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Petrah 05-19-10 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 187945)
In other words, whenever someone says "gay" because it's shorter than "this is working correctly, and here's what it's doing wrong...", I say "I can't help you." because it's shorter than explaining that it's working correctly but the user just doesn't know what they're doing. :D

Have I mentioned lately how good it is to have you back here on the forums? /nods

voodoodad 05-19-10 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Petrah (Post 188482)

Have I mentioned lately how good it is to have you back here on the forums? /nods

If you MISSED me so much, how come I can't PM you???

Oh, and I edited the post you lifted for your new sig... There was a critical "NOT" missing in the middle there, so it makes more sense now. :D:mad:

Petrah 05-19-10 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 188499)
If you MISSED me so much, how come I can't PM you???:mad:

:p lol... cuz I'm weetodded and forgot to add you to my Buddy list. That's what happens when you take off for parts unknown for a million years without telling anyone.....


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 188499)
Oh, and I edited the post you lifted for your new sig... There was a critical "NOT" missing in the middle there, so it makes more sense now.

Feexed eet!

voodoodad 05-19-10 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Wella (Post 188472)
Pedantry is not funny.

I am no pedant, sir. If anything, I am a dilettante!

zohar101 06-29-10 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by TravisWatson (Post 184559)
And there you have it, the exact resolution of your monitor (within floating point accuracy) to work with when designing your UI. Since we were modifying a CVar, this will save across sessions. you have to hit this macro once and that's it or every single time you log in? Cause that would get a little annoying after a while...

Aarokh 06-30-10 01:02 AM

You only have to hit this macro once if you are not switching between window mode and fullscreen mode frequently.

Basically you have to hit it once everytime you change something in your graphic settings (Multisampling for example) and hit apply.

sakurakira 06-30-10 02:04 AM

I have a problem... I read about this "pixel perfection" method a while ago on these forums, but it does not work exactly for all resolutions.

My resolution is 1440x900. When I put in 768/900, the result is 0.85333333333333333 to infinity. I edited my config file so that the scale is uiScale "0.85333333333333". But since it's not an exact number, the resultant UI scale is therefore not accurate, but is only the closest available.

If I use /run print(GetScreenWidth(), "x", GetScreenHeight()) to see the resolution my number gets me, the result is 1439.9999662615 x 899.9999969073.

I set all addons to use 100% scale. The result of all of this is that some of my addons have 1 px borders: my minimap, grid, tooltips, and those look fine. I also have graphic replacements with 1 px borders that sometimes appear smudged.

Any help/adivce?

Wella 06-30-10 04:38 AM

I also have a resolution of 1440x900 and I used Google to work out 768/900 for me. The result was 0.85 follow by seven 3s:


Try this in your command prompt and everything should be fine.

Ailae 06-30-10 05:01 AM

It's still 0.853333.. repeating to infinity. Google just doesn't display it properly.

Wella 06-30-10 05:04 AM

I know what it is, but I used what Google displayed and got a perfect result. The maths here aren't important, he was just asking for a way to solve the problem.

PS: The correct term is 'recurring'. :P

Ailae 06-30-10 05:11 AM

Let's hope those seven 3's are magical enough then. :)

Actually, it's either recurring or repeating -

Catelinelol 07-20-10 10:01 AM

is it possible to ""lock"" the UIScale setting ?? I setup my Interface Pixel Perfect, and any time i change something in the Video settings like view distance etc ... it changes the UIscale after a reload. And no the isn`t locked ;)

jeffy162 09-13-10 10:28 AM

OK, so, I haven't really been following this thread, mostly because what is being discussed I simply can't follow. You've probably heard the expression "It's all Greek to me". Well, I'm no good at foreign languages. That being said:

So, I ran this:

/run print(GetScreenWidth(), "x", GetScreenHeight())
in my chat, and got this:

1280.0000179939 x 800.00002924007

Since my monitors resolution is 1280 x 800, I'm guessing this equates to being able to do "pixel perfect" ...... stuff. Oh, I have WoW set to play in windowed mode and maximized. Don't know if that makes a difference.

Talyrius 10-08-10 08:36 PM

Did Blizzard change something with how the UI's resolution is computed in the beta? I'm getting blurry pixel lines using the macro from the first post in the beta. It works perfectly on the live client.

Barjack 10-08-10 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by ForeverTheGM (Post 208533)
Did Blizzard change something with how the UI's resolution is computed in the beta? I'm getting blurry pixel lines using the macro from the first post in the beta. It works perfectly on the live client.

I noticed this as well. For some things adding a 0.5 offset fixed it, for other things it didn't seem to. I'm unsure what changed and am not having too much success finding out what since it was always a little voodoo magic that it worked in the first place to my meagre understanding of it. It seemed like maybe on live, certain things would end up "luckily" on pixel boundaries even if you didn't re-adjust everything? But now that doesn't seem to happen? I'm not entirely sure, but something definitely changed.

Talyrius 10-08-10 10:10 PM


/console useuiscale 1
/console uiscale 1
/run print(GetScreenHeight())



It doesn't look like they've changed the way UI resolution is computed, so it must be something else.

Joevluls 10-09-10 08:42 AM

Having a little play around myself also with live to beta changes with the scaling, I can get some things pixel perfect with 8x multisampling on beta, whereas on live they smudge.

Also the 'no-UI scale' scale seems to have changed. Now I'm not sure if I'm looking at this correctly, but without the 'Use UI Scale' box checked on live and beta the numbers I get from UIParent:GetScale() are as follows:

Live : 0.89999997615814
Beta: 0.73142856359482

And also /run print(GetScreenWidth(), "x", GetScreenHeight()) returns different values on live and beta.

I'm running the game windowed, maximized, at 1680x1050.

Live returns : 1365.333381317 x 853.33341730482
Beta returns: 1680.0000326139 x 1050.0000923593

I don't honestly know tho', this scaling stuff is rather confusing to me and does seem to be a bit of voodoo magic.

And also


Originally Posted by ForeverTheGM (Post 208546)

/console useuiscale 1
/console uiscale 1
/run print(GetScreenHeight())



It doesn't look like they've changed the way UI resolution is computed, so it must be something else.

For me it's..

Live: 768.00005398167
Beta: 768.00005398167

Haleth 10-09-10 08:44 AM

Got exactly the same problem here - there's a tiny tiny difference in UI scale between live and beta for me. Almost everything looks fine, but some 1-pixel gaps become 2-pixel, and font shadows look messed up.

Hoern 10-09-10 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by nightcracker (Post 184593)
I'm saying, there is no way to get the UIScale before VARIABLES_LOADED(I think).

I've played with this in the most recent Cataclysm beta build a little bit, and it might be a fluke or just some sloppieness on my code's side, but the first place I was reliably able to get the data was at PLAYER_ALIVE, not before. ADDON_LOADED I had one in five wrong, VARIABLES_LOADED was one in eight.

sacrife 10-09-10 12:12 PM

I use player_entering_world, works fine as long as you unregister the event afterwards for obvious reasons.

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