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Cairenn 05-27-05 10:40 AM

If you are willing to release your source code for us to check, we're always more than willing to host things that are of benefit to the modding community. We have a "general" policy against .exe .vbs, etc in regular mods, but even there, if the author is willing to provide us with their code, we will consider making exceptions to the general rule. Something like this, there is no question of whether we'd allow it, given the stipulation about letting us check your code.

It isn't that we figure most folks would do anything malicious, but the unfortunate reality is that some do. That's why the "general" policy is in place. It's protection for the users of the site, protection for you the mod authors, as we can prove beyond doubt that any thing that goes wrong (virus, key logger, even something like undocumented "easter eggs") with someone computer is not the fault of your mod, and it's protection for ourselves, same idea.

And the other reality is that most end-users see a .exe and almost auto-assume that there is going to be a virus or some such and just refuse to use it (which is actually the better choice in most cases). We like to be able to definitely verify for ourselves that anything available from our sites are "clean", and folks know that from having used our sister sites for years, so folks trust that anything coming from here is clean.

Trust you can understand that. :)

Having a "Developers' Tools" section is something we've considered before, there just hasn't been a call for it on our site as of yet. We certainly have no objection to adding one. :)

(And yeah, obviously it won't be me checking the code. ;))

/edit I also want to, personally, say thank you to all of you for the time you are taking to try to help me get my head around this stuff. It is appreciated, I am still reading it, I just have some other things at the moment that are taking up my time and attention (sick daughter, to be exact), so I'm not actually able to start trying to work my way through the info you are providing. I just wanted to add that, so you knew that my lack of responses to the thread all of a sudden wasn't lack of interest or some such. I just don't have the time right now to try practical application. I'll definitely start spamming you guys again though, when I do.

Beladona 05-27-05 12:08 PM

It isn't an exe, but it does auto-run on clicking of the mxp, so I see your points. Virus spread because people aren't careful of what they click on...

Anyway, I have uploaded a new verison of the zip with a directory called "source" which is a complete snapshot of what the MXP file contains. The file structure of the zip is below, and the files therein are the oens that are used to define the code structures.


Hope this helps! I also took the liberty of adding the code changes as they have been reported in the upcoming patch. So this syntax highlighting plugin is up to date with 1.5.0 (unless they sneak in some more last minute functions and stuff that I don't know about yet)

Cairenn 05-27-05 12:10 PM

To quote the person who would be checking the code:


Ohh yeah, sure. Looks like a nice program.

I dont need to see the source code. I can play with the app to tell if its ok or not (in this particular case)

Its not really a program its a dreamweaver plugin that highlights syntax. Yeah its more then safe.
So, greenlighted, aaannnnddd ... TaDa! :)

Beladona 05-27-05 12:21 PM

YAY! I think I love you! I will update this thread with more info once I can get it uploaded.

I am having some kind of issue though, as I cannot upload to that category. There isn't a button to upload like there is in the other categories... Will upload as soon as that becomes available...

Cairenn 05-27-05 05:49 PM

Crud, I'm sorry, I was trying to get the forum available and your app cleared in a rush while waiting for my daughter to get dressed so I could take her to the hospital. Just got back in now and saw this. In my hurry I had a permission set incorrectly. You should be able to upload with no problem now. Sorry about that. =/

Beladona 05-27-05 07:49 PM

no problem. I uploaded it, awaiting approval. Support thread is here:

One thing I noticed however, I cannot upload updates to the file, or edit it. I do plan to release updated version of it soon that includes code hints, and lua within xml support, so that feature would be useful...

diiverr 05-28-05 02:09 PM

Sorry, I stumbled onto this thread a bit late I'm afraid.

This quote piqued my interest:

Originally Posted by Beladona
P.S. You CAN define images, and even swap some images within lua code. However it is best to stay away from modifying stock ui artwork, especially via lua SetTexture functions. These don't always work right, and can be a pain in the butt to keep stable (no crashes). It is actually better to hide, disable, or replace the functionality of something in the default ui, with a custom element of your own, using your own artwork. More on this later.

I'm a little like Carienne. Working with lua in a WoW AddOn is a bit like me trying to explain to you how to reapair your car's engine, in French. I don't speak the language, and I'm pretty fuzzy on the mechanics anyway. :p

Beladona, could you elaborate at all on what the pitfalls might be associated with utilizing the SetTexture function in an AddOn? As I said, me no speaka da lua so good, but that -seeemed- from my limited knowledge to be a fairly slick little function, depending on the application.

What am I missing?

Cairenn 05-28-05 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Beladona
One thing I noticed however, I cannot upload updates to the file, or edit it. I do plan to release updated version of it soon that includes code hints, and lua within xml support, so that feature would be useful...

/sigh, I'm sorry, I have been so distracted with the stuff about my daughter. Anyway, it's fixed, you should be able to now. I'm not usually such a ditz, honest!

*feels like a complete dope*

Beladona 05-28-05 03:18 PM

sure thing! the SetTexture("texturepath"); function is pretty useful, in that you can change the texture associated with a texture object at will. This is most notable seen in modifications that allow toggle buttons. When you hit the button, and thereby "toggle" it on, or off, the texture can be set to change based on what that value is. I don't have time to go into the specifics right now, but I might be willing to start some discussion threads on it regarding the uses of it.

Basically if you have a texture called "MyTexture" you would do this:

MyTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\myAddon\\mytexture01.tga"); (as someone mentioned earlier, you can leave out the .tga here, as the engine sees the graphics file without the trailing file type, however I prefer to use the extension, for practicality sake, as well as the fact I have seen it not work a couple times...)

With some coding, you could do something like this:


function onToggle()
        if (myToggle) then
                myToggle = false;
                -- do whatever the toggle is meant to "toggle" off
                myToggle = true;
                -- do whatever the toggle is meant to "toggle" on

You can also use
MyTexture:SetTexCoord(minX, maxX, minY, maxY); so for people like Cairenn who was discussing having a single file with multiple elements, you can leave the texture as is, and just change the Texture Coordinates...

diiverr 05-28-05 05:20 PM


I read the above quote as you saying that you avoided modifying the default textures, partidularly by way of using the SetTexture function. Basically, the complete opposite of what you had actually said. ;)

Nevermind me, and thank you for the clarification. :)

While we're at it, would you mind tossing in an event (properly scripted) for the above (myToggle) to fire from. Say for example, I wanted to alter the target frame on gaining a particular target, a mob vs. a player, friendly vs. hostile, or something to that effect.

I think I'm seeing a glimmer of clarity peeking through here, I want to keep the irons in the fire while the fire is hot, if you don't mind indulging me. :cool:

edit: I think you may have done this already earlier in the thread. I'm going back now to read back through, and see if I can't sort that out. Sorry bout that. :)

(PS: Your TextCoord explanation earlier in this thread was golden. I come from DAoC, which I believe was similar to EQ in terms of UI modification scope. TextCoor's had me totally bamboozled. Not any longer! I will have to play around with that more. Thank you!)

diiverr 05-28-05 06:44 PM

OK, in an effort to get around the pesky un-named texture dilemma, I decided to pursue the earlier castbar example.

Sorry for the eyesores, but here is the code of my reconstruction of the castbar:



function DS_CastingBarFrame_OnLoad()
        this.casting = nil;
        this.holdTime = 0;
        CastingBarFrame_OnEvent = DS_CastingBarFrame_OnEvent
        CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate = DS_CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate
        --tried just using CastingBarFrame:Hide(); below too. that didn't work either
        if DS_CastingBarFrame:IsVisible() then

function DS_CastingBarFrame_OnEvent()
        if ( event == "SPELLCAST_START" ) then
                DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(1.0, 0.7, 0.0);
                this.startTime = GetTime();
                this.maxValue = this.startTime + (arg2 / 1000);
                DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetMinMaxValues(this.startTime, this.maxValue);
                this.DS_holdTime = 0;
                this.DS_casting = 1;
                this.fadeOut = nil;

                this.mode = "DS_casting";
        elseif ( event == "SPELLCAST_STOP" ) then
                if ( not this:IsVisible() ) then
                if ( this:IsShown() ) then
                        DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
                        this.DS_casting = nil;
                        this.flash = 1;
                        this.fadeOut = 1;

                        this.mode = "flash";
        elseif ( event == "SPELLCAST_FAILED" or event == "SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED" ) then
                if ( this:IsShown() ) then
                        DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                        if ( event == "SPELLCAST_FAILED" ) then
                        this.DS_casting = nil;
                        this.fadeOut = 1;
                        this.DS_holdTime = GetTime() + CASTING_BAR_HOLD_TIME;
        elseif ( event == "SPELLCAST_DELAYED" ) then
                if( this:IsShown() ) then
                        this.startTime = this.startTime + (arg1 / 1000);
                        this.maxValue = this.maxValue + (arg1 / 1000);
                        DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetMinMaxValues(this.startTime, this.maxValue);
        elseif ( event == "SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START" ) then
                DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(1.0, 0.7, 0.0);
                this.maxValue = 1;
                this.startTime = GetTime();
                this.endTime = this.startTime + (arg1 / 1000);
                this.duration = arg1 / 1000;
                DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetMinMaxValues(this.startTime, this.endTime);
                this.DS_holdTime = 0;
                this.DS_casting = nil;
                this.channeling = 1;
                this.fadeOut = nil;
        elseif ( event == "SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE" ) then
                if ( arg1 == 0 ) then
                        this.channeling = nil;
                elseif ( this:IsShown() ) then
                        local origDuration = this.endTime - this.startTime
                        this.endTime = GetTime() + (arg1 / 1000)
                        this.startTime = this.endTime - origDuration
                        --this.endTime = this.startTime + (arg1 / 1000);
                        DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetMinMaxValues(this.startTime, this.endTime);

function DS_CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate()
        if ( this.DS_casting ) then
                local status = GetTime();
                if ( status > this.maxValue ) then
                        status = this.maxValue
                local sparkPosition = ((status - this.startTime) / (this.maxValue - this.startTime)) * 195;
                if ( sparkPosition < 0 ) then
                        sparkPosition = 0;
                DS_CastingBarSpark:SetPoint("CENTER", "DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar", "LEFT", sparkPosition, 0);
        elseif ( this.channeling ) then
                local time = GetTime();
                if ( time > this.endTime ) then
                        time = this.endTime
                if ( time == this.endTime ) then
                        this.channeling = nil;
                        this.fadeOut = 1;
                local barValue = this.startTime + (this.endTime - time);
                DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar:SetValue( barValue );
                local sparkPosition = ((barValue - this.startTime) / (this.endTime - this.startTime)) * 195;
                DS_CastingBarSpark:SetPoint("CENTER", "DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar", "LEFT", sparkPosition, 0);
        elseif ( GetTime() < this.DS_holdTime ) then
        elseif ( this.flash ) then
                local alpha = DS_CastingBarFlash:GetAlpha() + CASTING_BAR_FLASH_STEP;
                if ( alpha < 1 ) then
                        this.flash = nil;
        elseif ( this.fadeOut ) then
                local alpha = this:GetAlpha() - CASTING_BAR_ALPHA_STEP;
                if ( alpha > 0 ) then
                        this.fadeOut = nil;

function DS_CastingBarFrame_UpdatePosition()
        local castingBarPosition = 60;
        if ( PetActionBarFrame:IsVisible() or ShapeshiftBarFrame:IsVisible() ) then
                castingBarPosition = castingBarPosition + 40;
        if ( MultiBarBottomLeft:IsVisible() ) then
                castingBarPosition = castingBarPosition + 40;
        DS_CastingBarFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "UIParent", "BOTTOM", 0, castingBarPosition);


        <Frame name="DS_CastingBarFrame" toplevel="true" parent="UIParent" movable="true" enableMouse="true" hidden="true">
                        <AbsDimension x="206" y="26"/>
                        <Anchor point="BOTTOM">
                                        <AbsDimension x="0" y="60"/>
                        <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
                                                <AbsDimension x="195" y="13"/>
                                                <Anchor point="TOP">
                                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
                                        <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="0.5"/>
                        <Layer level="OVERLAY">
                                <FontString name="DS_CastingBarText" inherits="GameFontHighlight">
                                                <AbsDimension x="185" y="16"/>
                                                <Anchor point="TOP">
                                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
                                <Texture file="Interface\AddOns\DiivSkins\Skins\castingbar">
                                                <AbsDimension x="256" y="64"/>
                                                <Anchor point="TOP">
                                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="25"/>
                        <Frame name="DS_CastingBarFlash" hidden="true">
                                        <AbsDimension x="256" y="64"/>
                                        <Anchor point="CENTER">
                                                        <AbsDimension x="0" y="4"/>
                                        <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
                                                <Texture file="Interface\AddOns\DiivSkins\Skins\castingbarflash" alphaMode="ADD">
                                                                <AbsDimension x="256" y="64"/>
                        <StatusBar name="DS_CastingBarFrameStatusBar">
                                        <AbsDimension x="195" y="13"/>
                                        <Anchor point="TOP">
                                                        <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
                                        <Layer level="OVERLAY">
                                                <Texture name="DS_CastingBarSpark" file="Interface\CastingBar\UI-CastingBar-Spark" alphaMode="ADD">
                                                                <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
                                                                <Anchor point="CENTER">
                                                                                <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
                                                this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
                                <BarTexture file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"/>
                                <BarColor r="1.0" g="0.7" b="0.0"/>

Tha's basically the complete Blizz Casting Bar code, with a few elements renamed to include the "DS_" prefix.

Within an AddOn, the above perfectly duplicates the casting bar. However, I can't get the vestiges of the old one to dissappear. It no longer functions, it just sits there, full, with not text, and no "flash" animations, and the "spark" just hanging out dead center. It does still exhibit the behavior of only being present while casting, however. I noted what I tried in the onload function of the lua to get it to hide, but niether of those worked.

Oddly enough, the original casting bar would hide and remain hidden using MoveAnything!, but once I reset the MoveAnything! frame, it went back to ghosting my new casting bar.

Here's an image of what I get. Note the functioning "flash" in the inset:
(don't laugh at the graphics, I just tossed those together quick) ;) :

So... What am I missing? I'm not dying to change the castbar graphics, insomuch as I am dying to find out what I am doing wrong. :p

Beladona 05-29-05 01:14 PM

try moving CastingBarFrame:Hide(); to your OnUpdate function. It will get fired quite often, and whenever your new casting bar gets updated, so no matter what your old castingbar is doing it will get hidden (or should)

I may try to play with it later. The image you have below? Is that a custom menubar you made, alone with the other graphics? Or is it a mod that already exists? It looks interesting...

EDIT: Scratch that, I looked up your released AddOns and saw it, so disregard =P

diiverr 05-29-05 02:20 PM


Thank you Beladona. plopping the hide in the update function, like so, did the trick:


function DS_CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate()
        if ( this.DS_casting ) then  yada yada yada....

diiverr 05-30-05 02:27 PM


Fiddled some more, using all of the tips put forth in this thread, and wrangled the MiniMap around.

Here's a shot of my "new" MiniMap,
toggled open and closed:

Hovering over the Dragon's head gives you
zone info in the tooltip ...
(this was an "accidental" feature I ran with):

Here's a shot with Tracking/Mail/etc.
notification icons displayed:

Sorry, trivial I know, but I just wanted to thank you Beladona and everyone else for taking the time to hand-hold some of us newer folks. I know I for one, really appreciate it.

I still have a few issues with what I did, namely, getting the original map to hide (again), and getting my map to play nice with other AddOns that want to play with the minimap. I also have my suspicions that the ping, while functioning on my map, may not work right for other people in my group as intended. Time to go outside though now. Challenges for another day. :-)

PS: Images include use of smilies, the vB code [img] tag and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator. ... I take the limit is four? No emoticons for me! ;-)

Cairenn 05-30-05 02:35 PM

Diiver, that looks fantastic! Don't even think about apologizing for it being "trivial", it most assuredly isn't.

This is the other side of UI modding that many folks are still searching for, the graphical changes. A UI can look completely different, just by changing graphics, yet still actually be exactly the same, layout and functionality-wise. I, for one, am very glad to see folks beginning to get into the graphical modding of the UI. That's the area I work with by preference (if I can ever get my head around it all). Now that (more) folks are actually using this area of the forums, (and so far, everyone is being incredibly patient in trying to help others, as we always hope for and expect on our forums), I expect we'll see more and more of this type of modding. It's going to be fun! :)

(PS, I'll look into the whole smilie thing.)

Beladona 05-30-05 03:42 PM

Good work! I love seeing people take the initiative to design original changes to the ui. No Change is a useless change, as there is always someone that finds it useful or fun.

I enjoy providing what little I know about LUA, XML, and WoW AddOns to anyone that needs or wants my advice. I kind of get pleasure out of helping people in even small ways. So feel free to bounce ideas or questions off me at any time, as that is what I am here for...

diiverr 05-30-05 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Beladona
... So feel free to bounce ideas or questions off me at any time, as that is what I am here for...

MuahahahaHAHAHAhahaha. . . A VICTIM! :D

Just kidding, you rock Bel. ;)

OK, in an effort to remedy a problem I'll detail later, I expanded (experimented?) on your earlier "impolite" way to alter my lua. I now have the following for an <OnLoad>:


function DS_Minimap_OnLoad()
        DS_MiniMapPing.fadeOut = nil;
        Minimap_OnLoad = DS_Minimap_OnLoad
        Minimap_OnEvent = DS_Minimap_OnEvent
        Minimap_OnUpdate = DS_Minimap_OnUpdate
        Minimap_Update = DS_Minimap_Update
        Minimap_SetPing = DS_Minimap_SetPing
        MiniMapPing_FadeOut = DS_MiniMapPing_FadeOut
        Minimap_ZoomInClick = DS_Minimap_ZoomInClick
        Minimap_ZoomOutClick = DS_Minimap_ZoomOutClick
        Minimap_OnClick = DS_Minimap_OnClick
        Minimap_ZoomIn = DS_Minimap_ZoomIn
        Minimap_ZoomOut = DS_Minimap_ZoomOut

That's every function in the lua, but as a note, adding in the "Minimap_OnLoad = DS_MinimapOnLoad" was the kicker to get the "Minimapcluster:Hide();" to do what it was supposed to. (finally). This is a good thing, as when I "/script MinimapCluster:Show();" in-game to compare the way the two are behaving, I get a nasty windows error related to the POI's i think when I try to hover over the town pointer widgets that circle the outer border (you know, the little silver arrows on the outer rim that tell you [Ogrimmar] or whatever is that way, when you are out in the boonies, nearing a town). With the primary Minimap hidden, this doesn't seem to be an issue.

OK, by now, about 95% of the "DS" minimap has been converted to hold my prefix. There are still some globals, and some stuff related mainly to the ZoneText headers that I haven't messed with, but everything relating to the minimap seems to be behaving itself as it should now...
Other AddOns!

Namely, anything that parks a button on the minimap, and <cry> Gatherer.
All of that stuff still wants to (understandandably) play with the old minimap, which is of course now hidden. No errors or any other unspeakables, the other addons elements simply hide themselves with the old minimap.

So, is there an "easy" way to intercept this sort of stuff from my AddOn's code so that they will display on the "new" minimap? Or a hard way even? Or am I now faced with modifying other AddOns to "support" mine?

Might be a toughy, but it can't hurt to ask. :)

diiverr 05-30-05 10:01 PM

Now with hawter seggsier round minimize button! :eek:

(By the way, that button is kind of troublesome as a toggle. I would like to vary the "states" of the button image depending on whether the map was minimized or not, but that proved more complicated than expected, once I started trying to fool with it.)

Seriously though, I see a lot of requests from the minimilast camp for this sort of thing. I would be happy to pass this off to soemone more capable if anyone is interested in finishing this "concept" off, if its even possible? (Obviously, a release would likely need to be sans-dragon for the minimilasts, at the very least, I suppose an option at best..)

At this point, other than getting this AddOn to play nice with others, it works really well. It's also really simple to make the map "look" however you want it. ("BlizzardShouldHavedNamedMeAndSavedMeAllThisTrouble" was my favorite texture name in the recode. ;) )

Honestly, giving the map and its various (default) components a sleak "tooltip" border wouldn't be too difficult either. Provided of course, that you don't mind it being round. :p

Beladona 05-31-05 07:00 AM

I can try helping.

On a side note, something I have not tried myself, but may be useful in the situation you are in...

Every frame element or widget, etc... is given a script instance, just like functions. So in effect, remapping a function to a new function, would theoretically work with elements as well?


MinimapCluster = myCustomMapCluster;

Provided your custom map cluster has all of the same basic code that allows POI and other stuff to work, I would think this would be ideal for you to effectively replace the default element with your own custom one. Again, I have NOT tried this, so have no idea how the UI will behave, or if it will crash out. If it DOES work, then other addons would work out of the box with yours, as their little buttons should jump onto your custom minimap simply because the MinimapCluster reference is pointing to yours...

Be warned, that doing this means that anything that does MinimapCluster:Hide(); will in fact hide your minimap. So doing this means you would need to remove the code that hides the default minimap in favor of yours...

Good work so far, it is looking good...

diiverr 05-31-05 07:34 AM

Oooo, that sounds like it might just be the ticket Beladona. Of course, servers are down at the moment, but I will definitely give that a go later this evening.

Thank you. :)

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