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-   -   "No player named '[Player Name]' is currently playing." (

ircdirk 01-04-15 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by samyonair (Post 304348)
Ircdirk do you play on a conected realm?

I have some thoughts about it, with the person a mentioned before it only happens on connected realm if She is on the other realm will do some tests in free time in cooperation with my brother if i can reproduce it because if I'm on same realm with guildmates, friends etc no problem play although often with a friend from other realm if he is in group and go off no problem, thats why i think it is an ISSUE with connected realms only and will see if console gives me some useful information, or can find out which function in nxsocial is sending information on loggout .. I think its Pal/punk detection but will hopefully see if there is an easier way then a workaround

I found fix but i need to test it. See PM Samyonair.

ircdirk 01-04-15 09:08 AM

The fix is on github... so everyone having this issue download version from GitHub and test it.

Rythal 01-04-15 09:42 AM

I question the placement, as social is the addon with ON_FRIENDSLIST not Nxcom. It works because it's being run every update tick instead of when it needs to be.

Does the same fix work if you move the call to NxSocial, line 861 just above self.List:Update()?

samyonair 01-04-15 11:07 AM

from what I now understand it is the right place

because it is the comunication for pals (social) in NxCom.lua that throws the error on not online


    local msg = self.PalsSendMsg                                      
                                              if msg then                               
                                                      ShowFriends() -- force Friend List Update                                                                                                  self.PosSendNext = self.PosSendNext + 1                                     
                                                  if self.PosSendNext > #self.Friends then

greetings Samyonair

ps and this error accurs in every addon I have seen in comunication issues

Rythal 01-04-15 11:44 AM

even if that's the case, it's being called too late, the function is called asking blizz to update the friends list and then right after is doing a check against a variable built from friends list updates

if self.PosSendNext > #self.Friends

It may not have time to update self.Friends before it is checking and then still try to do the
self:Send ("W", msg, self.Friends[self.PosSendNext])

With the current placement, it calls the function which initates FRIENDLIST_UPDATE and Carbonite.lua throws that back to Com.OnFriendguild_update which then rebuilds self.Friends and it would need to do that all before the if statement gets done.

And not only that it's modifying self.Friends so say bubba, joe and john are online and on your friends list. bubba goes offline while this is running, self.Friends goes down to 2 and john never gets get message.

samyonair 01-04-15 12:05 PM

ok understand what you mean will check your idea, to check if its possible if my brother has time :-)

Rythal 01-04-15 12:06 PM

Thinking more on this... it may be better to instead of using ShowFriends() add a check before the Send

something like

if UnitIsConnected(self.Friends[self.PosSendNext]) then
self:Send ("W", msg, self.Friends[self.PosSendNext])

Edit: Hrmm no, that won't work as we don't have the unitID only the name.

ircdirk 01-04-15 12:35 PM

Putting in this place ShowFriends() isnt much affecting performance in this case.

I was searching and debuging to find right place for this issue. The problem was with sending this Whisps to Pals to show them on Main map.

As far as for position, Rythal is right it should be in other place, but it works for now. The only side effect will be that if this Whisp isnt send, the position of Pal will not be updated on the map, but it will be updated in next cycle.

And the real issue is Blitzz bug as event "FRIENDLIST_UPDATE" isnt fired everytime it should!

We could replace ShowFirends() with Nx.Com:OnFriendguild_update() so it will execute function, update what we need and then do rest of the code... is that good idea?

atl77 01-05-15 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 304367)
something like

if UnitIsConnected(self.Friends[self.PosSendNext]) then
self:Send ("W", msg, self.Friends[self.PosSendNext])

Edit: Hrmm no, that won't work as we don't have the unitID only the name.

It also won't work because (and I quote the documentation of UnitID about player name): "This must be spelled exactly and will be invalid if the named player is not a part of your party or raid. As with all other UnitIDs, it is not case sensitive."

GetFriendInfo won't probably help either, because it would suffer from the same inconvenient inconsistency about not noticing when someone goes offline in time.

nelegalno2 01-05-15 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by atl77 (Post 304409)
It also won't work because (and I quote the documentation of UnitID about player name): "This must be spelled exactly and will be invalid if the named player is not a part of your party or raid. As with all other UnitIDs, it is not case sensitive."

GetFriendInfo won't probably help either, because it would suffer from the same inconvenient inconsistency about not noticing when someone goes offline in time.

Isn't there something that can be used from FriendsFrame.lua?

ircdirk 01-05-15 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by nelegalno2 (Post 304410)
Isn't there something that can be used from FriendsFrame.lua?

I think not. Couse in FriendsFrame they use FRIENDS_SHOW event when showing list and we are using FRIENDS_UDPATE (bugged) without showing any frames (we are sending msg to pals without showing friends frame).

stones 01-09-15 02:49 PM

Yesterday I put a bug report in at Blizz and they said its a add on the is causing this message. They said recount with (sync ) that is causing the No player message, So i disabled all my add on's and reactivate them one at a time till i find the one that is causing this message. I do not use recount.

U have just started doing this will post my resalts

ircdirk 01-09-15 02:56 PM

GitHub version has fix for this, ofcourse only for our addon ;)

sumoldguy 01-12-15 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 304622)
GitHub version has fix for this, ofcourse only for our addon ;)

Found an error with the new fix:

Carbonite GetPos Err:975: Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9129: in function `GetWorldPos'
Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:10272: in function `GetClosestObjectivePos'
Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:10211: in function `CalcDistances'
Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:8583: in function `func'
...\AddOns\Carbonite\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:55: in function <...\AddOns\Carbonite\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>

Tinibree 01-16-15 11:54 PM

I had this issue for weeks and weeks, but then I disabled recount and I haven't seen it since. I don't know if it was just recount or a recount/carbonite issue. My friend also had the issue and told him to disable recount, also no issue since.

jeffy162 01-17-15 03:38 PM

I don't know if this works, but someone posted on the WoW forums about it.

The culprit seems to be Recount (specifically, the Sync feature). Disable it, and you're set
Here's the page link:

ircdirk 01-17-15 04:06 PM

I did explained that in previos posts.

Carbonite is fixed but becouse of Blizz bug other addons may be affected with de same issue.


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