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noraj 08-29-05 10:48 AM

just FYI as long as you keep em updated i dont care who posts my mods where....just make sure you keep them updated :)

I can definatly see both sides of the argument and ultimatly wowinterface is right here...but, speaking as myself and only myself you can post em as long as you keep em updated

A search site that provided links to other mod downloads would be awesome then mod authors could upload whereever they wanted and the general public could search and it would returnn results from all major sites(thus only one version upload :P)

noraj 08-29-05 11:59 AM

By the way i just went and looked at your site...and it looks really nice in terms of design :)
[Even if you went about populating it wrong]

chemosh 08-30-05 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Brugs
The concept sounds good on a paper, so did communism, but to be honest the concept does not work in reality. To get big, you must think big.

I see it like this, there is the One Microsoft Way, or win the popularity way.

You cannot have them both.

Anyways, I do lissent to you, I will need some time to consider this option.


Just to attempt to clarify this...whatever type of argument this is...what, distraction or something?

The concept isn't on paper...that was about 9 years ago. This is a matter of law. Communism isn't comparable, where the heck did that come from?? The concept DOES and IS and WILL continue to work...It's the Law. You do not have intellectual copyright on the mods on your site. Therefore, BY LAW, you can't post them.

This isn't a debate. Its the Law.

And if you REALLY want to bring Microsoft into this, who has been battling the supreme court for years due to anti-trust law violations, excuse, alleged violations. Popularity way? Where did that come from. We are stating very clearly to you, remove all mods from your site that are not yours by copyright. THEN you message the author asking permission to post the mods and allow them to update the mods to keep them current.

Good luck with your site, your defensive posturing and confusing arguments have already lost you a customer. Why would I go to a site of already dubious reputation, when I can come to well established sites with great reputations of looking out for both the auther and users?

Brugs 09-07-05 05:34 AM

Hi all!

Thank you for your replies, and I have really taked you in concideration.

After evaluating the whole service and feedback, I have decided to discontinue the UI Mod service, the website will continue to exist in other directions.

Currently I am developing a specific "tailored" search engine for world of warcraft, where people can search for specific world of warcraft stuff.

The service is up for test:

If you have any feedback on the service or you would like to contribute please mail to (admin at

I have also made a search toolbar to world of warcraft.

I hope we see you sometime near the future.


noraj 09-07-05 12:07 PM

It looks good, but Seems the results are often unreliable

The General Wow Search should only search the sites from the dropdown imho....

Remelio 09-07-05 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by noraj
It looks good, but Seems the results are often unreliable

The General Wow Search should only search the sites from the dropdown imho....

The last item in the General WOW Search dropdown is "World Wide Web" ;)

Site looks great by the way - haven't had a chance to play around with it much but worked fairly well so far.

Brugs 09-08-05 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by noraj
It looks good, but Seems the results are often unreliable

The General Wow Search should only search the sites from the dropdown imho....

If you use the dropdown feature(s) you will get very correct results, and when the WoW XML Sitemap standard is in, you will get exactly matched results.

Also the site will index the pages people click on, so by that way there will be a priority system from popular searches/links.

Well this is just a beginning, there is lots more work to do ;)

/me work work


noraj 09-08-05 11:46 AM

playin a little more with it it seems really good...
IS there anyway to leave out the site selection part and if you select "ui mods" it would search
Curse/ wowi/Worldofwar/wowguru ..etc

if you select "item" it would have a second dropdown for slot and search thott alakhazam etc automatically

if you select forums it would search official wow / and the forums on all of the other sites (leaving out the rest of the WWW) if i just wanted to search curse(although your ssearch seems alot better than their search) I could just go to curse but if i just wanted a specific adon i could just use your search without knowing what site its on

But yeh it seems really good :)

[edit] damn your search blows Bliz's stoopid forum search out of the water

Beladona 09-08-05 12:42 PM

another option is to have a simple search that defaults to searching all sites, and then an advanced search that allows you to select specific sites. Put them in the advanced section as checkboxes so that people can search any combination of said websites...

The search function in these forums are a good place to start to get an idea how such a simple vs advanced search switch would be structured...

noraj 09-08-05 11:18 PM

I dunno if its possible but if you had like a forum preview showing the last 10 threads in each forum

Just scrolldown or get real fancy and do little + boxes

that would be so bomb...and if you registered you could customize the forum display to show more that 10 threads or to only show specific forums and not others know options

yeah then it would really kick ass

If i seem incoherant ill blame it on jerome baker
[edit] and search stats like 10 most common search words or phrases
and if you select mods the display will switch to the latest files on each of the major mod sites
(and have class sections that return matches for all the sites for that class)
omg that would be awesomeness

Brugs 09-09-05 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by noraj
playin a little more with it it seems really good...
IS there anyway to leave out the site selection part and if you select "ui mods" it would search
Curse/ wowi/Worldofwar/wowguru ..etc

If you select "item" it would have a second dropdown for slot and search thott alakhazam etc automatically

if you select forums it would search official wow / and the forums on all of the other sites (leaving out the rest of the WWW) if i just wanted to search curse(although your ssearch seems alot better than their search) I could just go to curse but if i just wanted a specific adon i could just use your search without knowing what site its on

But yeh it seems really good :)

[edit] damn your search blows Bliz's stoopid forum search out of the water

Well if you leave it at "General WoW Search" , (all) , (all) it will just search general wow sites. It should search for UI Mods on all sites, try use "word1 + word2" it will force to have both words after each other.

There is lots of possibilities, you can even input multiple words in the search string.

Input this following line in the search field. searchWord1 searchWord2 or "searchWord1 + searchWord2"

The fact is that the "dropdown" boxes is not independent by each other, you can leave some and select some, like if you select "forum" and "general wow search" and "items" it will go for *.site forum + items.

I will also make a guide how to use the search, so you can find more optimized information.

Infact there is endless possibilities with this and I think it can get quite interesting.

Just keep playing with it.

Edit: I will increase the amount of search results and show multiple pages.


Cairenn 09-09-05 11:15 AM

It looks really really good Brugs! Nice work!

I was disappointed to see that our site isn't listed though. *pouts*

BTW, we're giving you some free press over on the Blizz forums:

Brugs 09-09-05 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn
It looks really really good Brugs! Nice work!

I was disappointed to see that our site isn't listed though. *pouts*

BTW, we're giving you some free press over on the Blizz forums:

What do you mean by it is not listed? :confused:

Thanks alot Cairenn, I just try to do my best :)

Oh btw not to confuse people, I regged a nice domain when I started the project. which is going to be the domain for the wow search engine.


Cairenn 09-09-05 11:27 AM

On your drop down list of various sites. I know that it'll (hopefully?) come up on a regular search, but ..

And for the record, I was actually just teasing. ;)

Brugs, I'm impressed. You took what was a messy situation, with a lot of unhappy people, and turned it around. You've taken what would have been a redundant site and turned it into something that the entire Blizz community needed desperately. And I know the amount of work that went into the old site, and has and is continuing to go into the new version. Kudos to you. :)

And a bit more free press, here:

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