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Cairenn 04-30-09 11:18 PM

This is what happens when I'm not around for a day? (damn those personal obligations) You guys all need to take a step back and calm down. I understand that this still has everyone up in arms about all of it, along with everything else that has gone on in the community over the last month or so. But I still expect you guys to follow the rules of the site. You guys are really really pushing the line here. Dial it back guys and gals.

us2006027321 04-30-09 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 132514)
Dial it back guys and gals.

Sorry, mom.

Tekkub 04-30-09 11:49 PM

/em turns up his stereo volume even more.

us2006027321 04-30-09 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tekkub (Post 132520)
/em turns up his stereo volume even more.

You're going to get grounded when mom gets angry at you, and then I'm going to laugh when I can go hang out with Torhal and you can't.

Bouvi 05-01-09 06:39 AM

I was actually being good during all of that. I am wondering thou if I am bad do I get a spanking? :banana:

us2006027321 05-01-09 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bouvi (Post 132564)
I was actually being good during all of that. I am wondering thou if I am bad do I get a spanking? :banana:

"First, the spanking, and then, the..." If you like Holy Grail, you know what happens next.

I'm behaving, Cair!!

Bouvi 05-01-09 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 132599)
"First, the spanking, and then, the..." If you like Holy Grail, you know what happens next.

I'm behaving, Cair!!

Rhymes with Coral Wrecks

Trying hard to behave.

thevoices 05-01-09 10:39 AM


You forgot the best part Castle Anthrax ...... "Yes. Yes, you must give us all a good spanking!"

Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.

Great Movie, first time I saw when it got to the "ending" I was like WHAT WHAT ?



Rhaethe 05-01-09 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by thevoices (Post 132607)


Not only that ... it's opening night for X-Men Origins.

Finally getting it on with some Gambit awesomeness :D

jader9920 05-01-09 11:09 AM

Gambit is horrible in the flick...he barely has an accent, and his behavior is nothing like the true character

Wade Wilson is great at the beginning of the movie, and then at the end he is horrible...

Overall it's a fair action movie but the last 30 min is formulaic and cheesy

Seerah 05-01-09 11:11 AM

Aww... I was looking forward to Gambit. :( He was always my favorite.

Donnaterassi 05-01-09 11:32 AM

first off don't hates meh

Originally Posted by Bouvi (Post 130855)
The only beef I really have is the use of bandwidth simply because I would hate it if WoWi shut down. That is my bottom line.

I can see other authors issues with them serving old versions and having to deal with the support or the fact they use WoWi as an exclusive area to keep everything in one place. But my main concern was losing a valuable resource. WoWi is way more than an addon store to me.

Member since June 2005 and darn proud of it. :)

On GRAVE DIGGING. You can't say read before posting, then get pissy when people do. At any rate. I gave in to my need to have a "notquitesohardbutton" and tried CC again. It actually installed and seemed to be working as intended, mostly. But alarms are ringing in the back of my head because at the bottom CC identifies me as Donnaterassi: Premium. My concern is this: "When everyone is Premimum, then no one is." (that's a movie quote I changed to suit my purposes....anybody?)
[focus Donna]
And today I am Donnaterassi: Regular being offered the Carbonite deal.
[focus Donna]

Right. "Notquitesohardbutton" scans wow for me, tells me WM, bollixed my add on code, and that it will fix it. Yay. Anything it didn't recognize because WM code changes went to a separate tab for manual handling...(a good idea) anyway you all know how this works, but long story short (too late for that) CC managed to install both 3.1.1 and 2.4.x of WIM and was trying to run them both. So much for not installing old/out dated/obsolete code over just makes duplicate applications. Grrr.

Bouvi 05-01-09 11:50 AM

I have no idea what the rest of your post was about but at least you picked the best quote in the whole thread. :banana::banana:

Tuhljin 05-01-09 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Donnaterassi (Post 132636)
My concern is this: "When everyone is Premimum, then no one is." (that's a movie quote I changed to suit my purposes....anybody?)

The movie quote you altered is a great one from The Incredibles. "If everyone is special, then no one is." It's an "Ayn Rand-ian" sentiment, which would be somewhat ironic coming from a proponent of WM (edit: though I'm not sure where you stand on that any more).

Donnaterassi 05-01-09 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tuhljin (Post 132641)
The movie quote you altered is a great one from The Incredibles. "If everyone is special, then no one is." It's an "Ayn Rand-ian" sentiment, which would be somewhat ironic coming from a proponent of WM (edit: though I'm not sure where you stand on that any more).

LOLs. I am a lazy gamer grrl. I wants meh easy button!

Vyper 05-01-09 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Donnaterassi (Post 132636)
But alarms are ringing in the back of my head because at the bottom CC identifies me as Donnaterassi: Premium. My concern is this: "When everyone is Premimum, then no one is." (that's a movie quote I changed to suit my purposes....anybody?)

Are you an Author? Or in some other way associated with the site? I got an e-mail a couple days ago, saying I was recieving I complimentary subscription to the premium version. I assumed it was because of my time working on QuestHelper.

Donnaterassi 05-01-09 12:39 PM

That being said...
I put this up on Curse this morning, and will hit it onto blizz later, WM gets no love because they allow me no voice.

Patience with my rambles please I do have a point...

I love Carbonite, When QH was glitched and leaching resources like a big dog, Carbonite was there for me, leading me thru the strange Horde lands where a noOb with 18 Alli toons had NEVER been! But I hated that it kept "breaking" and you had to go to their site to fix it. I mean WTF, If I found it on WM in the first place, why couldn't I fix it on WM? And WM, like a drug dealer, teasing me with their get more addons and their "EASY BUTTON" (I mean who doesn't want an easy button?) I went from 4 addons that I had been manually updating from the various authors to (a one time high) of 146. But that was just silly. So I cut back, to 112. And WM kept everything running for me. When found stuff I liked I supported the writers (Ya its easy to say, and PayPal does keep records - but I have a family business so I know how it is)

Then 3.1 tuesday. Everyone knew there would be no raid because Blizz would NOT be able to stay up, Dalaran would absolutely suck. And all mods would have to be patched. On top of all that code drama, WowI and Curse managed to pull off the biggest FU ever! First and foremost to WM, but by association to all of us easy button users out there. I mean the codemonkeys had to have been amped out of their minds on Full Throttle and Bacon to get that together! Kudos. They single handedly made things really exciting on the forums for a couple of weeks.

Lots of changes were made. WoWI made changes. CC made some changes. WM made some changes. Donna made a lot of changes.

**down to 68 mods and looking at cutting 12 more this week** **Donna's Diet Program...lose 12 mods a week (and survive)**

I'm tired of all the QQ. Unless it's BBQQ.

Blizzard has sat back for the last little while saying, you kids work it out amongst yourselves, or we're gonna work it out for you, and if we get involved, you won't like the results. Reminds me of something my Ma used to say to me and my sisters. And we never liked the results when she worked things out.


Just FYI.

But, since you asked...
If I have to choose, I would choose this site.
But why, Donna?
1) There's a voice for me...bye WM.
2) It didn't get locked when "everything's been said"...later days CC.
3) Cair, Col, Shirik, Tek, Maul, et fils.

4) As an odd, sort of side note, my guy is the third ranked enhancement shaman on our server. 16th overall. He runs no mods at all. ZERO.

I find it humbling.

Donnaterassi 05-01-09 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Vyper (Post 132650)
Are you an Author? Or in some other way associated with the site? I got an e-mail a couple days ago, saying I was recieving I complimentary subscription to the premium version. I assumed it was because of my time working on QuestHelper.

No. Not an author. and today I'm a Regular. I assumed that Premium "3 d/l at a time teaser with queuing" was get one used to faster service before being hit with Regular "click one at a time to update one at a time" service.

Seerah 05-01-09 12:47 PM

The original Curse Client (old old version) did have an update all button. When it started being rewritten, it was to have a regular version and a premium version. This started in September. Everyone had free premium with knowledge that when the CC was done and everything was ready, it would be turned off unless you were a premium subscriber. This week, that time has come.

Tekkub 05-01-09 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Rhaethe (Post 132619)
Not only that ... it's opening night for X-Men Origins.

Finally getting it on with some Gambit awesomeness :D

Saw it weeks ago ^^


Originally Posted by jader9920 (Post 132623)
Gambit is horrible in the flick...he barely has an accent, and his behavior is nothing like the true character

Agreed, he could have been *so* much better. Hell I don't even quite get how he "ran" up a wall using his power and his staff.


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 132626)
Aww... I was looking forward to Gambit. :( He was always my favorite.

He wasn't my top favorite (Beast and Wolvie for very obvious reasons), but he was way up there on my list.


Originally Posted by Donnaterassi (Post 132656)
4) As an odd, sort of side note, my guy is the third ranked enhancement shaman on our server. 16th overall. He runs no mods at all. ZERO.

I find it humbling.

This is something I'll never understand. Sure, I can understand "He runs no combat mods at all"... but there's so many wonderful things out there... junk sellers, onebags, invite acceptors, loot roll frames, buff reminders, item notes, minipet putter-outters, crafting helpers, chat enhancers, pally bubble music... What does running addonless prove? That you're more skilled, or that you have no backbone and can take what is forced upon you and living with it? Every person I've ever met that advertises that he doesn't use addons always seems to think that makes him a better person for it... ugh.

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