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Anj 10-23-12 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 267520)
What addons did you update?

What problems did you get?

If I remember right: ACP, ArkInventory, and oUF.

Eisritter 10-24-12 05:04 PM

Threat plates
Wasn't there a threat plates or equivalent? I'm not seeing it now, is there something I'm missing?

gsnerf 10-25-12 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Scyntt (Post 267444)
I've also have had this issue. Only once has the frame come up for the roll option, and I have coins*. My outside mods include DBM, Recount, Onebag3, and Auctioneer suite. I did recently play with settings in grid, and really the only change I've made was having the stance bar not recenter by default.

I also can't interact with the black market auction house, but I have a feeling that's auctioneer.


I also have a blackmarket issue from time to time (can't select items in the market). A /reloadui or deactivating aurora usually clears that up.

As for the bonus roll: I encountered, that on some occassions the roll window appears above the top screen border and only the roll countdown is visible. I think there is a problem with placing the window but I haven't seen any systematic reason that would cause it.


Originally Posted by Anj (Post 267540)
If I remember right: ACP, ArkInventory, and oUF.

I remember getting some messages about blocked actions from ACP from time to time, but I'm not sure when this is or what it results in. I'll give more attention to it the next time I encounter that. This usually does not break playing though.


Originally Posted by Eisritter (Post 267620)
Wasn't there a threat plates or equivalent? I'm not seeing it now, is there something I'm missing?

There is Omen just below the HUD when you fight (I think only visible when in dps/tank mode of the ui) and the usual name plates which indicate that one has aggro by their color (activate by pressing v).

iConverge 10-26-12 04:40 PM

Click-through Player Fram
I tried asking in the last thread but maybe I can get something here.

I used /fstack to find the ID of the frames I needed. I have the in-game run script to make the Player Frame and attached Pet Frame click-through, but it resets after I logout.

I was wondering if someone can tell me what file and where I can put in the code to make the Player Fram and Pet Frame click-through by default.

Thanks in advance for any assistance and I hope Nib gets better. Gethe, you are an awesome friend to be taking this responsibility.

Gloks 10-27-12 12:21 AM

Is there a way to enable high res fonts of some sort? The fonts are very blurry.

oxente 10-28-12 07:41 AM

As prot/ret it keeps telling me I'm missing a seal when I'm not. Also, it keeps telling me I'm missing Kings if I buff might. It's cool that it warns me, but since I already buffed and obviously can't get kings, I think it shouldn't.

Of course these are minor bugs, but just thought you should know.

Thanks for maintaining this UI, it's the best by far :)

Eisritter 10-29-12 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by gsnerf (Post 267652)
and the usual name plates which indicate that one has aggro by their color (activate by pressing v).

D'oh. V key brainfart. Thanks for the reminder

orangedrank 10-30-12 01:39 PM

RealUI Aura Watch
I'm having a weird issue. Currently I'm playing a Warrior. When I first installed RealUI everything was working great. The next time I logged in (and currently), the Aura Watch for things like Battle Shout stopped working. Oddly enough, when my character is in ghost form, it shows up. Any way to make this work in living form again? :)

Argetlam 10-30-12 06:01 PM

Nameplate Scaling and nVidia Surround
I'm sure this isn't high priority at all, but it is slightly irritating for at least me. Basically stock Blizzard nameplates scale horribly when using an nVidia Surround configuration (5880x1080 resolution). RealUI nameplates look fine but for some reason it seems like the clickable area for the nameplate extends far beyond the actual nameplate. It almost seems as if it is the same as the stock Blizzard nameplates (which end up being huge on surround resolutions). For reference, TidyPlates does not have this issue and I am currently using it as a temporary fix.

Also, I can find a way to move all aspects of the UI using the configuration options in the /realui menus except the buffs on the top-right of the screen. How can I move that frame? It would be great if it isn't all the way to the right for me because that is an entire monitor away =/

Thanks for such an awesome UI! I've been using it since I came back to WoW in WotLK :)

Jasmer 10-31-12 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Argetlam (Post 268066)
I'm sure this isn't high priority at all, but it is slightly irritating for at least me. Basically stock Blizzard nameplates scale horribly when using an nVidia Surround configuration (5880x1080 resolution). RealUI nameplates look fine but for some reason it seems like the clickable area for the nameplate extends far beyond the actual nameplate. It almost seems as if it is the same as the stock Blizzard nameplates (which end up being huge on surround resolutions). For reference, TidyPlates does not have this issue and I am currently using it as a temporary fix.

Also, I can find a way to move all aspects of the UI using the configuration options in the /realui menus except the buffs on the top-right of the screen. How can I move that frame? It would be great if it isn't all the way to the right for me because that is an entire monitor away =/

Thanks for such an awesome UI! I've been using it since I came back to WoW in WotLK :)

Buffs are handled by Raven.

Alinna 10-31-12 01:53 PM

Ok...having a new issue with the UI. I decided (against my better judgement) to see what all the fuss was about with the pandas. So I started one up, but after the prompt to install RealUI came up on the screen, nothing was right. Bars are not visible, or in the right place based on my previous settings. Other addon buttons are missing or out on the other side of the screen just floating there. And this is off a clean install. Any ideas on what might be causing this to happen on a newly created toon and not affect my other ones?

Here is what I am seeing...

BalwickMaggy 11-04-12 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Alinna (Post 268118)
Ok...having a new issue with the UI. I decided (against my better judgement) to see what all the fuss was about with the pandas. So I started one up, but after the prompt to install RealUI came up on the screen, nothing was right. Bars are not visible, or in the right place based on my previous settings. Other addon buttons are missing or out on the other side of the screen just floating there. And this is off a clean install. Any ideas on what might be causing this to happen on a newly created toon and not affect my other ones?

Here is what I am seeing...

I would copy the SavedVariables of another character to that one I think, and see if that fixes it. I've had no issues with new characters.

Alinna 11-04-12 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by BalwickMaggy (Post 268308)
I would copy the SavedVariables of another character to that one I think, and see if that fixes it. I've had no issues with new characters.

Nope.....didn't work. Not even a little.

Gethe 11-05-12 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Alinna (Post 268349)
Nope.....didn't work. Not even a little.

Open the RealUI options, go to RealUI Core and reinitialize your character.

Please also make sure that all of the nib* and *RealUI addons are enabled.

Alinna 11-05-12 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 268382)
Open the RealUI options, go to RealUI Core and reinitialize your character.

Please also make sure that all of the nib* and *RealUI addons are enabled.

That was the first thing I did....still didn't work.

And now that I have gone and done a completely fresh install of 7.3 r1....NONE of my previous settings work! Now my screens all look like this:

It's primarily all my bartender settings that are all jacked up.

Jasmer 11-07-12 02:06 AM

I hate to ask but did you actually rename the ACCOUNTNAME folder in WTF to your wow account name? Sounds like the savedvariables just aren't working.

Quingar 11-07-12 04:27 PM

Raven and ICEHUD bug?
Hello guys

I returned to WoW after a pause.

I isntalled my favourite UI -> Real UI

But I see a problem.
I can not see debuff icons on targets like moonfire.
And Raven does not show me the timer for moonfire too.
This is just first findigs as I decided to start a new main.

Could you help me pls where is the problem ?

I have fresh install of Real UI 7.3 r1

Thank you

Alinna 11-07-12 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jasmer (Post 268488)
I hate to ask but did you actually rename the ACCOUNTNAME folder in WTF to your wow account name? Sounds like the savedvariables just aren't working.

Yep....and that's kind of the same conclusion I am coming to. Savedvariables are somehow screwed with my account now. :(

cdnDare 11-07-12 06:16 PM

Does anyone else have problems with inspecting? Most of the time it takes ages to pop up, very annoying :(

Quingar 11-08-12 12:27 PM

Icehud bug?
OK guys I was able to fix those debuff icons so they are showing now as they should. So Raven looks fixed.

But RealUI ICEhud is still not working.
Moonfire debuff bar is not showing when I cast a spell on some target. Could you help pls ?

Thank you

Have a nice day


Nibelheim 11-09-12 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Alinna (Post 268519)
Yep....and that's kind of the same conclusion I am coming to. Savedvariables are somehow screwed with my account now. :(

Only thing I can think of is that particular AccountName folder and it's contents are Read-Only. Try this:


  1. Stay logged in to WoW
  2. Find your WTF folder
  3. Right click on it, and select Properties
  4. Make sure Read-only is un-ticked
  5. Click Okay
  6. Back in WoW, type /realui, select RealUI Core, and click Re-initialize Character.

iConverge 11-09-12 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by cdnDare (Post 268522)
Does anyone else have problems with inspecting? Most of the time it takes ages to pop up, very annoying :(

I've actually found that problem has to do with oUF. Whether it's the oUF addon or the RealUI layout, I am not sure. The only reason I know this is that, when I went to redo some glyphs/talents, Blizz UI stated that oUF needed to be disabled (and randomly sometimes Skada?!? :confused:) in order to make the changes. Once I did that, I inspected another hunter to check his bow, and the inspect frame came up immediately.

As far as a fix, I have no idea.

Alinna 11-10-12 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 268594)
Only thing I can think of is that particular AccountName folder and it's contents are Read-Only. Try this:

Ok Nib....I'm at my wits end here. I just went back to a blank slate on my UI, reinstalled RealUI fresh, and set all my stuff back up on a single character from scratch (takes like 30 min for me to do it), and then went to a different toon and it will copy PART of the settings, but not all.

And when I try to remove the read-only properties from the savedvariables folder, it goes right back to read-only. :(

Nibelheim 11-10-12 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Alinna (Post 268655)
Ok Nib....I'm at my wits end here. I just went back to a blank slate on my UI, reinstalled RealUI fresh, and set all my stuff back up on a single character from scratch (takes like 30 min for me to do it), and then went to a different toon and it will copy PART of the settings, but not all.

And when I try to remove the read-only properties from the savedvariables folder, it goes right back to read-only. :(

Only other thing I can think of is WoW's installed in a Program Files or User folder.

Alinna 11-12-12 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 268671)
Only other thing I can think of is WoW's installed in a Program Files or User folder.

Actually, I have WoW installed separately by itself on my main drive, not in Program Files.

The issue seems to ONLY be affecting newly created characters though, and it isn't discriminating between Pandas and old school toons like Dwarves or anything. Not sure why.

Skypperx 11-13-12 08:06 AM

I wonder how do I see all of my target debuffs and buffs as well, because some of the mop boss is not showing the stacks of buffs them.

Roarsaurus 11-15-12 09:33 AM

Nvm, Figured it out.

Gethe 11-15-12 07:03 PM

I am working on the next update for the 5.1 patch. The most notable code change with this patch is with the floating nameplates, I am working to get this part sorted by the time the patch drops.

While I do this, if a few technically minded fellows could please go to github and download the latest PTR branch, test it out and look for other bugs/errors it would be greatly appreciated. Those of you doing this; if you find any, please use the issue tracker on github so we can minimize duplicate entries and centralize discussion.

viniciusdevinhedo 11-15-12 10:42 PM

Hello, thanks for all the hard work. Is there anyway I could make the double claws graphic from when blindside (dispatch) procs? I like to keep the word and spell icon as a warning method if possible, just get rid of the wolveriny thing that appears.

Again, thanks for everything, you are both awesome people

Edit. Actually, the graphical nonsense was blizz's default, I just turned it of from the interface/combat menu, and what was left was the beautiful RealUI texting, just like I wanted.

Thanks again Nib and Gethe

iConverge 11-17-12 08:35 PM

Alert Frame
A problem I've been having lately is that the alert frame for achieves, achieve progress, loot won and Elder Coin rolls has been fluctuating wildly for some time now. They will always be centered on the x axis, but fluctuate on the y axis.

For example: I wasn't getting Elder Coin roll options on bosses and thought it was a bug. I ticketed Blizz and they said I have been receiving coin rolls just fine, but I've been letting the timer run out. Went on an LFR today an voila! At the very top of my screen was the yellow timer bar, but the option for need or pass wasn't clickable as it was beyond my screen height. Same with my loot won alert.

It seems as though the alerts are going beyond my screen on the y axis. I'm running 1920x1080 if that's any indication. Tried re-initializing and such, even clean install, all with no change.

Turned of Achievement Mover option in Frame Mover>UI Frames. Did an LFR and Loot Won/Elder Coin roll options are consistently in the default location now, along with Achievement alerts.

ravx25 11-19-12 02:59 AM


I'm sure you meant _shift_ click and yes, Clique + Grid is your friend as a healer. A few searches should net you all you need to know (and probably a lot of what you don't) about how to set this up to your liking. Grid is already somewhat configured - particularly wrt the size and position - in RealUI so I tend not to mess with that. I've tuned the indicators to show buffs/debuffs as and how I like them and I set up Clique to click-bind all my healing spells. Some of them are mini-macros that trigger trinkets or off-GCD abilities as well, which come in handy.

Not sure what you mean about static placement - Clique doesn't care where the frames are my bindings work equally in either role spec (although I do run different specs but iirc this was the case before I enabled spec-related role swapping in Clique).

Also what do you mean by KVM in Clique?

One thing I found that I had to do was to setup the Clique frame blacklist (look under "other" in the Clique config) to exclude Clique from registering on anything other than Grid frames. This is because I re-map the primary left and right mouse buttons. If you don't do this don't bother.
I did mean Shift + Click :) haha. Anyhow, I went to google and searched key terms "clique grid realui" and didn't find too much useful information. I basically want to be able to cast certain heals by Shift +right/middle/left clicking each grid frame. I really do not understand Clique too well when I open it up. When I click stuff it just begins binding/mapping stuff (I do realize this is the intention, but how to get around without it mapping/binding everything you click is what I mean). Also, you can't bind what you can't see (grid party frames are hidden and no way to bring them up as an example). I know and can ascertain there is a way to do this but the instructions I'm googling just aren't relating well to the RealUI quirks (again like not being able to see the grid frames without being in a party).

Edit; I pretty much figured it out -- however, it seems like every time I load up a random dungeon group I have to rebind the spells for some reason. Has anyone run into this before?

ravx25 11-20-12 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by iConverge (Post 269052)
Turned of Achievement Mover option in Frame Mover>UI Frames. Did an LFR and Loot Won/Elder Coin roll options are consistently in the default location now, along with Achievement alerts.

Thank you so much for this. I had two bosses in HoF tonight where the Bonus Roll window never appeared on the screen at all. I think that really needs to be looked at.

EarthTec 11-26-12 06:57 AM

Is it possible a specific error message that is not in the "Error Hider" installed to install later?

You have insufficient Blood Charges. (Ihr habt nicht genügend Blut-Aufladungen.)

It would be great if it works, because I keep getting this message that I have "Blood Tap" built into a macro.
Sorry for my bad English.

Nibelheim 11-26-12 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by EarthTec (Post 269451)
Is it possible a specific error message that is not in the "Error Hider" installed to install later?

You have insufficient Blood Charges. (Ihr habt nicht genügend Blut-Aufladungen.)

It would be great if it works, because I keep getting this message that I have "Blood Tap" built into a macro.
Sorry for my bad English.

Simply add SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_153 to the top and bottom sections of AddOns\nibRealUI\Modules\ErrorHider.lua

Gethe 11-27-12 02:51 AM

5.1 Update
New version is up for 5.1.

I have disabled the Alert Frame mover for now until I get enough time to make it play nice with the bonus roll alert. A crude solution, but it'll do for now.

ReforgedTooltip has been removed from RealUI. Blizzard has finally put this addon into the base UI.

Plus a few other fixes/changes. Sorry for lack of updates, but i'm back on the saddle so I'll hopefully be able to work on this more often.

Anj 11-27-12 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 269512)
New version is up for 5.1.

I have disabled the Alert Frame mover for now until I get enough time to make it play nice with the bonus roll alert. A crude solution, but it'll do for now.

ReforgedTooltip has been removed from RealUI. Blizzard has finally put this addon into the base UI.

Plus a few other fixes/changes. Sorry for lack of updates, but i'm back on the saddle so I'll hopefully be able to work on this more often.

Thanks Gethe. Can't wait to test this out when 5.1 hits.

regen1337 11-27-12 03:52 AM

THX 4 the update ...swiched back ti r1 2 many errors

Monk Combo Point Tracker alway displays 5 CHI

some errors

4x nibRealUI-7.3 r2\Modules\Nameplates.lua:258: attempt to index field "healthBar" (a nil value)
nibRealUI-7.3 r2\Modules\Nameplates.lua:258: in function <nibRealUI\Modules\Nameplates.lua:248>
nibRealUI-7.3 r2\Modules\Nameplates.lua:354: in function <nibRealUI\Modules\Nameplates.lua:341>

self = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
elapsed = 0.012000000104308
frame = NamePlate1 {
nameplate = true
0 = <userdata>
barFrame = <unnamed> {}
nameFrame = <unnamed> {}
(for index) = 2

10x Aurora-4.2\aurora-4.2.lua:5881: attempt to compare number with nil
Aurora-4.2\aurora-4.2.lua:5881: in function <Aurora\aurora.lua:5859>
<in C code>
Blizzard_GuildUI\Blizzard_GuildRoster.lua:87: in function <Blizzard_GuildUI\Blizzard_GuildRoster.lua:85>
<in C code>
Blizzard_GuildUI\Blizzard_GuildUI.lua:293: in function "GuildFrame_ShowPanel"
Blizzard_GuildUI\Blizzard_GuildUI.lua:347: in function "GuildFrame_TabClicked"
<string>:"*:OnClick":1: in function <string>:"*:OnClick":1

(*temporary) = <func> =[C]:-1
= <func> @Blizzard_GuildUI\Blizzard_GuildRoster.lua:128
= <func> @Aurora\aurora.lua:5859

Gethe 11-27-12 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by regen1337 (Post 269515)
THX 4 the update ...swiched back ti r1 2 many errors

Monk Combo Point Tracker alway displays 5 CHI

This update is for 5.1, try it again when the patch is live.

Clasmir 11-27-12 09:03 AM

If possible, can you update the main page to say 5.1 instead of 5.0.4? If indeed that's what this version is for. :)

Nibelheim 11-27-12 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Clasmir (Post 269525)
If possible, can you update the main page to say 5.1 instead of 5.0.4? If indeed that's what this version is for. :)

5.1 isn't yet a valid option for WoWInterface uploads. Should be fixed up shortly.

oxente 11-27-12 02:06 PM

Something is lagging me very badly and freezing my game, forcing me to kill it. Anyone knows what addon is causing the issue? Happened as I was doing dailies in Krasarang

Edit: nevermind, it was another addon of mine. Sorry.

esperkitty 11-27-12 02:08 PM

BUffs with Raven
Quick question - did something change to hide 'passive' buffs, such as Unholy Aura to be set to hidden so you only see active buffs?

Marthisdil 11-27-12 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 269526)
5.1 isn't yet a valid option for WoWInterface uploads. Should be fixed up shortly.

Nib! Hope you're doing better :)


Hypnotiq 11-27-12 02:30 PM

Everything is working great on the update although when i press "B" to open my bag everything is green and i cannot see what things are unless i mouse over them. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

3ceepio 11-27-12 02:31 PM

7.3r2, 5.1 and Arkinventory
I'm seeing all green blocks in Arkinventory since 7.3r2 and 5.1, see Anyone else getting this?
EDIT: Clearly so, as Hypnotiq's post and mine landed almost simultaneously!

oxente 11-27-12 02:56 PM

Happening to me as well. I think it's an issue with the addon itself, not Real UI's compilation.

Stevenlandry 11-27-12 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by 3ceepio (Post 269541)
I'm seeing all green blocks in Arkinventory since 7.3r2 and 5.1, see Anyone else getting this?
EDIT: Clearly so, as Hypnotiq's post and mine landed almost simultaneously!

Same thing is happening to me but i believe it the addon not realui just have to wait a few hours (hopefully) for it update.

webster259 11-27-12 04:12 PM

MSBT BugSack Errors
Upon logging in my BugSack has 3 errors. I didn't want to paste all of the code in 1 post just to try and save some space so here is the PasteBin link that has the errors copied to it

oxente 11-27-12 04:12 PM

Anyone not getting the coin roll pop up?

esperkitty 11-27-12 04:33 PM

Yeah, I'm getting the green blocks, too.

Govain 11-27-12 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by oxente (Post 269557)
Anyone not getting the coin roll pop up?

I was having problems with that for a while as well. The problem went away when I disabled Aurora.

oxente 11-27-12 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Govain (Post 269567)
I was having problems with that for a while as well. The problem went away when I disabled Aurora.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try that.

Roflcubes 11-27-12 06:05 PM

5.1 errors
I just reinstalled a fresh version with patch 5.1, and a lot of things seem broken. Scrolling combat text reports a bunch of errors, every icon is solid green in arkinventory, and most backgrounds are the default blizzard textures.

I love RealUI and hope this gets fixed soon.

Ovario 11-27-12 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Roflcubes (Post 269572)
I just reinstalled a fresh version with patch 5.1, and a lot of things seem broken. Scrolling combat text reports a bunch of errors, every icon is solid green in arkinventory, and most backgrounds are the default blizzard textures.

I love RealUI and hope this gets fixed soon.

Mik's Scrolling Battle Text was JUST updated about 5 minutes ago, update it...
The green icons in ArkInventory is a known bug, and Ark has not updated his addon yet because he's at work...
The backgrounds changed in 5.1, and the Aurora addon has yet to catch up with the new textures.

Marthisdil 11-27-12 08:50 PM

Hmm - world maps are big green blobs too.

Eruantien 11-27-12 09:34 PM

Green Bags
1 Attachment(s)
Just want to start off by saying that I love this compilation and you are awesome for maintaining it!

I'm having trouble with my bags and bank. When I open them up, every square is BRIGHT lime green. At first I just copied the addon folder, then I tried doing a clean install. Both ways gave be the same result. Can You give me any advice on what to do next?

Thanks again!

3ceepio 11-27-12 10:29 PM

Wait for Arkinventory to be updated. See previous posts.

EarthTec 11-28-12 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 269468)
Simply add SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_153 to the top and bottom sections of AddOns\nibRealUI\Modules\ErrorHider.lua

thanks it works fine.

damafan 11-28-12 04:38 AM

I am having some problem with the nameplate UI. When enemy target cast something, the height of the casting bar on the nameplate is borked, resulting in thick cast bar line. Any one encounter this issue?

regen1337 11-28-12 04:47 AM

some errors

5x Aurora-4.2\aurora-4.2.lua:1035: attempt to index global "PetPaperDollXPBar1" (a nil value)
Aurora-4.2\aurora-4.2.lua:1035: in function <Aurora\aurora.lua:552>



2x Chatter-v.1.3.5\Modules\PlayerNames.lua:443: attempt to index local "tbl" (a nil value)
Chatter-v.1.3.5\Modules\PlayerNames.lua:443: in function "GetColor"
Chatter-v.1.3.5\Modules\PlayerNames.lua:497: in function <Chatter\Modules\PlayerNames.lua:464>
<in C code>
Chatter-v.1.3.5\Modules\PlayerNames.lua:582: in function <Chatter\Modules\PlayerNames.lua:579>
(tail call): ?
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3147: in function <FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2949>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2761: in function "ChatFrame_OnEvent"
<string>:"*:OnEvent":1: in function <string>:"*:OnEvent":1

misc = "|HBNplayer:|Kf689|k00000000000|k"
id = "689"

also pet bar error when u are on a PET Class

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