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spiel2001 09-25-08 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by fred (Post 102813)
I read in a post up the page something about nUI having a built in ability to move the spellbook and others? I have been using "Dragqueen" for this...hhmm, maybe not needed?

Yup -- not needed.

whereswaldo 09-25-08 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 102794)
WheresWaldo -- you should be using Shift-M anymore for one. However, the map should still be fitting inside of the panel, I'm not sure why it isn't. Do you have any mods installed that modify the battlefield minimap?

Try making sure the map is displayed, then type '/nui rl' to reload the interface and see if it "fits" into the info panel as it is supposed to. If not, check and see what mods you have installed... I think Cartographer and/or Carbonite twiddle the battlefield minimap, so either of them could be responsible.

Thanks, Spiel. I think I put in a later post that I found out that the addon "Capping" was interfering with nUI's ability to put the BG map into the information panel. I got rid of it since it was just a leftover from MazzleUI.

Tehryn 09-25-08 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 102804)
Tehryn -- this is with no other mods enabled except nUI? On US or European servers?


Hey Spiel... for goodness sake slow down man, you'll burn yourself out :)!
Having said that it's great to see you back :).

I play solely on Khaz'goroth, an Oceanic (US) realm.
With all my (80+) addons disabled (Shock!Horror! Now I feel sick!) and only nUI running:

Tooltips 'default':
with the cursor on an item in inventory puts the tooltip slightly above & to the left of the cursor. Cursor on say an actionbar slot puts the tooltip in the nUI info panel. Cursor on player/target frame puts the tooltip slightly above & left of the cursor.
Tooltip 'fixed':
all tooltips at the left edge of the screen.
Tooltips 'mouse':
cursor on npc puts tooltip at the left edge of the screen.
cursor in nUI or on item in inventory puts the cursor right above the cursor (could do with a little bit of space between bottom of tooltip and tip of cursor imho :).


swords 09-25-08 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 102810)
I just levelled my lock to 70 before the cable was shut off... I'll take some time to play with this this weekend and see if I can reproduce the problem.

Can you be more specific than "does not show properly" so I know what to look for?

Hi Spiel,

Good to have u back working on nUI. Maybe I can help with the lock enslave pet problem.

I have a 70 lock and had the problem of not being able to dismiss the enslave pet. Default wow UI allows us to right click on pet portrait and dismiss pet. However, with nUI, right clicking on enslaved pet portrait brings out nothing.

There is also another problem i noticed with nUI. When a mob started casting a spell, and I target it, there is no casting bar shown. The casting bar will only show if the mob is targeted b4 the casting starts.

One more problem I noticed with nUI is the action bars on both sides of the portraits and on top of the portraits. I noticed the clicking area on the buttons is slightly off, some of the buttons on the vertical bars, I have to place my cursor almost at the top edge of the button b4 it is clickable. For the top row action bar, i have to place my cursor close to the top edge of the button to be clickable.

Not sure if anyone else noticed the problem with the buttons.


trezy 09-26-08 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by swords (Post 102824)
Hi Spiel,

Good to have u back working on nUI. Maybe I can help with the lock enslave pet problem.

I have a 70 lock and had the problem of not being able to dismiss the enslave pet. Default wow UI allows us to right click on pet portrait and dismiss pet. However, with nUI, right clicking on enslaved pet portrait brings out nothing.

There is also another problem i noticed with nUI. When a mob started casting a spell, and I target it, there is no casting bar shown. The casting bar will only show if the mob is targeted b4 the casting starts.

One more problem I noticed with nUI is the action bars on both sides of the portraits and on top of the portraits. I noticed the clicking area on the buttons is slightly off, some of the buttons on the vertical bars, I have to place my cursor almost at the top edge of the button b4 it is clickable. For the top row action bar, i have to place my cursor close to the top edge of the button to be clickable.

Not sure if anyone else noticed the problem with the buttons.


Hey Swords, I'm just wondering if you are using the Clique addon, as sometimes if you have something bound to Right Mouse Button it will disable to option to open the player/pet menu.

Dudeness83 09-26-08 06:57 AM

Love the ui
Hey man i really love your ui here. I am having an issue tho i tried installing fubar and it messed the ui up and i can't see the fubar anywhere, also i lost my party and self frames and target frames. I would appreciate some help man, and once again i love the ui.

blackfirefox 09-26-08 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by fred (Post 102776)
Nice to see you back spiel! And I hope your feeling better...I was under the weather this week too, just not as bad.

I don't know you personally BlackFireFox, but thanks.:)

I'm getting taint on the last version, should I post it spiel? And my hunters built in feed button is wigging out, works at first then quits.

I would defiantly contribute spiel, but when I have to go to the food bank to feed my own 3 kids :o .


Thanks so much, it was my pleasure to help Spiel out, he is an awesome human being and like Spiel do not worry yourself if you can not donate, pointing out issues and reporting them is a help in itself. It is good to have all of you back on the boards and ready for more NUI testing.


iocontrol 09-26-08 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 102810)
I just levelled my lock to 70 before the cable was shut off... I'll take some time to play with this this weekend and see if I can reproduce the problem.

Okay ... here's the scenario:

I, as a warlock in Mechanar, am tasked to Banish & Enslave Orange & Purple icons respectively. So I do my Banish on Orange & Enslave Purple. On Orange I can see the debuff that allows me to know when Banish - barring extenuating circumstances - will wear off.

On the other hand, the behemoth that is now my slave, Purple, does not show the Enslave debuff which makes me a little edgy - at any moment he may decide that my enslaving him wasn't in his best interests ... and usually I'd know when he'd come to that conclusion via some sort of timer. Luckily this is Mechanar and not Magister's Terrace where an unforeseen break in Enslave Demon isn't as life threatening.

This also led, as I indicated, to the discovery that an Enslaved Pet can't be dismissed to be summarily executed after serving its purpose - I know, us locks are evil. Get over it.

However, there was a temporary fix to this mentioned previously in this thread that I'll just macro to a button to make things easier in the meantime.

iocontrol 09-26-08 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by bkp57 (Post 102795)
hey iocontrol

a temporary fix... make a macro that looks like this:

/run PetAbandon()

that should dismiss or abandon any summoned or controlled pet you have, until spiel fixes it up.


This is what I was referring to ... thanks bkp57. :)

Racker 09-27-08 01:24 AM

Hi all.

Well I'm rather new to this addon, but I love it! It changed my perspective of playing wow without clutter on my screen.
But (there is always but) I found some errors (or I don't know how to set it up), so if anyone can help please:

a) Poisoner doesn't work (I think it's map bag button problem)
b) PallyPower won't work, a load of errors while nUI active
c) Binding keys to spell?? How? I'm not referring to standard bindings in wow, cause I'm used to bongos2 bindings -->Bindings, select spell, select key
d) Carbonite map is not integrated as minimap

Well so far this is what I've found. I must admit b and c are rather important to me as I'm healer and tankadin in my raid encounters so I often change my binded keys.

Once again great work and keep it up :banana:.

bakes82 09-27-08 09:51 AM

I use pallypower w/no issues, it must be a conflict with someting else.

mscott998 09-27-08 02:10 PM

any chance of a beta for 3.0.2 which is the pre WoTKL patch? it will be here very soon

fred 09-27-08 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by mscott998 (Post 102931)
any chance of a beta for 3.0.2 which is the pre WoTKL patch? it will be here very soon

spiel mentioned a short while ago he is working on it :) .New job is taking a cut into WoW time too :(

mscott998 09-28-08 07:33 AM

another download started and patch will most likely be here tuesday and blizz broke everything :-(

Seer 09-28-08 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by mscott998 (Post 102958)
another download started and patch will most likely be here tuesday and blizz broke everything :-(

Not so sure about that, think they will put out at least one more beta patch before going live, esp since the last beta has a big performance problem with the dynamic shadows.. I'm guessing WoW 3 will go live in 2 or 3 weeks before launch of lich king..

Edgwin 09-28-08 11:48 AM

Some suggestions
First let me tell you that this is by far the singe best UI I've ever come across.
I've used Mazzle, xPerl, etc. and nothing has satisfied me the way this does.

Some things that have changed have made me both :confused: and :mad:however might be made :D with some simple (or not so simple cause I have no idea how to code anything) changes.

Some users who fell in love with the original nui loved the minimap in the middle of the UI panel and now it seems it has been moved and replaced with the focus panel.

I believe that the focus panel is something that is only situationaly used and since when you have a focus frame up, you don't really care about the mini map perhaps having a focus frame replace the minimap only when it's active might be the solution.

I use my minimap for Tons of things.. Farming in particular, and I find that the amount of time that I could use my minimap outnumber the times I use a focus frame by probably about 1000 - 1. While raiding, you don't really need your minimap while fighting trash or bosses and hence a focus frame in that position would be magnificent.

I don't believe you really need to intergrate the raid members helth etc into the UI panel as pulling the groups from the default bliz interface works perfectly and they are constantly improving that functionality on their own.

Finally the Omen / DPS auto switch was brilliant. I loved it. I really wish the functionality of that could be turned on and off if one so chose. People who raid really only need to see omen during fights and dps meters afterwords. it simplified and eliminated clutter in a brilliant way and I'd really love to see that re-implimented even if only as an option.

Thanks for all your hard work :banana:. I really do love the interface and hope to be using it for a long long time to come. :cool:


manshima 09-28-08 02:34 PM

Everything Edgwin said.

I also love the Agro bar. Gives me a quick indication if I'm losing my lead as a tank or creeping up on the tank as a DPS/healer.

Kailef 09-28-08 02:42 PM

I actually like the minimap being out of the way, interestingly enough. It's because I rarely, if ever, look at it while I'm in a raid or an instance. It has little bearing on combat, you know? As it stands now, the dashboard on the bottom contains only combat-relevant information, which I like. Having the minimap in the middle broke up the dashboard and made my eyes have to jump over "irrelevant" information to see the unit frames on the other side.

Tehryn 09-28-08 03:45 PM

What Edgwin said makes a lot of sense, well, to me anyway.

I use the minimap non-stop (with some backup from Cartographer3) and having the minimap in the centre of the dashboard (with an option to change the map display to a focus frame) would be great. The info panel to the right can then be used to keep, say, Omen in view.

Having an option to show Omen automatically at the start of a fight, to have it switch to Recount afterwards, would be nice too. And last-but-not-least I wouldn't mind either if we had an option to get rid of any or all of the buttons on the minimap:D

mscott998 09-28-08 06:16 PM

i agree, if there was a way to add some graphics to the upper right hand corner and set a map there tat is always on or has a button to close and open it or something would be nice.

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