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ecartman 05-17-09 07:31 AM

OK, so I get it's not today, sad to say, but I get worried when I read the "wait till it is ready for release" We are waiting for a BETA release right? I mean there will be problems, some probably major for the first few weeks (months?) that's what a BETA is. So release it when you want, its your toy. Hope its soon but I know there will have adjustments to make. Good luck, thanks for all your effort.


klamb213 05-17-09 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by ecartman (Post 136491)
OK, so I get it's not today, sad to say, but I get worried when I read the "wait till it is ready for release" We are waiting for a BETA release right? I mean there will be problems, some probably major for the first few weeks (months?) that's what a BETA is. So release it when you want, its your toy. Hope its soon but I know there will have adjustments to make. Good luck, thanks for all your effort.


They never said for sure its not today. The actual person working on it said he is really pushing to get it out today.

clayton6870 05-17-09 10:12 AM

So where are we going to be able to download the beta at?? I am really looking forward to 1 universal updater for all my mods.

septor 05-17-09 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by clayton6870 (Post 136532)
So where are we going to be able to download the beta at?? I am really looking forward to 1 universal updater for all my mods.

1. You'll download your addons from the same place you are downloading them now. The difference is now it will be through one updater.. however;

2. It can only be as universal as site owners allow it to be. The only way you'll be able to download addons from Curse or WoWUI, or any number of other hosting locations, is if the maintainers of THOSE sites create a module for Minion.

Baltharus 05-17-09 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by septor (Post 136543)
1. You'll download your addons from the same place you are downloading them now. The difference is now it will be through one updater.. however;

2. It can only be as universal as site owners allow it to be. The only way you'll be able to download addons from Curse or WoWUI, or any number of other hosting locations, is if the maintainers of THOSE sites create a module for Minion.

i think they meant where aer we going to download Minion... the actual updater..

Jooze 05-17-09 11:59 AM

on this website, duh!

septor 05-17-09 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Baltharus (Post 136555)
i think they meant where aer we going to download Minion... the actual updater..

Ah, touche. I've had the problem of adding words to sentences I read over the past few days. :\

Either way my points still stand!

oddtoddy 05-17-09 03:27 PM

In my experience playing MMOs since UO, I can't stress enough how important it is not to release something until it's ready.

Bomyne 05-17-09 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by oddtoddy (Post 136611)
In my experience playing MMOs since UO, I can't stress enough how important it is not to release something until it's ready.

Thats why it won't be released until July.

The point of Beta-testing is Testing and thats the version thats either being released today or in the next few days.

legine 05-18-09 02:20 PM

point is that software is ruely never ready or finished. It is a good thing to have a roadmap. Even if you dont stick to it.

I think this is moving great! I am looking forward to the updater. :) You are doingd great, Shirik!

septor 05-19-09 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by legine (Post 136964)
point is that software is ruely never ready or finished

This is true and I think they know that. They're only worried about pushing out a half working program and having it get a terrible reputation before it's ready enough to not have any major bugs.

Look at the Curse Client, for example, I tried to use it when the rewrite first got pushed out. It was terrible. I have not used it since, despite it being rumored to be loads better.

First impressions are a GIGANTIC selling point. While something like this can never truly be finished, it can be stable.

dropper 05-19-09 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by septor (Post 137181)
Look at the Curse Client, for example, I tried to use it when the rewrite first got pushed out. It was terrible. I have not used it since, despite it being rumored to be loads better.

Rumored isn't the correct word, since it's others opinions about how they feel about it. Go try it yourself. Form your own opinion.

It is a lot better than the first few versions and now does just about everything right. Some may not like the pay for enhanced usage of the tool, but it still works without that. I ponied up the subscription fee, just because they seem to have gotten it right.

(I am in no way affiliated with that site.)


legine 05-22-09 03:27 AM

Well i tried the curse client and it works nicely.

I am objecting only ppl that thing a roadmap is not useful. Without one you wont be able to say when you are ready for release. Thats what it is about ;)

MonkH 05-23-09 07:06 AM

still on for 2morrow? :P

Nuchaleft 05-23-09 12:13 PM

It'll be ready "soon" ;)

septor 05-23-09 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by MonkH (Post 137969)
still on for 2morrow? :P

There has not never been (:rolleyes:) a solid date set. However, in the "Daily Update Thread" it's mentioned that it may be released sometime tomorrow (Sunday).

Tyrnal 05-23-09 08:26 PM

Been waiting for this program for a while, was excited when it was announced to be in development, was excited when it was named, waiting until it comes out, and will absolutely freak out on that day. Whenever it may be, take your time guys, we can all wait.

clayton6870 05-24-09 07:38 AM

Things still looking good for today???

Meren2109 05-24-09 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by clayton6870 (Post 138126)
Things still looking good for today???

I hope so. My AddOns really need an update, and cba to do it manually :P

Jooze 05-24-09 12:07 PM

Please note the time difference between Shirik and whoever isn't in the same time zone!

Think its GMT -5 or -6 (depending on daylight saving time). So lets say it's -6 that would mean when it's 6 am in the UK Shirik will have failed releasing the client in time =P

All times are GMT -6. The time now is 11:04 PM.

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