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TSquared 06-14-12 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ketho (Post 256857)
UPDATE_EXPANSION_LEVEL this must be the least firing event, ever

It's kind of like the death/rebirth of the pheonix. It happens once in a very long time, but when it appears it's glorious!

Phanx 06-14-12 05:26 PM

Doesn't Blizzard make you log out of the game before you can make any changes to your account like that anyway?

Fizzlemizz 06-14-12 08:08 PM

It may be a mechanism to hype pre-expansion experience to get more people connected waiting for release a event which may actually be an event rather than just a message to start downloading. A bit like a timed easter egg.

I wouldn't be surprised to see it make it into a 4.x patch

Smashbolt 06-15-12 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 256866)
Doesn't Blizzard make you log out of the game before you can make any changes to your account like that anyway?

Well, the comment in the linked LFDFrame.lua says it can change while logged in now.

Did Cata have a "live" release with no server reset? If so, my random guess is that it's there so they can try a seamless MoP release. Assuming we can buy and download the game data beforehand, maybe they plan to push some message at the moment of release that enables MoP content for the server and fires off that event on applicable accounts so you can stay logged in as the release occurs and go straight to new content without logging out and in?

That seems like a lot of trouble to go to though...

Torhal 06-15-12 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Smashbolt (Post 256887)
That seems like a lot of trouble to go to though...

It would be for something like Cataclysm, yes - people hanging out in Orgrimmar would suddenly see the entire city completely transform before their eyes (or be teleported because there is suddenly a building where they were standing). For MoP, however, it would simply be a matter of bringing those servers online and telling the existing servers "I'm here. Spawn this set of mobs and run this scripted event."

Talyrius 06-16-12 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 256888)
... It would be for something like Cataclysm, yes - people hanging out in Orgrimmar would suddenly see the entire city completely transform before their eyes (or be teleported because there is suddenly a building where they were standing).

Well, that theoretical situation would never happen because they always roll-out major terrain and building changes in a patch a couple weeks prior to the release of an expansion.

Cataclysm had a live release as well; I didn't have to logout and login after the midnight release before I could start leveling up. This event is just giving us the information that's already been available on the server side all along.

Ketho 06-29-12 07:13 PM

Now AddOns have been enabled on Beta there is a Wowpedia page with API changes (mainly updated by Foxlit)

I also updated my GitHub fork to build 15799

WowAce thread: Addons are now enabled on MoP

Edit: Just noticed Cairenn's mailing :|

Nimhfree 06-30-12 08:42 AM

QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.

jeffy162 06-30-12 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 257360)
QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.

My guess would be that it is not implemented yet simply because it just isn't necessary to allow it at this point. I would imagine it will be put in at some point right before MoP release so it can be tested by addon authors (although, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever if there is any empirical evidence, at all, to support my theory :o).

On a slight side-track (sorry): Could someone please tell me where I can find the class color for the new Monk class (that's the only new class, right)? I apologize, but I really have absolutely no clue.

Ketho 06-30-12 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 257362)
On a slight side-track (sorry): Could someone please tell me where I can find the class color for the new Monk class (that's the only new class, right)? I apologize, but I really have absolutely no clue.

0, 255, 150
r = 0.00, g = 1.00, b = 0.59

p3lim 06-30-12 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 257362)
On a slight side-track (sorry): Could someone please tell me where I can find the class color for the new Monk class (that's the only new class, right)? I apologize, but I really have absolutely no clue.

I listed it in my post.

Seerah 06-30-12 12:14 PM

How to check talents of other players
Here is some additional information about checking talents that I found last night while fixing up TipTop.

As mentioned on some of the functions have had their names changed. Also, some of these have changed usage.

GetPrimaryTalentTree() has changed to GetSpecialization(). In addition, if you are inspecting someone, you need to use GetInspectSpecialization("unit"). This will return a number (not sure what it really represents or how it is determined...) which you can then pass to GetSpecializationInfoByID().

So... when inspecting someone for their talents... You call NotifyInspect("unit") and register for "INSPECT_READY" just as before. When the event fires, call GetInspectSpecialization("unit") to get that ID number and then, if the ID exists and is greater than 0 (cause, sometimes it's 0 for some reason), pass that ID to GetSpecializationInfoByID().

One additional reminder: it is sill a good idea to save the UnitGUID of the unit you are inspecting so that you can check that GUID with what is returned with "NOTIFY_INSPECT".

jeffy162 06-30-12 06:36 PM

Thank you very much, Ketho. That was exactly what I needed.

I apologize for asking for the information, but when I try to read through code (if I can even get a clue where to look to begin with) my eyes glaze over, I start babbling gibberish and drooling in about 30 seconds. That's pretty "normal" for me, but I try to keep that kind of thing to a bare minimum.

Thank you, again.

yoshimo 07-01-12 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 257360)
QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.


a lot weaker, but it seems to return 1 if completed and nil if not completed.

Talyrius 07-01-12 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 257360)
QueryQuestsCompleted() still is not implemented in the beta that allows addons to run.

I'm curious as to why. Hopefully, they aren't planning to completely remove it. This would make me very sad. :(


Originally Posted by yoshimo (Post 257405)

a lot weaker, but it seems to return 1 if completed and nil if not completed.

I hope this isn't excessively throttled if it's intended to be used in place of QueryQuestsCompleted().

Nimhfree 07-01-12 08:54 AM

So for Grail I now check the runtime to see if QueryQuestsCompleted and GetQuestsCompleted exist. If not, I create an implementation that calls my "quest from server" updating routine. In it the call to GetQuestsCompleted is implemented to cycle through the quests and call IsQuestFlaggedCompleted for each one. On beta this seems to work and not cause the dreaded "your LUA code is taking too long" so I am leaving the code in place for now. Of course if Blizzard implements either of these two routines in the future, the old mechanism for either will still work (tested to still work in live).

Silvanas 07-01-12 12:17 PM

did some testing, while the functions have been renamed
GetNumPartyMembers() > GetNumSubgroupMembers()
GetNumRaidMembers() > GetNumGroupMembers()

the targeting still works on
UnitName("party".. i)
UnitName("raid".. i)

p3lim 07-01-12 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Silvanas (Post 257437)
did some testing, while the functions have been renamed
GetNumPartyMembers() > GetNumSubgroupMembers()
GetNumRaidMembers() > GetNumGroupMembers()

the targeting still works on
UnitName("party".. i)
UnitName("raid".. i)

If anything behaves like it is supposed to, you don't need to report that.
However, if it doesn't behave like it should, please do!

Seerah 07-01-12 04:57 PM

I don't think he's "reporting" it, just documenting it for everyone else to use the correct function.

p3lim 07-02-12 07:09 AM

Anything printed in the chat doesnt show until someone actually says something (say, channels, /dump, emote, etc).
Happens with print() and DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage()

Also, you cannot compare items previouly slotted in ranged with stuff previously slotted in mainhand (wand vs dagger compare).
Sheating ranged weapons is a bit bugged aswell, having a wand + offhand atleast.

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