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T.King 11-09-05 03:35 PM

Quick FYI - 11-09-2005

There is an update coming to the Undead skin: version 1.1.2005.

- Fixes to offset border.
- Replace more UI art with Undead theme.
- Possibly some tweaks to spellbook texture to make text easier to read.

Phyzz 11-10-05 07:13 PM

hmm.. little help
I have installed the UI and it looks sweet... :D

One thing though is that in your snap shot of the ui you have a side tool bar and it looks like the mouse curser has an arrow with a skull on it.. When I installed the UI the mouse curser did not change and i can't for the life of me get the side tool bar up... :eek:

If i did something wrong let me know so i can fix it. also if there is some sort of options menu to turn on the right side tool bar i can't seem to find it. To let you know i only have one mod other then yours installed and that is Scrolling combat Text...

Kuvasie 11-10-05 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Phyzz
I have installed the UI and it looks sweet... :D

One thing though is that in your snap shot of the ui you have a side tool bar and it looks like the mouse curser has an arrow with a skull on it.. When I installed the UI the mouse curser did not change and i can't for the life of me get the side tool bar up... :eek:

If i did something wrong let me know so i can fix it. also if there is some sort of options menu to turn on the right side tool bar i can't seem to find it. To let you know i only have one mod other then yours installed and that is Scrolling combat Text...

You haven't done anything wrong. The picture is just a representation and the side bars were left in thier original form as was the cursor. If I am feeling up to it, there may be one more update to include the auction and tradeskills windows.


Phyzz 11-10-05 08:11 PM

AHH cool thanks for the info...

You guys do awsome work :D

tuwa 11-11-05 08:27 AM

undead theme?
i installed this in worldofwarcraft/data folder and it replaced my old data folder with a cinematics folder in it and now the gamewill not open what can i do replace that file or do i have to reinstall?

kanshar 11-11-05 12:01 PM

Just wanted to say that I love your work. I used alot of it when I use to play EQ a long time ago. Ive got nothing but praise for you, thanks for making the games more enjoyable.

Tain 11-11-05 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by tuwa
i installed this in worldofwarcraft/data folder and it replaced my old data folder with a cinematics folder in it and now the gamewill not open what can i do replace that file or do i have to reinstall?

Hi Tuwa,
Do you mean that the World of Warcraft\Data folder only has a Cinematics folder in it now, and no other files? The Data folder should have a number of other files in it (I have 19) MPQ files for the game with names like base.MPQ, fonts.MPQ, interface.MPQ, or depending on your system it might just look like base, fonts, interface without the MPQ showing at the end. Then there should be an Interface folder with the updated Undead UI files. If those other files are not there then I think your only option is to reinstall. :(
The addon doesn't overwrite those files at all, it has different file names entirely, and puts them into the World of Warcraft\Data\Interface folder, so I'm not sure how your other files could have gone missing.

If that's not what your Data folder looks like, can you tell me exactly what's in there and we'll try to get you back up and running ASAP?

Sariash 11-11-05 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by tuwa
i installed this in worldofwarcraft/data folder and it replaced my old data folder with a cinematics folder in it and now the gamewill not open what can i do replace that file or do i have to reinstall?

Sometime ago a friend told me, that on his Mac Notebook, he extracted an Addon to Interface\Addons ... he got asked if he wants to overwrite the existing data, and like used to from Windows he just said "yes". But, his Mac OS not only replaced the last "Interface\Addons\Addonname"-folder... instead it replaced the full "Interface\Addons"-path leaving only the just extracted addon in there, all that was not in the just extracted zip got deleted from his "Interface\Addons"-path.

Not sure if it's allways that way on a Mac, I have no experience with Mac ... but if you happen to have a Mac, I guess the same happened to your Data folder -- and the only chance is a reinstall of WoW in this case.

Myladyz 11-12-05 12:06 AM

This is so cool. Would it be possible to make an allience or night elf theme? I so desperatly desire one. :rolleyes:

T.King 11-12-05 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Myladyz
This is so cool. Would it be possible to make an allience or night elf theme? I so desperatly desire one. :rolleyes:

Alliance is next, it has already been designed.

Lemar 11-12-05 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by T.King
Alliance is next, it has already been designed.

Can we get a sneak preview? :p

dazzaw17 11-15-05 09:29 AM

first off, awesome work, this is the 1st mmorpg i have realy played with any interest, so i havent seen your work before, but from what ive seen with this one skin, im looking forward to future designs :)

I have one issue with the skin though, in WoW, if the target is elite it has a golden dragon around its portrait, which you have replaced. If the target is no elite but a rare spawn it has a grey dragon around its portrait, this doesnt seem to have been replaced, as the logo around the portrait of an elite and rare mob are exactly the same. this is causing some confusion, any chace you could do a small update and make rare and elites have different colour dragons?


Kuvasie 11-16-05 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by dazzaw17
first off, awesome work, this is the 1st mmorpg i have realy played with any interest, so i havent seen your work before, but from what ive seen with this one skin, im looking forward to future designs :)

I have one issue with the skin though, in WoW, if the target is elite it has a golden dragon around its portrait, which you have replaced. If the target is no elite but a rare spawn it has a grey dragon around its portrait, this doesnt seem to have been replaced, as the logo around the portrait of an elite and rare mob are exactly the same. this is causing some confusion, any chace you could do a small update and make rare and elites have different colour dragons?


Tom and I were just discussing this tonight. It will be fixed in the next update.


dazzaw17 11-16-05 09:24 AM

great :)

thanks for the reply

Simbelmyne 11-16-05 02:04 PM

very very nice, I only wish the side bars looked they do in the sample screenshot, very sweet indeed :)

Gothica 11-17-05 07:38 PM

Rogue Theme would make my day ;)
All Smokie and Stealthlike and blood everywere ohh yeah :P
Do it Ninja style baby :D :D

Verios 12-07-05 10:52 PM

King I absolutely adore your mod but I have one question. When I load this up in WoW all the textures seems to be of poor quality and do not appear like the screenshot you have posted..happen to have any suggestions? (Note I do run WoW on max settings so I know its nothing on my end in-game setting wise..atleast I hope

Kuvasie 12-08-05 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Verios
King I absolutely adore your mod but I have one question. When I load this up in WoW all the textures seems to be of poor quality and do not appear like the screenshot you have posted..happen to have any suggestions? (Note I do run WoW on max settings so I know its nothing on my end in-game setting wise..atleast I hope

Please post a screenshot and let us know what resolution you are running on your system. Also, what setting do you have your UI set at. Tom and I have been trying to figure out the best quality to present the community for all the possibilties available to the player.

The UI is not as complete as we would like, but the quality should be good. Keep in mind, the screenshot Tom posted was a concept shot, not an in game shot. But even so, the quality should be satisfactory.


Theolis 12-12-05 02:22 AM

I was wondering, has this one been patched with the cursor? I've installed all the files and everything is looking VERY sweet! I just don't see a change in the cursor. I did a search in this post to see if I maybe did something wrong but all I could find was a post saying something about maybe adding it in.

I also did a search in the night elf theme to see if maybe I could find the answer there. I did manage to find a post that said the night elf theme indeed includes the cursor art. So any such luck for the undead theme?

(no bliz ui kit installed currently - took it out to get this to work)

Cairenn 12-12-05 02:43 AM

At this point the cursor is *not* enabled in either theme. The intended graphics are shown as examples.

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