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Belszy 06-22-08 04:52 PM

Great thanks for help
I want to thank you for your great assistance. I dont think i can use titan bar cause tried adding it - your tip to move the bar down worked perfect, but titan bar made minimap go away. had to remove it in order for it to work. Will fiddle with it more later to see if i can figure it out but other then that i got a lot of addons to work perfectly with this UI. Now gotta decide what quest program to use and if i will install cartographer or not.


eloora 06-22-08 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 94179)
The Omen window will only display while you are in combat. It has no meaning when you are out of combat as there is no such thing as threat. Select the "Omen" mode in the information panel and enter combat. If you have Recount installed, the Recount window will vanish and the Omen window will display.

You should also see the threat bar in your HUD after you enter combat.

OK thanks, I seem to have it working now. I engaged in combat previously but I must have not had Omen selected in the information panel, or something. Still, it is rather hard to configure any Omen settings when it's impossible to make the window appear to even see test bars unless you are in combat. The Recount window doesn't behave this way, and is visible for configuration any time, whereas when I click the information bubble to go from "Stats" (Recount) to "Omen", nothing happens and the Recount window remains. Why not make the Omen window blank, but visible, at any time?

spiel2001 06-22-08 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by eloora (Post 94182)
Why not make the Omen window blank, but visible, at any time?

What I'm trying to do is to get the most bang for the buck out of a limited amount of space.

If you think about it, damage meters are of little value during combat ( other than ego maybe ). Threat meters are of NO value out of combat. By combining the two, I can show you the information that has meaning when it has meaning and hide it away the rest of the time.

I would also argue that the in-HUD threat bar makes the Omen information panel more or less meaningless. Aside from the fact that the moving bars are fun to watch, there's no critical information in that panel that is not represented in the in-HUD threat bar.

If you haven't yet, you might want to read the secion on the "INTEGRATED THREAT METER" on the "Addon Information" panel on nUI's download page. It explains how to use the in-HUD bar in some detail. I can tell you I have both a 70 prot tank and 70 hunter and I never look at Omen anymore while in combat. What I need to know is in the HUD.

eloora 06-22-08 07:40 PM

I guess I just don't understand this forced display of what in your opinion is important at any given time. There is nothing wrong with seeing DPS meters in combat, and there is nothing wrong with seeing the Omen window out of combat. Why would you implement a button that switches from party to raid to map to stats to omen etc. if they only work when you think they should? I understand that this is your UI, and you are certainly entitled to make it the way you want, but this is also an alpha stage public release, and you are soliciting public feedback, yes? All I'm saying is the space for these windows is already allotted, the ability to switch the display to what you want is implemented, so let the user decide what to see, when.

I apologize if I come off as standoffish, or what have you, but I am a UI junkie, and your UI has piqued my interest in a way that hasn't happened in a long time. If anything, consider my attention as a complement ;).

Eas 06-22-08 07:55 PM

When I had it just before my raid started, I got a blizz party frame, just one, at the top left of the minimap. It had no picture and said DC'ed, but it did contain a party member. It only happened in a raid group.

spiel2001 06-22-08 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by eloora (Post 94191)
I guess I just don't understand this forced display of what in your opinion is important at any given time.

I'll grant you that I am making a command decision, but aside from access to the panel for configuration (which is a valid issue I will address) -- of what practical value is a threat meter out of combat? Now... if you want to see your Recount bars all the time without them switching to threat, then select the "Stats" info mode and your wish comes true.

It was my opinion that rather than have empty space sitting there out of combat, it was "handy" to have Recount displayed if available when you did have a threat meter active. Again... being able to see the threat meter for the sake of configuration is a valid issue, but being able to see it any other time when you're out of combat is pointless.

In any event, I do my level best to please as many as I can, but in the end I cannot please everyone and every decision comes down to me doing my best to minimize how many people object to the choice I'm making.

I do very much appreciate your input and I appreciate the compliment, as well. As I have said before, the biggest mistake most programmers make is telling the customer how to use the software when the customer is the one who knows what they need it for and should be telling the programmer how to use it. I do my best.

spiel2001 06-22-08 10:15 PM

nUI v0.1.9 (alpha) is out --

* Fixed button sizes in all bars
* Completed migration of all bars to new custom secure state header bar code
* Fixed a missing method in nUI_Config.lua for upgrading versions prior to v0.1.6
* Added action bar page up and page down arrows to the new action bar
* Added usability, out of range and out of mana functionality to all action buttons
* Added movers to all action bars including pet, bags and micro-menu
* Tweaked the location of the world status frames for battlegrounds
* Fixed hotkey display on all action buttons
* Modified HUD to always vertically center on the player character at all scales
* Added FishingExtravaganza to list of ignored minimap POIs

spiel2001 06-22-08 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Eas (Post 94192)
When I had it just before my raid started, I got a blizz party frame

Do you have any mods installed the interact with party frames? (besides nUI)

Eas 06-22-08 10:25 PM

None, all I had installed was Baggins, Pallypower and omen.

eloora 06-23-08 10:18 AM

I appreciate your replies. I know that you will work diligently to improve this UI, and I will enjoy seeing its evolution.

All I really wanted with my Omen requests was to just see the window, even if it's blank, at any time for setup and configuration. If there's no threat info, there's no threat info, but there are things to play with! It does sort of tie in to another point, though, and that's flexibility.

You could say there are 2 kinds of UI people. Ones that either create or use an all-in-one dashboard setup, and ones that just place their (modded) UI windows wherever they think they should be, all over. Some of us willy-nilly window placers might secretly wish we could settle down with a dashboard, though. They are just hard to "get right" for picky people. They're often "too big" or they don't have the right window placement. And they lack flexibility most of all. Your little information area is (currently) your only real chance to maintain a level of flexibility and customization in a dashboard setup. It's apparent that you realize the importance of this, at least to a degree, and you realize how popular these mods are, or you wouldn't have offered the integration. I just wanted to let you know that my interest was deeper than just wanting to fiddle with Omen :).

And just a final word about your integrated threat meter. I did get a chance to try it out yesterday while doing some dailies with my pet. It can definitely get the single target threat job done, but in a raid scenario, there's no chance that I'll be giving up Omen just yet. As a raiding hunter it is often important for me to see at least the top 3 on the aggro list, and if necessary, MD a 2nd or 3rd tank so they move further up the hate list. Your threat meter is good for packing as much info as possible around the HUD, but it's not quite an Omen killer at this juncture.

Sorry for the wall o' tirade! And keep up the good work!

spiel2001 06-23-08 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by eloora (Post 94232)
it's not quite an Omen killer at this juncture.


I'll give you that... but you did just give me an idea... if I change the tabs on the agro bar to be secure unit frames, then you can click them to cast. That would be pretty handy as a hunter looking to unload a misdirect.

spiel2001 06-25-08 08:07 AM

nUI v1.0.0 (beta) is out --

* First public beta release

nUI v0.2.0 (alpha) --

* Added "/nui buttonbag" slash command to toggle the minimap button bag on/off
* Added "/nui clock 0" to disable the dashboard clock as well as "12" and "24"
* Added "/nui coord" to toggle the dashboard coordinates on/off
* Added the HUD configuration layout to nUI's WTF saved variables file
* Added management of the Enchantrix minimap button to the button bag
* Added management of the Baud Gear minimap button to the button bag

noble8 06-26-08 04:50 AM

DrDamage Support
Thanks for the update, just wondering if you can add DrDamage support to the action bars, at the moment the on bar text from drdamage does not show.

spiel2001 06-26-08 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by noble8 (Post 94414)
Thanks for the update, just wondering if you can add DrDamage support to the action bars, at the moment the on bar text from drdamage does not show.

I believe that's the second time I've seen that mod brought up. No doubt it is directly modifying the main action bars and would be unaware of nUI's custom action bars.

I'll be happy to add it to the to-do list as I can see the value of the mod. No promises on when it will happen though.

spiel2001 06-28-08 12:30 PM

nUI v1.01.00 (beta) is out --

* Fixed unit frames appearing at bottom of display area when joining raids
* Fixed the elite mob dragon icon so it does not overlap the party/raid frame
* Fixed unit frames to update dead/afk status properly in parties and raids
* Fixed a button bag conflict with the RecipeRadar mod
* Fixed bug with capture bars not displaying in BG's and PvP zones
* Fixed a conflict with Titan Panel where Titan was blowing up the minimap
* Fixed a bug in the chat frame edit box that blew up the box in some resolutions
* Fixed a bug in unit type text (elite, rare, etc.) font size setting
* Added automatic detection of Titan Panel bars

Thesalle 06-29-08 07:12 AM

Great UI. Only one problem so far - If I am on my druid or another toon that does not have a pet, then when I do quests that give me a pet (or allow me to control another as ion the chess event), no bar comes up.

Shiny <3 06-29-08 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dreadlorde (Post 94135)
I'm a minimalist, and it takes up too much screen real estate imo.

Minimalism woo =)

nice ui btw

eloora 06-30-08 12:43 PM

The new resized chat input box is now ridiculously small at 1600x1200 resolution. This must be a tricky element to fix, lol.

noble8 06-30-08 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by eloora (Post 94659)
The new resized chat input box is now ridiculously small at 1600x1200 resolution. This must be a tricky element to fix, lol.

At 1280x800 too ;p, tiny.

spiel2001 06-30-08 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by noble8 (Post 94669)
At 1280x800 too ;p, tiny.

It seems that in my attempt to fix one bug, I created a second one where the box is growing smaller over time. /sigh

I'll have it addressed in the next update.

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