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Shirik 05-28-09 11:59 PM

Just thought I'd let you guys know, I do have a plan to deal with a lot of this. We'll see how good that plan is in action probably tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm working 10-11 hour days this week so I have very little time to progress on this problem, but I hope to have something available very soon.

Morax 05-29-09 01:43 AM

Here are some more..
--- fixed in 2.3.1 - marked addon not avail --------------------------------------------------------------
battlefield commander
--- became ---
--- 2.3.1 gets this wrong --------------------------------------------------------------
AutoBar beta
--- became ---
AutoBar beta

And my absolute favorite so far..
--- fixed in 2.3.1 --------------------------------------------------------------
Loggerhead (ver
--- became ---
Loggerhead (ver 3)

break19 05-29-09 05:52 AM

Shirik, It'd be a LOT easier to determine which addons are incorrect, if it showed the addon it's intending to DOWNLOAD, rather than the name of the actual addon.

For example:

InLine Aura
InLine Aura Configuration

Both of those show correctly in the list of addons, however, upon updating them, I get Aura Unit Frames..

Another Example:

Auctioneer Suite: after downloading, and installing, it's now showing up as Auc:Util:FixAH (which happens to be a module of auctioneer) but its downloading and installing properly.

Minion, should, in my opinion, show the addon(s) it detects, as the exact addon title on WowI. This would make it MUCH MUCH easier to see incorrect detections -before- they screw things up.


solynar 05-29-09 09:46 AM

Installled: WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Alliance and WoW-Pro_TourGuide_Horde


Installs TourGuide as update.

ID: N/A not on wowinterface.

Tearstar 05-29-09 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by break19 (Post 139310)
Shirik, It'd be a LOT easier to determine which addons are incorrect, if it showed the addon it's intending to DOWNLOAD, rather than the name of the actual addon.

For example:

InLine Aura
InLine Aura Configuration

Both of those show correctly in the list of addons, however, upon updating them, I get Aura Unit Frames..

Another Example:

Auctioneer Suite: after downloading, and installing, it's now showing up as Auc:Util:FixAH (which happens to be a module of auctioneer) but its downloading and installing properly.

Minion, should, in my opinion, show the addon(s) it detects, as the exact addon title on WowI. This would make it MUCH MUCH easier to see incorrect detections -before- they screw things up.


This is knd of my thought, instead of just having the version number of the proposed update, maybe the addon name with version name that it is linking to, then we should be able to see the comparison of addon installed to proposed update by name rather than just ver number

Sekrin 05-29-09 03:21 PM

I've just gone through my entire list of addons and found the following issues:

Buggrabber leads to Bugsack. Buggrabber doesn't appear to be on WoWI.

SharedMedia leads to Healbot continued. SharedMedia isn't available on WoWI.

Shock and Awe leads to Inquest (as does the Inquest addon itself). There is an outdated version of Shock and Awe here, but it's in the outdated mods section. Current version is on Curse.

Minion seems to get very confused with ZOMGBuffs. It lists the core addon as not available, but it doesn't recognise the modules as children of the core. Instead, ZOMGBuffs [Blessings], ZOMGBuffs [Log], and ZOMGBuffs [Portalz] are listed as also unavailable whilst ZOMGBuffs [Blessings Manager] leads to WoW Manager 2.2, ZOMGBuffs [PallyPower Comms] is recognised as Pallypower, ZOMGBuffs [Raid Buffer] is recognised as Broker Paladin Buffer, and ZOMGBuffs [Self Buffs] is recognised as O-Wheely!

Dargo 05-30-09 12:39 AM

Totem Timers, current installed version of Totem Timers 9.1i , Minion wants to update to a Beta version 5. Unsure what the WoWI ID is.

Bluspacecow 05-30-09 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sekrin (Post 139398)
Buggrabber leads to Bugsack. Buggrabber doesn't appear to be on WoWI.

Bug Grabber is included in the Bugsack download zip

Sekrin 05-30-09 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by honem (Post 139489)
Bug Grabber is included in the Bugsack download zip

Ah...I didn't know that - they used to be two seperate addons (maintained by two different authors IIRC).

eternalphear 05-30-09 11:28 AM

SharedMedia is installing Healbot.

Maul 05-30-09 12:39 PM

I have two unpublished "Macaroon" addons called -

MacaroonMinimap and MacaroonUnits

Minion seems to think both of these are Macaroon itself

Here are the tocs -

MacaroonMinimap -

## Interface: 30000
## Title: Macaroon: Minimap
## Author: Maul
## Version: preview.3
## Notes: Minimap managed by Macaroon!
## DefaultState: enabled
## Dependencies: Macaroon
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: MacaroonMinimapSavedState

MacaroonUnits -

## Interface: 30000
## Title: Macaroon: Unit Frames
## Author: Maul
## Version: preview.3
## Notes: Unit frames to complement the addon Macaroon
## DefaultState: enabled
## Dependencies: Macaroon
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: MacaroonUnitsSavedState

Astryne 05-30-09 02:28 PM

Ari's Mod Pack
Its amazing how many of the individual parts of Ari's Mod Pack are linked back to it. Free Refills is another one and by updating it, it added all of the stuff from this compilation that I never had before. I would suspect that there are others out there that are pointing to compilations as well.

Bluspacecow 05-31-09 07:59 PM

Ok guys :banana:

Version 2.3.1 core 2.21 wowinterface module has been released.

Can everyone who posted in this thread about incorrect addon detections retest this ?

For each addon that was detected :

Make a back up of both your WTF and Interface folders

Attempt to update just that one addon through Minion (onion ?)

Watch the addons folder for changes.

If it's doing its job correctly it should install the latest version of that addon avaliable on Wowinterface. if not you'll see extra folders that aren't meant to be there !

Report back on your findings :D :p

GravityDK 06-01-09 02:19 AM

GEM3 and Quartz and TankPoints are all detecting the right addon, but WowInterface has an older version than is actually current (it might be on Curse, for example).

New version otherwise improved accuracy a lot.

Ne0nguy 06-01-09 07:04 AM

Name of addon that is installed: Fishing Buddy (0.9.7f from curse)
Name of addon that is detected: Fishing Buddy (0.9.6p EBA)
WoWInterface ID of the addons: 4239

Granted, its hosted on curse. However, the 'update' it wants to install is an older version and actually includes a few other addons with it.


Name of addon that is installed: Stubby (5.6.4279 from
Name of addon that is detected: Stubby (
WoWInterface ID of the addons: 4889

Ditto for this, but I should also mention it is trying to install an addon not tagged as 3.1 compatible.


Also a note of minor annoyance:
I have two addons with a similar name installed (BadBoy, and BadPlayer).
They are two completely different and unrelated addons from each other, however BadPlayer will not even look to see if an update is available until BadBoy has been updated.


Other than that, It's runnin great! I'm lovin' the minion.

thebadmf 06-02-09 05:50 AM

Mods tagged Beta or Release
Since I don't mind submitting bugreports, I tend to download Beta and sometimes Alpha versions using Curse Updater.

I'm noticing a trend where Minion is saying that a current, up to date version from curse is flagged as an upgrade via minion, when infact the installed version is the same.

If I look at the version naming conventions minion omits any hyphen in the version number or the preceding r.

Example - Castdonut. Curse lists as Version r4-release. Minion lists 4release

This happens for others, Fishermans Friend r92-release vs 92release. Friends with Benefits, Gnomish Yellow Pages, Locksmith and many others.

How about splitting the status column, so we have a listing of what minion thinks is there and what it wants to install?

Shirik 06-02-09 08:40 AM

The omission of dashes is interesting.

The dropping of "r" or "v" from the front is intentional. This is because there are people that like to put "r123" on the TOC file and "123" on the site (or vice-versa), and this corrects that problem.

You've confirmed that the dashes are in fact in the file/on the site?

thebadmf 06-02-09 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 140423)
The omission of dashes is interesting.

The dropping of "r" or "v" from the front is intentional. This is because there are people that like to put "r123" on the TOC file and "123" on the site (or vice-versa), and this corrects that problem.

You've confirmed that the dashes are in fact in the file/on the site?

I was looking through Tekkub's stuff at the time so I can pick a few from there.
C: = on Curse Updater (showing alpha versions)
W: = the version listed on WoWI addon page
M: = on Minion



C: 3.0.2-8
W: 3.0.2-8
M: 3.0.28

I hope this helps clarify my observation. On a side note, is there any way for minion to tell if installed Beta's are actually newer and not suggest older release versions as updates? An example would be Bartender 4.

IndigoDreams 06-02-09 10:57 AM

Necrosis LdC v3.0 r221 ---> Necrosis LdC V3.0 RC1 (very old version not updated in 6+ months)

Kill Emote has a file which you put in to the character folder, this is being downloaded in to the addons folder

todd3835 06-02-09 03:36 PM

New version installed (2.3.1).

WebDKP Helper
Not availible on WoWI, but recieved from curse.
Minion detects it as WebDKP, which I also have installed =]

Also: GuildFu (fubar plugin) detects as Ari's Mod pack which does include GuildFu.

On a more general note, I just had a thought. Because "Mod Packs" are just a package of mods put together (and sometimes tend to have out of date mods), maybe not offer said modpacks through Minion. I don't use Mod Packs, because I always had the problem of out of date mods every time i "upgraded". I know it seems silly since in reality that people using minion are more likely to be notified of said upgrades to mods from mod packs, but it was just a thought.....

Edit: Another thought is to maybe have minion completely refresh after installing a modpack, to make sure it's not missing outdated mods!

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