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Marthisdil 12-24-12 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Alinna (Post 271038)
Got a weird little icon in the middle of my screen lately when I play my rogue and paladin. No clue why the are there or what they are for. Mainly irritating on my paladin because this icon stas right in the middle of m screen when I am in a part or raid.



Can anyone shed some light as to what these are or how to disable/get rid of them?

Looks like the stance bar. Since you moved all of your action bars to the bottom, it's normally attached at the top of them in the default RealUI.

Alinna 12-24-12 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Marthisdil (Post 271039)
Looks like the stance bar. Since you moved all of your action bars to the bottom, it's normally attached at the top of them in the default RealUI.

Actually, the stance bar is just above the top left bar-set, hiding in the open. This has something to do with buffs, cause when I am on my tankadin and don't have kings up, it shows that icon as well. It's this other one that never goes away. Same on my rogue.

Ordrosh 12-25-12 02:26 AM

its the seal of insight tracker from realui's aura watch module at least for the paladin ;) for your rogue it probably is a similar buff
to disable tracking open up the realui options, go to aura watch and select bar groups there select paladin, click on the + sign next to auras and click once on group 2 which for paladins tracks seals and then disable it
for the rogue its similar you just will have to check whick aura group produces that icon, the tracked spells are listed in the auras tab on the right

nukeum 12-27-12 11:29 AM

NibIceHud Out of Place
Replaced saved variable file and it is still happening on warlock only, I can live with it for now, I am hoping beyond hope that the next update fixes it though. thanks for your help Gethe


Marthisdil 12-29-12 08:30 AM

Aurora will no longer be updatd (for the most part)
Wanted to let you guys know, Haleth just posted on Aurora's addon comment tab the following:

"Hi everyone,

I apologize for not replying to comments. I'm too busy in real life to spend a lot of time on here, and to be honest, I have lost all interest in playing WoW. I still play to RP, so I will continue to update this addon for patches, but I'll no longer reply to comments or work on new features, at least for now.

Thanks for all the feedback and kind comments over the years."

Perhaps time to find a different addon that does what Aurora does or someone take it over? It's still got some bugs in it :)

Jibily 12-30-12 09:35 AM

Is there any way to set the player and target Unit Frames to start full (colored in) and then empty as you lose health? After 7ish years of doing it this way I can hardly do a tank-and-spank without bugging out because my health is all gone (when it really isn't).

Skyotter 12-30-12 11:03 AM

Updated Real UI
Hope your holidays are going great. I am having a few issues with the updated RealUI 7.3 r5. First off my DoT tracker seems to have disappeared so I am having a difficult time figuring out how to use ice HUD. As well my UI seems way way bigger than before. It was scaled smaller before now it seems a lot bigger than before. Help me plz

Alinna 01-01-13 02:10 PM

Ok...i don't know what is it with my RealUI settings, but it seems like the end of the year/beginning of the year is giving me weird graphics/setting issues. All my other character profiles are working fine now...except my priest.

I get these weird darker boxes on my screen now. One where the chat box is, and a new one on the right side of my screen that says "loot", but wont go just sits there. Anyone have a clue what might be causing this on this one character and not on any of my other 10 profiles?

Ordrosh 01-01-13 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alinna (Post 271221)
I get these weird darker boxes on my screen now. One where the chat box is, and a new one on the right side of my screen that says "loot", but wont go just sits there. Anyone have a clue what might be causing this on this one character and not on any of my other 10 profiles?

by the looks of it I'd say that its the alpha settings for your chatpanels that got changed
to change rightclick the name of the chatbox and then leftclick background. In the new window the value for A should be 100 to make the background fully transparent.
If that 'loot' window is a chat box too you can either close it or re-attach it to the other chatframes
to close a chat window rightclick its name and then hit close window, to move it drag it by its name and move it where you like to have it. if you want to reattach it move it near the other chats and hten drop it when there is a small bar lit up next to another chatbox's name

Alinna 01-01-13 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ordrosh (Post 271225)
by the looks of it I'd say that its the alpha settings for your chatpanels that got changed
to change rightclick the name of the chatbox and then leftclick background. In the new window the value for A should be 100 to make the background fully transparent.
If that 'loot' window is a chat box too you can either close it or re-attach it to the other chatframes
to close a chat window rightclick its name and then hit close window, to move it drag it by its name and move it where you like to have it. if you want to reattach it move it near the other chats and hten drop it when there is a small bar lit up next to another chatbox's name

Yep....worked like a charm. I wonder how that happened though. It's not like I play my priest a lot. lol

Anj 01-01-13 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Alinna (Post 271229)
Yep....worked like a charm. I wonder how that happened though. It's not like I play my priest a lot. lol

You might have tried a different UI -- that usually changes RealUI's chat settings for me. If it happens to me, I just click on the RealUI Options logo (lower left, first icon), go to RealUI Core, then click Re-initialize Character.

noelove 01-01-13 09:28 PM

So i screwed something up apparently. I updated all my addons today but the ones we're not supposed to of course. And then I got an extra set of nameplates happening here:

I reset the profile but they still won't go away. Any thoughts? Help?

well its oUF. I disabled it and it went away but so did the regular unit frames. Is there anyway to fix this so I don't have to reinstall everything? Please to help!

Anj 01-02-13 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by noelove (Post 271242)
So i screwed something up apparently. I updated all my addons today but the ones we're not supposed to of course. And then I got an extra set of nameplates happening here:

I reset the profile but they still won't go away. Any thoughts? Help?

well its oUF. I disabled it and it went away but so did the regular unit frames. Is there anyway to fix this so I don't have to reinstall everything? Please to help!

No, don't disable oUF. From your screen shot, I think that extra one is from oUF Phanx. You should only have oUF and oUF_RealUI. Try to copy the ones from the RealUI download and delete any other oUF that's still in your AddOns.

Greyevans22 01-03-13 02:49 PM

I am having problems with the speech bubbles. I tried de-activating and re-activating them but nothing happened. Do you have any idea why they aren't working?

Rythios 01-03-13 04:23 PM

Quick question: I can't seem to be able to move Grid. Everytime I try and move it, it just snaps back to the bottom of the screen. Is there a way I can fix this?

Scyntt 01-05-13 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Scyntt (Post 270752)
Hey on bartender when you use a spell that has a CD it would time or countdown that spell's CD. When I updated to r5, it still does it, but the animation is so light it's hard for me to see it. So is there any way I can make that darker? Thanks

I've come to the conclusion after first posting the above that I need to find the image file used for the CD timer. I've been looking around in the buttons folder and on wowprogramming's image viewer attempting to nail it down, but still nothing.

An image of what I'm talking about...

I know it doesn't look that light in the image. But with the button between others in bartender, and a darker active raid environment with lots going on it's become hard to see the tick down. That's why I want to identify the image, so I can make it darker.

Anj 01-05-13 10:48 PM

Thank you for r6!

Jasmer 01-05-13 10:59 PM

Currently having a world pvp/raid issue. In a 40 man raid group and it keeps showing up with the 10 man layout. I had to change 10 man to 40 man to see everybody, which is important since I was healing. Layout changer works fine in battlegrounds, but doesn't seem to be working perfectly in the open world.

Gethe 01-05-13 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by nukeum (Post 271062)
Replaced saved variable file and it is still happening on warlock only, I can live with it for now, I am hoping beyond hope that the next update fixes it though. thanks for your help Gethe


I got onto the PTR today and with a fresh install of RealUI, this is what I got. I'm not saying that a re-install is the only solution, but if swapping the saved vars didn't work then it's probably the least complicated.


Originally Posted by Marthisdil (Post 270991)
ARL and RealUI seem to have a conflict somewhere. I believe it's in the changes made to the frame displays.

In the default Blizz UI, ARL shows a frame with recipes, you can mouse over them, and a tooltip shows with info on where the recipe is acquired, etc.

With RealUI running, the recipe list shows, but when you mouseover a recipe, nothing shows up. If you click the recipe, other weird things happen too.

Anyone have any ideas?

This issue was caused by a bad interaction between ARLs tooltip creation and the RealUI tooltip skinning. I made a change that will allow you to see the tooltip information, but due to how these two systems work that tooltip will not have a background.

The only way to truly fix this is to make or incorporate a proper tooltip addon (i.e. IceTip, etc.), which considering how niche the issue is i'm not inclined to do so at the moment.


Originally Posted by Scyntt (Post 271384)
I've come to the conclusion after first posting the above that I need to find the image file used for the CD timer. I've been looking around in the buttons folder and on wowprogramming's image viewer attempting to nail it down, but still nothing.

An image of what I'm talking about...

I know it doesn't look that light in the image. But with the button between others in bartender, and a darker active raid environment with lots going on it's become hard to see the tick down. That's why I want to identify the image, so I can make it darker.

The cooldown sweep animation cannot be modified. Do you have OmniCC enabled? This will give you a numeric countdown.


Originally Posted by Jasmer (Post 271398)
Currently having a world pvp/raid issue. In a 40 man raid group and it keeps showing up with the 10 man layout. I had to change 10 man to 40 man to see everybody, which is important since I was healing. Layout changer works fine in battlegrounds, but doesn't seem to be working perfectly in the open world.

This is already on my to-do list

Cholérax 01-06-13 10:56 AM

Hi ! First, excuse me fo my engish, isn't my first language.
I downloaded this pack, the installation was very simple, but i've some issues, and question about some changes that i want to do.

- Sometimes the font of my quest's objectif are black and unreadable. Deco/reco seems to correct it.

- Since i installed the UI, there is some bug reported :

7x OmniCC-5.1.2\settings\settings-Réglages.lua:103: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
OmniCC-5.1.2\settings\settings-Réglages.lua:103: in function "GetVersionID"
OmniCC-5.1.2\settings\settings-Réglages.lua:31: in function "UpgradeSettings"
OmniCC-5.1.2\settings\settings-Réglages.lua:25: in function "StartupSettings"
OmniCC-5.1.2\main.lua:23: in function "?"
OmniCC-5.1.2\main.lua:15: in function <OmniCC\main.lua:14>

self = OmniCC {
0 = <userdata>
GetGroupDefaults = <func> @OmniCC\..\settings.lua:59
OnCommand = <func> @OmniCC\extras.lua:37
FindGroup = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:21
GetGroupIndex = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:48
VARIABLES_LOADED = <func> @OmniCC\main.lua:22
GetGroupSettingsFor = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:39
RegisterCommands = <func> @OmniCC\extras.lua:29
GetVersionID = <func> @OmniCC\..\settings.lua:99
GetUpdateEngine = <func> @OmniCC\..\effects.lua:47
GetEffect = <func> @OmniCC\..\effects.lua:23
UpgradeSettings = <func> @OmniCC\..\settings.lua:30
AddGroup = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:59
AniUpdater = <unnamed> {}
RemoveGroup = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:70
Cooldown = <unnamed> {}
StartupSettings = <func> @OmniCC\..\settings.lua:23
GetGroupSettings = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:44
GetVersion = <func> @OmniCC\..\settings.lua:106
GetGroup = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:11
GetDefaults = <func> @OmniCC\..\settings.lua:49
Actions = <table> {}
RegisterEffect = <func> @OmniCC\..\effects.lua:19
ScriptUpdater = <unnamed> {}
Startup = <func> @OmniCC\main.lua:13
TriggerEffect = <func> @OmniCC\..\effects.lua:9
SetupConfig = <func> @OmniCC\extras.lua:9
sets = <table> {}
SetupEffect = <func> @OmniCC\..\effects.lua:14
effects = <table> {}
GetButtonIcon = <func> @OmniCC\..\effects.lua:30
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <func> @OmniCC\main.lua:49
SetupEvents = <func> @OmniCC\main.lua:39
UpdateGroups = <func> @OmniCC\..\groups.lua:81
SetupHooks = <func> @OmniCC\main.lua:32
New = <func> @OmniCC\main.lua:56
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN = <func> @OmniCC\main.lua:45
Timer = <unnamed> {}
CopyTable = <func> @OmniCC\..\settings.lua:7

I don't know what it is, if it's important, and if it is, how to correct them.

- I mooved actions bars with bartender, but when i deco/reco or go in battleground or raid etc, my sneak bar always return on the middle of the screen :( just the sneak bar.

- I would like to see all buff that i've on the right top screen, because i don't know exactly how work the middle bar for some cooldown. Slice and Dice don't appear on the right top, and how to see all debuff on the mob, like ability's who make mob to blood ( i play rogue but don't know how this ability is named in english ^^ )

- If it possile, i would like to modify the raid interface, make it bigger, or move them like moving bar with bartender.

- sometimes, thee is a little voice who's telling something like " fatality ". I didn't find how to delete it.

If others bug or issues appears, i'll update this message.

Thanks you for answers.
GG, and thanks for the UI :)

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