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Elcarath 02-28-08 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Balthazaer (Post 83728)
This Thread is to Epic to be on page 6.
I'm bumping this because i noticed there are new MazzleUi'rs and maybe they want to use one of these awesome skins also!

I also suggest this * @ least the skins* to be stickied.

Thank you Balthazaer :) I wish this could get stickied but I have no Idea on how to go about that.

Alanthegun 02-28-08 04:20 PM

Great skins out there, btw. But any chance of an Futuristic-y Alien-y skin? A bit like Starcraft, if you know what I mean.

Elcarath 03-05-08 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Alanthegun (Post 84284)
Great skins out there, btw. But any chance of an Futuristic-y Alien-y skin? A bit like Starcraft, if you know what I mean.

Work has been pretty demanding lately but I like the idea. :) If I get a chance this week I'll start work on something "Starcrafty" :D

sgtsolidus1 03-05-08 08:39 PM

wow shaggy that looks awesome so far keep going with that one.

Elcarath 04-12-08 08:58 AM

Any new skins out there??
I have been out of touch for a little while and was hoping to see a few skins posted. Thought I would check and see if any have been uploaded and just not linked here. if so please post a link to your skin so I can add it to the first page :)

I haven't had a chance to work on any myself but maybe here soon I will be able to get back into it a little. Still have a Starcrafty one to do :D

Viciusan 08-04-08 01:12 PM

- Edit

Made an comment about an avatar / signature
These are now removed.

Regards Viciusan

- feel free to remove my reply.

Nynaeve 08-04-08 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Viciusan (Post 97619)
Whats up with this avatar and signature ?
Thats racism you know :/ jees

That should have been removed TBH

/ disturbed by this

Regards Viciusan

- feel free to remove my reply aswel ofc.

Perhaps he is a follower of Jainism?

Though I agree it can be bad (due to connotation) to use a swastika symbol alone, you (plural) have to realize that it is a symbol that has been around for a long time, and is a religious symbol (in Jainism, and used to be a Navajo symbol, along with a few other First Nations) and a good luck symbol. Hitler just added a stigma to it.

The thing that bothers me about the avatar is the skull being connected with the swastika. That's an unhappy image.

ETA: Didn't and don't see a siggy.

Blu_Haze 09-07-08 01:03 PM

Bump for those who haven't seen some of the newer skins.

Dreadlorde 09-07-08 01:25 PM

Who ever wants to fix my skin, go a head. I don't use mazzle, don't know what to do, and haven't plated WoW in month (money issues & school). Just send me a PM and I'll upload what you did and give you the credit for fixing it.

groove 09-11-08 12:40 PM

Some nice looking skins here. I'm going to have to add one or two to my Mazzle setup.

A bit of an oddball question - how would one go about adding one of these skins to the UI without using Mazzle? I just got a beta key a bit ago, and I fear that trying to set up Mazzle on the beta server just won't work very well. So, I'd like to try to create a setup that kind of has the look and layout of Mazzle, even though it won't have the functionality. I would use the skin as a kind of template or placeholder for setting up Dominos action bars and the chat window and so on. Is there any way to import a skin like one of these without using Mazzle, and if so, how would one do that?

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