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Nomaddc 04-06-13 01:43 PM

Ok, here 2 more bugs (non critical though):
upd: and critical one + fix for it and hopefully whole updating/installing issue.

Bug 1


2x nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\UnitFrames.lua:1767: attempt to index field "statusbox" (a nil value)
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\UnitFrames.lua:1767: in function "UpdateStatus"
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\UnitFrames.lua:2846: in function "?"
Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:147: in function <Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":4: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":4
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":13: in function "?"
Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function "Fire"
Bagnon-5.2.1\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0-3.lua:52: in function <Bagnon\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:51>


Bug 2


211x nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\UnitFrames.lua:3089: Usage: UnitGUID("unit")
<in C code>
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\UnitFrames.lua:3089: in function <nibRealUI\HuD\UnitFrames\UnitFrames.lua:3087>
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\oUF\elements\aura.lua:206: in function <nibRealUI\HuD\UnitFrames\oUF\elements\aura.lua:156>
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\oUF\elements\aura.lua:308: in function <nibRealUI\HuD\UnitFrames\oUF\elements\aura.lua:302>
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\oUF\elements\aura.lua:340: in function "?"
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\HuD\UnitFrames\oUF\events.lua:69: in function <nibRealUI\HuD\UnitFrames\oUF\events.lua:62>

_ = <unnamed> {
 __owner = oUF_RealUIBoss1 {}
 CustomFilter = <func> @nibRealUI\HuD\..\UnitFrames.lua:3087
 anchoredIcons = 1
 1 = <unnamed> {}
 visibleAuras = 0
 visibleDebuffs = 0
 numDebuffs = 3
 visibleBuffs = 0
 createdIcons = 1
 numBuffs = 3
 spacing = 1
 ForceUpdate = <func> @nibRealUI\HuD\..\oUF\elements\aura.lua:467
 growth-x = "LEFT"
 0 = <userdata>
 size = 22
_ = "boss1"
_ = <unnamed> {
 overlay = <unnamed> {}
 UpdateTooltip = <func> @nibRealUI\HuD\..\oUF\elements\aura.lua:68
 stealable = <unnamed> {}
 cd = <unnamed> {}
 filter = "HELPFUL"
 0 = <userdata>
 icon = <unnamed> {}
 count = <unnamed> {}
_ = "Going Bananas"
_ = ""
_ = "INTERFACE\ICONS\inv_misc_food_23"
_ = 1
_ = nil
_ = 0
_ = 0
caster = nil
tonumber = <func> =[C]:-1
strsub = <func> =[C]:-1


Update prompt error:


17x nibRealUI-7.4 r3\Core\Settings-Settings.lua:305: attempt to call method "SetAddonProfileKeys" (a nil value)
nibRealUI-7.4 r3\Core\Settings-Settings.lua:305: in function "OnAccept"
FrameXML\StaticPopup.lua:3897: in function "StaticPopup_OnClick"
<string>:"*:OnClick":1: in function <string>:"*:OnClick":1

dialog = StaticPopup1 {
 0 = <userdata>
 hideOnEscape = false
 itemFrame = StaticPopup1ItemFrame {}
 button3 = StaticPopup1Button3 {}
 extraFrame = StaticPopup1ExtraFrame {}
 icon = StaticPopup1AlertIcon {}
 maxWidthSoFar = 320
 button2 = StaticPopup1Button2 {}
 moneyFrame = StaticPopup1MoneyFrame {}
 moneyInputFrame = StaticPopup1MoneyInputFrame {}
 text = StaticPopup1Text {}
 editBox = StaticPopup1EditBox {}
 timeleft = 0
 numButtons = 2
 maxHeightSoFar = 133.00003242493
 button1 = StaticPopup1Button1 {}
 which = "PUDRUICGR"
index = 1
which = "PUDRUICGR"
info = <table> {
 button2 = "No"
 hideOnEscape = false
 timeout = 0
 button1 = "Yes"
 text = "|cff85e0ffRealUI Layout Resolution|r

|cffffffffThis character's Layout Resolution needs to be updated to match the global setting.

Reload UI now to apply these changes?"
 OnAccept = <func> @nibRealUI\Core\Settings.lua:302
 OnCancel = <func> @nibRealUI\Core\Settings.lua:308
 notClosableByLogout = false
 whileDead = true
hide = true
OnAccept = <func> @nibRealUI\Core\Settings.lua:302

Upd: -proper fix this time I hope-
In this func

local function CharToGlobalResolution()
        local msg = "|cff85e0ff"..L["RealUI Layout Resolution"].."|r\n\n|cffffffff"..L["This character's Layout Resolution needs to be updated to match the global setting."].."\n\n"..L["Reload UI now to apply these changes?"]
        StaticPopupDialogs["PUDRUICGR"] = {
                text = msg,
                button1 = "Yes",
                button2 = "No",
                OnAccept = function()
                        dbc.resolution = dbg.resolution
                        nibRealUICharacter.resolution = dbg.resolution
                OnCancel = function()
                        dbg.resolution = dbc.resolution
                        nibRealUICharacter.resolution = dbc.resolution
                timeout = 0,
                whileDead = true,
                hideOnEscape = false,
                notClosableByLogout = false,

change this

to this

Hopefully it will fix all issues with updating/installing/resetting. Well, +commenting that bag addon function

Nibelheim 04-06-13 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nomaddc (Post 275903)
Ok, here 2 more bugs (non critical though):

Thanks. Fixing these up now.

Nomaddc 04-06-13 02:33 PM

Btw, dunno what's wrong with Prat integration, atl I didn't have any issues, and it's using realui skin (or somewhat, it doesn't look like default Prat atl) and can set it up to use realui fonts :P

Also noticed weird bugs: if you turn on speech bubbles - names in bubble will sometimes mess up and display wrong person (noticed in raids, when we are stacked and someones SayAnouncer sais "*Bad stuff* on me" it displays random chat bubble owner most of times).
For built in nameplates - I noticed that cast displaying wrong sometimes: like mob is casting something, but nameplate shows that smth like party healers Flash heal is being cast instead.

P.S.: made some screens of what I have atm - feel free to use them if you feel like that. Ret pala PoV, hi-end raiding oriented setup, some stuff (like target buffs/debuffs) reconfigured to fit raider needs, some interesting things added too :) What custom can be seen there: LoadIt, Prat, Bagnon, Hermes, ExtraCD, CLCInfo. There is much more in my setup, but that's not seen on screens, but can give full list of custom stuff I use (so far I noticed that most of it compatible and not conflicting/producing errors/bugs, something even gets skin settings from realui and uses them automatically). Also shiny icons above my chars frame can be set up to be hidden while out of combat/not targeting boss with their own options :P Those are 2 great addons: ExtraCD and CLCInfo, highly customizable blend well in whole UI, might be used as baseline for advanced players :) Icons below my Bartender are Hermes - they show raid cds I want to see - how much raid got, what cd on them, etc. Pro addon for raid leaders/players with high combat awareness who need to know that sort of info :) And for Skada users - SkadaHealAbsorbs is must have for proper healing account. Also I use TidyPlates, because they display casts near nameplates, my dots and debuffs on all mobs I see.

BalwickMaggy 04-06-13 03:48 PM

nib, can you post a pic of what boss frames you ran with this patch? Hard to test without raiding :P

Nibelheim 04-06-13 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nomaddc (Post 275903)
Hopefully it will fix all issues with updating/installing/resetting. Well, +commenting that bag addon function

Ever felt like taking over a UI? You're doing a better job at this point then I am :p


Originally Posted by BalwickMaggy (Post 275914)
nib, can you post a pic of what boss frames you ran with this patch? Hard to test without raiding :P

Went with something fairly generic until I fully flesh out what I want the multiple sizes to look like.

PS. Can see the Boss frames if you go into the HuD Config and click Show HuD Elements :)

ThOnly1Lft 04-06-13 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Anj (Post 275866)
Click Options on the minimap then disable POI. I hope that helps.

This didn't do anything for me, as soon as i entered combat again it gave me that error, I'm gonna go ahead and re install Real UI fresh and use carbonite for now... will then try installing Zygor fresh, then playing a bit, then DBM. Thanks for any input from anyone ahead of time.

ThOnly1Lft 04-06-13 07:10 PM

I really love this UI but I don't like seeing "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" every time i go to play and at random times in combat or otherwise... it doesn't really stop the gameplay or affect it, but i just want to know things are going smoothly.... so yeah, idk what else to say, all i know is i keep getting that "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" in my chatlog from time to time no matter what im doing from what i can see... thanks!!!

Marthisdil 04-06-13 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by ThOnly1Lft (Post 275926)
This didn't do anything for me, as soon as i entered combat again it gave me that error, I'm gonna go ahead and re install Real UI fresh and use carbonite for now... will then try installing Zygor fresh, then playing a bit, then DBM. Thanks for any input from anyone ahead of time.

Zygor is working just fine for me without errors using 7.4 r4c

ThOnly1Lft 04-06-13 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Marthisdil (Post 275928)
Zygor is working just fine for me without errors using 7.4 r4c

And as far as i can tell it works for me too, but i continue to get that error "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" at certain times seemingly randomly almost... I'm using RealUI, Zygor, and DBM, that's IT, and i installed the clear icons but that shouldn't make a difference w/ addons

Syphôn 04-07-13 03:08 AM

Hey Nib sorry to grip more about the pet display ( I am sure you are sick of hearing about it by now). Could I make a suggestion/maybe an extra feature? Instead of just have the class icon colored when you have a pet out would it be possible to make that a hp bar for the pet instead? If not would it be possible to add percentages for the pets HP and Stamina under my Death Knights Unite Frame?

Nomaddc 04-07-13 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 275919)
Ever felt like taking over a UI? You're doing a better job at this point then I am :p

Nah, I don't know much about WoW UI scripting :P All I did was just taking a look at .lua where an error was found and try figure out what's wrong using programmers common sense (as lua is very similar to c++/java/some other programming languages and, well, I had *some* exp working with it, but really, not much :P). With current level of wow ui knowledge maximum I can do is find and fix some of the common errors, but I don't have much time even for that :P
But if there will be any problems in new revision - I'll report it here and take a look into it for sure :)

spiros83 04-07-13 04:52 AM

Custom Fonts
Hi Nib and the rest, one quick question.

Why can I not see all the custom fonts that I used to see on older versions? For example I was using Emblem on Recount, cant find it anymore...


Marthisdil 04-07-13 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by ThOnly1Lft (Post 275929)
And as far as i can tell it works for me too, but i continue to get that error "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" at certain times seemingly randomly almost... I'm using RealUI, Zygor, and DBM, that's IT, and i installed the clear icons but that shouldn't make a difference w/ addons

Hmm - have you tried re-doing everything from scratch? I.e. delete/rename your Interface and WTF folders, install fresh RealUI, DBM, Zygor, etc, and see if the issue goes away?

I'm always using the latest RealUI, latest development version of DBM (from, and the daily update (so it seems) of Zygor (along with some other addons), and I don't get the errors (at least they don't show up in Bugsack).


Marthisdil 04-07-13 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by spiros83 (Post 275938)
Hi Nib and the rest, one quick question.

Why can I not see all the custom fonts that I used to see on older versions? For example I was using Emblem on Recount, cant find it anymore...


Spiros - it would seem that that font isn't included in the package anymore. You could always copy the font to your WoW\Interface\AddOns\nibRealUI\Fonts folder and then edit WoW\Interface\AddOns\SharedMedia_MyMedia\MyMedia.lua

Just copy one of the font lines and edit the necessary entries in the line to point to your font (i.e. the second entry in quotes and then the path to the .ttf file)


spiros83 04-07-13 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Marthisdil (Post 275945)
Spiros - it would seem that that font isn't included in the package anymore. You could always copy the font to your WoW\Interface\AddOns\nibRealUI\Fonts folder and then edit WoW\Interface\AddOns\SharedMedia_MyMedia\MyMedia.lua

Just copy one of the font lines and edit the necessary entries in the line to point to your font (i.e. the second entry in quotes and then the path to the .ttf file)


Thanks for the tip Marth, I have some lua knowledge and I know how to add them myself, I was just wondering if and why Nib decided to skip so many custom fonts on this release.

Anyway, thanks again, will add them myself then, shouldn't be much of a hassle :rolleyes:

One more thing, is DBM configured to work oout of the box? No need to copy the old modified DBM-Core file?

Nibelheim 04-07-13 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by spiros83 (Post 275949)
One more thing, is DBM configured to work oout of the box? No need to copy the old modified DBM-Core file?

Not yet. As for the fonts, they probably came as part of an AddOn that's no longer in RealUI.

ThOnly1Lft 04-07-13 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Marthisdil (Post 275944)
Hmm - have you tried re-doing everything from scratch? I.e. delete/rename your Interface and WTF folders, install fresh RealUI, DBM, Zygor, etc, and see if the issue goes away?

I'm always using the latest RealUI, latest development version of DBM (from, and the daily update (so it seems) of Zygor (along with some other addons), and I don't get the errors (at least they don't show up in Bugsack).


Right now I'm using latest Real UI, Will be checking for a Zygor Update, and DBM 5.2.2-r9085. And everything seems to be running smoothly. I'm going to download Carbonite and see if i get errors, which will be too bad because i like Carbonite :\ Will get back w/ results! And I'm talking about the error in the chat in yellow that says "Interface action failed because of an AddOn". That's all i seem to get. Will check bugsack after Carbonite install too.


YIKES, It was Carbonite :( I'm thinking it has to do with 2 addons trying to do the same sort of things or something like that? I'm gonna look for an error report of some kind i can post, but can anyone help me with that i could disable on RealUI's side in order to make it and Carbonite run a little more smoothly? :) thanks for the help in advance!

Nibelheim 04-07-13 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by ThOnly1Lft (Post 275964)
Right now I'm using latest Real UI, Will be checking for a Zygor Update, and DBM 5.2.2-r9085. And everything seems to be running smoothly. I'm going to download Carbonite and see if i get errors, which will be too bad because i like Carbonite :\ Will get back w/ results! And I'm talking about the error in the chat in yellow that says "Interface action failed because of an AddOn". That's all i seem to get. Will check bugsack after Carbonite install too.


YIKES, It was Carbonite :( I'm thinking it has to do with 2 addons trying to do the same sort of things or something like that? I'm gonna look for an error report of some kind i can post, but can anyone help me with that i could disable on RealUI's side in order to make it and Carbonite run a little more smoothly? :) thanks for the help in advance!

If all you're getting is "Interface action failed" then I wouldn't worry about it. I'd suggest disabling the Minimap Adv module if Carbonite replaces the default minimap

ThOnly1Lft 04-07-13 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 275966)
If all you're getting is "Interface action failed" then I wouldn't worry about it. I'd suggest disabling the Minimap Adv module if Carbonite replaces the default minimap

alrighty then!

Freakeh 04-07-13 01:17 PM

Saw someone bring this up but to no answer. Whenever I try to inspect someone it takes a very long time for it to actually come up, sometimes when i target a new person it instantly comes up as if I tried to inspect them which is odd.

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