper Pond"] = "靜語池" ,
                ["Stonard"] = "斯通納德" ,
                ["Stone Cairn Lake"] = "石碑湖" ,
                ["Stonebreaker Camp"] = "碎石營地" ,
                ["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "碎石堡" ,
                ["Stonebull Lake"] = "石牛湖" ,
                ["Stonehearth Bunker"] = "石爐碉堡" ,
                ["Stonehearth Graveyard"] = "石爐墓地" ,
                ["Stonehearth Outpost"] = "石爐哨站" ,
                ["Stonemaul Ruins"] = "石槌廢墟" ,
                ["Stonesplinter Valley"] = "碎石怪之谷" ,
                ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "石爪山脈" ,
                ["Stonetalon Peak"] = "石爪峰" ,
                ["Stonewall Canyon"] = "石鐮峽谷" ,
                ["Stonewatch Falls"] = "石堡瀑布" ,
                ["Stonewatch Keep"] = "石望要塞" ,
                ["Stonewatch Tower"] = "石堡高塔" ,
                ["Stonewatch"] = "石堡" ,
                ["Stonewrought Dam"] = "巨石水壩" ,
                ["Stonewrought Pass"] = "石壩小徑" ,
                ["Stormcrest"] = "風暴頂" ,
                ["Stormpike Graveyard"] = "雷矛墓地" ,
                ["Stormrage Barrow Dens"] = "怒風獸穴" ,
                ["Stormwind City"] = "暴風城" ,
                ["Stormwind"] = "暴風城" ,
                ["Stormwind Harbor"] = "暴風港" ,
                ["Stormwind Mountains"] = "暴風山脈" ,
                ["Stoutlager Inn"] = "烈酒旅店" ,
                ["Strahnbrad"] = "斯坦恩布萊德" ,
                ["Strand of the Ancients"] = "遠祖灘頭" ,
                ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "荊棘谷" ,
                ["Stratholme"] = "斯坦索姆" ,
                ["Stratholme"] = "斯坦索姆" ,
                ["Stromgarde Keep"] = "激流堡" ,
                ["Sub zone"] = "子區域" ,
                ["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "烈日石居" ,
                ["Sun's Reach Armory"] = "日境軍械庫" ,
                ["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "日境港" ,
                ["Sun's Reach Sanctum"] = "日境聖所" ,
                ["Suncrown Village"] = "日冠村" ,
                ["Sundown Marsh"] = "日落沼澤" ,
                ["Sunfire Point"] = "烈日火焰崗哨" ,
                ["Sunfury Hold"] = "日怒要塞" ,
                ["Sungraze Peak"] = "日傷山峰" ,
                ["Sunken Temple"] = "沉沒的神廟" ,
                ["Sunreaver's Command"] = "奪日者指揮所" ,
                ["Sunreaver's Sanctuary"] = "奪日者聖堂" ,
                ["Sunsail Anchorage"] = "日帆泊地" ,
                ["Sunspring Post"] = "日春崗哨" ,
                ["Sunstrider Isle"] = "逐日者之島" ,
                ["Sunwell Plateau"] = "太陽之井高地" ,
                ["Supply Caravan"] = "補給商隊" ,
                ["Surge Needle"] = "極濤磁針" ,
                ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "悲傷沼澤" ,
                ["Swamplight Manor"] = "水光莊園" ,
                ["Swamprat Post"] = "斯溫派特崗哨" ,
                ["Swindlegrin's Dig"] = "詐咧挖掘場" ,
                ["Sylvanaar"] = "希爾瓦納" ,
--                ["TESTAzshara"] = "TESTAzshara" ,
                ["Tabetha's Farm"] = "塔貝薩的農場" ,
                ["Tahonda Ruins"] = "塔霍達廢墟" ,
                ["Talon Stand"] = "魔爪看臺" ,
                ["Talonbranch Glade "] = "刺枝林地" ,
                ["Talramas"] = "塔爾拉瑪斯" ,
                ["Talrendis Point"] = "塔倫迪斯營地" ,
                ["Tanaris"] = "塔納利斯" ,
                ["Tanner Camp"] = "製皮匠營地" ,
                ["Tarren Mill"] = "塔倫米爾" ,
                ["Taunka'le Village"] = "坦卡雷村" ,
                ["Tel'athion's Camp"] = "泰勒希歐營地" ,
                ["Telaar"] = "泰拉" ,
                ["Telaari Basin"] = "泰拉蕊盆地" ,
                ["Teldrassil"] = "泰達希爾" ,
                ["Telredor"] = "泰倫多爾" ,
                ["Tempest Keep"] = "風暴要塞" ,
                ["Tempest Keep"] = "風暴要塞" ,
                ["Temple City of En'kilah"] = "恩吉拉聖城" ,
                ["Temple of Arkkoran"] = "亞考蘭神殿" ,
                ["Temple of Bethekk"] = "比塞克神廟" ,
--                ["Temple of Elune UNUSED"] = "Temple of Elune UNUSED" ,
                ["Temple of Invention"] = "發明神殿" ,
                ["Temple of Life"] = "生命神殿" ,
                ["Temple of Order"] = "秩序神殿" ,
                ["Temple of Storms"] = "風暴神殿" ,
                ["Temple of Telhamat"] = "特爾哈曼神廟" ,
                ["Temple of Winter"] = "凜冬神殿" ,
                ["Temple of Wisdom"] = "智慧神殿" ,
                ["Temple of Zin-Malor"] = "辛瑪洛神殿" ,
                ["Terokk's Rest"] = "泰洛克之墓" ,
                ["Terokkar Forest"] = "泰洛卡森林" ,
                ["Terrace of Light"] = "聖光露臺" ,
                ["Terrace of Repose"] = "休息區" ,
                ["Terrace of the Makers"] = "造物者殿堂" ,
                ["Terror Run"] = "恐懼小道" ,
                ["Terror Wing Path"] = "龍翼小徑" ,
                ["Terrordale"] = "恐懼谷" ,
                ["Terrorweb Tunnel"] = "惡蛛隧道" ,
--                ["Test"] = "Test" ,
                ["Testing"] = "測試" ,
                ["Tethris Aran"] = "塔迪薩蘭" ,
                ["Thalanaar"] = "薩蘭納爾" ,
                ["Thalassian Base Camp"] = "薩拉斯營地" ,
                ["Thalassian Pass"] = "薩拉斯小徑" ,
                ["Thandol Span"] = "薩多爾大橋" ,
                ["The Abandoned Reach"] = "被遺棄之境" ,
                ["The Abyssal Shelf"] = "深淵沙洲" ,
                ["The Altar of Damnation"] = "詛咒祭壇" ,
                ["The Altar of Shadows"] = "暗影祭壇" ,
                ["The Altar of Zul"] = "祖爾祭壇" ,
                ["The Ancient Lift"] = "遠古升降梯" ,
                ["The Arcatraz"] = "亞克崔茲" ,
                ["The Arcatraz"] = "亞克崔茲" ,
                ["The Argent Stand"] = "銀白看臺" ,
                ["The Argent Vanguard"] = "銀白先鋒駐地" ,
                ["The Avalanche"] = "雪崩地" ,
                ["The Azure Front"] = "蒼藍前線" ,
                ["The Barrens"] = "貧瘠之地" ,
                ["The Barrier Hills"] = "阻礙之丘" ,
                ["The Black Morass"] = "黑色沼澤" ,
                ["The Black Temple"] = "黑暗神廟" ,
                ["The Blight Line"] = "荒萎線" ,
                ["The Blighted Pool"] = "荒疫之池" ,
                ["The Blood Furnace"] = "血熔爐" ,
                ["The Bloodcursed Reef"] = "血咒沙洲" ,
                ["The Bloodfire Pit"] = "血火之池" ,
                ["The Bloodoath"] = "血之誓約" ,
                ["The Bloodwash"] = "血浴之地" ,
                ["The Bombardment"] = "轟炸地" ,
                ["The Bone Wastes"] = "白骨荒野" ,
                ["The Bonefields"] = "白骨原野" ,
                ["The Bones of Nozronn"] = "諾茲朗之骨" ,
                ["The Borean Wall"] = "北風之牆" ,
                ["The Botanica"] = "波塔尼卡" ,
                ["The Breach"] = "止境" ,
                ["The Briny Pinnacle"] = "海水之巔" ,
                ["The Broken Bluffs"] = "破碎崖" ,
                ["The Broken Front"] = "破碎前線" ,
                ["The Broken Hills"] = "破碎之丘" ,
                ["The Broken Temple"] = "破碎神殿" ,
                ["The Broodmother's Nest"] = "育母之巢" ,
                ["The Bulwark"] = "亡靈壁壘" ,
                ["The Cape of Stranglethorn"] = "荊棘谷海角" ,
                ["The Carrion Fields"] = "腐屍農地" ,
                ["The Cauldron of Flames"] = "火焰熔爐" ,
                ["The Cauldron"] = "大熔爐" ,
                ["The Cemetary"] = "陵墓" ,
                ["The Charred Vale"] = "焦炭谷" ,
                ["The Chilled Quagmire"] = "寒冽泥淖" ,
                ["The Circle of Suffering"] = "苦難之環" ,
                ["The Cleft"] = "大斷崖" ,
                ["The Coil"] = "毒蛇小徑" ,
                ["The Comb"] = "狹谷" ,
                ["The Conflagration"] = "焚焰地" ,
                ["The Conquest Pit"] = "征服之淵" ,
                ["The Court of Bones"] = "白骨之廷" ,
                ["The Court of Skulls"] = "骸骨之廷" ,
                ["The Creeping Ruin"] = "爬蟲廢墟" ,
                ["The Crimson Cathedral"] = "赤紅大教堂" ,
                ["The Crimson Reach"] = "赤紅地帶" ,
                ["The Crimson Veil"] = "赤紅之霧" ,
                ["The Crossroads"] = "十字路口" ,
                ["The Crumbling Waste"] = "破碎荒地" ,
                ["The Cryo-Core"] = "冬眠核心" ,
                ["The Crystal Shore"] = "水晶海岸" ,
                ["The Crystal Vale"] = "水晶谷" ,
                ["The Crystal Vice"] = "水晶之鉗" ,
                ["The Culling of Stratholme"] = "斯坦索姆的抉擇" ,
                ["The Dagger Hills"] = "匕首嶺" ,
                ["The Damsel's Luck"] = "少女的好運" ,
                ["The Dark Portal"] = "黑暗之門" ,
                ["The Dark Portal"] = "黑暗之門" ,
                ["The Darkened Bank"] = "暗色河灘" ,
                ["The Dawnchaser"] = "晨逐者" ,
                ["The Dawning Isles"] = "黎明島" ,
                ["The Dawning Square"] = "曙光廣場" ,
                ["The Dead Acre"] = "死亡農地" ,
                ["The Dead Field"] = "亡者農場" ,
                ["The Dead Fields"] = "亡者原野" ,
                ["The Dead Mire"] = "死亡污泥" ,
                ["The Dead Scar"] = "死亡之痕" ,
                ["The Deadmines"] = "死亡礦坑" ,
                ["The Deathforge"] = "死亡熔爐" ,
                ["The Decrepit Ferry"] = "破舊渡口" ,
                ["The Decrepit Flow"] = "衰舊之流" ,
                ["The Den of Flame"] = "火焰洞穴" ,
                ["The Den"] = "大獸穴" ,
                ["The Dens of Dying"] = "垂死獸穴" ,
                ["The Desecrated Altar"] = "褻瀆祭壇" ,
                ["The Dor'Danil Barrow Den"] = "朵丹尼爾獸穴" ,
                ["The Dragon Wastes"] = "龍墳荒原" ,
                ["The Dragonmurk"] = "黑龍谷" ,
                ["The Drain"] = "排水之地" ,
                ["The Drowned Reef"] = "水下暗礁" ,
                ["The Dry Hills"] = "無水嶺" ,
                ["The Dust Plains"] = "塵埃平原" ,
                ["The Dustbowl"] = "漫塵盆地" ,
                ["The Eventide"] = "日暮區" ,
                ["The Exodar"] = "艾克索達" ,
                ["Exodar"] = "艾克索達",
                ["The Eye of Eternity"] = "永恆之眼" ,
                ["The Farstrider Lodge"] = "遠行者小屋" ,
                ["The Fel Pits"] = "惡魔深淵" ,
                ["The Fetid Pool"] = "惡臭水池" ,
                ["The Fleshwerks"] = "血肉作坊" ,
                ["The Flood Plains"] = "氾濫平原" ,
                ["The Foot Steppes"] = "足跡冷原" ,
                ["The Foothill Caverns"] = "丘陵洞穴" ,
                ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "禁忌之海" ,
                ["The Forest of Shadows"] = "暗影森林" ,
                ["The Forgotten Coast"] = "被遺忘的海岸" ,
                ["The Forgotten Overlook"] = "遺忘瞰臺" ,
                ["The Forgotten Pools"] = "遺忘之池" ,
                ["The Forgotten Shore"] = "遺民之濱" ,
                ["The Forlorn Mine"] = "凋落礦坑" ,
                ["The Foul Pool"] = "邪惡池塘" ,
                ["The Frigid Tomb"] = "嚴寒陵寢" ,
                ["The Frozen Glade"] = "冰凍林地" ,
                ["The Frozen Mine"] = "冰凍礦坑" ,
                ["The Frozen Sea"] = "冰凍之海" ,
                ["The Fungal Vale"] = "蘑菇谷" ,
                ["The Gaping Chasm"] = "大裂口" ,
                ["The Geyser Fields"] = "水泉原野" ,
                ["The Glimmering Pillar"] = "微光之柱" ,
                ["The Golden Plains"] = "金色平原" ,
                ["The Great Fissure"] = "大裂縫" ,
                ["The Great Lift"] = "升降梯" ,
                ["The Great Lift"] = "升降梯" ,
                ["The Great Sea"] = "無盡之海" ,
                ["The Great Tree"] = "巨偉之樹" ,
                ["The Green Belt"] = "綠帶草地" ,
                ["The Green Belt"] = "綠帶草地" ,
                ["The Greymane Wall"] = "格雷邁恩之牆" ,
                ["The Grizzled Den"] = "灰色洞穴" ,
                ["The Half Shell"] = "半殼號" ,
                ["The Hand of Gul'dan"] = "古爾丹火山" ,
                ["The Harborage"] = "避難營" ,
                ["The Hatchery"] = "孵化室" ,
                ["The Headland"] = "山頭營地" ,
                ["The Heap"] = "聚集之地" ,
                ["The Hidden Grove"] = "隱秘小林" ,
                ["The Hidden Hollow"] = "隱匿谷" ,
                ["The Hidden Reef"] = "隱秘沙洲" ,
                ["The High Path"] = "險惡之地" ,
                ["The Hinterlands"] = "辛特蘭" ,
                ["The Howling Hollow"] = "嚎風谷" ,
                ["The Howling Vale"] = "狼嚎谷" ,
                ["The Hushed Bank"] = "寂靜河岸" ,
                ["The Infectis Scar"] = "魔刃之痕" ,
                ["The Inventor's Library"] = "發明者圖書館" ,
                ["The Isle of Spears"] = "群矛之島" ,
                ["The Ivar Patch"] = "伊瓦農場" ,
                ["The Jansen Stead"] = "傑生農場" ,
                ["The Lagoon"] = "瀉湖" ,
                ["The Laughing Stand"] = "可笑的看臺" ,
                ["The Legion Front"] = "軍團前線" ,
                ["The Lifeblood Pillar"] = "活血之柱" ,
                ["The Living Grove"] = "生命之林" ,
                ["The Living Wood"] = "活木森林" ,
                ["The Loch"] = "洛克湖" ,
                ["The Long Wash"] = "長橋碼頭" ,
                ["The Lost Fleet"] = "失落的艦隊" ,
                ["The Lost Fold"] = "遺忘農場" ,
                ["The Lost Lands"] = "失落之地" ,
                ["The Lost Passage"] = "失落通道" ,
                ["The Low Path"] = "粗劣之地" ,
                ["The Maclure Vineyards"] = "馬科倫農場" ,
                ["The Maker's Terrace"] = "造物者遺跡" ,
                ["The Makers' Perch"] = "造物者棲所" ,
                ["The Marris Stead"] = "瑪瑞斯農場" ,
                ["The Marshlands"] = "沼澤地" ,
                ["The Master's Cellar"] = "大師的地窖" ,
                ["The Master's Glaive"] = "主宰之劍" ,
--                ["The Maul UNUSED"] = "The Maul UNUSED" ,
                ["The Maul"] = "巨槌競技場" ,
                ["The Mechanar"] = "麥克納爾" ,
                ["The Merchant Coast"] = "商旅海岸" ,
                ["The Mirror of Dawn"] = "黎明之鏡" ,
                ["The Mirror of Twilight"] = "曦光之鏡" ,
                ["The Molsen Farm"] = "摩爾森農場" ,
                ["The Mor'shan Rampart"] = "莫爾杉壁壘" ,
                ["The Mosslight Pillar"] = "苔光之柱" ,
                ["The Nexus"] = "奧核之心" ,
                ["The North Coast"] = "北部海岸" ,
                ["The North Sea"] = "北海" ,
                ["The Noxious Glade"] = "劇毒林地" ,
                ["The Noxious Lair"] = "腐化之巢" ,
                ["The Noxious Pass"] = "腐毒小徑" ,
                ["The Obsidian Sanctum"] = "黑曜聖所" ,
                ["The Oculus"] = "奧核之眼" ,
                ["The Oracle Glade"] = "神諭林地" ,
                ["The Overlook Cliffs"] = "望海崖" ,
                ["The Overlook"] = "望海崖" ,
                ["The Path of Anguish"] = "苦痛之路" ,
                ["The Path of Conquest"] = "征服之路" ,
                ["The Path of Glory"] = "光榮之路" ,
                ["The Path of Iron"] = "鐵之途" ,
                ["The Path of the Lifewarden"] = "生命守護者之路" ,
                ["The Pillar of Ash"] = "灰燼之柱" ,
                ["The Pit of Fiends"] = "魔鬼之淵" ,
                ["The Pit of Narjun"] = "那金之淵" ,
                ["The Pit of the Fang"] = "尖牙之淵" ,
                ["The Pools of Vision"] = "預見之池" ,
--                ["The Pools of VisionUNUSED"] = "The Pools of VisionUNUSED" ,
                ["The Proving Grounds"] = "試煉場" ,
                ["The Quagmire"] = "泥潭沼澤" ,
                ["The Reservoir"] = "倉庫" ,
                ["The Ring of Blood"] = "血色競技場" ,
                ["The Ring of Trials"] = "試煉競技場" ,
                ["The Ring of Valor"] = "勇武之環" ,
                ["The Riptide"] = "斷潮之池" ,
                ["The Rolling Plains"] = "草海平原" ,
                ["The Rotting Orchard"] = "爛果園" ,
                ["The Ruined Reaches"] = "廢墟海岸" ,
                ["The Ruins of Kel'Theril"] = "凱斯利爾廢墟" ,
                ["The Ruins of Ordil'Aran"] = "奧迪拉蘭廢墟" ,
                ["The Ruins of Stardust"] = "星塵廢墟" ,
                ["The Rumble Cage"] = "加基森競技場" ,
                ["The Rustmaul Dig Site"] = "鏽槌挖掘場" ,
                ["The Sacred Grove"] = "神聖樹林" ,
                ["The Sanctum"] = "密室" ,
                ["The Savage Coast"] = "野人海岸" ,
                ["The Savage Thicket"] = "蠻荒灌木林" ,
                ["The Scalding Pools"] = "沸水池" ,
                ["The Scarab Dais"] = "甲蟲之台" ,
                ["The Scarab Wall"] = "甲蟲之牆" ,
                ["The Scarlet Basilica"] = "血色十字軍教堂" ,
                ["The Scorched Grove"] = "烈焰邊境" ,
                ["The Scrap Field"] = "廢棄農場" ,
                ["The Screeching Canyon"] = "尖嘯峽谷" ,
                ["The Sea of Cinders"] = "灰燼之海" ,
                ["The Seabreach Flow"] = "海裂之湧" ,
                ["The Sepulcher"] = "瑟伯切爾" ,
                ["The Shadow Stair"] = "暗影階梯" ,
                ["The Shadow Vault"] = "暗影穹殿" ,
                ["The Shady Nook"] = "林蔭小徑" ,
                ["The Shaper's Terrace"] = "塑造者殿堂" ,
                ["The Shattered Halls"] = "破碎大廳" ,
                ["The Shattered Strand"] = "碎裂水岸" ,
                ["The Shepherd's Gate"] = "牧羊人之門" ,
                ["The Shifting Mire"] = "流沙泥潭" ,
                ["The Shimmering Flats"] = "閃光平原" ,
                ["The Shining Strand"] = "閃光湖岸" ,
                ["The Shrine of Aessina"] = "艾森娜神殿" ,
                ["The Sin'loren"] = "辛洛倫" ,
                ["The Skittering Dark"] = "粘絲洞" ,
                ["The Skybreaker"] = "破天者號" ,
                ["The Skyreach Pillar"] = "擎天之柱" ,
                ["The Slag Pit"] = "熔渣之池" ,
                ["The Slave Pens"] = "奴隸監獄" ,
                ["The Slithering Scar"] = "巨痕谷" ,
                ["The Sludge Fen"] = "淤泥沼澤" ,
                ["The Spawning Glen"] = "重生峽谷" ,
                ["The Stadium"] = "競技場" ,
                ["The Stagnant Oasis"] = "死水綠洲" ,
                ["The Stair of Destiny"] = "命運階梯" ,
                ["The Stair of Doom"] = "厄運階梯" ,
                ["The Steamvault"] = "蒸汽洞窟" ,
                ["The Steppe of Life"] = "生命冷原" ,
                ["The Stockade"] = "監獄" ,
                ["The Stockpile"] = "儲藏室" ,
                ["The Stonefield Farm"] = "斯通菲爾德農場" ,
                ["The Storm Foundry"] = "風暴鑄造場" ,
                ["The Storm Peaks"] = "風暴群山" ,
                ["The Stormspire"] = "風暴之尖" ,
                ["The Stormwright's Shelf"] = "風暴工匠沙洲" ,
                ["The Sun Forge"] = "太陽熔爐" ,
                ["The Sundered Shard"] = "破碎裂片" ,
                ["The Sunken Ring"] = "沉沒之環" ,
                ["The Sunspire"] = "日尖塔" ,
                ["The Suntouched Pillar"] = "日觸之柱" ,
                ["The Swarming Pillar"] = "蟲群之柱" ,
                ["The Tainted Scar"] = "腐化之痕" ,
                ["The Talon Den"] = "猛禽洞穴" ,
                ["The Talondeep Path"] = "深爪小徑" ,
                ["The Tempest Rift"] = "風暴裂口" ,
--                ["The Temple Gardens UNUSED"] = "The Temple Gardens UNUSED" ,
                ["The Temple Gardens"] = "神殿花園" ,
                ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "阿塔哈卡神廟" ,
                ["The Tidus Stair"] = "提度斯階梯" ,
                ["The Tower of Arathor"] = "阿拉索之塔" ,
                ["The Transitus Stair"] = "隘境梯臺" ,
                ["The Tundrid Hills"] = "凍土嶺" ,
                ["The Twilight Ridge"] = "暮光山脊" ,
                ["The Twilight Rivulet"] = "曦光之溪" ,
                ["The Twin Colossals"] = "雙塔山" ,
                ["The Twisted Glade"] = "扭曲林地" ,
                ["The Unbound Thicket"] = "無縛灌木林" ,
                ["The Underbelly"] = "城底區" ,
                ["The Underbog"] = "深幽泥沼" ,
                ["The Undercroft"] = "墓室" ,
                ["The Underhalls"] = "地下大廳" ,
                ["The Uplands"] = "高地" ,
                ["The Valley of Fallen Heroes"] = "逝往英雄山谷" ,
                ["The Valley of Lost Hope"] = "逝望山谷" ,
                ["The Vector Coil"] = "旋繞導航器" ,
                ["The Veiled Cleft"] = "迷霧裂隙" ,
                ["The Veiled Sea"] = "迷霧之海" ,
                ["The Venture Co. Mine"] = "風險投資公司礦坑" ,
                ["The Verdant Fields"] = "青草平原" ,
                ["The Vibrant Glade"] = "鮮亮林地" ,
                ["The Vice"] = "罪惡谷" ,
                ["The Vile Reef"] = "暗礁海" ,
                ["The Violet Citadel Spire"] = "紫羅蘭城塞尖塔" ,
                ["The Violet Citadel"] = "紫羅蘭城塞" ,
                ["The Violet Hold"] = "紫羅蘭堡" ,
                ["The Violet Tower"] = "紫羅蘭之塔" ,
                ["The Vortex Fields"] = "漩渦農場" ,
                ["The Wailing Ziggurat"] = "悲嘯通靈塔" ,
                ["The Waking Halls"] = "喚醒之廳" ,
                ["The Warp Fields"] = "扭曲原野" ,
                ["The Warp Piston"] = "星移活塞" ,
                ["The Weathered Nook"] = "老屋" ,
                ["The Weeping Cave"] = "哭泣之洞" ,
                ["The Westrift"] = "西裂峽" ,
                ["The Whipple Estate"] = "維普爾莊園" ,
                ["The Wicked Coil"] = "敗德螺旋" ,
                ["The World Tree"] = "世界之樹" ,
                ["The Writhing Deep"] = "痛苦深淵" ,
                ["The Writhing Haunt"] = "苦痛鬼屋" ,
                ["The Yorgen Farmstead"] = "猶根農場" ,
                ["The Zoram Strand"] = "佐拉姆海岸" ,
                ["Thelgen Rock"] = "瑟根石" ,
                ["Thelsamar"] = "塞爾薩瑪" ,
                ["Theramore Isle"] = "塞拉摩島" ,
                ["Thieves Camp"] = "盜賊營地" ,
                ["Thistlefur Village"] = "薊皮村" ,
                ["Thistleshrub Valley"] = "灌木谷" ,
                ["Thondroril River"] = "索多里爾河" ,
                ["Thondroril River"] = "索多里爾河" ,
                ["Thor Modan"] = "鐸爾莫丹" ,
                ["Thoradin's Wall"] = "索拉丁之牆" ,
                ["Thorium Point"] = "瑟銀哨塔" ,
                ["Thorn Hill"] = "荊棘嶺" ,
                ["Thornfang Hill"] = "棘牙丘陵" ,
                ["Thorson's Post"] = "托爾森崗哨" ,
                ["Thorvald's Camp"] = "索瓦爾德營地" ,
                ["Thousand Needles"] = "千針石林" ,
                ["Thrallmar"] = "索爾瑪" ,
                ["Three Corners"] = "三角路口" ,
                ["Throne of Kil'jaeden"] = "基爾加丹王座" ,
                ["Throne of the Elements"] = "元素王座" ,
                ["Thrym's End"] = "瑟瑞姆之歿" ,
                ["Thunder Axe Fortress"] = "雷斧堡壘" ,
--                ["Thunder Bluff UNUSED"] = "Thunder Bluff UNUSED" ,
                ["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖" ,
                ["Thunder Falls"] = "雷霆瀑布" ,
                ["Thunder Ridge"] = "雷霆山" ,
                ["Thunderbrew Distillery"] = "雷酒釀酒廠" ,
                ["Thunderfall"] = "雷殞之地" ,
                ["Thunderhorn Water Well"] = "雷角水井" ,
                ["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "雷霆王村" ,
                ["Thuron's Livery"] = "薩爾倫的出租商行" ,
                ["Tidefury Cove"] = "狂潮灣" ,
                ["Tides' Hollow"] = "海潮窪地" ,
                ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "木喉要塞" ,
                ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "木喉要塞" ,
                ["Timbermaw Post"] = "木喉崗哨" ,
                ["Tiragarde Keep"] = "提拉加德城堡" ,
                ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "提里斯法林地" ,
                ["Tkashi Ruins"] = "伽什廢墟" ,
                ["Tomb of Lights"] = "聖光之墓" ,
                ["Tomb of the Lost Kings"] = "逝王陵墓" ,
                ["Tor'Watha"] = "托爾瓦薩" ,
                ["Tor'kren Farm"] = "托克雷農場" ,
                ["Torp's Farm"] = "托普的農場" ,
                ["Torseg's Rest"] = "托賽格安息地" ,
                ["Toryl Estate"] = "托爾莊園" ,
                ["Toshley's Station"] = "托斯利基地" ,
                ["Tower Point"] = "哨塔高地" ,
                ["Tower of Althalaxx"] = "奧薩拉克斯之塔" ,
                ["Tower of Azora"] = "阿祖拉之塔" ,
                ["Tower of Eldara"] = "艾達拉之塔" ,
                ["Tower of Ilgalar"] = "伊爾加拉之塔" ,
                ["Tower of the Damned"] = "詛咒神教之塔" ,
                ["Town Square"] = "小鎮廣場" ,
--                ["Tradesmen's Terrace UNUSED"] = "Tradesmen's Terrace UNUSED" ,
                ["Tradesmen's Terrace"] = "貿易區" ,
                ["Traitor's Cove"] = "背叛者海灣" ,
                ["Tranquil Gardens Cemetery"] = "靜謐花園墓場" ,
                ["Tranquil Shore"] = "寧靜海岸" ,
                ["Tranquillien"] = "安寧地" ,
                ["Transborea"] = "越風之地" ,
                ["Transitus Shield"] = "隘境之盾" ,
                ["Trelleum Mine"] = "崔爾曼礦坑" ,
                ["Trogma's Claim"] = "索格瑪領土" ,
                ["Trial of the Champion"] = "勇士試煉",
                ["Trollbane Hall"] = "托爾貝恩大廳" ,
                ["Trial of the Crusader"] = "十字軍試煉",
                ["Tuluman's Landing"] = "吐魯曼平臺" ,
                ["Tuurem"] = "杜瑞" ,
                ["Twilight Base Camp"] = "暮光營地" ,
                ["Twilight Grove"] = "暮光森林" ,
                ["Twilight Outpost"] = "暮光前哨站" ,
                ["Twilight Post"] = "暮光崗哨" ,
                ["Twilight Shore"] = "暮光海岸" ,
                ["Twilight Vale"] = "暮光谷" ,
                ["Twilight's Run"] = "暮光小徑" ,
                ["Twin Shores"] = "雙水之濱" ,
                ["Twin Spire Ruins"] = "雙塔廢墟" ,
                ["Twisting Nether"] = "扭曲虛空" ,
                ["Tyr's Hand"] = "提爾之手" ,
--                ["UNUSED Alterac Valley"] = "UNUSED Alterac Valley" ,
--                ["UNUSED Stonewrought Pass"] = "UNUSED Stonewrought Pass" ,
--                ["UNUSED"] = "UNUSED" ,
--                ["UNUSEDDrak'Tharon Keep"] = "UNUSED德拉克薩隆要塞" ,
--                ["UNUSEDThe Marris Stead"] = "UNUSEDThe Marris Stead" ,
                ["Ufrang's Hall"] = "烏弗蘭大廳" ,
                ["Uldaman"] = "奧達曼" ,
                ["Uldaman"] = "奧達曼" ,
                ["Uldis"] = "奧迪斯" ,
                ["Ulduar"] = "奧杜亞" ,
                ["Ulduar"] = "奧杜亞" ,
                ["Uldum"] = "奧丹姆" ,
                ["Umbrafen Lake"] = "昂布拉凡湖" ,
                ["Umbrafen Village"] = "昂布拉凡村" ,
                ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "安戈洛環形山" ,
                ["Undercity"] = "幽暗城" ,
                ["Underlight Mines"] = "光底礦坑" ,
                ["Unu'pe"] = "昂紐沛" ,
--                ["Unused Ironclad Cove 003"] = "Unused Ironclad Cove 003" ,
--                ["Unused Ironcladcove"] = "Unused Ironcladcove" ,
--                ["Unused The Deadmines 002"] = "Unused The Deadmines 002" ,
--                ["Unused2"] = "Unused2" ,
--                ["Unused3"] = "Unused3" ,
                ["Upper Veil Shil'ak"] = "迷霧希拉克上層" ,
                ["Ursoc's Den"] = "厄索克之穴" ,
                ["Ursolan"] = "烏索蘭" ,
                ["Utgarde Catacombs"] = "俄特加德墓窖" ,
                ["Utgarde Keep"] = "俄特加德要塞" ,
                ["Utgarde Pinnacle"] = "俄特加德之巔" ,
                ["Uther's Tomb"] = "烏瑟之墓" ,
                ["Valaar's Berth"] = "瓦拉船台" ,
                ["Valgan's Field"] = "瓦爾甘牧場" ,
                ["Valgarde"] = "瓦爾加德" ,
                ["Valhalas"] = "英靈殿" ,
                ["Valiance Keep"] = "驍勇要塞" ,
                ["Valkyrion"] = "華爾基倫" ,
                ["Valley of Ancient Winters"] = "遠古寒冬山谷" ,
                ["Valley of Bones"] = "白骨之谷" ,
                ["Valley of Echoes"] = "回聲山谷" ,
                ["Valley of Fangs"] = "巨牙谷" ,
--                ["Valley of Heroes UNUSED"] = "Valley of Heroes UNUSED" ,
                ["Valley of Heroes"] = "英雄谷" ,
                ["Valley of Kings"] = "國王谷" ,
                ["Valley of Spears"] = "長矛谷" ,
                ["Valley of Trials"] = "試煉谷" ,
                ["Valley of the Bloodfuries"] = "血怒峽谷" ,
                ["Valley of the Watchers"] = "守衛之谷" ,
                ["Valor's Rest"] = "勇士之墓" ,
                ["Valormok"] = "瓦羅莫克" ,
                ["Valorwind Lake"] = "瓦羅溫湖" ,
                ["Vanguard Infirmary"] = "先鋒醫護站" ,
                ["Vanndir Encampment"] = "范迪爾營地" ,
                ["Vargoth's Retreat"] = "瓦戈斯居所" ,
                ["Vault of Archavon"] = "亞夏梵穹殿" ,
                ["Veil Ala'rak"] = "迷霧亞拉芮克" ,
                ["Veil Harr'ik"] = "迷霧哈瑞克" ,
                ["Veil Lashh"] = "迷霧拉斯" ,
                ["Veil Lithic"] = "迷霧里斯克" ,
                ["Veil Reskk"] = "迷霧瑞斯克" ,
                ["Veil Rhaze"] = "迷霧瑞漢茲" ,
                ["Veil Ruuan"] = "迷霧魯安" ,
                ["Veil Shalas"] = "迷霧撒拉斯" ,
                ["Veil Shienor"] = "迷霧辛諾" ,
                ["Veil Skith"] = "迷霧斯奇司" ,
                ["Veil Vekh"] = "迷霧維克" ,
                ["Vekhaar Stand"] = "維克哈爾看臺" ,
                ["Vengeance Landing Inn"] = "復仇臺地旅店" ,
                ["Vengeance Landing"] = "復仇臺地" ,
                ["Vengeance Lift"] = "復仇升降梯" ,
                ["Vengeance Pass"] = "復仇隘口" ,
                ["Venomspite"] = "毒怨之地" ,
                ["Venomweb Vale"] = "毒蛛峽谷" ,
                ["Venture Bay"] = "風險海灣" ,
                ["Venture Co. Base Camp"] = "風險投資公司營地" ,
                ["Venture Co. Operations Center"] = "風險投資公司工作中心" ,
                ["Verdantis River"] = "沃丹提斯河" ,
                ["Veridian Point"] = "翠綠崗哨" ,
                ["Vileprey Village"] = "鄙掠村" ,
                ["Vim'gol's Circle"] = "梵戈之環" ,
                ["Vindicator's Rest"] = "復仇者之陵" ,
                ["Violet Citadel Balcony"] = "紫羅蘭城塞露台" ,
                ["Violet Stand"] = "紫羅蘭看臺" ,
                ["Void Ridge"] = "虛無之脊" ,
                ["Voidwind Plateau"] = "裂風高原" ,
                ["Voldrune Dwelling"] = "沃德盧恩居所" ,
                ["Voldrune"] = "沃德盧恩" ,
                ["Voltarus"] = "沃塔魯斯" ,
                ["Vordrassil Pass"] = "沃達希爾小徑" ,
                ["Vordrassil's Heart"] = "沃達希爾之心" ,
                ["Vordrassil's Limb"] = "沃達希爾之枝" ,
                ["Vordrassil's Tears"] = "沃達希爾之淚" ,
                ["Vordrassil's Tears"] = "沃達希爾之淚" ,
                ["Vortex Pinnacle"] = "漩渦尖塔" ,
                ["Vul'Gol Ogre Mound"] = "沃古爾巨魔山" ,
                ["Wailing Caverns"] = "哀嚎洞穴" ,
                ["Warden's Cage"] = "典獄官監牢" ,
                ["Warmaul Hill"] = "戰槌山丘" ,
--                ["Warrior's Terrace UNUSED"] = "Warrior's Terrace UNUSED" ,
                ["Warrior's Terrace"] = "戰士區" ,
                ["Warsong Farms Outpost"] = "戰歌農場前哨" ,
                ["Warsong Flag Room"] = "戰歌旗幟房間" ,
                ["Warsong Granary"] = "戰歌穀倉" ,
                ["Warsong Gulch"] = "戰歌峽谷" ,
                ["Warsong Hold"] = "戰歌堡" ,
                ["Warsong Jetty"] = "戰歌碼頭" ,
                ["Warsong Labor Camp"] = "戰歌勞工營地" ,
                ["Warsong Lumber Camp"] = "戰歌伐木營地" ,
                ["Warsong Lumber Mill"] = "戰歌伐木場" ,
                ["Warsong Slaughterhouse"] = "戰歌屠宰場" ,
                ["Watchers' Terrace"] = "守衛工匠區" ,
                ["Waterspring Field"] = "清泉平原" ,
                ["Wavestrider Beach"] = "破浪海灘" ,
                ["Waygate"] = "甬道之門" ,
                ["Waygate"] = "甬道之門" ,
                ["Wayne's Refuge"] = "韋恩的避難所" ,
                ["Weazel's Crater"] = "維吉爾之坑" ,
                ["Webwinder Path"] = "蛛網小徑" ,
                ["Weeping Quarry"] = "哀泣礦場" ,
                ["Wellspring Lake"] = "湧泉湖" ,
                ["Wellspring River"] = "湧泉河" ,
                ["West Pillar"] = "西部石柱" ,
                ["West Point Station"] = "西點抽水站" ,
                ["West Point Tower"] = "西點哨塔" ,
                ["West Sanctum"] = "西部聖所" ,
                ["West Spear Tower"] = "西矛哨塔" ,
                ["Westbrook Garrison"] = "西泉要塞" ,
                ["Western Bridge"] = "西部橋樑" ,
                ["Western Plaguelands"] = "西瘟疫之地" ,
                ["Western Strand"] = "西部海岸" ,
                ["Western Strand"] = "西部海岸" ,
                ["Westfall Brigade Encampment"] = "西荒兵團駐營" ,
                ["Westfall Lighthouse"] = "西部荒野燈塔" ,
                ["Westfall"] = "西部荒野" ,
                ["Westguard Inn"] = "鎮西旅店" ,
                ["Westguard Keep"] = "鎮西要塞" ,
                ["Westguard Turret"] = "鎮西砲塔" ,
                ["Westspark Workshop"] = "西炫工坊" ,
                ["Westwind Refugee Camp"] = "西風難民營" ,
                ["Wetlands"] = "濕地" ,
                ["Whelgar's Excavation Site"] = "維爾加挖掘場" ,
                ["Whisper Gulch"] = "低語峽谷" ,
                ["Whispering Gardens"] = "耳語花園" ,
                ["Whispering Shore"] = "耳語海岸" ,
                ["White Pine Trading Post"] = "白松貿易站" ,
                ["Whitereach Post"] = "白沙崗哨" ,
                ["Wild Shore"] = "蠻荒海岸" ,
                ["Wildbend River"] = "急彎河" ,
                ["Wildervar Mine"] = "威德瓦礦坑" ,
                ["Wildgrowth Mangal"] = "叢生沼林" ,
                ["Wildhammer Keep"] = "蠻錘城堡" ,
                ["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "蠻錘要塞" ,
                ["Wildmane Water Well"] = "蠻鬃水井" ,
                ["Wildpaw Cavern"] = "蠻爪洞穴" ,
                ["Wildpaw Ridge"] = "蠻爪嶺" ,
                ["Wildwind Lake"] = "狂風湖" ,
                ["Wildwind Path"] = "狂風小徑" ,
                ["Wildwind Peak"] = "狂風山尖" ,
                ["Windbreak Canyon"] = "風裂峽谷" ,
                ["Windfury Ridge"] = "狂風山" ,
                ["Windrunner Spire"] = "風行者塔" ,
                ["Windrunner Village"] = "風行者村" ,
                ["Windrunner's Overlook"] = "風行者瞰臺" ,
                ["Windshear Crag"] = "狂風峭壁" ,
                ["Windshear Mine"] = "狂風礦坑" ,
                ["Windy Bluffs"] = "群風崖" ,
                ["Windyreed Pass"] = "風蘆小徑" ,
                ["Windyreed Village"] = "風蘆村" ,
                ["Winter's Breath Lake"] = "冬息湖" ,
                ["Winter's Edge Tower"] = "冬際哨塔" ,
                ["Winter's Heart"] = "寒冬之心" ,
                ["Winter's Terrace"] = "冬之殿堂" ,
                ["Winterax Hold"] = "冰斧要塞" ,
                ["Winterfall Village"] = "寒水村" ,
                ["Winterfin Caverns"] = "冬鰭洞窟" ,
                ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "冬鰭避居地" ,
                ["Winterfin Village"] = "冬鰭村" ,
                ["Wintergarde Crypt"] = "溫特加德墓穴" ,
                ["Wintergarde Keep"] = "溫特加德要塞" ,
                ["Wintergarde Mausoleum"] = "溫特加德墓塚" ,
                ["Wintergarde Mine"] = "溫特加德礦坑" ,
                ["Wintergrasp Fortress"] = "冬握堡壘" ,
                ["Wintergrasp River"] = "冬握河" ,
                ["Wintergrasp"] = "冬握湖" ,
                ["Winterhoof Water Well"] = "冬蹄水井" ,
                ["Winterspring"] = "冬泉谷" ,
                ["Witch Hill"] = "女巫嶺" ,
                ["Witherbark Caverns"] = "枯木洞穴" ,
                ["Witherbark Village"] = "枯木村" ,
                ["Wizard Row"] = "巫師街" ,
                ["Woodpaw Den"] = "木爪巢穴" ,
                ["Woodpaw Hills"] = "木爪嶺" ,
                ["Wrathscale Lair"] = "怒鱗巢穴" ,
                ["Wrathscale Point"] = "怒鱗崗哨" ,
                ["Writhing Mound"] = "苦痛山丘" ,
                ["Wyrmbog"] = "巨龍泥沼" ,
                ["Wyrmrest Temple"] = "龍眠神殿" ,
                ["Wyrmscar Island"] = "龍痕島" ,
                ["Wyrmskull Bridge"] = "龍骨橋" ,
                ["Wyrmskull Tunnel"] = "龍骨隧道" ,
                ["Wyrmskull Village"] = "龍顱村" ,
                ["Xavian"] = "薩維亞" ,
                ["Ymirheim"] = "依米海姆" ,
                ["Yojamba Isle"] = "尤亞姆巴島" ,
                ["Zabra'jin"] = "薩布拉金" ,
                ["Zalashji's Den"] = "薩拉辛之穴" ,
                ["Zane's Eye Crater"] = "贊恩之眼" ,
                ["Zangar Ridge"] = "贊格山脊" ,
                ["Zangarmarsh"] = "贊格沼澤" ,
                ["Zanza's Rise"] = "贊札高地" ,
                ["Zeb'Halak"] = "札布哈拉克" ,
                ["Zeb'Nowa"] = "札布諾瓦" ,
                ["Zeb'Sora"] = "札布索拉" ,
                ["Zeb'Tela"] = "札布泰拉" ,
                ["Zeb'Watha"] = "拉伯瓦薩" ,
                ["Zeppelin Crash"] = "飛艇失事地" ,
                ["Zeramas"] = "賽拉瑪斯" ,
                ["Zeth'Gor"] = "薩斯葛爾" ,
                ["Ziata'jai Ruins"] = "贊塔加廢墟" ,
                ["Zim'Abwa"] = "辛阿布瓦" ,
                ["Zim'Rhuk"] = "辛茹克" ,
                ["Zim'Torga"] = "辛托加" ,
                ["Zim'bo's Hideout"] = "辛波的藏身所" ,
                ["Zol'Heb"] = "佐爾希伯" ,
                ["Zol'Maz Stronghold"] = "佐爾馬茲堡砦" ,
                ["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "左拉姆加前哨站" ,
                ["Zul'Aman"] = "祖阿曼" ,
                ["Zul'Drak"] = "祖爾德拉克" ,
--                ["Zul'Farrak"] = "祖爾法拉克" ,
                ["Zul'Farrak"] = "祖爾法拉克" ,
--                ["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖爾格拉布" ,
                ["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖爾格拉布" ,
                ["Zul'Mashar"] = "祖爾瑪夏" ,
                ["Zun'watha"] = "祖瓦沙" ,
                ["Zuuldaia Ruins"] = "祖丹亞廢墟" ,
                ["Lake Wintergrasp"] = "冬握湖",
                ["Warsong Gulch"] = "戰歌峽谷",
                ["Arathi Basin"] = "阿拉希盆地",
                ["Alterac valley"] = "奧特蘭克山谷",
                ["Eye of the Storm"] = "風暴之眼",


And does it mean I can edit localization.lua file myself and add these lines to make it work with my client?

Rythal 09-03-12 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Klim (Post 262232)
Like this?

And does it mean I can edit localization.lua file myself and add these lines to make it work with my client?

Almost, at the top you need to change itIT to your localization, but yes the best way to test if it worked is to put it into your own localization.lua and try starting :)

aslanruler 09-03-12 08:01 PM

Hey there Ry, glad to see the new update. Just thought I'd put my own two cents out there. The transparency at least for me is still going more yellow/orange than transparent even with the new update. I double checked my download to make sure I've got the right one.

Still...thank you so much for tackling this tough project and dealing with all the code and itsy bitsy details. I offer my prayers and minimal cheerleading talents to your efforts.

Matt_H 09-03-12 09:12 PM

My game now freezes whenever I open up a window of something.. character window, loot window, quest window, etc. anything.. it will freeze.. then the game gets skippy.. you see it move a tiny bit once every ten seconds or so.. so if you bash the key that you want.. it will eventually recognize it and open the window.. eventually .. if what your doing is quick. you can get back to the game.. otherwise the game will freeze for a bit.. then wow disconnects me for some reason.. but then my computer is running normal.. any ideas??

I still am very very happy you got it working to the extent it works for me! Thank you!!

Matt_H 09-03-12 10:31 PM

Okay.. so far I have turned off a few other addons, and the freezing has stopped and carbonite it running beautifully.. THANKS

Klim 09-03-12 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 262234)
Almost, at the top you need to change itIT to your localization, but yes the best way to test if it worked is to put it into your own localization.lua and try starting :)

It works! Thanks for help. Love you!:D

itsrusso 09-03-12 11:38 PM

many thanks
rythal you are amazing and i love for this!!

Rythal 09-04-12 04:18 AM

5.04.06 Is now uploaded!

Whats new:
- Chinese & Italian translations, Chinese is only partially translated but does work
- MOP BETA: Pandaria maps should be working 100% on all 3 levels.

If anyone has beta access please test this release! I only have 85's transferred so couldn't fly to test every zone. I did a test by running from jade forest to stormstout brewery (entered it to test instances) in valley of four winds then down to krasarang wilds, and everything appeared fine to me but definately need others to try it.

I will say blizzards quest POI's really do stink badly :/ but it does use them in pandaria until we get better ones.

As of this release i'm including the folder Carbonite, then the 3 files inside that folder since 90% of the trouble people are having is putting the files in the wrong folder.

iltemann 09-04-12 06:12 AM

Ok. So basicly my carbonite is working perfectly now.


My minimap is showing the old sircle map (black sircle) in the carbonite minimap.
If i remove it, it wount show my quest marks: the !

What to do. If i get this fixed, it will work perfectly for my need :-)

Rythal 09-04-12 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by iltemann (Post 262283)
Ok. So basicly my carbonite is working perfectly now.


My minimap is showing the old sircle map (black sircle) in the carbonite minimap.
If i remove it, it wount show my quest marks: the !

What to do. If i get this fixed, it will work perfectly for my need :-)

bugged zone for minimap transparencies... if it's not one of the 3 known lemme know which one your in, and turn on docking / and or full size minimap in bugged zones under minimap options.

skmzarn 09-04-12 07:20 AM

Just wondering, I cannot get my map transparent, is that something you all have issues with or is it just me with this fix?

judaz14 09-04-12 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by skmzarn (Post 262292)
Just wondering, I cannot get my map transparent, is that something you all have issues with or is it just me with this fix?

got the same problem...

Rythal 09-04-12 09:24 AM

which part of the map? I re-enabled the transparencies I on the parts I knew of, but could be I missed one

castersrus 09-04-12 09:31 AM

Not gonna bust out the "I love you Man" stuff...but rock. Like the rest here, my wife and I have been having to resort to using some other mods that we found when 5.0.4 hit and carb didn't have an update for it. I just downloaded your update, which took less than 15 sec btw with win 7, and over wrote files that were already there. Logged in and ran carb ONLY, not sure if anyone else gets this issue or not...but if we try to run carb the first time it's installed and other mods as well game glitches like crazy, and *sound of angelic voices singing* there is the carb list instead of the default Blizz quest tracker. Thank you VERY much.:)

castersrus 09-04-12 09:35 AM

About beta
We would give this a test run for ya to confirm your own finding or let you know if anything needing fixing...but when installed beta both the Beta and Live WoW went ape crap on us. Not sure if it was the virus protection we were using (which we have changed but haven't tried beta since that) or if Beta was glitched and trying to duel copy files or what happened, but we're kinda leery about attempting beta again

j800r 09-04-12 09:40 AM

Just wanna preface this with saying I'm not trying to start trouble. I understand the "constructive only" business buy constructive criticism does not mean praise the original makers of Carbonite and the author of this fan update ignorantly. That is in no way constructive. Due to that, I have this to say:

Carbonite WAS great. I could imagine it being even greater back before Bliz implemented half the features (quest tracking etc). Them no longer charging is no excuse. 99.999999(and so on)% of addon authors do not charge for their addons, clearly have day jobs and lives to get on with yet they STILL find the time to keep their addons maintained and updated (for the most part. Some die out but then people move on.)
I appreciate the author of this fan update and the effort he's been putting in. However, what I DON'T appreciate is the Carbonite authors not officially passing the torch, giving the guy full access to all the coding, and letting him become the new official maintainer of Carbonite. I used to love Carbonite myself, however, since the authors dropped support for it (a while back in fact, not just with new patch) and features stopped working I begun looking for alternatives and realised there were plenty. Granted, I have to use seperate add ons to perform some of the tasks Carbonite alone could perform but some features (such as the gathering nodes etc) were so outdated that an external addon would have to be used anyway!

I fully respect those who are still attached to Carbonite and swear by it. For my however, my fan update consists of:

WoW-Pro Guides (which i used to use with Carbonite a little)
Bliz Quest Tracking
Gathermate 2
AtlasLoot Enhanced

All of these separate addons do almost everything Carbonite did and more. Was a time I absolutely adored Carbonite but since official support has been dropped I've found it relatively easy to move on and quite honestly the only thing I really miss at all it the better looking waypoint arrow and the fancy "quest complete" announcement.

If the fan update becomes more than just a fan update (with the guy having full access to the coding) I may be persuaded to give Carbonite another shot but until then I honestly believe it is time to move on and leave this once amazing add-on behind.

Much respect to you Rythal for doing your best. I truly appreciate what you're trying to do for the community. I just don't think it'll be enough for me with the limited resources available to you which is in no way your fault.

Rythal 09-04-12 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by castersrus (Post 262312)
We would give this a test run for ya to confirm your own finding or let you know if anything needing fixing...but when installed beta both the Beta and Live WoW went ape crap on us. Not sure if it was the virus protection we were using (which we have changed but haven't tried beta since that) or if Beta was glitched and trying to duel copy files or what happened, but we're kinda leery about attempting beta again

I run the same one on both beta servers and live without issue.

Rythal 09-04-12 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by j800r (Post 262313)
WoW-Pro Guides (which i used to use with Carbonite a little)
Bliz Quest Tracking
Gathermate 2
AtlasLoot Enhanced

Those addons are great, but they don't replace the 3 key features I use from carbonite personally.... Regular zoomable map... PVP Maps... Warehouse info on tooltips (absolutely love when someone needs something I just have them link it to me and I can tell how many I have and where.) I tried altoholic to replace warehouse, and just found it to much for just one little thing needed.

Kreelor 09-04-12 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 262309)
which part of the map? I re-enabled the transparencies I on the parts I knew of, but could be I missed one

After today's scheduled maintence has completed, I'll be able to check my map transparency to see if it works in "other locations." I don't remember which zone or city my char is located, but I'll check later.

I see that others are reporting the same issue since I posted my comments in an earlier post a couple of days ago.
Maybe my description of the problem, in that earlier post: might give you some clue or insight.

Some areas (or, maybe it's certain colors?) of the map are still not being reduced to "fully" transparent, but remain more or less 'muddy' or even 'opaque' compared to other areas of the map, which -do- seem to render to "fully" transparent. I don't know how else to explain it, but it is different than how it used to be. It appears to me like the "background" of the map doesn't reduce to full transparency?

This isn't a complaint. I'm just exceedingly happy that you got the maps working again!

Rythal 09-04-12 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Kreelor (Post 262320)
After today's scheduled maintence has completed, I'll be able to check my map transparency to see if it works in "other locations." I don't remember which zone or city my char is located, but I'll check later.

I see that others are reporting the same issue since I posted my comments in an earlier post a couple of days ago.
Maybe my description of the problem, in that earlier post: might give you some clue or insight.

Some areas (or, maybe it's certain colors?) of the map are still not being reduced to "fully" transparent, but remain more or less 'muddy' or even 'opaque' compared to other areas of the map, which -do- seem to render to "fully" transparent. I don't know how else to explain it, but it is different than how it used to be. It appears to me like the "background" of the map doesn't reduce to full transparency?

This isn't a complaint. I'm just exceedingly happy that you got the maps working again!

it's more I"m not sure which part everyone is saying doesn't go transparent :P is it the actual landmass maps? (the 5 continents) or something else.

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