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Xrystal 07-19-10 08:57 AM

What I like about it so far is that they are trying to spruce up the beginning areas at least of the old zones so that there won't be so many draenei and blood elves around due to their easier levelling curve.

After trying out the new worgen and the new improved night elf ( found a new user problematic bug already ) and the new improved human areas and it seems they are almost similar in questing time for the same level range.

Marthisdil 07-19-10 09:06 AM

The one thing I dislike about the premade toons - they ALL have enchanting and jewelcrafting as their tradeskills....

New tradeskill stuff really isn't in there yet (at least for inscription based on me copying my scribe).

I do like the Worgen starting's pretty fun and different. Will try Goblin out later.

ricks322 07-19-10 09:19 AM

The Goblin starting experience is quite different than the Worgen. I reached 100 quests under my Goblin near the end, before you get the transition to Dutorar.

Slakah 07-19-10 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by st0nedpenguin (Post 198409)
I like the fact that the game has been so simplified and toned down that it's about as complex as Farmville, and speccing talents is like peggle.

Possible sarcasm involved!

Yeah because copy and pasting a cookie cutter build from elitiest jerks was such a mindstrain.

Possible sarcasm involved! :P

Torhal 07-19-10 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by CobraA1 (Post 198745)
Probably time to think about dual booting.

Over water? I'll pass.


Originally Posted by CobraA1 (Post 198745)
Kinda strange that somebody that's in WoW enough to write addons for it isn't at least using an officially supported platform.

Why is that strange? The game works fine under Wine, and that's all that matters - I don't need an officially-supported platform to write code.

IQgryn 07-19-10 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 198847)
Why is that strange? The game works fine under Wine, and that's all that matters - I don't need an officially-supported platform to write code.

Agreed. I occasionally have to play in Windows, but I do all my addon work in Linux under Wine.

Hamstah 07-19-10 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 198847)
Over water? I'll pass.

If only you could turn water into Wine :p

voodoodad 07-20-10 09:33 PM


IQgryn 07-20-10 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 199095)

Ack, if they keep this up I'll have to expand my home partition again. :/

voodoodad 07-20-10 10:58 PM

I keep expecting a BG message saying "If you guys would learn to cap three and defend, we'd be winning right now!"

Anyway, maybe this patch will deal with some of the little problems like HUNTERS NOT HAVING RELIABLE PETS!

sorry, I know it's a beta, but I really LIKE my hunter...:D

Bluspacecow 07-21-10 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by voodoodad (Post 199095)

That's actually a combo update patch including all the beta builds so far.

Looks like they're also getting rid of redundant patch data in the previous builds as well if the analysis from the #wowace peeps is correct.

This would be why the combo update build updater thingy is actually smaller then the build updaters it's replacing.

I reinstalled beta last night. Despite me having all the beta builds downloaded it went straight to download and install the latest 1.38 GB build updater first. I then applied all the other builds first and when done it still wanted to install the 1.38 GB build :/

Nobgul 07-21-10 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Torhal (Post 198847)
Over water? I'll pass.

Why is that strange? The game works fine under Wine, and that's all that matters - I don't need an officially-supported platform to write code.

I agree I also run Linux and play wow with wine. Up to this point I have found very few reasons to run windows. I mean lets face it there are opensource replacements for just about any windows program you could ever need. But when I have to VmWare is just a click away.

AsheruWolf 07-21-10 08:56 AM

*Warning Incomming Troll*

I hate you all... that is all. Move along nothing to see here!

/dodges the kitchen sink :banana:

No I'm kidding sadly I have not gotten an invite yet so honestly I can't say anything yet about beta and I find it funny that Ive been in every beta so far yet this one nothing. Oh well back to spamming F5 on my inbox. :D

voodoodad 07-21-10 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by AsheruWolf (Post 199173)
*Warning Incomming Troll*

I hate you all... that is all. Move along nothing to see here!

/dodges the kitchen sink :banana:

No I'm kidding sadly I have not gotten an invite yet so honestly I can't say anything yet about beta and I find it funny that Ive been in every beta so far yet this one nothing. Oh well back to spamming F5 on my inbox. :D

/cast sinkthrow (non-dodgeable)

AsheruWolf 07-21-10 09:06 AM

Hey Ive dodged Cairenn sink throws so I think im good. :cool:

voodoodad 07-21-10 09:17 AM

Sinkthrow: Spell does normal weapon damage + 15 million, kajillion, fofillian, bajillion damage over 1 second. Spell cannot be blocked, evaded or dodged.

New specs for Sinkthrow in the Beta.:D

voodoodad 07-22-10 04:32 PM

Another (much smaller) patch incoming now. 108 mb

Wishing Blizz would update their patch notes, so we could easily see what's supposedly fixed or changed.

Drauer 07-23-10 12:17 AM

Abyssal Manta is now a Seahorse!! Yay! Plus I noticed some quest fixes.

Gief Seaunicorn!

AtliThor 07-23-10 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Drauer (Post 199633)
Abyssal Manta is now a Seahorse!! Yay! Plus I noticed some quest fixes.

Gief Seaunicorn!

Yea, the new Seizurehorse is pretty good. I like the model, anyways. They *might* have to do some adjustments to the speed of the movement animation though :D

(Nope, I didn't speed up the playback... really!)

voodoodad 07-24-10 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by AtliThor (Post 199822)
Yea, the new Seizurehorse is pretty good. I like the model, anyways. They *might* have to do some adjustments to the speed of the movement animation though :D

(Nope, I didn't speed up the playback... really!)

LOL! If it was in black and white, I could see the Keystone Kops trying to chase you down for speeding!

On a side note, if anyone is having the problem of not being able to train, for the time being you have to drop one of your two primary professions. Then you should be able to train in class abilities, riding and secondary profs.

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