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Nobgul 10-11-10 08:00 AM

click on the general tab and click make interactive.

litesung 10-12-10 10:54 PM

Awesome! Thank's for explaining :) I'd like to try it out on the new RealUI though :(

Anyways... I also noticed two more problems.

Whenever I log on, it doesn't save my option for choosing "Auto-Loot" on the interface tab... I want to log out and have it stay on auto-loot but everytime i log off it resets to untick itself.

Also, wait nvm.. I just forgot that second thing that was on my mind... I'll edit when I remember >.<

Oh yeah, okay... so whenever I talk in /party or /guild or something, it always tends to go back to /say... I was wondering how I could make it stay in /party or /guild? I used chatter's addon options to make the /party stay, but /guild and some others don't stay when I talk. They go back to /say after I have said what I needed to in /guild or whatever.

litesung 10-26-10 06:07 PM

New UI Help
Alright, so I finally got Game Time and started playing on my new account.

Unfortunately, I am having trouble with NPC names, they are still hovering above the creatures in the game like in this picture, is there a way I can turn that off? I have tried looking under "NPC Names", and it is "off" set to "Display None" and stuff, but has no effect. I also checked all my addons and am unsure if any of them are associated with this.

Can anyone shed some light in my scenario?

Here is the picture

Taryble 10-26-10 07:45 PM

litesung, it's a new "feature" in WoW - if an NPC is involved with a quest that you have, their name is above their head, no matter what the settings are in the "Names" section.

Jigain 10-27-10 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Taryble (Post 214431)
litesung, it's a new "feature" in WoW - if an NPC is involved with a quest that you have, their name is above their head, no matter what the settings are in the "Names" section.

True. And 'tis darn annoying, is what it is!

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