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Tylius 12-29-08 11:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
More data, will reset my variables next update

totalpackage 01-05-09 10:42 AM

Updated as of v3.0.010.

Zidomo 02-10-09 04:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Frequently am still getting unknown flightpaths in Northrend (with no InFlight timer time) with v3.0.010. So here is my latest saved variables.

Gemini_II 02-10-09 05:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Same, more flights than expected are not showing up, so here's some more data. Keep up the good work! :)

totalpackage 02-13-09 06:05 PM

Updated as of v3.0.011.

phrozenassid 02-14-09 10:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Data for horde paths and probably some other stuff.

Kelem 02-16-09 08:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Inlight.lua with several paths not in the default package

zergussino 02-19-09 12:43 AM

Horde Flights
1 Attachment(s)
Attached horde flights data. Hope it helps. Thanks for cool addon.

totalpackage 02-22-09 11:33 PM

Updated as of v3.0.012.

Gemini_II 03-25-09 12:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Your InFlight entertainment for this evening will be: Updated Data! ;)

Zidomo 03-26-09 04:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yet more standard Outlands Alliance flight times that are not present in InFlight 3.0.012 and/or 3.0.013 in WoW 3.0.9 live:

Aesir 07-10-09 11:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I occassionally get ?? showing for times in some of the longer old world paths. Hopefully this is useful.

LadySilverwolf 07-26-09 10:07 PM

contributions from flying
1 Attachment(s)
Hope this helps.

Been using your addon for a while now, possibly since I was about lvl 30ish, and now at 80. Alliance toon, although it might even have data from horde locations from my horde toon as well, who I have not gotten to 80 yet.

Radry 07-27-09 11:03 AM

special flight: from McGoyver in Valgarde to the Exlorers' League Outpost in Howling Fjord. you can only take the flight after a couple of quests

Subzone: Valgarde
Text: "Official Explorers' League business, McGoyver. Take me to the Explorers' League Outpost!"

Radry 07-27-09 11:20 AM

special flight: from Surristrasz in Amber Ledge to Transitus Shield in Borean Tundra. you can only take the flight after a couple of quests

Subzone: Amber Ledge
Text: "I'd like passage to the Transitus Shield."

totalpackage 08-05-09 02:59 PM

Thanks, updated as of 3.2.001.

Nbnu 09-23-09 06:03 PM

Data (German client)
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for your addon!

These are my data. I'm using the German client.

Fugazi 10-13-09 05:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Moar data! Mainly northrend horde.

lepaperwan 11-20-09 05:47 PM

French Locale
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the "completed" french Horde locale.
I'm missing Bouldercrag's Refuge, Camp Tunka'lo, Crusaders' Pinnacle, Death's Rise.
I'll start the Alliance locale soon and will add the missing four as well.

Thanks for the addon

PS : Would be nice to have a command to load defaults. :)

Kikuchiyo 01-01-10 05:09 PM

Dun Niffelem to Wyrmrest Temple
1 Attachment(s)
Just started using this add-on.
came up as ??
Thought I'd submit.
FWIW, hope it helps.

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