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A_Nolan 10-14-10 03:30 AM

*nudge* *nudge*
well heres a 4.0.1 nudge :p :confused: :rolleyes: :banana::banana::banana::banana: so thanks to all the tweekers out there who are staying up all night working on fixing there mods (im waiting on fubar havent gotten the gest of broker language yet:mad:) *nudge* *nudge*

Michael76 10-18-10 11:13 AM

Feedback huh. Carbonite is perfect as it is, and that means you guys who took your time to work on it for the current patch busted your butts doing it probably.

Edited this, the game likes to sometimes hide stuff by not loading it, ether that or my eyes are going bad and I didn't see it or understand the quest. found the ghoul drool. Oh, and found the correct thread for Carbonite bugs. :P

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