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p3lim 10-14-12 07:08 AM

Holy and Protection Paladins also get Rebirth from Symbiosis

[113269] = GetSpellInfo(113269), -- Rebirth (prot/holy paladin symbiosis)

Phanx 10-15-12 03:13 AM

Added, thanks.

Trelis 10-16-12 05:47 AM

I reported this originally as part of a ticket to Grid:

It was marked fixed for Grid, but the bug is still present. I thought it would be a good idea to report it here, as the bug is in this library.

Grid-r1536\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:185: attempt to compare nil with number
Grid-r1536\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:185: in function "UnitHasIncomingRes"
Grid-r1536\Statuses\GridStatusResurrect.lua:117: in function "?"
libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:147: in function <libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[6]":4: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[6]":4
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[6]":13: in function "?"
libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function "Fire"
Grid-r1536\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:426: in function "?"
Grid-r1536\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:127: in function <Grid\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:126>

The lua error can be removed with the following, although there is probably a better fix.

$ diff LibResInfo-1.0.lua.old LibResInfo-1.0.lua
< if not firstEnd or endTime < firstEnd then
> if endTime and (not firstEnd or endTime < firstEnd) then

I do not know why sometimes "local endTime = castEnd[casterGUID]" is nil.

Phanx 10-16-12 03:42 PM

That should have been resolved already. Can you be more specific about the circumstances under which you are seeing that error? How many players in the group are dead? How many res spells are being cast in the group? Are any of them Mass Res? etc.

Trelis 10-17-12 12:22 AM

Edit2: I have not had this issue in Grid-r1542, so it is looking like it has been fixed.

It is not resolved for me. It is still happening in Grid-r1540. I will try to turn my sound notification back on so that I can give more information on exactly when it is happening. From the timestamp of the first error it does seem to be from Mass Ressurect though. The timestamp of the error is from when the first Mass Ressurect finished and applied "Recently Mass Resurrected" to some people and a second Mass Ressurect cast started. Could the bug have something to do with multiple mass resurrects at the same time?

10/16 18:32:57.206 SPELL_CAST_START,0x03000000073E59B1,"Malarie",0x512,0x0,0x0000000000000000,nil,0x80000000,0x80000000,83968,"Mass Resurrection",0x2

10/16 18:33:06.939 SPELL_RESURRECT,0x03000000073E59B1,"Malarie",0x10512,0x0,0x03000000067FCB9D,"Pixel",0x512,0x0,83968,"Mass Resurrection",0x2
10/16 18:33:06.939 SPELL_RESURRECT,0x03000000073E59B1,"Malarie",0x10512,0x0,0x0300000006C89A16,"Yitzak",0x514,0x0,83968,"Mass Resurrection",0x2
10/16 18:33:06.939 SPELL_RESURRECT,0x03000000073E59B1,"Malarie",0x10512,0x0,0x03000000063F0DC3,"Ruined",0x514,0x0,83968,"Mass Resurrection",0x2
10/16 18:33:06.939 SPELL_RESURRECT,0x03000000073E59B1,"Malarie",0x10512,0x0,0x0300000006C8467F,"Treliss",0x511,0x0,83968,"Mass Resurrection",0x2

[18:33:08 is the timestamp of the lua error]
0/16 18:33:08.315 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED,0x03000000067FCB9D,"Pixel",0x512,0x0,0x03000000067FCB9D,"Pixel",0x512,0x0,95223,"Recently Mass Resurrected",0x1,DEBUFF
10/16 18:33:08.528 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED,0x03000000063F0DC3,"Ruined",0x514,0x0,0x03000000063F0DC3,"Ruined",0x514,0x0,95223,"Recently Mass Resurrected",0x1,DEBUFF
10/16 18:33:08.742
SPELL_CAST_START,0x030000000732C3A7,"Xebren",0x514,0x0,0x0000000000000000,nil,0x80000000,0x80000000,83968,"Mass Resurrection",0x2
[end of the second with the timestamp of the lua error]

10/16 18:33:09.669 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED,0x0300000006C8467F,"Treliss",0x511,0x0,0x0300000006C8467F,"Treliss",0x511,0x0,95223,"Recently Mass Resurrected",0x1,DEBUFF
10/16 18:33:14.188 SPELL_AURA_APPLIED,0x0300000006C89A16,"Yitzak",0x514,0x0,0x0300000006C89A16,"Yitzak",0x514,0x0,95223,"Recently Mass Resurrected",0x1,DEBUFF

2012/10/16 18:33:08
70x Grid-r1540\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:185: attempt to compare nil with number
Grid-r1540\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:185: in function "UnitHasIncomingRes"
Grid-r1540\Statuses\GridStatusResurrect.lua:117: in function "?"
libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:147: in function <libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[6]":4: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[6]":4
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[6]":13: in function "?"
libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function "Fire"
Grid-r1540\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:502: in function "?"
Grid-r1540\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:127: in function <Grid\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:126>


Goatbert 10-23-12 02:35 PM

I was just looking up that same error - happened in LFR, while in combat (kept triggering, several times during a fight). 2-3 people dead. Will grab the error next time it pops up (if it pops up again) lost it when I restarted.

Phanx 10-23-12 06:55 PM

That issue was resolved on October 15th in LibResInfo r27. If you are using an addon which embeds LibResInfo, make sure you have a version of that addon released after October 15th, or you probably still have an old version of the library.

Also, while I appreciate that you wanted to be helpful, just saying "I got an error" without any other information -- like what version of what addon(s) you are using, what region and language you are playing WoW in, etc. -- does not actually give me anything I can use to track down the bug and fix it (or tell you why it's not a bug).

dracula 10-30-12 01:40 PM

I replaced Grid's version of LibResInfo with the r27 you mention, but it spams this error during a mass-res, on 25-man even up to a point that the game complains about 'There are many addon errors in your UI'.

90x Grid-\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:185: attempt to compare nil with number
Grid-\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:185: in function "UnitHasIncomingRes"
Grid-\Statuses\GridStatusResurrect.lua:117: in function "?"
libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:147: in function <libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[5]":4: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[5]":4
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[5]":13: in function "?"
libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function "Fire"
Grid-\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:524: in function "?"
Grid-\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:127: in function <Grid\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:126>


p3lim 10-31-12 07:32 AM

5.1 changes protection paladin symbiosis again (they lose their rebirth).
Shouldn't affect this addon at all, but I thought I'd let you know.

myrroddin 10-31-12 07:44 AM

General question: I am getting kind of fed up with bugfixing SmartRes2, looking for a reason why you get cast bars for other people, but not your own; also, because your cast bars are tied to chat output, you don't spit out any messages. I am 99% convinced the problem stems from LibResComm, where I changed the event registration to RegisterUnitEvent from RegisterEvent and checking unit == player. That shouldn't have made any difference, but there you go.

That leaves me with the rewrite I was eventually planning, using LibResInfo instead. Based on the last few posts, I am wondering if this lib is ready to be used? Should I wait until 5.1, which will be at least a month or more away? Yes, LRI is "release", but with some bugs still being reported, and a possible breaking change to Paladins, I am just looking for confirmation.

Phanx 10-31-12 07:05 PM

I'm using it without any issues in both Grid and oUF_Phanx. I commited r28 weeks ago to add extra checks for the endTime error with Mass Res (even though I never saw the error myself), so any addons pulling from SVN should not have any problem. I guess I should post a new ZIP on the download page.

The removal of paladin Rebirth should not cause any problems, unless Blizzard breaks with 8 years of precedent and assigns a new spell to the spell ID previously assigned to the paladin Rebirth spell. Nonetheless, I will update the lib to remove the ID from the table of known res spells after the change goes live.

Phanx 10-31-12 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by dracula (Post 268049)
I replaced Grid's version of LibResInfo with the r27 you mention, but it spams this error during a mass-res, on 25-man even up to a point that the game complains about 'There are many addon errors in your UI'.

Yeah, don't do that. Grid is pulling newer versions of LRI directly from SVN. The ZIP on the download page mainly exists because it's not possible to have a "download" page with no download, but it's not really there for anyone to use directly. Developers should be embedding it in their addons from SVN, and users should be downloading it embedded inside of addons.

If you are getting errors from LRI while using any version of Grid posted on or after October 17th as-is, please post the actual error message(s) and a description of what was happening when the error occured.

dracula 11-01-12 12:12 PM

Yeah, I know what libraries are... ;)

But you mentioned that addons updated after October 15th have a fixed version embedded, and I still get LibResInfo errors with Grid which was updated October 16th. So then I start trying things... but I'll await r28.

Phanx 11-01-12 03:44 PM

r28 was committed to SVN on October 16th. These versions of Grid all contain r28:

dracula 11-01-12 06:13 PM

Aye, just switched to Grid alpha version to get it.

This error triggered twice when I left the raid:


Grid-r1546\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:324: attempt to compare number with nil
Grid-r1546\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:324: in function "?"
Grid-r1546\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0-4.lua:127: in function <Grid\Libs\LibResInfo-1.0\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:126>

self = <unnamed> {
        0 = <userdata>
        UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:509
        callbacks = <table> {}
        UNIT_SPELLCAST_START = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:486
        INCOMING_RESURRECT_CHANGED = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:406
        RegisterCallback = <func> @TomTom\libs\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
        GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:247
        UNIT_HEALTH = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:640
        UnregisterCallback = <func> @TomTom\libs\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
        COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:580
        UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:538
        UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:538
        UNIT_AURA = <func> @Grid\Libs\..\LibResInfo-1.0.lua:640
        UnregisterAllCallbacks = <func> @TomTom\libs\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:202

Phanx 11-01-12 11:23 PM

Okay, see, that's why I need the actual error message. That is NOT the same error that was reported before; it's in a completely different part of the code, and has nothing to do with Mass Res. >_<

dracula 11-04-12 04:40 PM

But.... I posted the exact error I got with r27, and I posted the exact error I got with r28.

It is occurring when me or another player leaves the raid, with everyone alive (ie. no resses going on).

Magicalhats27 11-04-12 05:46 PM

Worth it

Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 260068)
[b]communication, so it is not necessary for anyone else in your group to have it installed.

Thats great. ;) Actually this fact alone makes it worth the download. Lots of time saved - Thanks

myrroddin 01-14-13 05:59 AM

I'm finally at a point in the game where the daily quest grind is slowing down, and that means back to addon development. Phanx, do you prefer the pkgmeta from Curseforge/WoWAce to pull from the WoWInterface or Curseforge repository for this lib? I'm leaning to CF so you get author reward points, but wanted to check first.

On a side note, expect the WoWace forums' developer thread to get hit with questions, but not necessarily about LibResInfo :p

Phanx 01-14-13 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by myrroddin (Post 271825)
Phanx, do you prefer the pkgmeta from Curseforge/WoWAce to pull from the WoWInterface or Curseforge repository for this lib? I'm leaning to CF so you get author reward points, but wanted to check first.

There is no CurseForge repository. Files on CurseForge are manually uploaded. Your .pkgmeta will need to specify the WoWI repository URL. If you want me to get points, specify "libresinfo" (the CurseForge project name) in the "tools-used" section of your .pkgmeta, just like you do for LibDataBroker, but for reasons that actually make sense. :p

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