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Rythal 08-30-12 08:57 AM

Carbonite 5.04 [FAN UPDATE] Released
Because the authors have verified they are releasing there own shortly, I have removed mine to avoid conflicts of multiple versions.

Rythal 08-30-12 08:57 AM


Q: Why don't you upload it to wowinterface / curse / wowace?
A: Carbonite is not like most other wow addons, it includes a license that forbid us from making changes to it. I'm banking on the authors being glad someone was keeping their work alive while they work on the real update, or are busy with real life... so i'm risking offering it for download from my personal server. I cannot and will not risk any legal action against MMOUI or Curse if the original authors take this fan update badly and do persue legal roads over it.

Q: Can I donate to you for your efforts?
A: I would prefer donations went to the original creators, the last thing I want is for them to say I did this update to steal the money they could generate. So if you feel the need to donate, do it to them. If you want to donate to both them and myself, I can accept that and just send me a message saying so.

Q: Why not rewrite everything instead of waiting around to find out what the authors think of this.. hell you can even kickstarter it!
A: I love carbonite, I've used it for years and updated it because I didn't want to lose all the features it has. If the original authors are silently working on an update, i would rather use it then start my own especially since they know the addon inside and out and can fix things I can't even dream of. If down the road it looks like starting over is the best option, that might be possible and definately has enough interest by both other programmers and users.

Q: Why the two quest database options?
A: Blizzard instanced all start area's, no matter gnome, elf or troll. This has messed up the internal quest database as it tries pointing you to the wrong places. If your working on one of those quests, you can switch POI systems and let blizzard guide you to the objectives.

Q: Why not update the quest database instead of the option?
A: Decrypting how carbonites quest database works / stores it's information was more then I was willing to do as a fan update without the authors permission.

Q: I tried zooming in on pandaria, and the maps don't line up WHY NOT??? [trollface]
A: While I have done a lot of work getting the 3 pandaria maps in, only 2 of them are scaled / lined up... I still need to do the third

Q: Does this mean the project is abandoned?
A: No. We have no idea what is going on, the authors could be working on there own version 5 of carbonite and just to busy to let us know. That is actually what we all hope is the case, but I know I can't live without carbonite even one day and neither can most of you, so I did the fan update to keep us going.

A: Applications are over there ------>

mgzegz1 08-30-12 09:24 AM

I've been going into withdrawl since Tuesday. I can't even stand to open my map so I've just been bumming around Org all depressed, dreaming of the day my Carbonite will return. Ok not really, but THANK YOU! I can't function without this addon! :D

Rythal 08-30-12 10:48 AM

Ok... i'll admit, i'm shocked at just how many people use this.... since I uploaded the update 10 hours ago, 1373 downloads. You guys really do love your carbonite.

tlc9389 08-30-12 11:01 AM are truly gifted!!!!! I just downloaded and implemented you Fan Update for Carbonite 5.0.4.....I am in awe. Wonderful is all I can say. So far it works beautifully. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I will be visiting the developers site as well and donating in your name.

Update: I just made a donation to the devs but did not see any place for a notation so I am posting it here....I donated because of Rythal's Fan Update!!!!....Rythal if you have a link I will gladly donate to you as well.

kallell 08-30-12 11:07 AM

IMO you should be putting a direct link to your paypal in the thread. It would be a shame if the donation money ended up going to the original devs and not you instead. Not to mention, im sure that it would help support your server costs.

NoggenFogger 08-30-12 12:08 PM

Rythal -

I just wanted to express my thanks for your hard work on the Fan Update. It is people like you that continues to restore my faith in the WoW-Addon community. :)

I seem to be having one small issue that I can't figure out since your 003 update.

My Carbonite Menu button seems to be missing most of the time now. If I reload my interface, sometimes it comes back, and sometimes when it is back (and I preform a reload) it vanishes again.

I have tried wiping out Carbonite completely, and re-downloading and applying the addon.

I also use nUI and Leatrix in conjunction with Carbonite. Up until today, they have played nicely together, and in reality they still do with the exception of the menu button for Leatrix also going missing on the Carbonite Menu Bar.

I realize that these are fairly small issues, and in no way degrade my game play experience, I just thought I'd bring it up incase you had some thoughts.

Thank you again for all you have done.

Thorzon 08-30-12 12:28 PM


Q: Does this mean the project is abandoned?
A: No. We have no idea what is going on, the authors could be working on there own version 5 of carbonite and just to busy to let us know. That is actually what we all hope is the case, but I know I can't live without carbonite even one day and neither can most of you, so I did the fan update to keep us going.
Hmm...they must not be all that busy.....
- Haavok - Last Activity: 08-17-12 11:53 PM
- carboniteaddon - Last Activity: 08-23-12 08:47 PM

Seems to me they have been around quite a bit lately. I think it's pretty lame that they can't take 5 seconds to post "Hey, we're still here and working on the update" versus letting everyone sit here wondering what they are up to and all the while still taking peoples money for supporting a product they aren't properly supporting.

eqsanctum 08-30-12 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Thorzon (Post 261214)
Hmm...they must not be all that busy.....
- Haavok - Last Activity: 08-17-12 11:53 PM
- carboniteaddon - Last Activity: 08-23-12 08:47 PM

Seems to me they have been around quite a bit lately. I think it's pretty lame that they can't take 5 seconds to post "Hey, we're still here and working on the update" versus letting everyone sit here wondering what they are up to and all the while still taking peoples money for supporting a product they aren't properly supporting.

A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2008 <-----------------------------------
Posts: 2 <-------------------------------------

4 years with 2 combative and inciting posts

Constructive please

schizophrena 08-30-12 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Thorzon (Post 261214)
Hmm...they must not be all that busy.....
- Haavok - Last Activity: 08-17-12 11:53 PM
- carboniteaddon - Last Activity: 08-23-12 08:47 PM

Seems to me they have been around quite a bit lately. I think it's pretty lame that they can't take 5 seconds to post "Hey, we're still here and working on the update" versus letting everyone sit here wondering what they are up to and all the while still taking peoples money for supporting a product they aren't properly supporting.

You know how many times I have heard that line... about every major update and every expansion since they were no longer able to charge... Yes, it would be nice if they updated a quick note to us. But WoW and Carbonite are not their priorities anymore, they have other business that they attend to that generate them a more steady income (I'm sure they get about 90% of their donations on expansion releases and major updates). As for "still taking peoples money for supporting a product" since Blizzard did away with that years ago, they have never taken money for supporting Carbonite (this would constitute a paid version of an add on and therefore violate ToS). They leave it up and running and people donate to them if and when they want to. Eventually, after a few WoW expansions (lvl 110 unless someone creates another version) with no updates, people will eventually leave and forget about Carbonite.

Knand 08-30-12 02:01 PM

Just wanted to take a moment to thank you so much for doing this. Like many others, I've been at a loss the last couple of days without my Carbonite. If I come across any bugs, I'll be sure to let you know.

Thorzon 08-30-12 02:17 PM

Sorry guys, but I see it like this. If you are going to solicit money from people then people will have a higher expectation of the level of service you should provide.
If it were just a small amount then ya, you're probably right that it shouldn't be a big deal, but...

Lets look at it this way.

Curse = nearly 1.8 MILLION downloads
Let's be conservative and say they have had 1 Million downloads here and another million on
That's nearly 4 Million downloads
Let's say just 1% of those donated at their minimum of $5.
That's nearly $200,000 they possible made.

So, yea. I'm going to hold them to a higher standard than the guy offering true freebies.
And they could (and should) easily log in and post a message to the probably minimum 10's of thousands of players out there that rely on their product.

ssfoso 08-30-12 03:12 PM

Ty Ty Ty Ty
I have been using Carbonite since I first started WoW and I was already expecting it to be broken when 5.0.4 hit, so thank you Ry for the fan update, I had the damn stock maps and quest tracker :mad:

I have bookmarked your page and am now checking back on a normal basis for updates. You Da Man!!:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Coasty 08-30-12 03:52 PM

Carbonite and Guppet
Since patch 5.04 the Guppet mini-map icon isn't being moved by Carbonite into its button bag like it used to. It's being left on the screen where the mini-map used to be. Not a really big deal but thought I'd mention as something to be placed (hopefully) on your 'To Do' list.

I gotta say, it's really awesome you've taken the time to do all this work on Carbonite!!!

igli 08-30-12 03:53 PM

Thank You Very Much!!!
Rythal, Great work! I was totally lost without the Carbonite map. You da Man!
I have not experienced any of the reported issues and I have been testing all of them. Using 50403.
Although I have only enabled Carbonite (Not: Items, Nodes, or Transfer)

sgtevmckay 08-30-12 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 261192)
Ok... i'll admit, i'm shocked at just how many people use this.... since I uploaded the update 10 hours ago, 1373 downloads. You guys really do love your carbonite.

That is not Much.....
Wait til the word gets out.
Can you imagine how many DL's if this was going out on the Curse Client ;)

Piratix 08-30-12 04:12 PM

Just want to say, You da man Ry.
Thanks a bunch for picking this up on your own. I'd wager you have a few more DLs since your last count. It slowed down on me during the DL process.

Elistila 08-30-12 04:28 PM

Hi i have a problem with ur update :)
Before i start this message too u :) i wanna tell u my englisch is really bad :I but i hope u can understand it.

Really thank u 4 the fan update at first !

My problem before the mop update comming out i could see all area's in world of warcraft important here is the classic area ! atm i cant scroll in and see this area's . But in Bc , Nordend i can see that ... i dont know why ... andyone else get this problem ?

Thank u 4 help me Elistila <3

Rythal 08-30-12 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Elistila (Post 261290)
Before i start this message too u :) i wanna tell u my englisch is really bad :I but i hope u can understand it.

Really thank u 4 the fan update at first !

My problem before the mop update comming out i could see all area's in world of warcraft important here is the classic area ! atm i cant scroll in and see this area's . But in Bc , Nordend i can see that ... i dont know why ... andyone else get this problem ?

Thank u 4 help me Elistila <3

is your client running in en-US or your native language.

[email protected] 08-30-12 05:19 PM

problems installing fix
I have drilled down (c:users\public\games\wow\interface\addons) and replaced on extract. Seems to be no change.
On the mini car map, guide wont open
No carbonite quest list
the "goto" doesnt work

What am I doing wrong ?

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