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Kaelten 02-26-06 11:25 AM


Quality - the quality of items that are dropped by the mob
Cloth drops - the number of times cloth has dropped on the mob
Avg Coin Drop - average amount of money dropped by the mob
Avg Item Value - average vendor value of items dropped by mob
Total Mob Value - total sum of avg coin drop and avg item value
Loot Items - all loot items dropped by a Mob can be recorded
lets see Quality could be derived at runtime without needing to be stored.

Cloth drops Coin Drops could be stored easily via item codes

Item values are already avaialbe in KC_Items, but don't need IS or KCI to be stored really. Although that would reduce the redundant data storage.

Mob Value would be the sum of the sellvalues of the loot items plus the avg coin drop

loot items could also be easily stored via item codes.

Kaelten 02-26-06 11:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
pic of the new advanced search window

svartalfimposter 02-26-06 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Kaelten
pic of the new advanced search window

I really like that :) very nice!

Vytae 02-27-06 08:12 AM

So how much smaller will this be compared to Auctioneer and Auctionsync?
I'm trying to find an auction program to replace aucitoneer without losing most of the fucitons and have a much smaller footprint.

Kaelten 02-27-06 10:31 AM

its hard to say exactly.

Right now KCI on my system uses ~5mb of ram.

Keep in mind that for that you get an item database of nearly 42k items, sell values, and auction data on several thousand items.

In my experiances thats significantly less than the average of all those programs combined.

Now say you just wanted the auciton functionality you could remove the modules that didn't intrest you and you could save considerable amounts of ram. I would expect that KC_Items set up just to replace auctioneer or the like would be~2mb maybe less.

svartalfimposter 03-10-06 02:20 PM

KC Items is now supported by Mobinfo2.

*** MobInfo-2 Version History: ***

- further improvements made to search page
- updated to support KC_Items 0.94 beta
- updated MobInfo item sell value table
- limit "Dropped By" list to max 8 mob names
- MobInfo Compact-Mode now supports TipBuddy Compact-Mode
- fixed a nil bug (line 497)
- do not count skinning loot for loot quality overview

Aalwein 04-06-06 10:22 AM

in reference to Insomniax, what mods does KC_Items replace? I'm trying to get rid of the insomniax comp and replace it with mods that have consistent updates and improvments.

All of the mods I have that involved the inventory are listed below, which ones can I drop in favor of KC?


Kaelten 04-06-06 05:06 PM

everyone of those but gatherer.

Aalwein 04-06-06 05:38 PM

awesome. thank you.

Aalwein 04-06-06 07:20 PM

Is there a way to get EnhTooltop to work with KC_Items? It seems to be disabled when KC_Items is on.

Disregard, I figured out what I was doing wrong... Informant needed to be enabled.

Feature request: The add auction page in Auctioneer suggested prices for you when you placed an item. I realize that KC will do a "smart auction" based on going prices, but making the "smart auction" just enter the values for you (so you still have to press "Create Auction" would be a nice addition.

Kaelten 04-06-06 09:51 PM


Feature request: The add auction page in Auctioneer suggested prices for you when you placed an item. I realize that KC will do a "smart auction" based on going prices, but making the "smart auction" just enter the values for you (so you still have to press "Create Auction" would be a nice addition.

I think you're asking for

/kci broker autofill


xequa 04-07-06 06:42 AM

GUI on the horizon?
Kael, Just wondering if you're planning on creating a GUI config set for your mod at any point?


Kaelten 04-07-06 08:31 AM

Yes its on the list, Hopefulyl fairly soon.

jrhodes98 04-07-06 09:20 AM

Any update on getting KC_EnhancedTrades to work for us with the enchanting skill? It throws up errors and usually breaks the enchant frame window once KC errors out.

xequa 04-08-06 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Kaelten
Yes its on the list, Hopefulyl fairly soon.

Glad to hear it! That will make it a billion times easier to understand & adapt to. Have a good weekend!

Aalwein 04-08-06 11:11 AM

thanks, kael, thats exactly what i wanted =)

Geza 04-17-06 02:12 PM

Is there a write up anywhere of the slash commands and what they do? I am specifically looking for a way to reset certain AH data when people put items up for alot more than it is worth and my averages get messed up.

Aalwein 04-23-06 07:25 PM

I have another, probably simple again, question. Is there a way to list the average price of ONE item on the auction? I see in the tooltip that it lists the avg price dependant on the stack size you are hovering on... but I'd like to know the avg price pet unit, without having to bust out the calculator every time ;)

Amadar 04-28-06 03:47 AM

When I attempt to scan I get an error " \path to kci\auction.lua:89:stack overflow" Any ideas?

se99jmk 09-19-06 11:48 AM

Hi, and apologies if this has been asked before.

I'd like to get rid of Auctioneer (and associated addons) due to sheer bulk, but one of the main reasons for keeping it so far i haven;t seen in KC_Items:

the ability to throw up a list of suggested BOs given a certain profit percentage (I normally run it at 40%). Also importantly is the ability to do this for items that can be disenchanted, as Enchantrix (part of the auctioneer set) also allows me to scan items that will likely give at least a 40% profit margin.

Hope that's clear.. if KC_Items can do what Auctioneer can, sign me up!!



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