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Pryzk 08-18-16 07:11 AM

Carbonite <-> Other Addon incompatibility (DH)
So I have seen that if certain other addons are loaded when Carbonite 7x is loaded that the FPS drops to 0-2. Disabling the other addons allows Carbonite to work again however the mapping features hamper DH play as the zones that DH need to find for the quest line (invasion locations) are not being displayed and the full screen map (Carbonite version) no longer scales well.

ircdirk 08-18-16 08:13 AM

First of all do u have latest version from GitHub repositiory? (link in my signature)

Casualagent 08-18-16 12:00 PM

Carbonte last FPS drops to 0-15
I have the same problem as Pryzk. My frame rate is at Carbonite activated from 70 to 0-15 FPS. I use the in ircdirk link.
Excuse my English.

I have now found that everything is on the live server well.
On the beta server because decreases the frame rate as described.

Gho123 08-18-16 02:31 PM

Just concurring with what others are saying, the addon is slaughtering my frame rates. I do have the latest version installed.

ircdirk 08-18-16 11:44 PM

First of all this thread is for PRE-PATCH 7.0.3 not for BETA, so every one that have problems with BETA please move to other topic. Others please confirm problems on 7.0.3 with low fps and please write in which locations does it happen (first disable all other addons) and post possible errors.

Pryzk 08-20-16 11:20 AM

More info re: frame-rate addon conflict
I'm running that latest version as downloaded from the links you have provided and I update daily to make sure I'm running the latest code. I'm trying to narrow down which other addons are in conflict now, but it's time consuming since I have a total of 194 addons that I run and only a few seem to cause the frame-rate problem. So far I've turned off gatherer, handy notes, Little Sparky's Workshop, Carbonite - Notes, Carbonite Weekly, Gather Mate, Gather Mate 2, & SlideBar and I'm still getting good frame rates.

Pryzk 08-20-16 02:45 PM

Nailed it down: Carbonite <> HandyNotes = NOGO
It's Handy notes that has the conflict with Carbonite. Enabling both drives the FPS down to 0-4FPS. This is with Carbonite - Weekly & Carbonite Notes turned off.

ircdirk 08-20-16 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pryzk (Post 318091)
It's Handy notes that has the conflict with Carbonite. Enabling both drives the FPS down to 0-4FPS. This is with Carbonite - Weekly & Carbonite Notes turned off.

Carbonite + Handy notes works well for me, no frames drop, but u have to have Carbonite Notes enabled to show Handy notes on Carbonite map.

Pryzk 08-22-16 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 318093)
Carbonite + Handy notes works well for me, no frames drop, but u have to have Carbonite Notes enabled to show Handy notes on Carbonite map.

That may be the case for you, however for me turning on handy notes kills everything. Remember I have 194 total addons that all used to work together w/o problems. Now, the only conflict is handy notes & Carbonite when used in conjunction with other addons.

Rythal 08-22-16 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pryzk (Post 318153)
That may be the case for you, however for me turning on handy notes kills everything. Remember I have 194 total addons that all used to work together w/o problems. Now, the only conflict is handy notes & Carbonite when used in conjunction with other addons.

What he is refering to, is not having handy notes installed at all... Carbonite has it's own built in Handynotes handler which works with Handynotes addons like Handynotes_legion and Handynotes_draenor so they function and draw on the map without Handynotes itself as an addon.

eveybaby5 08-22-16 11:50 PM

letting you know i am having the same problem with my frames going from 125 down to about 7 in about 10 mins with running JUST the map portion of carbonite i have tried running it with all my addons disabled (minus spartan ui) i have only about 47 addons total and only a few active at once i have the latest version as well im patiently waiting a fix :) been using carbonite for years and i love it thank you all for working to keep it running smoothly :)

Gho123 08-23-16 09:52 AM

Whether enabled or disabled, Handy notes doesn't seem to affect my frame rates either way so is unrelated to the Carbonite fps problem -- at least for me.

Gho123 08-24-16 10:02 AM

The latest version from 8/23 is giving me tons of messages to the effect of "Carbonite Debug title <various things here> does not match."


Carbonite Debug title Tooth and Claw does not match
Carbonite Debug title Slay Them All! does not match
Carbonite Debug title City Under Siege does not match

It is continuously doing this.

I'm reverting to the 8/17 version and will wait for another update.

JWMcQuire 08-24-16 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Gho123 (Post 318224)
The latest version from 8/23 is giving me tons of messages to the effect of "Carbonite Debug title <various things here> does not match."


Carbonite Debug title Tooth and Claw does not match
Carbonite Debug title Slay Them All! does not match
Carbonite Debug title City Under Siege does not match

It is continuously doing this.

I'm reverting to the 8/17 version and will wait for another update.

Of the quests you listed here, "Slay them All" interestingly enough isn't in the Carbonite database. I looked at the other 2 and double checked them with Wowhead, and the information in the database matches what they have.

However, you aren't the only one who has seen these messages. A similar message was posted in the issues section of Github by someone questing on a level 40 something alt.

Rythal responded by explaining that it is part of his debugging trying to find the cause. Beyond that, as long as you can complete the quests and there are no errors popping up, the latest version as of approximately 11 hours prior to this reply should be just fine.

When I log on later, I'll see if I get any of these messages as well.

Gho123 08-24-16 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by JWMcQuire (Post 318230) long as you can complete the quests and there are no errors popping up, the latest version as of approximately 11 hours prior to this reply should be just fine.

By what logic, exactly, do you consider it "just fine" to have these messages continuously popping up?

ircdirk 08-24-16 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Gho123 (Post 318232)
By what logic, exactly, do you consider it "just fine" to have these messages continuously popping up?

GitHub version of Carbonite is DEVELOPMENT version and this version may have debug messages as u mentioned. When the RELEASE version will be available or those messages will not be usefull, we will disable them.

Gho123 08-24-16 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 318235)
GitHub version of Carbonite is DEVELOPMENT version and this version may have debug messages as u mentioned. When the RELEASE version will be available or those messages will not be usefull, we will disable them.

I understand. This just took me by surprise I suppose since I haven't encountered these issues with any of the previous development versions that have come out since pre-patch. I'll keep it in mind going forward.

As stated previously, I rolled back to the 8/17 version and will continue to use that, since it doesn't have this particular issue. I'll keep a check on future versions.

ircdirk 08-24-16 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Gho123 (Post 318236)
I understand. This just took me by surprise I suppose since I haven't encountered these issues with any of the previous development versions that have come out since pre-patch. I'll keep it in mind going forward.

As stated previously, I rolled back to the 8/17 version and will continue to use that, since it doesn't have this particular issue. I'll keep a check on future versions.

It isnt an issue, its intented ;)

ircdirk 08-24-16 12:36 PM

Just made commit for this. Download recent version from GitHub.

For Rythal: Read comment to this commit ;)

Gho123 08-24-16 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by ircdirk (Post 318238)
It isnt an issue, its intented ;)

What word other than 'issue' would you prefer me to use when referring to this particular thing? Would you like me to call it 'that thing?' that 'experience?' Choose your own word pal; I'm easy. I do need to have something to call it though.

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