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mankeluvsit 04-26-10 12:35 PM

im installing it in program files lol /: its actually at 75%. O.o

Sepioth 04-26-10 01:55 PM

Once it's installed it can be moved to any place else on your PC so don't worry :) . You can run WoW off of a USB Thumb drive if you want. I know some one who used their iPod as a HDD and played off of that.

The main problem with WoW in the Program Folder on Win Vista/7 was the UAC was causing some issues.

I patch some time back actually asked/recommended you move it out from the Program Files folder.

If the Installer you are using had the default set to the Programs Folder then a patch that you will install will probably be asking you to move it.

But glad to see you are making headway on installing WoW.

mankeluvsit 04-26-10 02:29 PM

i got it installed, but now i cant patch lol....

sakurakira 04-26-10 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sepioth (Post 185929)
Also once you get WoW installed burn the WoW folder to a DVD.

This way when you want to re-install WoW all you need to do is copy the CD to your HDD. There is no need to actually "install" WoW. WoW will run just fine doing this.

Or you can use an external HDD. Either a real one, or a device that can double as one, like an iPod. Once you can get WoW installed and totally patched up, make a complete backup of your WoW folder in this way. Update it whenever a major patch is released.

After you get all of your raiding addons and stuff all set up, copy your Interface and WTF folder and store them in a different location and name it "UI_APR_26_2010" or something like that.

That way, if you have to reformat again, all you have to do is copy over several gigs of data, and away you go.

Sepioth 04-26-10 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by mankeluvsit (Post 186017)
i got it installed, but now i cant patch lol....

Using windows Vista/7 ?? try turning off UAC or move WoW now to another folder o prevent Windows from trying to protect it and try patching there.

UAC may be preventing the update from completing.

Marthisdil 04-26-10 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Zyonin (Post 186001)
Once you get WoW patched up and if you have space on your external, you can copy the entire WoW folder over the external. Then if you replace the HD or otherwise have to reinstall, you can just copy your archived (and fully patched) WoW install over to its new home. It will save you a ton of time and maybe some money (aka not having to buy a fresh bottle of aspirin). WoW is rather "portable" in that everything is contained in its folder (unless you foolishly install WoW in Program Files on a Vista/7 machine). This means you don't have archive patches.

Unless you foolishly leave the crappy UAC turned on ;) if you disabled it, enjoy having WoW and the Interface and WTF folders being where you told it to install :)

mankeluvsit 04-26-10 04:16 PM

well after trying to patch it, it corrupted something, i tried to repair it said it was un-repairable and i needed to reinstall it. im back to square root.

Torhal 04-26-10 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Marthisdil (Post 186022)
Unless you foolishly leave the crappy UAC turned on ;) if you disabled it, enjoy having WoW and the Interface and WTF folders being where you told it to install :)

You're only foolish if you turn UAC off. Yes, it can be annoying - but it was made to protect the files on your computer.

mankeluvsit 04-26-10 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 186059)
You're only foolish if you turn UAC off. Yes, it can be annoying - but it was made to protect the files on your computer.

if your not going to help with the situation, please dont [;
(uac is for people that have no computer experience.)

Torhal 04-26-10 08:58 PM

Look - I wasn't trying to start a fight. I was simply telling him that going around telling people to turn UAC off isn't in any way a good idea. Consider me gone from this thread. :P

mankeluvsit 04-27-10 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 186071)
Look - I wasn't trying to start a fight. I was simply telling him that going around telling people to turn UAC off isn't in any way a good idea. Consider me gone from this thread. :P


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Xrystal 04-27-10 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by mankeluvsit (Post 186068)
if your not going to help with the situation, please dont [;
(uac is for people that have no computer experience.)

Rofl, I would actually say that uac is for people that are uncomfortable with figuring out the security aspects themselves.

I have several years of computer use experience behind me but I would never claim to be an expert or 100% sure of the security protocols so yes, I use the UAC myself. Sometimes it annoys the hell out of me but I would rather be annoyed in minor areas than have something happen because I missed a vital piece of security procedure that I didn't realise :D

It is down to pure choice and I would neither promote UAC or demote it. I would however promote security conciousness that people can then decide how.

mankeluvsit 04-27-10 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 186078)
Rofl, I would actually say that uac is for people that are uncomfortable with figuring out the security aspects themselves.

I have several years of computer use experience behind me but I would never claim to be an expert or 100% sure of the security protocols so yes, I use the UAC myself. Sometimes it annoys the hell out of me but I would rather be annoyed in minor areas than have something happen because I missed a vital piece of security procedure that I didn't realise :D

It is down to pure choice and I would neither promote UAC or demote it. I would however promote security conciousness that people can then decide how.

it was an opinion, again if you cant help please dont get off topic.

close my thread please.

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