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AFerrari 11-11-08 08:56 AM

Re install fubar
Hi mate,
the problem with the fubar is a strange one, but not as uncommon as poeple think, i did have this issue a while back, i resoveled the issue by uninstalling the fubar addon and delete all the relevant .lua and .bak files from the saved variables folders.

I then reinstalled fubar and my plugins and have not had another problem, it might be a faulty file doing it. as my other half had the same copy as me, cos i installed to both pc's mine broke, and her is still running off the same files.

Zmob does the 3d images of the chars these can be enlarged just used Zmob config to open the waterfall options and use the setting in there.

/duf can be used to bring up the Unit frames, there are some options in there to enable you to enlarge the text so you can see it more clearly.

you can see with my image below we all hav our own way of the way we want our ui to look and feel.

Pacman you need to go into /statuswindow and pick one of the profiles, this will move the txt over to the right places.

Hope that helps


JuGGaLoLoVe 11-11-08 01:09 PM


/statuswindow will bring up the menu for it

sorry didn't realize i was beat to the answer

JuGGaLoLoVe 11-11-08 02:41 PM

AFerrari That's a very sexy Hunter set-up bro

whats the mod your using for raid dps/dtps?

pacmanpc 11-11-08 07:32 PM

Damn AFerrari you ui looks pimp how did you get the bottom panel and the target panel to end up like that? thats pretty much what im looking for but cant figure out how to do it. im pretty much after the exact same bottom half of your ui if you could offer some info on how you did it i would appreciate it. thanks

pacmanpc 11-11-08 07:42 PM

Also is there any way to stop zmob from putting a ? as the 3d model when party members are out of range? i couldnt figure out how to do it after playing with the settings for ages i gave up.

Mazzlefizz 11-13-08 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by pacmanpc (Post 108891)
Also is there any way to stop zmob from putting a ? as the 3d model when party members are out of range? i couldnt figure out how to do it after playing with the settings for ages i gave up.

That's a limitation of the client. It's either a question mark or no model at all. I always wanted to add a feature where it would switch to a default model of that race or something but never got around to it.

JuGGaLoLoVe 11-14-08 03:21 AM

thanks for the info Mazz

eacable 11-14-08 10:21 AM

Can you addin questhelper and Ark Inventory and nix Sanity?

Lusipher 11-14-08 08:22 PM

you can easily put those in yourself eacable, I've done the same with quite a few addons that aren't part of freshui

JuGGaLoLoVe 11-14-08 08:23 PM

They were in there originally but the Mikey2k pulled them out.
Most likely there was just to many mods to keep updating specially since so many mods will be changing drastically over the next month or so.

Jontelle 11-14-08 09:48 PM

I am just wondering if the skins that have been made for MazzleUI will work with this and how you apply them if they do?

I am also having the problem with the clock and FPS text being suck on my screen off the bar. Anyone know how I get it to move onto the bar?


megeant 11-15-08 07:54 AM

I could use a little help with my bank window not opening? I everything set up correctly per the instructions. Not sure which mod could be blocking the bank window from showing or opening. Also the 2 small combat chat windows didn't take there filters after doing hidesmode. I have the 2 windows but there set for the same filters as the main chat window. All and all I love this UI

Jontelle 11-15-08 05:13 PM

I also had that problem. I think it may have been the bag mod but am not sure. I did get it working but not sure if it was before or after I swapped the Sanity mod for ArkInvintory.

I am having a problem with the extra windows not showing up. I have done the /hitsmode step and they are not showing up on any of my toons. They have not showen up right from the start even straight after I did that step.

mikey2k 11-16-08 09:45 AM

hey guys, yup problem with bank window comes from sanity, this needs to be disabled until there is an updatte made, unfortunatly there are some addons that i had to remove and in the next update i will have to replace a few more like deadly boss mods as its been changed to dbm core

lots will change over the next few weeks and i am holding off until addons become stable im sure mazzle found the same issues after patches and when tbc come out, so i am now starting to simpathise and undersdtand how hard it is to keep an addon pack and core up to date

megeant 11-16-08 06:30 PM

ok cool i'll swap out sanity with arkinventory. I realy didn't care for that to much anyway. Thanks guys

wiseman168 11-17-08 11:23 AM

Mike, How to get the panel turn red when you get aggro?

mikey2k 11-17-08 03:41 PM

to do this i would probably need to make a second set of panels to show when aggro is happening, these would only show in combat but would take up more memory and with the lag from duf at the sec you would experience more lag so i didnt add this to the build

sora420 11-17-08 07:43 PM

ok basically have a few problems

1 main problem is the actual frame that all the buttons etc sit ontop of seems alittle small in height i mean look at it, it needs to go upwards more so buttons/spells will fit better when i resize them also the animated character of me in the bottom left is small?

2 the runes for death knight are in the top left corner, maybe a better place to put them? if so how or what addon to do so with?

3 the little notepad icons inside my chat/combat screens is alittle annoying how do i turn them off

4 not included in the screen shot, but when i press b to open my bags i get some backsack thing pop up, its terrible and sanity is crap unless i need to check my there anyway to fix the bags?

reason backpack or whatever its called when you press B is crap is basically it shows whats in your bags only, it doesnt show empty slots so if say i wanna shift click on some food and split it into 5/5 from 10 i have no empty slot to place the split food in? sorry if that doesnt make sense

****fixed the bag issue, i downloaded Baggins addon and set it as default which is the same as mazzleUI used so forget the bag problem :P****

if you can answer all of the above you truely are my new god, and mazzle can suck it big time because this UI really blows mazzle out of the water

good work and keep it up mate its amazing so far and so less buggy to mazzle

vulturesrow 11-17-08 08:11 PM

I'm not mikey but I'll answer most of the questions on this one:

1. Resizing that frame is something that you are going to have to do in kgPanels. IF you think you need more room, its up you to get your hands dirty and learn your way around kgPanels. As for your character portrait size, that should be easily adjustable in the DuF config.

2. Sorry no answer for this one.

3. Check your Prat options.

4. Way to figure it out. ;)


This UI looks great, I am trying it tonight. Let me know via PM if you need any help. Im not much of a coder but I can help with testing and writing documentation.

Spiffums 11-18-08 10:01 AM

What is controlling the mouse over that shows your equipped item for that slot?

When ever I mouse over a quest reward or something in the AH, or shift click an item it shows what I have equipped but it doesn't release it. I have to do /reload to clear it up.

Im still loveing the FreshUI outside of that one minor problem and getting DUF figured out to show the tool tips on Debuffs but I can live with the tool tip problem.

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