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Arctos 06-02-09 06:13 PM

Name of addon that is installed - nUI+ Development (12940)
Name of addon that is detected - nUI Lite (9108)

The issue here is that the Lite version is publicly available and doesn't contain the raid frame coding. nUI+ contains the raid frames but is available only to supporters and is accessed via group membership invitation. I could update nUI+ without issue from within the old WoWI Manager.

I'm trying to get Minion to search and possibly install nUI+, but I'm having issues with the search function not working within Minion.

Edit - correction, the search function is working but not detecting nUI as a keyword. This is odd since doing a search for Carbonite lists two integration mods with nUI in the title.:confused:

Oakayam 06-02-09 11:03 PM

TinyMeleeStats update is "dependent" on TinyPad. I don't believe the two mods have anything in common beside the 'Tiny' is the name :).

GravityDK 06-03-09 03:35 AM

Installed addon 'SlideBar (lib)' which I got from the addon Mappy.
However, it was originally developed and bundled with Gatherer or Auctioneer.
I do not have Gatherer or Auctioneer installed.

From MMO Minion, right-click SlideBar 'more info' takes me to the Gatherer addon page on WoWI.

Robsato 06-03-09 10:37 AM

Broker: Recount points to "", but I have this one installed from the Recount author. I got no clue on how this can be resolved since both have the same name, but just reporting it ;)


This seems to be more like a version conflict, but reporting it anyway.

Doublewide ( keeps getting marked as having an update, but I have the latest version installed (I just installed it manually again just to be sure I had the latest).

Minion detects it as: "DoubleWide (v0.7) by Iriel & Kudane"
and it says "Version 0.730000 available".


Also Titanpanel gives an update message, but I have the latest installed from WoWI (but it was installed manually)

Minion detects it as: "Titanpanel by Titan Development Team"
and it says "Version available".

Mikord 06-03-09 03:43 PM

MSBT is also not being completely detected correctly. There are two folders contained in the distribution zip file:


The core mod is MikScrollingBattleText and MSBTOptions is the options module. The toc file for MSBTOptions is marked as Load-on-Demand and also has MikScrollingBattleText marked as a dependency.

Minion is showing MSBT [Options] as the mod name (even though it's marked LoD and has the core mod as a dependency) instead of the core mod. For reference, it does seem to load both folders correctly when performing the update, but the display is incorrect.

MSBT's ID here on WoWI is 5153.

utahcarol 06-03-09 06:25 PM

Does this generate a log? I'll be honest, I can't tell which mods it replaced with what.

DawnSeven 06-04-09 05:01 PM

I read in the bug tracker that most of these issues (incorrect addon detections) were dealt with in revision 260, but I don't seem to be able to get that? When I download Minion from the link I got 231 the other day but my husband just tried and can only get 230. Are the higher versions (with some of the fixes) just not out yet? Or am I not looking in the right place? I wouldn't mind doing more beta testing, but there isn't a point in messing with 230/231 anymore ;)

Shirik 06-04-09 07:24 PM

260 is an internal revision number. It was before the release of 2.3.1

Namtar 06-05-09 11:03 AM

I'm not quite sure which addons were replaced by what, but I actually liked some of the "new" ones and decided to keep them ;) Concerning replacements, I'll keep an eye on it and update this post when I notice something unusual.

astalavista 06-06-09 10:50 AM

I just noticed that Minion doesn't detect TipTop at all for me. It did detect Titan[Healbot] which I don't use, so I set to ignore it. I think that might be what it recognizes TipTop as.

Recluse 06-07-09 03:42 AM

Installed: Lib: Dewdrop-2.0 @

Detected: Paparazzi2 @

Recluse 06-08-09 10:18 PM

I have a self-created addon called NeedBuff, which is not hosted on WoWInterface. I also have an addon called NeedToKnow (link below) which is dependant upon NeedBuff (and will not even check for an update). These are completely unrelated addons, aside from the Need____ portion of the name.

Hexe 06-09-09 02:29 PM

The minion seems to think that the Pawn I have installed is the french version. Is there a way to get it to figure out which one I have?

DonCorneo 06-10-09 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 139274)
Just thought I'd let you guys know, I do have a plan to deal with a lot of this. We'll see how good that plan is in action probably tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm working 10-11 hour days this week so I have very little time to progress on this problem, but I hope to have something available very soon.

I've posted bug reports for the 5 mismatches out of some 150 addons I have found, I think you have done an awesome job.
Minion works and that what counts. It'll take time to work all the bugs out, but I for one will wait until you can get to it.
For now I will use the ignore feature for the 5. It is a small price to pay for having an updater that is not neutered and covers a large number of my addons (which hopefully will increase as authors realize this is the site to use).

It can not be said enough: Great Job Shirik, and thank you for your hard work!:banana:

Drehmini 06-11-09 05:19 AM

Tellmewhen Fun update
Tellmewhen Fan update is detected as the original tellmewhen.

Pyrophoric 06-15-09 08:51 AM

Have some or all of these issues been resolved or being addressed?

ScytheBlade1 06-15-09 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pyrophoric (Post 143147)
Have some or all of these issues been resolved or being addressed?

This is an ongoing issue which will take some time to resolve.

"being addressed" is the phrase I'd use.

Quintin 06-16-09 06:04 PM

Detected: Ackis Recipe List (1.0 RC10)
Wants to Install: Ackis Recipe List (1.0 RC9)

Detected: ArcHUD -Ace2- by Uruloke
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Baggins -Ace2- by Nargiddley
Wants to Install: Baggins Scrap

Detected: Cartographer 3.0 v0.11.0 by ckknight
Wants to Install: Cartographer version 2.5.3

Detected: DeuceCommander -Ace2- by Neronix
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: DrDamage -Ace2- by Gagorian
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: DynRepBar -Ace2- by oers
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Guild Mail List by Paul Barbeau (oedi)
Wants to Install: Guild Organizer

Detected: Guild Organizer by Deerah
*** Waiting on Guild Mail List **** (see above)

Detected: Incubator -Ace2- by shieldb
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Lexan -Ace2- by Neronix
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: Memento Mori -Ace2- by Saroz
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: RP Helper 2 -Ace2- by Duerma
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: SmartyCat -Ace2- by Darravis
Wants to Install: Ace2

Detected: eePanels2 -Ace2- by Evil Elvis
Wants to Install: Ace2

Namtar 06-17-09 07:31 AM

AutoLootToogle (ID: 11486 on WoWI) and AutoTabard (German version, ID: 12498) seem to be dependant on AutoBar (I think it's ID: 5502).

ItemSetChecker (only available on Curse) seems to be dependant on ItemDataCache (ID: 12306).

TinyCasterStats (ID: 13615) seems to be dependant on TinyMeleeStats (ID: 13604)

Wintergrasp+ (ID: 13813) ist stated as "Not available".

Recluse 06-25-09 11:49 AM

I hate these parenting issues. A simple fix would be another option in the right-click menu to "Unparent this addon", that way it does not think it is a child addon. Seems simple enough to me :p

As for my only current incorrect detection... As you can see it is obviously not an update. :(

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