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Slakah 07-15-10 08:43 AM

Woo I found my first blue and white block :)

voodoodad 07-15-10 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Petrah (Post 197935)
There's a building in Dalaran where you will find NPC's for all the classes (across from the Legerdemain Lounge in the The Scribes Sacellum).. the hunter one will have the glyphs you need. In fact, the little guy is standing right outside the front door. ;)

Thank you, darlin! Appreciate the help.

ravagernl 07-15-10 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Slakah (Post 197988)
Woo I found my first blue and white block :)

Yeah the night elf worgen in the cave? He has a blocky hat.

Slakah 07-15-10 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 198013)
Yeah the night elf worgen in the cave? He has a blocky hat.

Nah I just spotted it in the prison in the worgen starting zone.

AtliThor 07-15-10 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by kkam (Post 197952)
Either world server or the entire realm (Mekkatorque-EU) seems to go up and down constantly today.
Other than that, awesome :p

I copied my lvl 80 pala over there, but I can't seem to do anything with him. I can walk around and use the /2 channel, but if I try to cast anything, talk to any NPC or use a portal, I just DC.

... no exploring for me, it seem :(

lilsparky 07-15-10 12:19 PM

i dont like the talent trees. not enough ability to customize.

the water is nice, but it's lacking something. seems like the non-terrain objects aren't reflecting properly. i agree it's too dark/transparent. for me, the objects in the goblin pool look like they're just floating in mid air.

neverg 07-15-10 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by lilsparky (Post 198050)
i dont like the talent trees. not enough ability to customize.

the water is nice, but it's lacking something. seems like the non-terrain objects aren't reflecting properly. i agree it's too dark/transparent. for me, the objects in the goblin pool look like they're just floating in mid air.

That's because true reflections aren't in the game yet. :)

VincentSDSH 07-15-10 06:02 PM

I did some flying around just to check out video performance with my so-old-they-don't-even-have-the-drivers-for-download video card. Some of the changes are subtle and cool, others are stunning and very, very cool. And some of the things...well...I flew over Loch Modan as the damn and sluce-waterfall was one of my favorite spots...only way I can describe it is, "I felt as if I had been touched in an impure manner." *insert Charton Heston, Planet of the Apes moment*

I could comment for quite a while but so much of it is based on obviously unfinished at least working perplexingly that it's hard to form a cogent impression -- other than "the base UI burns us, it freezes us!"


Originally Posted by lilsparky (Post 198050)
the water is nice, but it's lacking something. seems like the non-terrain objects aren't reflecting properly. i agree it's too dark/transparent. for me, the objects in the goblin pool look like they're just floating in mid air.

I described it as gray, featureless concrete unless you catch the sun or a light-source in it. It's not even an issue of reflections for me, it's just...featurelessly opaque 95% of the time. First time I ran up on water (evening in gobbie zone) I thought it was a solid surface till the rather unexpected 'splash'

p3lim 07-15-10 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Slakah (Post 197988)
Woo I found my first blue and white block :)

I actually got a hat with that graphics from Redridge :)

lilsparky 07-15-10 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by neverg (Post 198129)
That's because true reflections aren't in the game yet. :)

it's weird tho cuz it seems like they kind of reflect in some cases, but not in any convincing way... it's not really a hard effect to achieve, but maybe it's just a case of having to support different rendering paths...

voodoodad 07-16-10 05:39 PM

Two more thoughts I've had since taking my premade hunter to Mt. Hyjal;

1. The mobs spawn WAY too fast. Yes, they're extremely easy to kill but it took me 30 minutes to do what should've been a ten minute quest because mobs respawn almost immediately.

2. Minor thing here, but it makes me sad :(. The green quest rewards are already better than the T10 gear you start out with (for the most part). I'd like to get just a little more use out of the full set of T10 before I start replacing it with greens, since I'll probably never be that well geared once Cata goes live.:rolleyes:

Ferous 07-16-10 07:08 PM

Vashj'ir is extremely fun. EXTREMELY!

And the whale shark is epic

Ferous 07-16-10 07:16 PM

I was questing and I saw this guy...

Is this an old god or something? it scared the crap out of me! edit - his eyes move around and stare at you :O

Slakah 07-16-10 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ferous (Post 198384)
Vashj'ir is extremely fun. EXTREMELY!

And the whale shark is epic

Wasn't particularly impressed with Hyjal but yes, I've found everything in Vashj'ir very fun, especially the instance.

AtliThor 07-16-10 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by AtliThor (Post 198037)
I copied my lvl 80 pala over there, but I can't seem to do anything with him. I can walk around and use the /2 channel, but if I try to cast anything, talk to any NPC or use a portal, I just DC.

... no exploring for me, it seem :(

In case anybody else runs into this, it appears it was a firewall issue. My ZoneAlarm firewall was (apparently) blocking part of the game, allowing me to use the chat and walk around, but not cast spells, rezone or talk to NPCs. One uninstall and a reboot later, I'm happily flying around Durotar :banana:

Now, if I can only get the talents I choose to stop resetting every few minutes...

p3lim 07-16-10 10:27 PM

If your videocard supports DirectX 11 you can force the game into using it, this way you get true reflections from the water.

Open and add this: SET gxApi 'D3D11'

st0nedpenguin 07-16-10 11:01 PM

I like the fact that the game has been so simplified and toned down that it's about as complex as Farmville, and speccing talents is like peggle.

Possible sarcasm involved!

unlimit 07-16-10 11:59 PM

I like the simplicity.

I do NOT like how... clutted... everything seems at once when you begin your first few quests.

voodoodad 07-17-10 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by st0nedpenguin (Post 198409)
I like the fact that the game has been so simplified and toned down that it's about as complex as Farmville, and speccing talents is like peggle.

Possible sarcasm involved!

OMG! Let's NOT get the whole Blizzard/Activision/Facebook conspiracy going again! :eek:

CobraA1 07-19-10 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 197945)
Under OpenGL (Linux), there is no fancy water. The slider is there (just like the fancy shadows slider) and can be moved (not like the fancy shadows slider), but only the old water shows. Changing to Direct3D shows the new water, but halves (or worse) my FPS.

Probably time to think about dual booting. Kinda strange that somebody that's in WoW enough to write addons for it isn't at least using an officially supported platform.

In any case - my first impressions are it's a great step forward. The phasing really adds a lot to the game, and makes quests a lot more satisfying. It's used to a great effect in that what you do can actually make a difference in the game world. And wow, so much has changed in this game. I can't believe they're able to start putting DX10/11 in a game this old. Looks great with the effects turned up. It still has the old school feel to it, but there are moments when you can really see the improvements (water, sunbeams).

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