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Taure 01-16-13 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by tehfm (Post 271488)
In "PowerAuras/Classes/Actions/Sound.lua" on line 55 add...


The paths on the sound tab should now be saved when you hit enter.

Thks for the reply on this, the sound path now correctly gets saved. The aura just doesn't play the sound file when triggered.

tehfm 02-28-13 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Taure (Post 271945)
Thks for the reply on this, the sound path now correctly gets saved. The aura just doesn't play the sound file when triggered.

Hmmm, that's odd it worked when I made the patch for it. Are you sure that the file you are trying to use is in a supported format? and that the path is correct?

As far as I know mp3s and OGG files are working, don't think you can use plain old wav files though.

The path starts from your wow installation folder, you can't use an absolute path and I doubt that you can use '..' in the path (haven't tested that though). The path delimiter is '\' not '/'.

For example, if you are using the following sound file... and ofc. you have wow installed in "C:\World of Warcraft" :)

C:\World of Warcraft\Custom sounds\poweraurasoundtest.ogg
you enter the following in the text box.

Custom sounds\poweraurasoundtest.ogg
Also it won't load the file if it isn't there when you start wow. So if you add a new file you'll have to restart the game.

420psilo 03-05-13 02:49 PM

IM hoping and preying right now that when 5.2 goes live, hopefully in the next few mins..HOPEFULLY! hoping that 5.2 wont be the patch that finally kills my working RCS PA version. plz plz plz MEOWRAAAAAAWR or anyone.....this is a great thing you got here that needs your love or attention. if your loking for a working RC3 its back a few pages. at least working as of 5.1. O for some reason it doesnt seem to like Macs... o well.

EdMigPer 05-23-13 03:15 PM

Target Hostility Trigger
Is there a way to have an Aura rule check whether the target is hostile/neutral (attackable) or friendly (unattackable)?

I have an texture aura that signals when a spell is off cooldown and I'm targeting something that isn't dead, but I don't want it to appear when targeting a friendly (e.g. when I'm running around in a city).

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