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Petrah 04-23-09 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 130622)
Please don't. ;)

I wouldn't lol :cool:

Cairenn 04-23-09 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by g5pwnage (Post 130608)
Okay, so I guess what I've said has been taken a mite out of context. I don't have a problem with what WI and Curse did, it's quite understandable, and I have since stopped using WM (I do have a problem with Curse and their "customer service", but that's another story). What I had a problem with, and as Cairenn so nicely explained (no flaming, that's why I prefer this over Curse), was a lack of a decent addon manager (the Curse one is terribad, and any attempt to request a change brings out the standard programmer defensive shell), however, at WI they are working on their own version of an addon manager.

On a side note, I'm checking the MMOUI forum, and all I can find is some code... Am I missing something here?

I'll give you some :banana:bread =)

WM was just nice because I could open the program and grab any addons I wanted straight from there. I don't know how feasable this is with a legitimate program, but meh. /shrug. It worked well, was nice and simple, and very user and time friendly.

I want to thank Cair for being so patient on here too. Also, for keeping things moderately civil.

Yup, it was nice for end users, no one disputes that at all. Just wish they had done it "properly", then none of this would have been necessary.

I've just posted a new FAQ thread in the Minion forum that you can check out. :)

voodoodad 04-23-09 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 130623)
I wouldn't lol :cool:

I might! I still owe you guys for the stroke I had (well, nearly anyway) on April 1st!:cool:

Cairenn 04-23-09 08:49 PM

*snickers quietly*

Whoops! Bad me. Back on topic!

Nov 04-23-09 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lykofos (Post 130072)
Another first time poster that has not read any of the previous posts nor other threads. However, new updaters are coming. CC 3 has been released and has matured nicely. CC 3 for Mac is coming, a beta has been released, it works however it has some rough edges. The new MMOUI Minion is coming. MM is WoWInterface's new updater (not quite correct, its the entire MMOI's new updater. WoWI is a part of MMOUI). Plus MM will be extendable via user written plug-ins so it's possible (if the other sites allow this) for MM to access Curse and WoWUI if the modules are written for it. The early MM API has been released although it could change.

Tanks for your reply despite the fact I was faulty on this, my apologize.

What I wanted to say is just WoWMatrix was easy to use, it allowed access to both WoWInterface and WoWCurse's addons, allowed easy update features and I didn't noticed the "addons modified or outdated" problems. I'm not a "newcomer who had created his account to cry about the death of WoWMatrix", just a simple WoWMatrix's users (and also a WoWInterface user) saying: it was a good update software.

And for all of those who said "WoWMatrix's users are lazy, blabla" I reply: Yes, I am. That's also why I'm using and writing addons. It is just simplier to use Decursive rather than having the whole raid on screen and decurse each member manually; it is just simplier to use QuestHelper for my rerolls rather than searching for a particular location or mob; etc... It is just simplier to use WoWMatrix than using WoWInterface and WoWCurse clients. Maybe the new client of WoWInterface will be as great, but as long as WoWCurse and WoWInterface are not really working together I'm afraid the problem will be the same.

That's only my point of view ^^

I wish you a nice day.

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

Zyonin 04-23-09 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Nov (Post 130681)
Tanks for your reply despite the fact I was faulty on this, my apologize.

What I wanted to say is just WoWMatrix was easy to use, it allowed access to both WoWInterface and WoWCurse's addons, allowed easy update features and I didn't noticed the "addons modified or outdated" problems. I'm not a "newcomer who had created his account to cry about the death of WoWMatrix", just a simple WoWMatrix's users (and also a WoWInterface user) saying: it was a good update software.

And for all of those who said "WoWMatrix's users are lazy, blabla" I reply: Yes, I am. That's also why I'm using and writing addons. It is just simplier to use Decursive rather than having the whole raid on screen and decurse each member manually; it is just simplier to use QuestHelper for my rerolls rather than searching for a particular location or mob; etc... It is just simplier to use WoWMatrix than using WoWInterface and WoWCurse clients. Maybe the new client of WoWInterface will be as great, but as long as WoWCurse and WoWInterface are not really working together I'm afraid the problem will be the same.

That's only my point of view ^^

I wish you a nice day.

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

No problem, we the regulars of this community understand. I use AddOns myself. I used to use WAU back in the day, however I dumped it after I started customizing my AddOns myself. I did not like my changes getting bulldozed.

Now, please check out the the brand new MMOUI Minion FAQ posted by our wonderful overlord, Cairenn. It has all kinds of tidbits regarding the new updater that will be coming Soon(tm) :D

Cairenn 04-23-09 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lykofos (Post 130691)
Now, please check out the the brand new MMOUI Minion FAQ posted by our wonderful overlord, Cairenn.

OverLORD? LORD? Excuse me? Lady, thank you very kindly! Hmph!

voodoodad 04-24-09 12:09 AM

UH OH! She's gonna start cussing again!

Zyonin 04-24-09 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 130692)
OverLORD? LORD? Excuse me? Lady, thank you very kindly! Hmph!

:p He he, my mistake. :cool:

Chulamal 04-24-09 02:08 AM

Cairenn, I was just wondering if you knew if either of the updaters, CC or the WoWI Updater, will eventually have functionality to be able to access the database of both sites instead of needing to download both. I've found the Curse Updater to be slightly bothersome, if not downright intrusive, with its constant need for attention and the sheer amount of memory it hogs even while running in the background.

Cairenn 04-24-09 02:43 AM

#6 of the new Updater FAQ thread I posted. :)

Chulamal 04-24-09 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 130715)
#6 of the new Updater FAQ thread I posted. :)

Thanks! You rock.

Cairenn 04-24-09 03:24 AM

You're welcome. :)

Bouvi 04-24-09 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 130692)
OverLORD? LORD? Excuse me? Lady, thank you very kindly! Hmph!

OverLADY just sounds so wrong.... How about High Priestess? Oh wait you curse. How about High Demoness? Or the Lady of the MMOUI? (Like Lady of the Lake).

Ariele 04-24-09 05:25 AM

This thread been going for 40 pages now and i still dont understand why WM lovers dont get it. I think the staff if it was possible should sent the bills for the traffic WM caused for last time. I doubt that they will finally understand this. I want to be honest with you i used it too for some time, but stopped very fast when WM couldnt get the right version for me and caused some addons to go fubar. Since then ive been downloading manually for some months both from here and curse, and it isnt so hard to do, even that i have many addons, and sometimes i update 10-15 of them if there is much changes in them. But never needed to update all of them same day. So is it so hard to get it manually? the few mods that get updated? obivously it is for some. But you can register make favorite list and only need to push button few times. and its until wowi get the updater done. But i guess im wasting my time writting this since some will still dont get it

gelukelu 04-24-09 05:58 AM

Come on!!
"WoWInterface and Curse working together to help protect authors and other site-users", who are you trying to fool here? Do you think we are all retarded?

Curse and wowinterface clients suck. Why? Because both updaters were designed from the addon-hosting-site perpective or from the addon-developer perspective. The updater developers have not put themselves in the end-user shoes not for 1 minute.

I read someone wrote that he likes to update his 100+ addons by hand, and by visiting the 100+ addon pages on curse or wowinterface he could find out what the last changes were, what others are thinking about the new features, what the developer is planning to do next, etc. Well, newsflash! End-user DONT CARE that bug #1242 was fixed and that the addon author added a new slash-command that can do some fancy stuff he doesnt care about. End-user wants to update the addon that doesn't work anymore or just make sure he has the latest version. Because having the latest version is "good" as far as he was told.

The most important feature of the curse and and wowinterface updaters is to get the end-user on their site. Period. That's why they designed this tools. And that's why these updaters suck. Badly. Example of bad developing perspective: what's the point in having the Curse addon resident in system tray and spam me with news I don't even care about? I want it to update ALL my addons, when I want (twice-a-week or after a patch), then close and free up system resources so I can have +1 fps. Is this too much to ask?

About stealing the bandwidth:
From the bandwidth pov, what's the difference if I update my addons twice-a-week via WowMatrix or via the Curse+WowInterface clients? The same amount of bandwidth is used.

WowMatrix is a program that has a list of download links to addons hosted on different sites. It helps you download addons hosted on different sites. It's an "cross-site updater" for gods sake. This is what it was supposed to do. Help you download addons from different sites. And it does it good.

It's not the evil entity called WowMatrix that steals bandwidth for itself. It's me, the end-user, downloading addons twice-a-week from different sites that were supposed to make it easy for me to download these addons. What bothers you (curse+wowinterface) is that I don't get to visit your pages on a twice-a-week basis. In fact not visiting you pages and only downloading the zip files costs you less bandwidth.

Saying that WowMatrix steals bandwidth it's like saying that a news-reader (e.g Bloglines) is stealing bandwidth from the news sites. Maybe the news sites also wanted to present me with some nice juicy ads and also help you with related news, help you create an account on their site, write to their forums, post your opinion, etc. BUT THE END-USER DOES NOT WANT THAT! End-user want to read the news each morning between 10.00 and 10.20.

I know most people reading this thread are addon developers and addon-hosting sites administrators so I don't expect you to understand the "end-user perspective". But I really get angry when someone calls me an idiot in the face using words like "WoWInterface and Curse working together to help protect authors and other site-users". It's not about the addon authors and not about the end-user. It's all about you trying to serve me some ads. No thank you.

Gelu Kelu

FrankN 04-24-09 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by gelukelu (Post 130738)
Well, newsflash! End-user DONT CARE that bug #1242 was fixed and that the addon author added a new slash-command that can do some fancy stuff he doesnt care about. End-user wants to update the addon that doesn't work anymore or just make sure he has the latest version. Because having the latest version is "good" as far as he was told.

As you do not care about improvements use old versions of addons.


Originally Posted by gelukelu (Post 130738)
Example of bad developing perspective: what's the point in having the Curse addon resident in system tray and spam me with news I don't even care about? I want it to update ALL my addons, when I want (twice-a-week or after a patch), then close and free up system resources so I can have +1 fps. Is this too much to ask?

You heard about program options? You can turn it off.
Do not use addons at all your FPS goes up.


Originally Posted by gelukelu (Post 130738)
From the bandwidth pov, what's the difference if I update my addons twice-a-week via WowMatrix or via the Curse+WowInterface clients? The same amount of bandwidth is used.

Did you actually read any of the previous posts in this thread?


Originally Posted by gelukelu (Post 130738)
WowMatrix is a program that has a list of download links to addons hosted on different sites. It helps you download addons hosted on different sites. It's an "cross-site updater" for gods sake. This is what it was supposed to do. Help you download addons from different sites. And it does it good.

Nobody says different things.


Originally Posted by gelukelu (Post 130738)
It's not the evil entity called WowMatrix that steals bandwidth for itself. It's me, the end-user, downloading addons twice-a-week from different sites that were supposed to make it easy for me to download these addons. What bothers you (curse+wowinterface) is that I don't get to visit your pages on a twice-a-week basis. In fact not visiting you pages and only downloading the zip files costs you less bandwidth.

Read some more posts in this thread


Originally Posted by gelukelu (Post 130738)
I know most people reading this thread are addon developers and addon-hosting sites administrators so I don't expect you to understand the "end-user perspective". But I really get angry when someone calls me an idiot in the face using words like "WoWInterface and Curse working together to help protect authors and other site-users". It's not about the addon authors and not about the end-user. It's all about you trying to serve me some ads. No thank you.

Gelu Kelu

Neither developer, nor administrator, but still not interested in your POV as your whole posting just shows that you just want to rant and did not read anything from the previous posts.
So stop QQ and read first

us2006027321 04-24-09 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Bouvi (Post 130729)
OverLADY just sounds so wrong.... How about High Priestess? Oh wait you curse. How about High Demoness? Or the Lady of the MMOUI? (Like Lady of the Lake).

Might I suggest "High Dutchess of Awesome"?

Edit: HEY! I'm a Murloc Raider nao?! SWEET!

Bouvi 04-24-09 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 130764)
Might I suggest "High Dutchess of Awesome"?

This has the Bouvi seal of approval and Cairenn should use that instead of Credendo Vides

Bluspacecow 04-24-09 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by gelukelu (Post 130738)
I read someone wrote that he likes to update his 100+ addons by hand, and by visiting the 100+ addon pages on curse or wowinterface he could find out what the last changes were, what others are thinking about the new features, what the developer is planning to do next, etc. Well, newsflash! End-user DONT CARE that bug #1242 was fixed and that the addon author added a new slash-command that can do some fancy stuff he doesnt care about. End-user wants to update the addon that doesn't work anymore or just make sure he has the latest version. Because having the latest version is "good" as far as he was told.

Really should read more of this thread my friend before posting my friend ... .

But we don't like to personally attack people here so I'm going to be nice.

I believe I am the guy you are talking about. I do update my 89 or so addons by hand. The method I use is in my sig. And you know what ? After removing minor updates , tagging updates and localisation changes I am really only downloading updates for my mods at the rate of 4 a week. Even that's too much.

I believe people need to get away from the need to update every single day. I've used a manually updating plan since December last year. Your addons don't change in a major ways that rapidly.

You said it yourself. "End-user wants to update the addon that doesn't work anymore" . This is the one of the 2 reasons why you should update and addon. If it isn't working for you. If it's doing something unexpected or weird or throwing up arcane red errors all over your UI.

Conversely if it's a major update is another really good reason to update. Maybe its a new feature you want to use. Maybe its preformance enhancements. Maybe it's a code rewrite . All valid reasons to update.

But what happens if non of the above is true? What if your UI is working perfectly fine , not conflicting with anything , not spewing up all over everything , no errors what so ever , does everything Joe End User expects ?

Then you don't NEED to update it. Once you remove the need to update your addons daily then you find yourself as I have occasionally forgetting to update your addons. And you know what ? It doesn't matter as I keep my UI stable - even without updating certain addons from time to time.

I mean I can sympathise with needing to use a addon client to update your addons for you. But IMHO there's really no point - it's just shaving maybe 10 or so minutes off a process you don't need do often enough to warrant a tool for it.

PS It's not to say im infalliable - far from it. I had an error coming up that was because while I had current copies of bugsack, buggrabber the library gets errors from hadn't been updated by me since before Wrath come out..... Um opps ?

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