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Meorawr 07-31-12 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by KysenMurrin (Post 259070)
I was playing around in the Animations section, not really knowing what I was doing, and managed to completely break the addon. In Animations -> Repeat -> Channel 1 -> Action, I had added a sequence then removed it, and I then accidentally selected "Delete Action". Deleting the only action immediately provoked an "Action ID -1 does not resolve to a valid action" error, and the addon became totally unusable until I deleted my saved variables (I could open the Auras/Layouts window but do nothing beyond that without returning that error).

I'll take a look at this soon-ish, thanks for the report. Also, there's going to be prompts before deleting stuff in a future release, I just glossed over them for now :)

Ideally the "x ID does not resolve to a valid y" errors should never pop up, but some do slip through the net still.


Originally Posted by KysenMurrin (Post 259070)
As to the new interface, I like the direction it's going, but it does have a bit too much moving up and down through sections. Having to go back to the top level menu to then enter another submenu, rather than having a tabbed interface or an always-visible sidebar menu where you can access any part with one click, does make a big difference in how using this feels (it's the most annoying thing about the Dungeon Journal, too). Personally I'd favour a collapsible sidebar menu, if that was possible.

I'm going to try a sidebar approach with tools for navigation. Assuming you're using Windows (Vista/7 will do), imagine it being like the Control Panel with the sidebar having some quick links to other sections within the same resource.

Will be able to preview it tomorrow, but I can't work on it while I'm at work for obvious reasons so it'll be sometime in the evening :)

Tactic 07-31-12 05:13 PM

Can someone walk me through how to make a aura for "maelstrom weapon" stacks? I tried for 45min and COULD NOT figure it out. Sorry, I am a noob.

N30 08-01-12 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tactic (Post 259083)
Can someone walk me through how to make a aura for "maelstrom weapon" stacks? I tried for 45min and COULD NOT figure it out. Sorry, I am a noob.

seams stacks are NYI looking for it too

KysenMurrin 08-01-12 10:41 AM

Stacks weren't displaying for me in the first few releases but they're working fine now. They work the same as Timers, which are explained at the start of the thread. Add a display and choose Stacks as the type (first screen you see after selecting the aura, + button in the corner), set the activation to Dependency and select your main display, then set Source to the buff/debuff name.

I'm not a fan of stack and timer displays all being separated out from the main aura display like this, but setting it up is fairly intuitive once you have the idea.

The one bit that feels less intuitive is having to set the Source for the timer/stacks independantly, with it not having any link to the buff/debuff you already used as an activation in the main display. I realise that Activations and Sources won't always be the same things, and the current form of the addon will be good for making auras with more complex and specific conditions, but it seems like there should be an easy way to make a basic aura that just shows icon/timer/stacks all pulled from one spell source.

Meorawr 08-01-12 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by KysenMurrin (Post 259118)
Stacks weren't displaying for me in the first few releases but they're working fine now. They work the same as Timers, which are explained at the start of the thread. Add a display and choose Stacks as the type (first screen you see after selecting the aura, + button in the corner), set the activation to Dependency and select your main display, then set Source to the buff/debuff name.

This. Sorry for not responding sooner, today was weird :)


Originally Posted by KysenMurrin (Post 259118)
I'm not a fan of stack and timer displays all being separated out from the main aura display like this, but setting it up is fairly intuitive once you have the idea.

The one bit that feels less intuitive is having to set the Source for the timer/stacks independantly, with it not having any link to the buff/debuff you already used as an activation in the main display. I realise that Activations and Sources won't always be the same things, and the current form of the addon will be good for making auras with more complex and specific conditions, but it seems like there should be an easy way to make a basic aura that just shows icon/timer/stacks all pulled from one spell source.

I covered this a few post back, basically I'm going to add in a simple one-click way of creating a timer/stacks display that automatically inherits activation properties and handles the source in a similar way. The current way of setting up sources and whatnot will remain, but for simplicity's sake a one-click option will be added :)

This also applies to other things like ability icon textures, when I get around to it.

Meorawr 08-01-12 04:38 PM

Alright here's that UI update I promised. Technically there's still 40 minutes to go before I'd miss the promised 'tomorrow', so for once I'm on time.

So first off, I did a slight bit of reskinning. You might be wondering why, but the main reason is the old transparent frame looked like complete garbage with the 'minor' layout changes.

I moved the sidebar from the right to the left, and rearranged/repurposed it in places. It's now mostly used for navigational purposes and listing tasks at the bottom of the frame. The text is right-aligned because the other alignments looked bad. Icons being left aligned however is intentional.

The display grid remains in place, because it's much easier to associate what a display is/what it activates by simply by looking at it and saying "I see that when I have 9000 holy power".

Entering the display editor, you'll see the preview remains intact (and is a bit more consistent in where it shows up overall now).

You'll note a couple of odd changes, namely the navigation list including "Timer", "Stacks" and "Timer Bar". As I've pointed out in a few posts, I'm going to ensure there's an easy way of linking a timer/whatever to an existing display and just having it work.

The functionality is currently not in place, but you'll be limited to a single timer/stacks/whatever (I need a uniform name for these) per display, similar to 4.x. It's also likely that these display won't show up in the display grid, but I'm not sure on that yet. Either way, to switch between the displays you'll just click the items on the left.

You'll also note I've included export/copy once or twice now, they're still NYI but I'll see if I can get them working for the next release.

The main window on the right still remains relatively unchanged, this is probably temporary, but major changes to it are low on the priority list. I'm going to prune the visible options where possible too.

Entering a category, you'll see the navigation bar change again to give you quick access to other categories on the immediate level. Currently this is set up so that it'll default to the level below the current display regardless of how deep you are.

If that made no sense, then what I meant is you'll see "Style", "Activation", etc. regardless of how deep you are (say, in an animation channel). This could change over time. This should fix most of the issues with the editor requiring too much navigation, since you can just click a category to go to it without needing to travel upwards.

The tasks list in that screenshot is bugged and should be empty, but it's an early preview. What do you expect?

As for other missing things, the help plates ("i" buttons) are being relocated. Most of the categories are not shown right now because I need to ensure general stability before re-enabling them all.

Feedback welcome as always :)

Gethe 08-01-12 05:54 PM

I didn't have time to test out your addon before you made this UI change, so this might be a bit to late, but I wanted to mention it anyway. I had thought you could use drop down menus on the breadcrumbs, like what Blizz does in the Dungeon Journal, to allow easy backwards navigation.

Also, as someone who moved over to WeakAuras after finding (ironically) that PowerAuras didn't have the power I wanted, this new version has me very impressed so far. Those controls look fantastic by the way.

Meorawr 08-01-12 05:56 PM

Yeah, we do have dropdown menus in the breadcrumbs but they only pop up if the bar overflows. That might not be needed once I do a polish pass on the depth of certain parts.

Either way, I suppose I could also expose them via right-click.

Tentatively aiming for the next alpha release next Monday/Tuesday, don't know what'll be in it though.

3arpbl3y 08-02-12 04:40 AM

can you just update existing version of PA to MOP?
You made a lot of work, but in existing version I can make/edit auras faster then in your. I have about 90 (yes, 90!) auras in PA and dont want to make them again. This step by step system you use dont allow ppl to edit auras fast, just waste of time. no offense.

N30 08-02-12 05:29 AM

quick question is possible with the actual alpha releas do an activation like?

(FS FS<=2sec remaining) OR (FS<=7sec remaining AND LS charge>=5)

Silvertaurus 08-02-12 05:58 AM

I want Aura with timer, showing cooldown of my spell.
With live version I have dots icon as texture with timer of duration, and similarly spells with their cooldowns.
Here after some time i did DoTs by pulling out textures and timers through sources (buffs/debuffs) but there is no option for my spells.

Does "my spells" are not yet avaible in sources, or I missed other way to do it ?

/cheers :D

Fasti 08-02-12 06:56 AM

GCD-option works with my dk, but not on my windwalker monk. Every ability cooldown powas are flashing off while I'm on GCD.

5.0 beta version ofc.

Meorawr 08-02-12 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by 3arpbl3y (Post 259157)
but in existing version I can make/edit auras faster then in your.

Because you're used to the current system, and you don't have any of the changes mentioned in the above post.


Originally Posted by 3arpbl3y (Post 259157)
I have about 90 (yes, 90!) auras in PA and dont want to make them again..

4.x -> 5.0 conversion will be fully automated, it just isn't in yet. You clearly missed the red text that explained this.


Originally Posted by N30 (Post 259158)
quick question is possible with the actual alpha releas do an activation like?

(FS FS<=2sec remaining) OR (FS<=7sec remaining AND LS charge>=5)

With the current release one? Not entirely (the LS charge bit is the one thing missing).

With the intended functionality of the final release? Yes.

With the next release? Probably.


Originally Posted by Silvertaurus (Post 259159)
Does "my spells" are not yet avaible in sources, or I missed other way to do it ?
/cheers :D

90% of the sources are still NYI, once the triggers are done I'll move onto those.


Originally Posted by Fasti (Post 259160)
GCD-option works with my dk, but not on my windwalker monk. Every ability cooldown powas are flashing off while I'm on GCD.

5.0 beta version ofc.

I haven't set up GCD detection for monks yet. A couple of logical issues to get around, namely the fact that Monk's Jab skill is the best one to use for this, but Jab changes based upon your equipped weapon.

Melvex 08-03-12 04:09 PM

Hello, sorry for my bad English, but can you help me to make aura for moonkin eclipse energy like it on live servers.
Here it is:
lunar eclipse -

Version:4.23; g:0.8588; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_druid_eclipse; r:0.6667; x:-60; bufftype:10; texture:0; PowerType:108; threshold:0; textaura:true; size:0.35; y:100; texmode:1; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.LegacySizing:false; stacks.Relative:RIGHT; stacks.UpdatePing:true; stacks.h:2.51

solar eclipse -

Version:4.23; b:0.2196; g:0.8392; thresholdinvert:true; icon:ability_druid_eclipseorange; x:60; bufftype:10; texture:45; PowerType:208; threshold:0; textaura:true; size:0.35; y:100; texmode:1; stacks.enabled:true; stacks.LegacySizing:false; stacks.y:98; stacks.Relative:LEFT; stacks.UpdatePing:true; stacks.h:2.51


Meorawr 08-05-12 08:28 AM

There was a post about triggers for talents, but it seems to have vanished.

Answer to it is yes, the list I made was just off the top of my head :)

N30 08-07-12 04:22 AM

any news on next releas date and what it will contain?

Meorawr 08-07-12 06:32 AM

Probably Friday. I typically don't know what days I'm working until a day in advance, and I've been going in a lot these past two or so weeks. In addition, our ISP has had some service issues the past couple of days so that's slowing me down a slight bit.

As for what it'll contain: Stuff. I'll probably put up a list when I'm reasonably sure.

Ollem 08-07-12 10:14 AM

Hey guys

I'm trying to get my actiovation working, butit doesn't.

I want to see, when my target has 20% of life or less.

I went from Displays to #1: Texture, made some selections in styles but then in Actiovation, if got Current Trigger: Unit Health, [UL] Unit: target, [UL] Health 20%, [UL] Operator: <=, Support Triggers: disabled

No idea why it's not working ^^


Edit says, I have to change the profile, I'll test this soon ;)
Edit 2 says, it didn't help -.-

Meorawr 08-07-12 11:57 AM

Update on the next update (before my internet dies for another 6 hours).

Took in the UI feedback and made some 'minor' changes across the board, especially regarding editor depth and the lot.

Starting with the browser:

The tabs were scrapped 'cause I needed to add a way to access addon options, and a possible help panel without expanding the width of the frame. The window style matches that of the editor now, and uses a list-style inlay widget for accessing each section.

The Auras section is opened by default, and up to one section can be opened at a time:

I think this approach works pretty well in general, as it still provides a clear way of saying "this section is for this" without cluttering the browser up unnecessarily.

Moving onwards to the editor...

Not too much has changed in this specific area since the last preview, except the Delete Aura tool was moved here. I'll also note that all 'delete' tools now have confirmation prompts, however you can bypass these by holding Ctrl and clicking the delete button.

We'll move onto the recent change I've made in regards to actions/trigger editing:

The sequence panel has been embedded into the actual window, so you won't lose it by scrolling now (this also fixes other bugs too). As this is the activation editor, all that's in there is the operators editbox.

Triggers are no longer separate nodes within the editor, if I click the "New Trigger" button...

The new system is basically similar to the list used in the browser. You'll see 3 triggers per page and can edit them one at a time without needing to navigate via the breadcrumbs. To delete a trigger, you just click the delete button on the trigger 'item' itself, and to change the type the button next to it will open a dropdown (as seen in the image).

The eagle-eyed among you will have probably spotted the missing "Positioning" option in the left sidebar. I've merged it back into the Styles category and made use of the list system again to keep it clean.

As I've mentioned before, none of this is final and is subject to change. Unless my ISP suddenly stops tripping over power cords, you may not get a lot of responses/updates for a little while too.

Meorawr 08-07-12 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ollem (Post 259326)
I went from Displays to #1: Texture, made some selections in styles but then in Actiovation, if got Current Trigger: Unit Health, [UL] Unit: target, [UL] Health 20%, [UL] Operator: <=, Support Triggers: disabled

When you say support triggers "disabled", do you mean there are no triggers (as in, you deleted the Player State one) or you've just not selected any?

I'll also add that there's still a bug where those triggers will still be considered 'active' even if you have no target (as it'll say "there's no unit, so therefore it has 0 health").

It works fine for me here, so I'm just wondering.

Edit: Heard back from my ISP, apparently it's a known issue that'll take three days to fix >.>

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