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footsoldr2 08-17-12 04:06 PM


Xrystal - Thank you very much!

I changed the values in the Interface > AddOns > nUI > Integration > nUI_Bazooka.lua file as follows:
local function DetectBazooka_Bars()
-- nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "DetectBazooka_Bars" );

if (pre180() == true) then return end

if (Bazooka.TopAnchor) then
nUI_TopBarsLocator:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Bazooka.TopAnchor, "BOTTOM", 1295, 0);
nUI_TopBarsLocator:SetPoint("BOTTOM", UIParent, "TOP", 1295, 0);

if (Bazooka.BottomAnchor) then
nUI_BottomBarsLocator:SetPoint("TOP", Bazooka.BottomAnchor, "TOP", 1295, 0);
nUI_BottomBarsLocator:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 1295, 0);

-- nUI_ProfileStop();
Again, thank you very much for your patience and assistance.

Xrystal 08-17-12 05:19 PM

No worries. give me a brief list of what you did and in what file and I will see if I can turn it into a plugin for you and future multi monitor users so that you won't have to keep making these changes everytime the addon gets changed.

I you already did just point to which post in the thread you did.

footsoldr2 08-17-12 05:31 PM

I kept the changes as listed in Then there were the changes to the Bazooka file

I had the changes to the character files described in

If you would like copies of the files I will upload them.

Xrystal 08-17-12 05:39 PM

No that should be fine. nUI loads the option files up when it runs so plugins have access to its values.

Xrystal 08-19-12 03:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, give this a little go.

Change the data table at the top before logging into wow to the values you want. X is the first value you have been changing. They are initially set to the default value. That table initialises the WTF saved variables data but after the first log out it will use the saved variables version and ignores the version in the file.

Once I know it will work with your values in the right places in that data table I will make an in game tweaker option for fine tuning and upload it as an addon for others in your boat.

Xrystal 08-20-12 04:16 AM

Please note that this plugin should execute after nUI and thus override what the nUI standard code has done. Let me know if this doesn't seem to be the case as it could mean that my addon is loading before nUI.

I've tried to be as flexible and customizable as possible.

Xrystal 08-29-12 02:47 PM

I've not seen any comments good or bad on my plugin. Did it help anyone get multiple monitors sorted out without touching nUI code directly ?

I'd like to post it up as a fully working addon but until I know it works, as I am unable to test it myself, I can't do that.

spiel2001 08-29-12 07:56 PM

FYI: nUI6 viewports should support multiple monitors out of the box to include putting the world on one monitor and user interface on the other or just about any combination of that.

Xrystal 08-30-12 02:16 AM

Ok, good to know. I'll leave this one as a one off for people in the meantime

footsoldr2 09-03-12 11:28 AM

Forgive me

Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 260922)
I've not seen any comments good or bad on my plugin. Did it help anyone get multiple monitors sorted out without touching nUI code directly ?

I'd like to post it up as a fully working addon but until I know it works, as I am unable to test it myself, I can't do that.

I am very sorry.:o I had not logged in for a bit. I will definitely try this out. Especially since I have a new main monitor that is 1920x1080 to use with a 1280x1024.

As soon as I can I will report my results.

footsoldr2 09-05-12 10:57 AM

Seems to work. As a control I changed the settings in the following files back to 0
Interface > AddOns > nUI > Integration > nUI_Bazooka.lua
Interface > AddOns > nUI > Main > nUI.lua
and put those values into their corresponding places in the file
Interface > AddOns > nUI_Enhancement_MultiView > nUI_Enhancement_MultiView.lua
One still has to do the changes to the individual character files to change the scaling per correct?

I need to research and play around with some of the settings as the game is stretched on the 1920x1080 monitor. When I set up EyeFinity it shows that my combined resolution is 2560 x 1024, and gives me recommended options such as 2560 x 768, 800, 960, etc. It is not showing 1280 + 1920 = 3200. I'm sure there is probably a limitation so I need to do my research.

I'll post what I come up with when I get it working correctly.

If I can help by testing this in the newer version let me know and I'll try it.

Bottom Line - It appears to do what all the other changes did as far as shifting the interface. So thank you very much Xrystal for this.

Xrystal 09-05-12 01:48 PM

See how it works without editing those files but editing the saved variables files is better than having to edit nUI files directly to get it to work as it messes you up come upgrade time.

footsoldr2 09-05-12 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 262493)
See how it works without editing those files but editing the saved variables files is better than having to edit nUI files directly to get it to work as it messes you up come upgrade time.

Do you mean the [ WTF > Account > {your account} > {realm} > {character} > SavedVariables > nUI.lua ] file for each character? Would that be affected by the upgrade?

I guess I'm a little confused (it's been a crazy work day):confused:. As I understand it the addon you created eliminates the need to edit the two files within the nUI addon directly to shift the top and bottom parts as well as Bazooka. Did I miss that it also addresses the changes made in the Saved Variables nUI.lua file for each character to change the UI scale?

My apologies if I'm just muddying this up.

tazman734 02-20-13 12:59 PM

no luck
ive tryed playing around and so far no luck . i allso dl the ptr and nui6 and cant get the /nui help menu to come up or the viewports . im really hoping to put nui back on my rig . running 5760x1080 . ive been running nui seance i started playing and now my lost . thoughts ?

spiel2001 02-21-13 05:29 AM

nUI6 does not (yet) have '/nui' commands/help. That will be added later.

The viewport is already built into nUI6, though the "editor" for it is part of nUI6+ which I have not yet released. You can hand edit [ Interface > AddOns > nUI6 > Layouts > DPS > skin.lua ] to customize your viewport for now. There are two view ports... one for the world view and one for the UI.

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