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Xrystal 08-18-13 11:10 AM

woot, thanks Scott.

spiel2001 08-18-13 11:11 AM

Check the macro condition [shapeshift]

You should be able to use that to handle the temp shapeshift bar

Xrystal 08-18-13 11:16 AM

Will do, thanks.

spiel2001 08-18-13 11:18 AM

I haven't played with it yet, but it may be necessary to create a special case on the buttons to handle the special shapeshift bar functions correctly using the macro as the trigger. It just has to be "pre-defined" behavior and selected by the state engine when the macro conditional is met.

Xrystal 08-18-13 12:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Good News:

This mini addon worked great, as long as it was a special bar, then again, like I said I have yet been able to figure out page swapping properly yet even with the druid forms. Now to check to see if the page idea will work with nUI.

edit: Added screenshots of mini addon working alongside regular blizz and with nUI 5 and as you can see nUI 5 isn't switching with the page switching macro conditional.

Lua Code:
  1. local addonName,addonData = ...
  3. local actionBarFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","XUI_ActionBar_Frame",UIParent,"SecureHandlerStateTemplate,SecureHandlerAttributeTemplate,SecureHandlerShowHideTemplate")
  4. local eventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","XUI_ActionBar_Events")
  6. local function CheckEvents(self,event,...)
  7.     local args = { ... }
  9.     if ( event == "ADDON_LOADED" and args[1] == addonName ) then
  10.         actionBarFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",0,0)
  11.         actionBarFrame:SetAttribute( "XUI_ActionType","ACTIONBUTTON" )
  13.         -- As a standalone Action Bar
  14.         actionBarFrame:SetAttribute( "actionpage", GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex() );
  16.         -- As a page on the Main Action Bar
  17.         --actionBarFrame:SetAttribute( "actionpage", 1 );
  19.         actionBarFrame.Buttons = { }
  20.         local lastButton = nil
  21.         for i = 1,12 do
  22.             actionBarFrame.Buttons[i] = CreateFrame("CheckButton","$parent_Button_"..i,actionBarFrame,"SecureActionButtonTemplate,ActionBarButtonTemplate")
  23.             actionBarFrame.Buttons[i]:SetID(i)
  24.             actionBarFrame.Buttons[i]:SetAttribute("action", i );
  25.             actionBarFrame.Buttons[i]:Show()
  26.             if ( lastButton ) then
  27.                 actionBarFrame.Buttons[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",actionBarFrame.Buttons[i-1],"TOPRIGHT",1,0)
  28.             else
  29.                 actionBarFrame.Buttons[i]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",actionBarFrame,"TOPLEFT",1,0)
  30.             end
  31.             lastButton = actionBarFrame.Buttons[i]
  32.             ActionButton_UpdateAction(lastButton);
  33.         end
  35.         -- As a standalone Action Bar
  36.         RegisterStateDriver( actionBarFrame, "visibility", "[petbattle] hide; [shapeshift] show" );
  38.         -- As a page on the Main Action Bar
  39.         --RegisterStateDriver( actionBarFrame, "visibility", "[petbattle] hide; show" );
  41.         actionBarFrame:Execute(
  42.             [[
  43.                 ChildList     = newtable( self:GetChildren() );
  44.                 ActionButtons = newtable();
  45.                 actionType    = self:GetAttribute( "XUI_ActionType" );
  47.                 local j = 1;
  49.                 for i, child in ipairs( ChildList ) do
  50.                     if child:GetAttribute( "XUI_ActionType" ) then
  51.                         ActionButtons[j] = child;
  52.                         j = j+1;
  53.                     end
  54.                 end
  55.             ]]
  56.         );
  58.         -- As a page on the Main Action Bar
  59.         --RegisterStateDriver(actionBarFrame, "page", "[vehicleui] GetVehicleBarIndex(); [shapeshift] GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex(); [extrabar] GetExtraBarIndex(); [overridebar] GetOverrideBarIndex(); [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11;1" );
  61.         actionBarFrame:Show()
  63.     end
  65. end
  67. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE")
  68. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
  69. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED")
  70. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR")
  71. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_VEHICLE_ACTIONBAR")
  72. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_OVERRIDE_ACTIONBAR")
  73. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM")
  74. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_POSSESS_BAR")
  75. eventFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_EXTRA_ACTIONBAR")
  77. eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent",CheckEvents)

spiel2001 08-18-13 01:04 PM

I'll see what I can sort out.

Is 5.4 live this Tuesday or next?

Xrystal 08-18-13 01:54 PM

All I've seen is that it is soon. Guess we won't know until Monday night at the earliest.

spiel2001 08-18-13 06:57 PM

I think I have nUI6 ready to play with 5.4 -- I haven't looked at nUI5 on the 5.4 PTR. Have you?

Daveo77 08-19-13 04:51 AM

From what I've heard, 5.4 is looking to go live on Tuesday 27th (US)/Wednesday 28th (EU).

Xrystal 08-19-13 12:43 PM

I tried with nui5 but I have no idea how the bars work in nui. My mini addon worked as a separate bar that was visible when the shapeshifter occurred. Tried to use the possess file as a guide to get it to work inside nui5 but no joy on first attempt. I suspect for the moment it will have to be a separate bar as so far I haven't figured out how to get it to shift pages when the macro condition is met. No real examples around that I can understand.

Daveo77 08-21-13 04:39 PM

Update to my last post. Blizzard has announced date for Patch 5.4 to go live.

US: Tuesday 10th September
EU: Wednesday 11th September

See here for full info.

Xrystal 08-21-13 10:25 PM

Hmm, I can't see anything official on the date of release on that page. Is there something on the Arena Season changes that mentions the date officially as all I am seeing are peoples comments on the date.

Seer 08-21-13 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 283328)
Hmm, I can't see anything official on the date of release on that page. Is there something on the Arena Season changes that mentions the date officially as all I am seeing are peoples comments on the date.

The date is in the picture dear :-)


Xrystal 08-22-13 01:33 PM

d'oh, age must be getting to me .. must be blind as a bat rofl .. thanks seer, now that you pointed it out I can clearly see it rofl

Xrystal 08-24-13 07:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Good news.

This line in 5.4 makes the main actionbar switch in draktharon keep in the latest nUI 5.

RegisterStateDriver(nUI_ActionBar, "page", string.format("[vehicleui] %d; [overridebar] %d; [shapeshift] %d; [extrabar] %d; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11;1",GetVehicleBarIndex(),GetOverrideBarIndex(),GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex(),GetExtraBarIndex()) );

Whether the ExtraActionBar and OverrideBar and VehicleBar index pages switch as well I don't know yet. Will test that another time. Screen shot here though:

Xrystal 08-24-13 07:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The same change in 5.3 came up with the Extra Bar Button temporarily replacing the the first action bar button.

Xrystal 08-24-13 11:12 AM

Scratch having the extra action button appear as button one .. just glitched out a heroic scenario because of it rofl.

Xrystal 08-25-13 08:49 AM

Oh, and if my mini addon is anything to go by then the following line change will make nUI 5 work in 5.3.

RegisterStateDriver(nUI_ActionBar, "page", string.format("[vehicleui] %d; [overridebar] %d; [shapeshift] %d; [bar:2] 2; [bar:3] 3; [bar:4] 4; [bar:5] 5; [bar:6] 6; [bonusbar:1] 7; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10; [bonusbar:5] 11;1",GetVehicleBarIndex(),GetOverrideBarIndex(),GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex()) );

Vrallox 09-11-13 01:22 AM

The updates in the last couple days have been causing problems for me as well. I've been having my main action bar replaced with the extra action button ability every time it's activated. I ran a Dragon Soul run on Monday and on the Ultraxion fight I lost all my buttons and the first ability was now the phasing ability. Today, after the new update, I've been getting it on the Timeless Isle.

Was pretty funny trying to quest while using my abilities directly from the spellbook. Hehe.

spiel2001 09-11-13 05:02 AM

We'll get this sorted out ASAP.

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