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Senutyenool 05-09-09 07:23 PM

Let me just quickly add my two coppers worth.

I also see this memory increase, and am running a very low end system (5 year old now) and the rate of memory increase fluctuates depending whether I have my eyes crossed or...... ermmm...

Heh, in fact, since having asked for your help previously with this problem, Oh Father of nUI (forget which thread), I've done the testing with just core nUI+ running, and disabling/re-enabling all add-ons and have not been able to pin it down to any individual program running.

This GC problem is different from day to day playing, some days nUI will increase at a .3MB p/s rate (which I can work with), others at 1-2Mb p/s (which means an FPS drop and frame freeze every 6-7 minutes... not good). However, when I get this massive memory usage increase, I find that logging out completely and restarting "fixes" this.

Hence could it be a problem with something not loading correctly at start-up or am I just showing my ineptitude with all things coded?


Petrah 05-10-09 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Senutyenool (Post 134847)
Oh Father of nUI

Does that mean we get to call him Big Daddy? :p

Sorry.. very tired and giddy lol. When I read what you said I remembered Kelly Ripa and how she calls Regis Philbin "Big Daddy"..... hilarious!

spiel2001 05-10-09 08:00 AM

Yeah baby. ~lol~

Can I have a hairy chest and wear gold chains too?

todd0168 05-11-09 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 134963)
Yeah baby. ~lol~

Can I have a hairy chest and wear gold chains too?

OMG *shudders*

I did NOT need to read that first thing in the morning. :p

*tries to drown out the thoughts with super strong coffee*

Petrah 05-11-09 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 134963)
Yeah baby. ~lol~

Can I have a hairy chest and wear gold chains too?

Wait, I thought that was the case anyway. It's not??

spiel2001 05-11-09 08:35 AM


Well... I don't wear the gold chains and since I'm fair haired, you almost wouldn't know the other.


Petrah 05-11-09 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 135182)

Well... I don't wear the gold chains and since I'm fair haired, you almost wouldn't know the other.


Oh. :eek: Thank you for the clarification.... I think.


Dramber 05-11-09 04:09 PM

Has anyone seen my Brain Bleach? I really need to get that mental image out of my head.

spiel2001 05-11-09 05:02 PM

Can't help you with that, though I do have some extra chlorine for the gene pool.

Baltharus 05-13-09 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 135278)
Can't help you with that, though I do have some extra chlorine for the gene pool.

there a few people at work i need removed from the gene pool <.<

spiel2001 05-18-09 08:28 AM

Okay... now that 5.03.04 is out, I would like to get some feedback from folks in the field... how are things looking with the new event/update engine?

How do frame rate and memory usage look?

Is there a notable change in either in practice?

Being that I spend all my time writing code instead of playing these days, I really haven't been able to measure this myself, so feedback from the field is needed so I can get a measure of whether or not I'm headed in the right direction.

Vis 05-18-09 09:50 AM

So far so good here. I haven't hit a 40 man BG yet, but memory seems mostly consistent while solo at around 12-16 megs, very slowly climbing to the 16 mark. I haven't noticed any stuttering/lag looking issues either from that damn Blizz garbage collector.


Xrystal 05-18-09 10:10 AM

Now that just won't do Scott. I order you to play WoW more. I mean you want to test your addons surely - grins.

I'll be able to test it all out when the raids reset Tuesday unless we do something tonight.


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 136867)
Being that I spend all my time writing code instead of playing these days, I really haven't been able to measure this myself, so feedback from the field is needed so I can get a measure of whether or not I'm headed in the right direction.

Petrah 05-20-09 12:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 136867)
Okay... now that 5.03.04 is out, I would like to get some feedback from folks in the field... how are things looking with the new event/update engine?

How do frame rate and memory usage look?

Is there a notable change in either in practice?

Being that I spend all my time writing code instead of playing these days, I really haven't been able to measure this myself, so feedback from the field is needed so I can get a measure of whether or not I'm headed in the right direction.

Everything appears to be just fine on my end. 66 FPS in 10 man Nax, and most of my settings are on high (even Shadows is nudged up just a tad). Memory usage appears to be okay as well.

spiel2001 05-20-09 04:22 AM

I like those kinds of numbers ~smile~

Xrystal 05-20-09 07:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
25 man caused me to go down to 11 fps. Not sure of the memory consumption as I forgot to check that but will check again tonight. I usually don't have my graphic settings up maxed except on the stuff thats important.

Senutyenool 05-22-09 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Senutyenool (Post 134847)
Let me just quickly add my two coppers worth.

I also see this memory increase, and am running a very low end system (5 year old now) and the rate of memory increase fluctuates depending whether I have my eyes crossed or...... ermmm...

Heh, in fact, since having asked for your help previously with this problem, Oh Father of nUI (forget which thread), I've done the testing with just core nUI+ running, and disabling/re-enabling all add-ons and have not been able to pin it down to any individual program running.

This GC problem is different from day to day playing, some days nUI will increase at a .3MB p/s rate (which I can work with), others at 1-2Mb p/s (which means an FPS drop and frame freeze every 6-7 minutes... not good). However, when I get this massive memory usage increase, I find that logging out completely and restarting "fixes" this.

Hence could it be a problem with something not loading correctly at start-up or am I just showing my ineptitude with all things coded?


As per my previous post (which by the way seemed to have gotten hijacked as it was never answered) it's still happening with the latest version.

I log in, give my ancient system 2-3 mins to stabilise and wander off into the Hulu to smite some nasties.... now, I still haven't pinned this issue down to anything, but some days I'm able to play for hours on end (with mega caffeine hits...... :p ) and no issues, yet on other days, within half an hour the GC goes nuts and nUI keeps loading at 1Mb per 3 seconds, hits the GC point, freezes between 5-12 seconds (even though everything in the background is still going - ie: if in a fight, keep getting smashed and am able to mash my buttons by listening to what sound currently plays with my key rotation - have I mentioned I DETEST fighting blind, as that's what it's like) and it will hit the GC on average every 2 to 3 minutes.

The only 'fix' I've found for this is to completely shut down WoW and start from scratch. This, as I've already stated, tends to 'fix' the problem.... Any clues?... coz I'm completely clueless :D


spiel2001 05-22-09 04:09 AM

Are you on 5.03.04 yet Senutyenool?

The memory issue you're describing, though not 100% fixed yet, has been addressed in the 5.03.03/5.03.04 development version. At this point, in testing, I'm seeing nUI tick about 10k every 5-10 seconds on average and the garbage collector running far more gently as a result... that's a *long* way from the numbers you're reporting which are pretty much identical to what I was seeing *before* those two patches.

Senutyenool 05-22-09 05:33 AM

Yes, I'm running 5.03.04, hence why I thought I'd throw this out there.

I have a feeling it might partially be due to my old, 4 year + system (running only 1Gb of RAM), maybe coupled with being restricted to using dial-up that might, repeat might be part of the issue. But it's hard to make this a definitive answer as the 'problem' flucuates from day to day.

I'll just keep monitoring it, and if it gets too 'hinky', it's only a matter of a complete reload. As stated, being restricted to dial-up (for hopefully only 6-8 more weeks) doesn't allow me to join raids at this stage anyway, so till I get back to the realms of faster connections I'll muddle along, once I get 'hooked' up again I'll monitor it again and if needed post back my results.


spiel2001 05-22-09 06:25 AM

Okies... and for what it's worth, a simple '/nui rl' should have the exact same effect as a "complete reload" and is much faster.


Originally Posted by Senutyenool (Post 137821)
Yes, I'm running 5.03.04, hence why I thought I'd throw this out there.

I have a feeling it might partially be due to my old, 4 year + system (running only 1Gb of RAM), maybe coupled with being restricted to using dial-up that might, repeat might be part of the issue. But it's hard to make this a definitive answer as the 'problem' flucuates from day to day.

I'll just keep monitoring it, and if it gets too 'hinky', it's only a matter of a complete reload. As stated, being restricted to dial-up (for hopefully only 6-8 more weeks) doesn't allow me to join raids at this stage anyway, so till I get back to the realms of faster connections I'll muddle along, once I get 'hooked' up again I'll monitor it again and if needed post back my results.


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