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Xrystal 01-05-14 12:08 PM

I don't think that's it, I think the fact that both problems exist on just that element means that the fix I did for the normal chat display doesn't catch the log in and log out segments. So it adds the brackets but because it isn't processing them properly for some reason they never get removed again, like the regular chat ones do.

So, at present I'm monitoring the actual log in and log out events to see what is different.

Xrystal 01-05-14 03:18 PM

3 Attachment(s)
As I suspected it was just a case of trapping the logging in message so that I don't add the brackets in as iiLinks ignores it, similar to the Temporary Chat Frame.

Think its at the point where it is pretty much doing what you want consistently, and as you can see sometimes the realm name does appear, so my trap to validate before displaying just stops unknown realms from displaying until it gets updated later on.

So, final version and more screenshots added. Will post up an official version over the next day or so, which will only include allowing customisation of the settings in the game and saving them if I decide to add that facility.

edit: Rereading that last paragraph doesn't come across the way I meant .. I meant that the only addition to this code will be if I allow customisation of the settings.

Wimpface 01-05-14 08:55 PM

You're a saint Xrystal, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do this. :)

Stanzilla 06-18-16 06:01 PM

Is this still possible? Can't figure it out atm :/

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