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spiel2001 07-01-08 05:24 PM

nUI v1.02.00 (beta) --

* Reworked hotkey binding (shortcut) text on action buttons
* Tweaked HUD health bar colors
* Added automatic detection of Fubar panels
* Fixed a bug in ChatFrameEditBox when closing the world map
* Fixed a bug in ChatFrameEditBox where font size shrank over time
* Fixed size error on action button highlights for equipped items

gothicknight 07-01-08 06:58 PM

While playin my hunter, if anything happens to my pet that causes the pet bar to disappear e.g pet dies or i mount up, when i re-summon my pet the pet bar doesnt show up. I have to /reloadui to get it to show up.

spiel2001 07-01-08 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by gothicknight (Post 94720)
While playin my hunter, if anything happens to my pet that causes the pet bar to disappear e.g pet dies or i mount up, when i re-summon my pet the pet bar doesnt show up. I have to /reloadui to get it to show up.

GothicKnight --

I've heard this from a couple of other people, too... and I've been trying to recreate it on my hunter or my lock and no luck. I'm not sure what the cause is, but I am trying to track it down.

Is nUI the only mod you're running, or do you have other mods loaded?

gothicknight 07-01-08 07:30 PM

The only mods i have are the same mods i have been using for a very long time. I have removed my bar mods and unitframe mods since downloading your UI and that is the only change i have made. I will try disabling my other mods and see if i can work out the problem.

Thank You

noble8 07-02-08 09:50 AM

Thanks for the update ;)

MyKroFt 07-03-08 05:30 PM

I too have the petbar problem - mine happens when I am mounted and shoot my bow which dismounts me and puts me into combat but the pet bar does not show up - maybe a taint issue?

MyKroFt 07-03-08 05:34 PM

/nui hide
does what its supposed to but anything is the text say box does not show up and I had try /nui show sever times to get nui back

MyKroFt 07-03-08 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by MyKroFt (Post 94810)
I too have the petbar problem - mine happens when I am mounted and shoot my bow which dismounts me and puts me into combat but the pet bar does not show up - maybe a taint issue?

i just did some testing - if i go into combat before dismounting - petbar does not show up at all - until /console reloadui or /nui rl

Kailef 07-06-08 01:44 AM

Praise / Bug / Feature Request
I'd like to take a moment to congradulate you on your first pubic release of nUI. I've been working with it and I'm quite impressed. To do something similar (but not as tightly integrated obviously) I had to use and heavily reconfigure a large variety of disparate mods. Very nice, very well done.

I maintain a guild modset which I update on a regular basis for all of my members, (Over a hundred people) and I am seriously considering adding this in. Before I do that, though, I'll report the only bug I've found, and give you a feature request which I am confident that at least half of my guildmates will want.

1 - The bug / incompatibility. The... let me find the right terminology here... There it is, the nUI console, the one that's got the main WoW menu buttons and the latency/FPS meter on it.... By default, it appears when you mouse over it. However, when running FuBar, it doesn't appear consistently. I was able to duplicate this issue with a clean WTF folder as well. Anyhow, you probably already know about this issue. :-)

2 - The feature request. I absolutely love the HUD in nUI. It reminds me very much of MetaHUD. My existing modset design uses ArcHud, and I love it as well. However, half of my guild hates having the HUD up there in my existing modset and I'm sure they'll want a way to turn it off in nUI. The rest of the info could stay (cast bars, threat, etc) but the arcs themselves seem to really annoy people. I looked through the slash commands and didn't find a way to do it.

Going along with the feature request is this feature "change"... if the HUD is hidden, we'd need for the main unit frame display to show health and mana. Personally, I don't even use Target of Target, never mind Target of Target of Target. *head spins* I'm sure some people do, though. However, If the Unit Frames were a little more configurable with regards to how many levels deep the ToT tree goes, and had the option to show health and mana bars for each level, it be a big step towards making flexible enough to serve the needs of everyone in my guild.

Anyhow, keep up the great work, I look forward to watching how this mod evolves.

txag98 07-06-08 10:31 AM

I'm a hunter, and I've found that if I'm riding around and get into combat with something, then dismount... my petbar does not show up. The only way I've been able to get it back is to do a full /console reloadui... that's somewhat annoying :( Otherwise, nUI looks great. I would like to be able to save state somehow... I also use Cartographer and it's scale settings seems to get ignored when I open it up.

shascar 07-06-08 11:16 AM

First off great job on this ui.

My only problem is that i cant get recount our omen to work with this ui i have the latest version of both installed. The area were they would show up stays in raid format i cant change to map party or raid like i did when i first installed this ui.

noble8 07-06-08 01:26 PM

Remove your omen.lua, and recount.lua from your WTF folder in the saved variable file.
Also in your character saved variable file to.

spiel2001 07-07-08 08:47 AM

I trust everyone here in the States had a good holiday weekend... fireworks, good food and family. ~smile~

I am hoping to have a new update out today or tomorrow to address the pet bar issue and to improve performance in the battlegrounds. I will try to address some of the other requests I have been receiving at the same time.

As a matter of record, the petbar issue is decidedly a taint problem and I am in the process of coding a solution to it.

spiel2001 07-07-08 09:29 AM

Kailef --

Thanks for the message and the e-mail. I'm going to reply to you here so that everyone can read over our shoulders.


Originally Posted by Kailef (Post 94917)
I'd like to take a moment to congradulate you on your first pubic release of nUI. I've been working with it and I'm quite impressed. To do something similar (but not as tightly integrated obviously) I had to use and heavily reconfigure a large variety of disparate mods. Very nice, very well done.

I maintain a guild modset which I update on a regular basis for all of my members, (Over a hundred people) and I am seriously considering adding this in. Before I do that, though, I'll report the only bug I've found, and give you a feature request which I am confident that at least half of my guildmates will want.

Thank you for the kind word... it's been a lot of work and a lot of work yet to go, but it always feels good to know people value the effort.


1 - The bug / incompatibility. The... let me find the right terminology here... There it is, the nUI console, the one that's got the main WoW menu buttons and the latency/FPS meter on it.... By default, it appears when you mouse over it. However, when running FuBar, it doesn't appear consistently. I was able to duplicate this issue with a clean WTF folder as well. Anyhow, you probably already know about this issue. :-)
FuBar's implementation is a PITA to "hook" into and have nUI react to dynamically. I'll spare you the gory details of all that and just leave it at: I am aware the FuBar detection is not working quite right, I hope to have it more stable with this next update.


2 - The feature request. I absolutely love the HUD in nUI. It reminds me very much of MetaHUD. My existing modset design uses ArcHud, and I love it as well. However, half of my guild hates having the HUD up there in my existing modset and I'm sure they'll want a way to turn it off in nUI. The rest of the info could stay (cast bars, threat, etc) but the arcs themselves seem to really annoy people. I looked through the slash commands and didn't find a way to do it.
Well... adding a slash command to not show the arcs would be easy enough. How to display the health and mana after that is a much more complicated problem given the layout of the player, pet, pet target, target, ToT and ToTT frames... which is touching on your next request.

One of the problems is that I overlay pet on player, target of target on target, etc. I recognize those are not features you use, but they are features a lot of people do use. But even if we leave out ToT and ToTT, there's still the pet that overlays the player. So, if we hide the HUD arcs, I would have to move the pet unit to be able to display the player health and mana and would have to disable ToT and ToTT to be able to display the target health and mana. And the cascade goes from there.

I suppose I'm going to have to seriously rethink how I chosen to lay out the unit frames. In the end though, the bottom line is that no matter what choices I make, there's going to be a non-trivial group of users who are going to hate them.


Going along with the feature request is this feature "change"... if the HUD is hidden, we'd need for the main unit frame display to show health and mana. Personally, I don't even use Target of Target, never mind Target of Target of Target. *head spins* I'm sure some people do, though. However, If the Unit Frames were a little more configurable with regards to how many levels deep the ToT tree goes, and had the option to show health and mana bars for each level, it be a big step towards making flexible enough to serve the needs of everyone in my guild.
This is also a recurring theme. Everything in nUI is highly configurable and was designed that way from word one. However, until I code the configuration panels, etc., none of it is easy to configure. All of the unit frames are based on the exact same code set... be it player, pet, party, raid, whatever. Every unit frame has the capacity to display any and all elements of a unit including the models, health, mana, etc.

So, in theory, you can edit the WTF\Account\{your account}\SavedVariables\nUI.lua file and move, resize and option any unit frame you like pretty much any way you like. But that's not really a solution for 100+ people unless there were multiple nUI.lua config files for with and without HUD arcs, etc.

spiel2001 07-07-08 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by shascar (Post 94936)
First off great job on this ui.

My only problem is that i cant get recount our omen to work with this ui i have the latest version of both installed. The area were they would show up stays in raid format i cant change to map party or raid like i did when i first installed this ui.

Shascar -- did Noble's solution fix your problem?

spiel2001 07-08-08 12:46 PM

Well... it appears that I am still doing battle with the taint demons and the pet bar. So, it doesn't look like I'm going to get the update out today as I had hoped. I've come to the conclusion that it is not possible to manage the built in Blizzard pet bar and avoid taint at the same time, so I'm going to have to code my own pet bar from scratch. I'll get it done as quickly as I can.

Thanks to all for their patience while I sort this bug out.

noble8 07-08-08 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 95054)
Well... it appears that I am still doing battle with the taint demons and the pet bar. So, it doesn't look like I'm going to get the update out today as I had hoped. I've come to the conclusion that it is not possible to manage the built in Blizzard pet bar and avoid taint at the same time, so I'm going to have to code my own pet bar from scratch. I'll get it done as quickly as I can.

Thanks to all for their patience while I sort this bug out.

No problem, i have had this problem with default blizz addons so good luck on a fix :)

I just can't wait for all the plans you have for this great addon/whole ui ;p

Peanutbutter 07-09-08 08:28 AM

I love this mod altho i do have a problem.

Im having trouble with the chat window, everytime i try and move it the scroll down buttons blow out of proportion and it really bugs me that i have to have either the combat and chat window in the normal posistion or have them together =( if you need a ss to show u wat i mean ill be happy to take one. Is there something i can do so i can have combat window in the place provided and the chat window above the dashboard?

Also wish the buttons could be bigger but o well =D too small for my clicky like playstyle

noble8 07-09-08 09:10 AM

A Screen will be much appreciated if I have missed the problem :)

Im having trouble with the chat window, everytime i try and move it the scroll down buttons blow out of proportion
Firstly do you need to have a constant look at the combat log?
To the problem at hand.
The scroll buttons are, by default with nUI, larger then normal, but they are only shown when moused over.


Is there something i can do so i can have combat window in the place provided and the chat window above the dashboard?
Yes, you can unlock the chat window right click --->unlock, then drag to where you want then lock again.


Also wish the buttons could be bigger but o well =D too small for my clicky like playstyle
You can increase the ui scale going to Esc-->video -->ui scale-->drag slider.
You can increase the dashboard scale but this will cut off some of dashboard display:

-- /nui scale {n}

This option controls the scaling of the nUI dashboard to assist in fitting the dashboard inside the horizontal width of your display. Should the dashboard be too wide or two small for your display, you can alter the dashboard's width using the command "/nui scale {n}" where {n} is some number between 0.5 and 1.5 -- The larger {n} gets, the wider the nUI dashboard will become. Setting {n} to 0 will return the dashboard scale to nUI's built in default.

Peanutbutter 07-09-08 09:14 AM

oki guess im gonna have to SS this to show u wat i mean =D

And ill try that thing wid the ui.

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