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Rythal 04-26-18 06:34 AM

Good news, Dan confirmed in IRC last night that getplayermapposition is coming back in the next beta build.. so that's one half of the challenges eliminated.

Nimhfree 04-27-18 12:01 AM

If any of this helps, this works to get all the continents, their zones and dungeons in beta.


--        Attempt to get all the Continents by starting wherever you are and getting the Cosmic
--        map and then asking it for all the Continents that are children of it, hoping the API
--        will bypass the intervening World maps.
local currentMapId, TOP_MOST, ALL_DESCENDANTS = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit('player'), true, true
--        Early in startup C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit('player') does not seem to work, so currentMapId is
--        nil so we use 946 which seems to be the mapId for Cosmic as a default.
local cosmicMapInfo = MapUtil.GetMapParentInfo(currentMapId or 946, Enum.UIMapType.Cosmic, TOP_MOST)
local continents = C_Map.GetMapChildrenInfo(cosmicMapInfo.mapID, Enum.UIMapType.Continent, ALL_DESCENDANTS)
self.continentMapIds = {}
for i, continentInfo in ipairs(continents) do
        local L = { name =, zones = {}, mapID = continentInfo.mapID, dungeons = {} }
        local zones = C_Map.GetMapChildrenInfo(continentInfo.mapID, Enum.UIMapType.Zone, ALL_DESCENDANTS)
        for j, zoneInfo in ipairs(zones) do
                self:_AddMapId(L.zones,, zoneInfo.mapID, L.mapID)
        local dungeons = C_Map.GetMapChildrenInfo(continentInfo.mapID, Enum.UIMapType.Dungeon, ALL_DESCENDANTS)
        for j, dungeonInfo in ipairs(dungeons) do
                self:_AddMapId(L.dungeons,, dungeonInfo.mapID, L.mapID)
        self.continents[L.mapID] = L
        tinsert(self.continentMapIds, L.mapID)

Xrystal 04-27-18 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 327666)
UnitPosition works in BfA so if we know lengths of maps we could rewrite GetPlayerMapPosition...

Also there is which maps old mapids to new uimapids.

I don't know whether this function may help you but this is listed in the interface code

minX, maxX, minY, maxY = C_Map.GetMapRectOnMap(uiMapID,topUIMapID)

I would hazard a guess that this gives you the rect on the area within a higher map that relates to the mapID in question.

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