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Nibelheim 10-27-13 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Disconnecktiex (Post 286299)
Looked into it, can't sort it out. I've configured everything correct to my knowledge. Tried it in a raid it decided then to put all my raid frame in a big line and not sort anything out. Looked through realui config & also through the add on's themselves. Can't figure out the problem.

EDIT:: It no longer shows blizzard UI but makes tiny frames. I've removed all "control" Real UI has over the frames etc. Still not working. Tried everything.
(This is applied the same problem to both 10 & 25m)

Can you post a screenshot of the raid frames?

If you've unticked all "RealUI Control" boxes under /realui > Raid Frames, you should be free to adjust any Grid settings.

geekingitout 10-28-13 11:45 AM

Nib -

First off, thanks for an awesome UI - I am really enjoying it. I just have a few questions for you, as I cannot figure this out for the life of me.

1) How can I increase the buff bars in the pic shown below? I want to make them a little taller and maybe change the font - It can be hard to read at times. Even on the Large HUD format.

2) If you are raid leader, how is it that one goes about finding the controls for the raid. I know the mini map has the markers you can throw down, but nothing about the raid check ability and etc.

3) I am not seeing the targets cast bar at all. Is it turned off by default (wouldn't think it is, but ya never know). If it is not - how can I change the settings for it - so I am able to make sure I see it with my blind as a bat eyes :D Answered myself.

BalwickMaggy 10-28-13 04:46 PM

@geeking to run a readycheck, as far as I know you have to type /readycheck -- for setting assistants, right click on the frame of the people you want to set as assistant, and for changing loot mode settings, right click your own unit frame.

Nibelheim 10-28-13 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by geekingitout (Post 286316)
1) How can I increase the buff bars in the pic shown below? I want to make them a little taller and maybe change the font - It can be hard to read at times. Even on the Large HUD format.

Your UI looks like it's been scaled down (hence all the super tiny fonts and blurred edges). Done on purpose?

Slideroh 10-29-13 08:32 AM

Hello, thanks for awesome ui, but Im used to filled in hp bars/mana at start. Can I switch and "fix problem" ? :)

Véralin 10-29-13 08:53 AM


I heard some good things about real UI. Now that i wanted to try it out for myself i was unable to launch wow after putting the interface folder in my destination folder (ofcourse after backing up my WTF and old interface folders).

I recently been playing Heartstone too, and in order for that i had to download the blizzard beta launcher. Now instead of running the game with realUI it launches the beta launcher. If i press play on that launcher nothing happens.. This never happened before and when i replace the realUI interface folder with my back up folders it works just fine again.

I would really like to try out realUI.. Does anyone know what the problem is? Thanks in advance.

- Véralin

stevesy 10-29-13 11:05 AM

Whenever I open the map, I get this error (I have "Allow RealUI to control the action bars unchecked):

It also shows up when I uncheck to display LUA errors in the interface options.

MarcusQuinn 10-29-13 11:08 AM

Error after maintenance today
This error just started today after the maintenance period.

8x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn "Bartender4" tried to call the protected function "IsDisabledByParentalControls()".
!BugGrabber-r188\BugGrabber.lua:588: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:588>
<in C code>
FrameXML\MainMenuBarMicroButtons.lua:229: in function "UpdateMicroButtons"
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:272: in function <FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:255>
(tail call): ?
<in C code>
<in C code>
<in C code>
WoWDBProfiler-5.4.0-3\Main.lua:784: in function <WoWDBProfiler\Main.lua:768>
WoWDBProfiler-5.4.0-3\Main.lua:806: in function "HandleZoneChange"
WoWDBProfiler-5.4.0-3\Main.lua:904: in function <WoWDBProfiler\Main.lua:872>
(tail call): ?
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":5
(tail call): ?
libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:558: in function "EnableAddon"
libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:651: in function <libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636>
<in C code>
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:303: in function "UIParentLoadAddOn"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:377: in function "TimeManager_LoadUI"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:737: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:702>


Nibelheim 10-29-13 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Slideroh (Post 286344)
Hello, thanks for awesome ui, but Im used to filled in hp bars/mana at start. Can I switch and "fix problem" ? :)

No switch available, sorry. Shouldn't take too long to get used to, though :)


Originally Posted by Véralin (Post 286345)

I heard some good things about real UI. Now that i wanted to try it out for myself i was unable to launch wow after putting the interface folder in my destination folder (ofcourse after backing up my WTF and old interface folders).

I recently been playing Heartstone too, and in order for that i had to download the blizzard beta launcher. Now instead of running the game with realUI it launches the beta launcher. If i press play on that launcher nothing happens.. This never happened before and when i replace the realUI interface folder with my back up folders it works just fine again.

I would really like to try out realUI.. Does anyone know what the problem is? Thanks in advance.

- Véralin

Could try doing the following, see if it helps:
  1. Make sure WoW isn't installed in Program Files (if it is, move 'World of Warcraft] folder to C:\)
  2. Delete the World of Warcraft\Cache, World of Warcraft\Data\Cache and World of Warcraft\WTF folders


Originally Posted by stevesy (Post 286348)
Whenever I open the map, I get this error (I have "Allow RealUI to control the action bars unchecked):

It also shows up when I uncheck to display LUA errors in the interface options.


Originally Posted by MarcusQuinn (Post 286349)
This error just started today after the maintenance period.

8x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn "Bartender4" tried to call the protected function "IsDisabledByParentalControls()".
!BugGrabber-r188\BugGrabber.lua:588: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:588>
<in C code>
FrameXML\MainMenuBarMicroButtons.lua:229: in function "UpdateMicroButtons"
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:272: in function <FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:255>
(tail call): ?
<in C code>
<in C code>
<in C code>
WoWDBProfiler-5.4.0-3\Main.lua:784: in function <WoWDBProfiler\Main.lua:768>
WoWDBProfiler-5.4.0-3\Main.lua:806: in function "HandleZoneChange"
WoWDBProfiler-5.4.0-3\Main.lua:904: in function <WoWDBProfiler\Main.lua:872>
(tail call): ?
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":5
(tail call): ?
libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:558: in function "EnableAddon"
libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:651: in function <libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636>
<in C code>
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:303: in function "UIParentLoadAddOn"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:377: in function "TimeManager_LoadUI"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:737: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:702>


Latest WoW maintenance has protected a function causing Bartender issues. Will have to wait for Bartender author to update the addon.

Castria 10-29-13 03:11 PM

Just wanna say love the ui.

Mainly i have a question about the cargbags built into the ui .

For example you have new inventory amour sets trade goods and things move accordingly to there correct bags so lets say i want any and all Jewel crafting items to go to a bag name jewelcrafting how would i do this so i dont have to have it ctrl alt right click each item to a custom made bag , so if say im gathering herbs from elwyn all the way to mop zone all herbs i pick goto an herb named bag instead of trade goods or new stuff?

i hope i explained this well and thanks in advance for the help

Nibelheim 10-29-13 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Castria (Post 286367)
Just wanna say love the ui.

Mainly i have a question about the cargbags built into the ui .

For example you have new inventory amour sets trade goods and things move accordingly to there correct bags so lets say i want any and all Jewel crafting items to go to a bag name jewelcrafting how would i do this so i dont have to have it ctrl alt right click each item to a custom made bag , so if say im gathering herbs from elwyn all the way to mop zone all herbs i pick goto an herb named bag instead of trade goods or new stuff?

i hope i explained this well and thanks in advance for the help

Once you've moved one unique item (i.e Silverthorn) into a custom bag, all additional Silverthorn will move accordingly. So after a while all gems and herbs etc will move automatically if you've moved them once. To do categories and auto-moving based on item type requires a far larger addon than cargBags (ie ArkInventory)

Castria 10-29-13 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 286376)
Once you've moved one unique item (i.e Silverthorn) into a custom bag, all additional Silverthorn will move accordingly. So after a while all gems and herbs etc will move automatically if you've moved them once. To do categories and auto-moving based on item type requires a far larger addon than cargBags (ie ArkInventory)

Yeah i just seen that but it the thing is i love the way your addons feels looks etc does this work in conjunction to yours or its pick or chose one

Nibelheim 10-29-13 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Castria (Post 286381)
Yeah i just seen that but it the thing is i love the way your addons feels looks etc does this work in conjunction to yours or its pick or chose one

Pick or choose. And ArkInventory's configuration is complicated (relatively speaking).

Hakamaori 10-29-13 06:54 PM

Ace3 Error
So, I just got this error message:


4x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn "Ace3" tried to call the protected function "IsDisabledByParentalControls()".
!BugGrabber-r188\BugGrabber.lua:588: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:588>
<in C code>
FrameXML\MainMenuBarMicroButtons.lua:229: in function "UpdateMicroButtons"
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:272: in function <FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:255>
(tail call): ?
<in C code>
<in C code>
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1819: in function "SetUIPanel"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1624: in function "ShowUIPanel"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1545: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1541>
<in C code>
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2262: in function "ShowUIPanel"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2246: in function "ToggleFrame"
<string>:"TOGGLEWORLDMAP":1: in function <string>:"TOGGLEWORLDMAP":1


Nibelheim 10-29-13 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Hakamaori (Post 286392)
So, I just got this error message:

Yep. Latest maintenance introduced some stuff that's breaking addons. Will update RealUI once addons are updated.

Jasmer 10-29-13 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 286386)
Pick or choose. And ArkInventory's configuration is complicated (relatively speaking).

I can post my arkinventory saved variables if anybody wants to us it instead. It's the old file from before cargbags plus a few more rules and bags added. It matches the UI as well as ArkInventory can, though.

It just seems easier to get ridiculously, ludicrously, unnecessarily organized.

I...I may or may not have OCD.

Rumil_Dunemaul 10-29-13 10:11 PM

This is some seriously slick stuff, presses all my design/style/functionality ocd buttons! Thanks for all the hard work that clearly went in.

HiiQueue 10-29-13 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 286296)
Max of 24 per side. I just show 6 to help in configuring.

Can't seem to get Maelstrom Weapon stacks to show in the auras tracker... I am currently using WeakAuras 2 to track it but would love to use RealUI instead... Any specifics you can give on settings for it?

Also... Have an error now whenever I open the map:

12x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn "Ace3" tried to call the protected function "IsDisabledByParentalControls()".
!BugGrabber-r188\BugGrabber.lua:588: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:588>
<in C code>
FrameXML\MainMenuBarMicroButtons.lua:229: in function "UpdateMicroButtons"
FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:272: in function <FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:255>
(tail call): ?
<in C code>
<in C code>
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1819: in function "SetUIPanel"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1624: in function "ShowUIPanel"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1545: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1541>
<in C code>
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2262: in function "ShowUIPanel"
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2246: in function "ToggleFrame"
<string>:"TOGGLEWORLDMAP":1: in function <string>:"TOGGLEWORLDMAP":1


Nibelheim 10-29-13 11:59 PM

Maelstrom should be tracked by default. I will check it out.

For the map, have you updated to r20b?

Banis 10-30-13 03:30 AM

i think the bartrender error hasn't solved, when i open map i get a blizzard error disable addon or ignore :S

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