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deca prime 01-17-05 09:44 PM

Just a little follow up...I did a little ingame testing and the UnitDebuff funtion returns the texture for the ability(like Cide told me), as Interface/Icon/Ability_Sap for example. I haven't been able to stack 5 debuffs but I thought I saw that as the limit of number of debuffs so that n as 1 refers to the first debuffs texture, so on and so forth.

Lewzephyr 01-18-05 12:48 PM

Assist anything I have targeted?
What is the command for me to assist any target I have... or is there one.

does not work when you have a NPC, or your pet targeted.

Basicly it goes back to the EQ days of assisting for healing people not necessairly in your group.
grab anyone as target, assit them to see who everyone is attacking, then assit again to see who the NPC/MOB is aggroed on, hence the one who will need the healing.

/assist keeps returning unknown unit

thanks for your time

Cide 01-21-05 01:48 PM

I believe it is /script AssistUnit(). This targets your target's target.

bahzeel 01-21-05 04:50 PM


Brief note to let you know that I've got my DPS Taken mod working. I started with the DamageWatch utility (I like the way it calculates the period for reporting DPS), and bolted in the DPS Taken logic.

I'm still testing it out (dev complete, not testing complete or ready for release), but at least for straight up melee in one test - I get DPS Taken :D

I appreciate the help you provided getting me steered in the right direction!

Jugger 01-21-05 11:52 PM

Would it be at all possible to create a proggy or something that does what EQwatcher ( )does for EQ.. meaning a text to speech engine that speaks out what is written in chat realtime, I have been asking around some other forums, and been told that WoW dos not log the chat in real time, and that makes it almost impossible, but now a chatlogger ( )has been released, wouldnt it be possible to connect the text 2 speech engine to that chatlog for desired text 2 speech efffect?

so I cry out to all you uber coders out there..
And would it be legal if it is at all possible?

Can it be done??

I got so used to hearing everyhting written in EQ so its a real drag having to read it all now in WoW (lazy I dunno =p)



MIMP 01-26-05 11:49 AM

Minimap Mod.
From all the searching I've done I haven't found anyone that has done this yet, I'm still hoping that it's possible.

I'd like to see a mod where the minimap window was adjustable in size, I have the interface size scaled down. This is great for all the other functions, but I'd be willing to sacrifice screen real estate for a larger view of the minimap.

There are a number of utilities out there that allow the user to add points of interest to their map with comments etc and save them locally. I think a cool map mod would function in the same respect but instead offer vender/trainer locations, I know the Guards can often show you these things but it'd be nice to be able to pull up on the world map too, I'm still fairly new to the game and have found myself wondering where in the city a particular trainer was or even which cities I can find them in when first playing a new race. The ability to have the interface shut off all points of interest and instead show all 'cooking trainers' or all 'cloth armor' venders would rock.

It would also be awesome if someone could figure out a way to give the map more dynamic scaling options, the varying levels of detail that it offers are ok but I find myself wanting to zoom in or out farther than it goes and having more options in between the defaults would be nice. I'm not sure how much flexibility the map files actually offer in this regard, obviously having to recreate the maps would be a nightmare.

I plan on modding the UI myself but think this may be too large a project to start with...

FireFlash 01-26-05 02:34 PM

Altering existing windows
I know that you can hide frames and replace old functions with your own (since functions are really just variables in LUA), but how do I get around to stop an entire frame / function from loading at all, without putting my own xxx.xml/lua in the FrameXML folder (thus possibly ruining it for other mods out there).

I wanted to perhaps alter the player/party status to fit my own needs, or maybe create an entirely new minimap or something along those lines?
Also, how do scripts like MiniGroup get around to altering the party "HUD"?

BooFer 02-04-05 11:06 AM

Ok, I'm looking for the perfect Tank/ Healer interface and I think I may have found it in 2 mods. The question is can the 2 be made into 1?
I've recently used CT Pethealth Mod and Castparty Mod together.
2 things come to mind with Castparty.

1. I love Castparty look, now can I disable the regular party list on the left hand side of the screen in favor of Castparty list?

2. Can Castparty be configured to pick up the pets as party members like CT Pethealth does? Would it be possible to meld the 2 together?

I currently use a Paladin and so far I feel lke I'm working with a bandaged program. I could also see a Priest using a mod like this extensively.
I do not know how to program LUA and would like to learn but I think i'm in way over my head here!

Has this been done or could someone do it? Is it even possible?

pesto126 02-05-05 09:48 AM

Thx for the offer of help Cide.. looking for some code (or an example addon) that will take a txt file and load it into a table.. Need to load a fixed amount of data that is currently in a text file.. I guess I could just build the text file within the lua since it won't change all that often.. an advice would be helpful!

BooFer 02-06-05 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by BooFer
Ok, I'm looking for the perfect Tank/ Healer interface and I think I may have found it in 2 mods. The question is can the 2 be made into 1?
I've recently used CT Pethealth Mod and Castparty Mod together.
2 things come to mind with Castparty.

1. I love Castparty look, now can I disable the regular party list on the left hand side of the screen in favor of Castparty list?

2. Can Castparty be configured to pick up the pets as party members like CT Pethealth does? Would it be possible to meld the 2 together?

I currently use a Paladin and so far I feel lke I'm working with a bandaged program. I could also see a Priest using a mod like this extensively.
I do not know how to program LUA and would like to learn but I think i'm in way over my head here!

Has this been done or could someone do it? Is it even possible?

I just realized that Cosmos now includes a pet monitor! How sweet is that?!
Still, I'd like to disable the regular party look in favor of Castparty's clean look & big bars!
Now I'm off to learn how to configure castparty for a paladin...

tralkar 02-06-05 03:28 PM

Anyone know how to assist your pet?? and tryed it out.. i hate all the answers and they dont work.. I have been trying to assist my pet since day one and nothing works. I tryed that one a few post back < < /script AssistUnit(). This targets your target's target.> > but still get an error. =(

aaronsullivan 02-06-05 10:37 PM

You need to give the AssistUnit function an argument. :) Try:
/script AssistUnit("target")

aaronsullivan 02-06-05 10:40 PM

x and y postition of TARGET
Has anyone found a method for finding the x and y position of your target?
There is:
x,y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
but if you try this:
x,y = GetPlayerMapPosition("target")
you predictably get x=0 and y=0
If anyone has found a way, you are :cool: ... but only if you share. :p

(I've already tried GetTargetMapPostition() and GetMapPosition() but they are nil)

tralkar 02-07-05 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by aaronsullivan
You need to give the AssistUnit function an argument. :) Try:
/script AssistUnit("target")

Nope, another false script. only tell me one if you tryed it........i hate trying things that fail and ppl didnt try them, them selfs

Cairenn 02-07-05 01:29 AM

Did you try:

/script AssistUnit("pet")

aaronsullivan 02-07-05 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by tralkar
Nope, another false script. only tell me one if you tryed it........i hate trying things that fail and ppl didnt try them, them selfs

Um... I'm sorry but you are mistaken. Try again.
I don't like it when people don't try it first either, but I did.
Make sure you target your pet first, and use the same caps, etc.

/script AssistUnit("pet") is better in this case (and also works) because you don't have to target your pet first. The method I gave lets you assist ANYONE you have targeted.

BTW, there hasn't been a "false" script yet. Just not as specific as you wanted. Perhaps because there are coders on here, they are just assuming that people know about arguments and are just giving a pointer in the right direction that any other coder would be able to utilize.

Too much shorthand, that's all.

aaronsullivan 02-07-05 08:22 AM

Along with my above question about finding a target's x and y position, I was wondering if there is a way to extract the info between "<>"'s under npc's names.

For instance, can I get the <food and drink> information under a merchants name. I didn't see anything in the cosmos:BlizzardCommands.xml, but I might have missed something.

Is this information ever logged anywhere? (chat, combat) I don't think it is.

Thanks for any assistance.

tralkar 02-07-05 01:03 PM

ok im giving up theres no assisting the pet.. and by the way heres what the error said when i tryed Cairenn's.

[string "assistunit("pet")"]:1: attempt to call Global assistunit'(a nil value)

aaronsullivan 02-07-05 01:13 PM

AHA! I think your problem is solved! Good that you gave detailed feedback.

The error (probably all along) is that you are typing it wrong. This is why I suggested you "use the same caps, etc."

In other words:
In programming and scripting "assistunit" does NOT equal "AssistUnit"
Notice the capital 'A' and the capital 'U' in the function name. It's called case sensitivity. The error is telling you that there is no function called "assistunit" because the script only recognizes the one with the caps on the A and the U.

So, try again with the capital letters in the right place. Of course, once you have it working just slap it into a macro button, and you won't have to type it again. :)

I genuinely hope that helps you out. :D

Anyone have any help for me and my two questions? :confused:

tralkar 02-07-05 01:53 PM

ok, Do i feel like an a$$. I did'nt but the capital U in /bonkself, meny meny times over.. Thanks for the help, from now on ill type it how i see it. lol

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