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Dreadlorde 12-08-07 10:46 AM

My shiny skin should be up soon.

MoogPC 12-08-07 02:36 PM

I like all the work here but..........argh!

I don't feel like going all through the ui code to keep adding them, is there an easier way?

cbarthel 12-08-07 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by MoogPC
I like all the work here but..........argh!

I don't feel like going all through the ui code to keep adding them, is there an easier way?

Yea, it is kind of a pain. I'm not a LUA coder, so I don't know if there is a way to easily add new skins. Maybe someone with more skills could help out. I could, if I had the time, probably write a VBScript or something to insert the appropriate lines into the LUA files. LOL

Cralor 12-08-07 08:29 PM

I think there needs to be an index for all these awesome textures!!

Maybe you should list all the MazzleUI skins on WoWI on the first post? That way people don't have to scroll the whole thread, and can see all the skins for Mazzle in one area, and not have to search around WoWI for the skin downloads.

Thought it would be of help to others.

Nice work on everyone's skins! :)

Elcarath 12-08-07 09:41 PM

Links added to first post
Great Idea :) - I added the screenshots and links to the first post. They are listed in the order they where made available here :cool:

It would be cool if there was an easier way to import a new skin. Maybe some of our coder friends out there will have some time, or be willing to work on that. I know Mazzlefizz had considered putting in a way to import skins at one time. I know it would be a lot of work and with only a few skins available there really wasn't a need. :) Maybe we can change that, hehe, so skin away peoples and post them all here. :D

Dreadlorde 12-08-07 10:06 PM


looking for people to submit some screenshot's.

Elaana 12-08-07 10:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
As it stands the only way to get them into a convenient package is to just repost the mazzle .luas with the new skins added and include a folder containing all the skins. It would probably mean everybody has to download every single skin just to get the one they like, but it's easier than trying to figure out how to code them into mazzle. I'm feeling really lazy or I'd go ahead and do this. I can add skins easy enough I just dont know how to write them up from scratch. :P

Anyway, here's a sample of my tauren skin. Do you think it's kind of tacky?

[Edit] I still don't know what to use for the hotspots though. Something native-american themed maybe. I can't seem to find anything good though. Any ideas?

[Edit #2] I forgot to recolor the border. In the final version the border will more closely match the background color. As for hotspots I need to tie in some of the color from the Tauren emblem thing into the rest of the skin. Still open to suggestions. :)

Dreadlorde 12-08-07 10:12 PM

Full list as of Saturday. December 06 2007 11:12 P.M. EST (-05:00 GMT)

Cralor 12-08-07 11:06 PM

good list Dreadlorde. maybe you should add those too Elcarath?

those are just some that others made before this thread was created. (the last 3 in dreads list)

Elcarath 12-09-07 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cralor
good list Dreadlorde. maybe you should add those too Elcarath?

those are just some that others made before this thread was created. (the last 3 in dreads list)

I didn't add them simply because they do not have any lua files with them. I can add the links, but in order to use them you would have to create the missing lua's in the skin folder, rename the folder and edit the three Mazzle Lua's. The other option is to swap out the BLP fiiles into a skin folder you never use, but there would be no preview and you would have to remember which skin you swapped out :)

With that in mind, Would you still like me to add them to the first post?

Cralor 12-09-07 12:53 PM

oh, ok. nah, lol. just thought it'd be something good to add, but it's all your choice.

sorry bout that.

Mazzlefizz 12-09-07 01:08 PM

MazzleExtraSkinsPackage and MazzleUISkinpack should not be on the list. They were incorporated in the release a long, long time ago. People trying to install them would probably cause them problems.

Good job on these skins, folks. They look very nice.

Elcarath 12-09-07 01:33 PM

I've noticed that the new skins are all slightly different and may be causing a little confusion on how to add the skin to Mazzle. I'm sure it would make life much easier if we all used the same folder and file layout in our uploads. It would also make things easier for our coder friends to create an installer or an easier way to add new skins. I went through all my uploads and it seems that the Tauren skin is the most correct per Mazzlefizz's layout, I will be using the lua files, folder layout and readme file from that zip to create any other skins that I upload. Here's what I was thinking:

The skin folder should be named MazzleUI_Skin_"creator"_"skinname" your blp files will go in here
Modify the Core lua file and TOC file in the MazzleUI_Skin_"creator"_"skinname" folder
Preview image in the preview folder
Modify all the Add_To lua files
Leave the Readme file, no need to modify or change it

If we all, including me LOL, create our skins in this way, it should be much easier to add them. That is until we get an installer or import feature :)

Does this sound good to everyone?

Dreadlorde 12-09-07 02:43 PM

Fixed my list.

dizzy49 12-09-07 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by cbarthel
Ok, finished my skin. You can download it HERE .

I really like that, I just might have to snag that one :)

Elaana 12-09-07 10:42 PM

I seem to be having a problem with BLP2PNG now. It will convert TO png just fine, but it won't convert FROM png to blp at all. I drag and drop my files and nothing. Am I missing something? Does it save the blp files into some directory that I don't know about or is there another way to do this? My skin is done, just wanted to test it out. Thanks. :)

flaska 12-09-07 11:57 PM

Hmm dreadlorde could you remake your skin, and make the gloss over target frame right? Right now it just looks weird :S

Please make it more symmetric also

Elcarath 12-10-07 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Elaana
I seem to be having a problem with BLP2PNG now. It will convert TO png just fine, but it won't convert FROM png to blp at all. I drag and drop my files and nothing. Am I missing something? Does it save the blp files into some directory that I don't know about or is there another way to do this? My skin is done, just wanted to test it out. Thanks. :)

Hmmm, not sure, it shouldn't have any issues.... mine creates the BLP file in the same directory that the PNG file is in. Far as I know there is no way to change its folder options. When you convert the BLP does it place the PNG in the same folder? It may just not have permission to "Write" to the directory your using. Maybe make a copy of the PNG on your desktop and then drop it on the BLP2PNG. Anyone else have any thoughts?

Elaana 12-10-07 12:54 AM

Nope, won't convert. It's set to run as admin in windows XP compatibility now and it still wont work. I moved everything into a folder that I KNOW it can write to because it the PNGs I was going to use for reference there. It wont convert from PNG to BLP for me. :(

Obes 12-10-07 09:01 PM

Dreadlore's Shiny has a misspelling in the toc (or in every other reference to the skin), and is missing a preview file (its atleast pointing to a file).

Elcareath Draenai also has an incorrect toc file

The translucent screen hs no transl.blp

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