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Warmexx 08-25-19 01:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
37 flight times

wildcard25 08-29-19 02:11 AM

Flight times contributions have been added. Thank you.

Manthunder 09-02-19 09:04 PM

I see people uploading their flight times, but how do we actually get them so we can have them locally? (I'm in Classic)


myrroddin 09-03-19 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Manthunder (Post 333543)
I see people uploading their flight times, but how do we actually get them so we can have them locally? (I'm in Classic)


Attach InFlight.lua from this path:

World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\account\<your account name>\SavedVariables

wildcard25 09-03-19 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by Manthunder (Post 333543)
I see people uploading their flight times, but how do we actually get them so we can have them locally? (I'm in Classic)

As these times are not made available by the game, InFlight needs to learn these times by flying the flight paths and recording the times. Those times are then uploaded here by people using the addon. They are then added to the default database, so that when a future release is made, everyone benefits by InFlight now knowing those times.

As Classic is new, and I don't have a level 60 character that can go around and fly every flight path available, and no classic flight times have been uploaded to be included in a future release, then the only way to actually get them is to go and fly them for yourself. Welcome to Classic. :D

Of course, once you have done this, uploading them would be appreciated so that everyone can enjoy knowing the flight times when they have been added to the database and released :)

ps. Downloading times from this thread to use locally will usually result in all of the times you already know being erased, unless you know how to edit the files correctly. Doing this is at your own risk.

Manthunder 09-03-19 08:08 AM

No, I mean how do I get all the times that people have uploaded here into MY local WoW Classic? I see my personal flight times in the InFlightDB data structure, but I don't see anything like that in the addon(s) files. Are you going to release a new version of the addon that has the accumulated data?


Manthunder 09-03-19 08:09 AM

Or are all the uploaded files here from Retail? (If so, I didn't realize)

wildcard25 09-03-19 08:19 AM

Correct. There are no classic flight times available yet. When there are, they will be included in a future release.

Manthunder 09-03-19 08:38 AM

Ok! After I've been flying a bit more, I'll upload my data.

LazerBoi_64 09-03-19 07:43 PM

I'm curious - why is it that every time an "update" occurs, older flight times, like those from all previous xpacs of the game get completely borked??? For example, the flight from the Shrine of the Two Moons to Huojin Landing was(is) over five minutes is duration - one of the longest flights in Pandaria. It's always been that way. Yet tonight, it says it's just over a minute. HA! Sure enough, when I touch down, it says the time has been "updated" to 4:48. Why are these times continually being broken?

myrroddin 09-03-19 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Manthunder (Post 333559)
Ok! After I've been flying a bit more, I'll upload my data.

When you do, please clearly label your post that it is for classic. Thank you.

wildcard25 09-04-19 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by LazerBoi_64 (Post 333564)
I'm curious - why is it that every time an "update" occurs, older flight times, like those from all previous xpacs of the game get completely borked??? For example, the flight from the Shrine of the Two Moons to Huojin Landing was(is) over five minutes is duration - one of the longest flights in Pandaria. It's always been that way. Yet tonight, it says it's just over a minute. HA! Sure enough, when I touch down, it says the time has been "updated" to 4:48. Why are these times continually being broken?

At some time in the past the wrong time was recorded and added to the default database, most likely due to the flight finishing early without InFlight being aware that the flight was cut short. Blizzard has a habit of introducing new ways that a flight can be interrupted. So, until InFlight gets updated to recognise them, it will think that the flight has completed normally and record the time as such.

The only way for these flights to be corrected in the default database is for someone to upload their data that has the corrected flight time. As no-one has has done that, it still has the wrong time.

zirke 09-04-19 12:16 PM

[CLASSIC] Data upload
1 Attachment(s)
Made an account just to upload this. Thanks for the great addon!

Kreven 09-04-19 03:20 PM

Classic - Horde
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you for the addon. Here's my little contribution

Kuram 09-09-19 10:48 AM

Here's a few

icemansparks 09-13-19 11:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Saved 50 Flight times:
Attachment 9280

Forquilla 09-13-19 01:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 9281

a ton of them in the horde.

mascondante 09-14-19 01:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
[Classic] [Horde] 54 path times. Purposely bounced around all the ones I can reach so far to harvest the times. Took me several deaths and more time than I probably should have spent compiling it. Far from everything but a good start. Enjoy.

LaRIC 09-14-19 03:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
File added

Kreven 09-15-19 02:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I've merged all provided files.
It contains
- 155 flight times for the Horde (Orgrimmar counts 17 :cool:)
- 33 flight times for the Alliance


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