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TGulics 09-15-12 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Silvertaurus (Post 264122)

I know about that one :) 5.0 will force me to recreate all those 4.0 auras, however... and I'd really like to get a start on that now, rather than have to fiddle with it on or very close to Release Day.

Strife777 09-18-12 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by TGulics (Post 264124)
I'd really like to get a start on that now, rather than have to fiddle with it on or very close to Release Day.

I'm using Powa as main addon for spell rotations and procs for all my 10 85 raiding characters, it would be great to start practicing the new UI and features on the alpha before MoP release date.
I saw the the video by Shanyn (well done!) and it teased me too much :D
No stupid complains. Only constructive feedback if you allow it. I promise :)

Thanks to all Power Aura team and keep up the good work.

galvin 09-21-12 04:24 PM

Was wondering if you can give us another status update please


Ilze 09-24-12 03:07 AM

Thank you Meorawr and all the people who are building this amazing addon.

Thank you Shanyn for making that awesome guide. It really helped a lot to find my way through all the options.

I still have an old beta version but most aura's are working again.

The only thing I desperately want now is an export function so I ask that when you deem the addon is ready for the grand public, please dont forget this option.



Silvertaurus 09-24-12 03:11 AM

Did ver. 5.0 is still worked on "behind closed doors" ? :p
Any sources on internet previously avaible are now showing just 4.23.. leaving just few people with it who have been lucky enough to get it earlier :D

Meorawr 09-24-12 10:17 AM

It's being worked on, but extremely slowly. Have a lot of real life stuff going on at the moment (mostly job related - impossible deadlines and all that :p), so I can't really dedicate as much time to the project as I'd like to I'm afraid.

Apologies for the slow responses by the way, 'minor' power issue for the past couple of days.

Ilze 10-03-12 01:25 AM

any change of a new beta version?

if not, no worries. Just wondering (as I think everyone else checking here once a day in the hope of good news)

take care,

ps. I rather wait and have a good addon then something that does not work well.

albanesp 10-03-12 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Meorawr (Post 264967)
It's being worked on, but extremely slowly. Have a lot of real life stuff going on at the moment (mostly job related - impossible deadlines and all that :p), so I can't really dedicate as much time to the project as I'd like to I'm afraid.

Apologies for the slow responses by the way, 'minor' power issue for the past couple of days.

Meorawr, I accidentally downloaded 4.x and now I am a sad panda. Any change you could put the 5.x download back somewhere? I loved the changes and I am an idiot for overriding them /sigh

galvin 10-03-12 10:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is a working and small bug fixed power auras 5.0.
The bug fixed was supplied by the author a while back.

Lombra 10-04-12 08:27 PM

I'm guessing this has been asked/requested before, but is there any [plans to implement a] way to try an aura against more than one condition, without "combining" auras? For example if I'd want to activate if I don't have a certain buff and it's off cooldown, (is this specific case possible in some other way?) or a certain time remaining on the buff/cooldown.

galvin 10-05-12 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lombra (Post 265909)
I'm guessing this has been asked/requested before, but is there any [plans to implement a] way to try an aura against more than one condition, without "combining" auras? For example if I'd want to activate if I don't have a certain buff and it's off cooldown, (is this specific case possible in some other way?) or a certain time remaining on the buff/cooldown.

You would have to go into advanced edit mode. And add a trigger for each aura. Then test for all triggers to be true at the same time.

galvin 10-05-12 12:42 AM

For boss under unit. How does this work exactly?
It has boss 1 thru 5, so on a fight like spirit kings. And I wanted to see if a buff was on one of them I could use boss 1 thru 5, but how do I know which one to use?

Anyone have examples?

Silvertaurus 10-05-12 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Lombra (Post 265909)
I'm guessing this has been asked/requested before, but is there any [plans to implement a] way to try an aura against more than one condition, without "combining" auras? For example if I'd want to activate if I don't have a certain buff and it's off cooldown, (is this specific case possible in some other way?) or a certain time remaining on the buff/cooldown.

The easy way to do this i to make 2 auras:
- buff check (make it 100% transparent)
- cooldown check

In cooldown display :
- go to activataion
- support triggers
- set it to 'Dispay State' (just on the right of 'Support Triggers' text)
- choose buff check display : shown

This way the 'cooldown check' aura will only display in condtions given by you.

galvin 10-05-12 03:41 PM

I'm hoping 5.1 comes out before heart of fear. It's really a lot of work to set up auras, and with parent display dialog bug just makes it worse.

Some work around I did. When adding a timer as a child display. I change the main texture to a symbol, so that way I can find it easy in the parent display dialog. Then change it back to use texture based on buff/debuff.

Anyway here is the latest error that I got when doing dailies.
434x PowerAuras-5.0.0.P\Classes\Displays\Timer.lua:37: TexCoord out of range
<in C code>
PowerAuras-5.0.0.P\Classes\Displays\Timer.lua:37: in function <PowerAuras\Classes\Displays\Timer.lua:31>
PowerAuras-5.0.0.P\Classes\Displays\Timer.lua:137: in function <PowerAuras\Classes\Displays\Timer.lua:125>

texture = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
number = -1243478
leading = true
units = -8
tens = -124348

galvin 10-06-12 08:45 PM

Detecting unit in a vehicle. Some mods do this wrong. The point of this option is that if you're controlling a vehicle then you don't have control of your normal character abilities, which means you want to hide certain auras that work off your abilities.

So in playerstate.lua line 88:
local UnitInVehicle = UnitInVehicle;

I changed this to
local UnitInVehicle = UnitHasVehicleUI;

The problem with UnitInVehicle is in some boss fights, my stuff disappears when I don't have a vehicle UI.
Like for example the gate of the setting sun when you do raigonn and do weak spot. You're in a vehicle but don't have vehicle UI. So UnitInVehicle returns true and your stuff disappears when you don't want it.

galvin 10-10-12 04:45 PM

Does anyone know how the bosses section works for unit?
I really want to know how this part works, it may make things easier for watching buffs on bosses.

galvin 10-13-12 08:15 PM

So been around 3 weeks since an update on whats going on with 5.1. So whats going on? :)

Rudaman 10-15-12 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by galvin (Post 266668)
So been around 3 weeks since an update on whats going on with 5.1. So whats going on? :)

Indeed. At least an update on state of the art.

galvin 10-31-12 06:55 PM

Anyone else able to get boss targets to work?
Found under unit with activation. There is one called bosses. But this doesn't work. I have any checked off for bosses.

Strife777 11-16-12 02:35 AM

Any status info?

Adalace 11-19-12 03:37 PM

Still eager for your new version! Hope things are going well for you.

Caladia 12-01-12 11:46 AM

Grabbed a copy that an earlier poster attached and it's really looking nice! It wasn't that bad to figure out the new interface at all. I really look forward to the official release with the few features that don't appear to be in yet. :)

Great work so far though!

galvin 12-04-12 07:19 PM

Power auras is broken for me.
When I try to do new display it gives the following error. This makes the addon unusable.
I even tried creating a new profile and it still gave the error.
I also deleted the save file so when powa auras starts up it gives you the whats changed box.
Even then it still gives the error when you click on the display menu.

I have no idea why this broke, but guessing something in the last patch on tuesday.

I did some checking and its related to the icon in a table called items being nil.
I looked at function Dropdown:AddItem(key, icon, value, tooltip) and all the icon values are

Found a fix here

5x PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Widgets\Dropdown.lua:675: attempt to index a nil value
PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Widgets\Dropdown.lua:675: in function "New"
PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Main.lua:114: in function "Create"
PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Widgets\Dropdown.lua:406: in function "PerformLayout"
PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Widgets\Basic.lua:620: in function "ResumeLayout"
PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Widgets\Dropdown.lua:320: in function "RefreshMenu"
PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Widgets\Editor.lua:131: in function "Callback"
PowerAurasOptions-5.0.0.P\Widgets\Editor.lua:851: in function <PowerAurasOptions\Widgets\Editor.lua:834>

self = <table> {
GetTriggerTimed = <func> @PowerAuras\Dispatcher.lua:216
CreateCustomTrigger = <func> @PowerAuras\Classes\Triggers\Custom.lua:20
CharacterSettings = <table> {}
LastVersion = <table> {}
GetOwningBarTemplateSet = <func> @PowerAuras\Media.lua:23
ZoneTypes = <table> {}
GetFontPath = <func> @PowerAuras\Media.lua:148
CountPairs = <func> @PowerAuras\Utils.lua:59
PrintDebug = <func> @PowerAuras\Main.lua:525
DecodeString = <func> @PowerAuras\Utils.lua:800
CopyTable = <func> @PowerAuras\Utils.lua:40
ResourceLoadMessageTypes = <table> {}
CreateAnimationEditor = <func> @PowerAurasOptions\Widgets\Editor\Displays\Animations.lua:227
DecodeMatch = <func> @PowerAuras\Utils.lua:675
ValidateServiceClass = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Interface.lua:300
HasServiceClass = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Interface.lua:89
UnloadLayouts = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Layouts\Loader.lua:97
RegisterModule = <func> @PowerAuras\Main.lua:624
SpellIDLookup = <table> {}
DefaultIcon = "Icons\TEMP"
ImportProfile = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Profiles\Variables.lua:94
HasLayout = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Layouts\Variables.lua:64
GetLoadedProvider = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Loader.lua:10
StartTime = 1000632.82
GetDisplaySoundAction = <func> @PowerAurasOptions\Widgets\Editor\Displays\DisplaySound.lua:100
PointTypes = <table> {}
GetAuraProviderCount = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Variables.lua:126
GetCurrentProfile = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Profiles\Loader.lua:36
FormatString = <func> @PowerAuras\Utils.lua:186
CreateAuraActionSequence = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Sequences\Variables.lua:7
ReloadCustomTrigger = <func> @PowerAuras\Classes\Triggers\Custom.lua:174
IterServiceInterfaces = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Interface.lua:151
DeleteTriggeredAnimation = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\..\Variables.lua:120
GetLoadedActionData = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Actions\Loader.lua:101
GetFontSets = <func> @PowerAuras\Media.lua:171
MarkActionDependentProviders = <func> @PowerAuras\Dispatcher.lua:816
Throttle = <table> {}
DisconnectParameterHandler = <func> @PowerAurasOptions\Variables.lua:63
HasAuraActionTrigger = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Triggers\Variables.lua:160
IterServiceClasses = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Interface.lua:120
MarkTriggerType = <func> @PowerAuras\Dispatcher.lua:838
GetTooltipLines = <func> @PowerAuras\Utils.lua:738
GetLoadedProviders = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Loader.lua:15
IsProviderLoaded = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Services\Loader.lua:21
GetAuras = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Auras\Variables.lua:210
UnloadLayout = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Layouts\Loader.lua:81
LoadDisplay = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Displays\Loader.lua:72
GetAura = <func> @PowerAuras\Types\Auras\Variables.lua:197
GetAllProfiles = <functi

galvin 12-04-12 08:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This version should have the fixes from the last version plus the new fix to add display.

420psilo 12-05-12 12:56 AM

This Version seriously....SERIOUSLY... needs to be released to the world. Its superior in every way. If people are so stuck on the old version for w/e reason its being unofficially maintained by a very dedicated author. i was fortunate enuff to get my hands on this 5.0 when it was up. A HUGE thank You for the fix you have provided here. i was so worried when it was having issues in 5.1. I would do anything needed to help get it off the ground. fix works great. Happy 5.1 Power Aura User I am once again.

420psilo 12-05-12 01:11 AM

O one thing i did fix on my own. in the folder Powerauras/Classes/Triggers/Stances.lua

I noticed that the paladin Seal Seal of Justice was missing. i added

["SEAL_OF_JUSTICE"] = bit.bor(3, StanceClasses["PALADIN"], 0x80),
on line 56

[3] = 20164, -- Seal of Justice
on line 90

["SEAL_OF_JUSTICE"] =20164,
on line 130

Hope everyone is enjoying this addon as much as i am. thx for all your hard work guys.

galvin 12-05-12 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by 420psilo (Post 270217)
This Version seriously....SERIOUSLY... needs to be released to the world. Its superior in every way. If people are so stuck on the old version for w/e reason its being unofficially maintained by a very dedicated author. i was fortunate enuff to get my hands on this 5.0 when it was up. A HUGE thank You for the fix you have provided here. i was so worried when it was having issues in 5.1. I would do anything needed to help get it off the ground. fix works great. Happy 5.1 Power Aura User I am once again.

The author said he was going to release a new version, but that was 2 months ago. So who knows whats going on.

galvin 12-07-12 01:32 AM

Anyone been having problems with stacks working. I have several auras that use stacks and they stopped working. The aura pops up, but the stacks just stays at 0. Also timers been staying stuck at 99.

tehfm 12-07-12 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by galvin (Post 270326)
Anyone been having problems with stacks working. I have several auras that use stacks and they stopped working. The aura pops up, but the stacks just stays at 0. Also timers been staying stuck at 99.

No, it seems to be working. I don't use stacks that much, so I set up a test aura on the paladins Censure debuff, and it worked with both the stacks and a timer.

You haven't managed to invert the aura by mistake somehow? That usually gets the effect you are describing.

420psilo 12-10-12 07:22 PM

i noticed some of my stacks were messing up, for some reason it works if you change the stacks to the 'tooltip 1' or 'tooltip 2' or 'stacks' when i changed i got mine to work again.

TylerGamer84 12-17-12 06:52 AM

Is this a known issue/bug or do I just have something configured incorrectly here? I have timers set up for my shaman's totem, but it won't show them if I have more than one totem down.

Example: I drop a fire totem and the timer is there, but if I drop a water totem it goes away until the water totem is gone. This even happens if they are fake totems with the Totemic Encirclement minor glyph.

tehfm 12-17-12 07:29 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by TylerGamer84 (Post 270778)
Is this a known issue/bug or do I just have something configured incorrectly here? I have timers set up for my shaman's totem, but it won't show them if I have more than one totem down.

Example: I drop a fire totem and the timer is there, but if I drop a water totem it goes away until the water totem is gone. This even happens if they are fake totems with the Totemic Encirclement minor glyph.

I'm not sure I would call it a bug, it's more like it's not working as one might expect.

Assuming you are using the "Totems" trigger and for the fire totem you have in "Slot 1" selected "Any" and for the other three slots "None". For the water totem you have in "Slot 3" selected "Any" and "None" for the other slots. With that setup it's working like it's intended. With only ONE totem active it will show the aura, if both are active it will fail to match the "None" setting and not show anything.

For a simple "Texture" display you can work around it by selecting the "Any or None" option instead of just "None", but if you have a "Timer" it will always show the shortest time for any of your totems.

The best solution, as far as I can tell, is to use the "Ignore" option instead of "None", with that it will just skip over those slots that are flagged with ignore and not care how much time they have left. The only problem that's left is that there isn't an "Ignore" option... so I made one...

Copy "Totems.lua" to "PowerAuras\Classes\Triggers" and "enUS.lua" to "PowerAurasOptions\Localisation" and you should be set.

Zakhar 12-18-12 05:23 PM

target status check
A nice feature, perhaps, when I click on a target, POWAS does a check for a buff/debuff as soon as i click on a target, and/or continues monitoring for certain buffs/debuffs on that target while targeted. New interface looks great btw.

tehfm 12-18-12 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Zakhar (Post 270849)
A nice feature, perhaps, when I click on a target, POWAS does a check for a buff/debuff as soon as i click on a target, and/or continues monitoring for certain buffs/debuffs on that target while targeted. New interface looks great btw.

If I'm understanding you correctly, you already have that feature with the "Unit Buff/Debuff" trigger. You just select "Target" instead of "Player" for what unit to check.

Nesaru 12-22-12 07:04 PM

Turn auras on/off by spec?
Hooray, thank you for updating this addon! The new UI seems to be a lot more intuitive than the original, but I'm having problems finding a few things (possibly they haven't been implemented yet).

Is there a way to turn auras on/off based on spec? (heck, or a manual override to turn it off - can't find the correct area to do this)

Any help would be appreciated!

tehfm 01-01-13 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Nesaru (Post 271004)
Hooray, thank you for updating this addon!

Not sure how much I'll be updating it, as I'm not the original author. I will probably keep it working as I don't feel like switching to another addon.


Originally Posted by Nesaru (Post 271004)
Is there a way to turn auras on/off based on spec? (heck, or a manual override to turn it off - can't find the correct area to do this)

Use the "Specialization" trigger for that. Go to "Support Triggers" and then hit the left arrow a few times or use the "Advanced Editor" and then add a "New Trigger" and change the type to "Specialization". If you use the "Advanced Editor" just don't forget to edit the "Trigger Operation" field, so the trigger actually triggers.

Taure 01-07-13 04:07 PM

custom sounds
Has anyone been able to get custom sounds to work? I get the same results as this...

Meorawr posted there that it had/would be fixed in the next release but that was around the time that he stopped posting releases. I've been using PA 5 since beta and only hit one other bug so far and that bug is new since the last WoW patch. Would love to get the custom sounds working.

So far I think the new version is great and is/will be way more powerful than the classic. Hope the project is still on going, been awhile since any word from Meorawr

tehfm 01-07-13 10:35 PM

Custom sounds fix

Originally Posted by Taure (Post 271477)
Has anyone been able to get custom sounds to work? I get the same results as this...

In "PowerAuras/Classes/Actions/Sound.lua" on line 55 add...


The paths on the sound tab should now be saved when you hit enter.

Tseran 01-09-13 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jswinson2006 (Post 260824)
Is there a way to use the spell icons like in the last Power aura addon? I haven't been able to figure it out. Thanks..


Originally Posted by Meorawr (Post 260825)

Weird, I can't seem to get the Advanced Options to show up on my Style box. Is there something I am missing? There is a button I see called "Use Buff/Debuff Texture" on the straight Style section, but as soon as I click it, it vanishes.

galvin 01-09-13 05:00 PM

Has anyone been able to get blend to work with timers or stacks. I place a stack count over the aura. And no matter what I set it to, default, glow, mod. It always has a black box behind the number when its actually used. In edit mode it works correctly, but when it works for real it doesn't.

Wish the author was still around. Shame dev stopped on this.

Taure 01-16-13 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by tehfm (Post 271488)
In "PowerAuras/Classes/Actions/Sound.lua" on line 55 add...


The paths on the sound tab should now be saved when you hit enter.

Thks for the reply on this, the sound path now correctly gets saved. The aura just doesn't play the sound file when triggered.

tehfm 02-28-13 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Taure (Post 271945)
Thks for the reply on this, the sound path now correctly gets saved. The aura just doesn't play the sound file when triggered.

Hmmm, that's odd it worked when I made the patch for it. Are you sure that the file you are trying to use is in a supported format? and that the path is correct?

As far as I know mp3s and OGG files are working, don't think you can use plain old wav files though.

The path starts from your wow installation folder, you can't use an absolute path and I doubt that you can use '..' in the path (haven't tested that though). The path delimiter is '\' not '/'.

For example, if you are using the following sound file... and ofc. you have wow installed in "C:\World of Warcraft" :)

C:\World of Warcraft\Custom sounds\poweraurasoundtest.ogg
you enter the following in the text box.

Custom sounds\poweraurasoundtest.ogg
Also it won't load the file if it isn't there when you start wow. So if you add a new file you'll have to restart the game.

420psilo 03-05-13 02:49 PM

IM hoping and preying right now that when 5.2 goes live, hopefully in the next few mins..HOPEFULLY! hoping that 5.2 wont be the patch that finally kills my working RCS PA version. plz plz plz MEOWRAAAAAAWR or anyone.....this is a great thing you got here that needs your love or attention. if your loking for a working RC3 its back a few pages. at least working as of 5.1. O for some reason it doesnt seem to like Macs... o well.

EdMigPer 05-23-13 03:15 PM

Target Hostility Trigger
Is there a way to have an Aura rule check whether the target is hostile/neutral (attackable) or friendly (unattackable)?

I have an texture aura that signals when a spell is off cooldown and I'm targeting something that isn't dead, but I don't want it to appear when targeting a friendly (e.g. when I'm running around in a city).

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