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Thicondrius 09-02-16 07:11 AM

Quest Module causing FPS drop once World Quests are unlocked
hi all!

when quest module is active suffer from fps drop to 15 anyone have this truble?

BomSquad 09-02-16 12:58 PM

I've been updating my carbonite regularly and only had the issue today. I tried loading older versions with the same issue.

minismartie 09-03-16 04:02 PM

Quest Module causing FPS drop once World Quests are unlocked.

Carbonite quest module is causing FPS drops to 6 - 12 FPS once a character has World Quests available. As soon as the quest module is removed the FPS goes back up to max. I've tried both the current curse version and the current github version and this problem still occurs whenever the quests module is enabled for this character.
Works fine for any character who hasn't unlocked world quests.

Is there any setting I can change to fix this ?

Thanks :)

DYWYPI 09-04-16 03:44 AM

I am also getting this.

I think that World Quests are to blame; I noticed the problem almost immediately after unlocking them, dropping to 10 FPS regardless of graphics settings until I disabled the quest module. When I log onto an alt who hasn't unlocked them yet, I can run it fine in the same areas.

Casualagent 09-04-16 10:20 AM

FPS drops to 0-15
Since the world's quest 110 have been released , I have 15 fps and less .
Same as DYWYPI.

ircdirk 09-04-16 11:57 AM

Im working on geting my main to 110lvl (dont have time), then ill try to find fix for this.

Rythal 09-05-16 12:40 AM

I am 110, and have done over 100 world quests already... my FPS never goes below 80, so it's not always something that happens.

Sangdraxx 09-05-16 01:47 AM

Definitely seems to be related to World Quests in some way, issue started the second I turned in the Uniting the Isles quest which unlocked them. Beyond that I'm not sure how it works. It doesn't causes errors, and it doesn't seem to be a memory leak as module doesn't go much over 20MB.

Mousing over the minimap (I don't have the map merged, possible relevance?) seems to temporarily fix it, though for varying amounts of time, on some occasions it starts again immediately after moving mouse off the minimap, other times it won't start again until moving to another area.

These are only my experiences with it and should be taken with a grain of salt as I've not tried disabling other add-ons to isolate the issue.

Update: Midway through doing Aszuna World Quests the issue seems to have stopped (So far, though I've already flown to Stormheim and still hasn't returned), happened either when I turned in the Wardens Emissary quest (Which brought me down to 1 remaining) or after finishing one of the World Quests near the Emissary turn-in (Jabrill/Tidross?)

Rythal 09-05-16 12:22 PM

Just wondering... what is your "watch delay time" setting? and if you increase it to like 600 does that affect your fps?

Sangdraxx 09-05-16 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 318713)
Just wondering... what is your "watch delay time" setting? and if you increase it to like 600 does that affect your fps?

Looks like it was at 500 by default, haven't had the issue pop up again since whatever 'fixed' it in Azsuna so far, will try changing it if it happens again to find out ... or if I level another character to 110 to unlock them again.

Fizgig1973 09-07-16 09:24 AM

Having the same problem as well. Disabling all addons and just leaving Carbonite Quests & main module loaded. Massive FPS drop.

Spunkymanker 09-08-16 03:01 PM

Same problem here, was holding 75-80fps most of the time, but now that world quests are unlocked, I'm dropping to 25-30fps in the same areas.
Disabling carbonite quests fixes the problem.

Also.. Does carbonite show world quests? I can't see anything world quest related if carbonite quests is enabled.

kefkadarden 09-08-16 09:59 PM

Possible Fix
I played around in the settings and noted that if I went to the databases tab under Quest Module and turned off Levels 86-90, my framerates went back up. Not sure what quests are under that range but something in there must be causing an issue now. I wasn't having the framerate issue till yesterday. I'm running 7.0.3b.

Spunkymanker 09-09-16 11:22 AM

I just tested by turning off quests 86-90, and unfortunately it didn't help. I've also noticed, that it's worse today than yesterday. Instead of dropping from 80fps to 30, it's dropping down to 8-10fps. I've done a few world quests now, and I hadn't done any yet before. Perhaps that made a difference.

kefkadarden 09-09-16 11:25 AM

I haven't done any world quests yet as far as I know. I'll check when I get home to see if my suggestion is still working but I played a while last night and was sitting at 60-100 fps consistently.

LukewarmCereal 09-09-16 11:54 AM

I'm also experiencing this. Massive FPS drop even when Carbonite is the only addon installed, but only on my 110 character. All other lower level characters unaffected.

Something odd is that the framerate goes back up to normal while the alt-M default map is open. Haven't seen anyone else mention that.

Swirrel 09-09-16 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 318713)
Just wondering... what is your "watch delay time" setting? and if you increase it to like 600 does that affect your fps?


I have the same problem as the title of the thread says.

To Rythal's quote, I tried the "suggestion" with no increase in fps. The lag was still horrible with barely no inclination of being able to move/jump/run/mount/ect. Others seemed to lag when they went past me, but the second I turned Carbonite Quest off I had no lag and my fps went back to normal.
I also changed the Watch Delay Time back to 500 which is what is default (at least my end it is).

From the beginning for the issue my end.
I had just gotten Friendly reputation with the appropriate in Stormheim when Carbonite announced "quest complete" which was odd I thought as the quest tracker didn't have any "quests complete" so it dawned on me which quest it was and it was the quest what would unlock world quest. I'd just arrive to an area where I could set my HS, I did and went first to my Dreamgrove which for me is located in Val'sharah. Did a few completed missions, sent out new ones and got some work orders started. I then used my Dalaran HS, went to the Underbelly to d a quest there that had popped uyp since late yesterday, went to the herbalist trainer to hand in a quest there, went to another questgiver and got a quest there and last went to Khadgar to hand in my "world quest" quest.. THE SECOND! I handed in that quest I got a giant lagspike, a notice in my chat from system message telling me I'd unlocked world quest and huge lag with an fps on 6 dropping from 40-42 where I had no lag.
I thought that was odd.

After some chatting with guildies and several realizing I wouldn't budge, didn't have an old pc, didn't have internet issues and didn't think it was my addons, I realized that on occasions since TBC Carbonite have been at fault. I know it's easy to blame 1 addon when using others they too could be the culprit, but when you 10 out of 10 times have the same addon being the culprit which conclusion would you jump too first? Yeah, me too.
So I had flown from Dalaran to Meredil in Suramar to get some The Nightfallen rep for today, during that time I googled carbonite and world quest unlocked and this thread came up as the first on the list.
What several of you have described I could read was my issue as well.

So I turned Carbonite off and reloaded. My fps went back up and no lag what-so-ever.
I turned Carbonite back on and Carbonite Quest off, reloaded and my fps was still normal and no lag.
Turning Carbonite quest back on and adjusting in-game graphic settings to what WoW recommends for mine, made no difference, my fps went back down to 6 and could again barely move/mount ect ect.
Turning Carbonite Quest off and keeping the graphic settings I'd changed, made my fps hop to 75 climbing to 90. and stay between 80-90 which is still is as off this post with Carbonite Quest turned off.

Carbonite Quest turned on:
Carbonite Quest turned off:

No offence Rythal, I know you've worked really hard and long to maintain Carbonite and you're doing a fantastic job. Taking on a HUGE addon like this one was and stlll is, must have been one hell of a nightmare from time to time, but all the same Carbonite Quest is a (for me anyway) huge part of what makes Carbonite what it is and what it does, so blindingly easy to quest in WoW.

I know from a post in this thread that you yourself stating you don't have issues having unlocked and done world quests, but as it is, several us have issues after handing in that particular quest, my self included.

Carbonite Quests need some sort of fix for those of us and those that come after us that has this particular issue.
There are no bugs to shows as Buggrabber and Bugsack doesn't show any and neither does the addon it self.

On a more personal note, I check for addon updates each day both automatically with Curse Client as well as manually before I log in to WoW, not because Legion have just launched, but because it's a long time thing I just do.

I can't code or anything in that region, but if there is anything I can do or check for you to hopefully narrow down the issue, let me know.

Thank you

it's probabaly worth mentioning that I only had the World event/quests and quests lvl 101-110 turned on under Quest Watch between all the lvl's to choose from. All my toons but 1, is lvl 100 on the server I play on (except 1, that lvl 110), so I see no reason to have other quests turned on unless I rly rly rly need them... I usually don't, that's what is for :)

So apparently Buggrabber/Bugsack decided not to pop up a window with this bug:
1x Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:9778: script ran too long
Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:9778: in function `Unpack'
Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:2924: in function `?'
Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:2687: in function `Init'
Carbonite.Quests\NxQuest.lua:2092: in function `func'
Carbonite\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0-17.lua:55: in function <Carbonite\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>


aracthebold 09-09-16 01:04 PM

I just started having this issue today, was fine before. I noticed the memory usage for the quest module starts out at 16 meg and then climbs rapidly to 35 meg, then drops back to 16 and starts over again.

I have the 7.03b installed, and the only carbonite modules I use are main (map), quest, and warehouse.

I turned off warehouse and it had no effect.

seems the memory usage is the key here

cde311 09-09-16 01:33 PM

FPS drops
I can confirm too I have this issue. No matter what zone or city I am in, FPS is stuck between 10.0 and 11.0 at all times while carbonite main and carbonite quest module are loaded with no other addons running. As soon as I turn off the Quest module, FPS resumes back to 100+. I too did my first world quest turn in last night to unlock them and this morning is when I noticed the issue. My Watch Delay Time was set at 500. I moved it to 1000 and the FPS improved briefly but when I opened up the carbonite map to a zone that had a world quest available, the FPS dropped and stayed there to 10-11 fps. I am on ver 7.3 from Github, no other modifications to the addon files or any LUA.

aracthebold 09-09-16 02:12 PM

Ok, looks like this is tied to the emissary quests. Today was the wardens after completing and turning the quest FPS is now back to normal.

ircdirk 09-09-16 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by aracthebold (Post 318851)
Ok, looks like this is tied to the emissary quests. Today was the wardens after completing and turning the quest FPS is now back to normal.

Link it from wowhead.

aracthebold 09-09-16 03:54 PM

kefkadarden 09-09-16 03:57 PM

Mine turned out to be a Isle of Thunder quest that was on the level 91 character I was having trouble with. As soon as I dropped the quest my FPS went back up. Turns out my 100+ character is fine since he wasn't running the wardens quest.


Shamroxx81 09-09-16 05:52 PM

I ran into this problem today as well. My FPS dropped into the 5 - 15 range while playing on my 110 Shaman. Everything went back to normal once I disabled the Carbonite Quests addon.

I've also noticed my minimap is acting a bit differently as well. For some reason, some of my icons are huge, and some of them look as though they're cut in half. Here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing.

Tinibree 09-09-16 10:02 PM

I'm having the same problem, it's only on my 110 character that I have the framerate issue and it's only been a thing since after I unlocked WQs, I thought it was a different addon (broker world quests) at first since it was the only thing I'd added. It's been on and off since then (which is a week ago now) so it could very well be a wardens quest thing, which I didn't do and thus got moved off the map. I'll go do the warden's quest and edit this to say if it fixes it or not.

Edit: Upon death of the 4th wanted, framerate spiked up to 30. Heading to turn in the quest and see if that gets me back up to 90.
Edit 2: Nope, quest completion stayed at 30fps, but map open still brings me up to 90. Very confused but at least my framerate is better.

I didn't even noticed that the blizzard map brought the framerate back up until someone else pointed it out. Map open gives me 80-90fps map closed gives me 10, it was giving me even less but i disabled other addons trying to find the problem that got it up to 10. I can only guess with the map closed it's trying to reach info it can't get about world quests.

Sangdraxx 09-09-16 10:09 PM

After logging in today the issue is back and it seems today's Emissary quest is Wardens again, seeming likely it's the cause... somehow.

Update: Can confirm it's caused by an incomplete Wardens Emissary quest, the moment I got credit for the 4th Wardens World Quest my FPS returned to normal. Don't need to turn in the quest it seems, just complete the requirements.

Not sure if it should be mentioned but I did also have some lesser FPS drops the other day (100ish down to 70ish, rather than the 100ish down to 15ish that this causes) that MIGHT have been caused by the previous Emissary quest (Kirin Tor? Can't remember) though it could also be completely unrelated.

Rythal 09-10-16 12:03 AM

It probably has something to do with WQ and Carbonite trying to parse them / draw them on the map, I know the emissary quests appear in the quest log, but they are not real quests and should not be there, nor should they be in blizzards quest log, but they show up in the watch "x/4 world quests done" for each faction available.

The issue trying to find the problem and fix it is on my 110 it's never happened and hasn't happened :( I'm leveling another 110 now to try and get it to happen (109 so hopefully by end of weekend)

Tinibree 09-10-16 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sangdraxx (Post 318872)
Not sure if it should be mentioned but I did also have some lesser FPS drops the other day (100ish down to 70ish, rather than the 100ish down to 15ish that this causes) that MIGHT have been caused by the previous Emissary quest (Kirin Tor? Can't remember) though it could also be completely unrelated.

Ohhh that might be why I'm stuck at 30 instead of 90fps. I'll see what happens when I finish off kirin tor later, just have one left.

Edit: My fps went up to 50 upon completing kirin tor, and has kinda been fluctuating upwards since then.

Thanks for working to get another one up there Rythal.

Shamroxx81 09-10-16 03:09 AM

I turned the quests module back on after completing my emissary quest this evening. My frame rate boosted back up to within 10 fps of my normal range. I will check again whenever I get my next emissary quest later today.

I'm still having the issue with the mini map though. Even on my lower level characters, the icons / gathering nodes are definitely not working like they were yesterday. It's almost like a portion of the icons are cut off or a piece of the blizzard map is showing up instead of the carbonite version. Any idea what's going on with it?

LukewarmCereal 09-10-16 11:33 AM

I just completed my Wardens emissary quest and the frame rate did indeed shoot back up to normal. Seems like the Wardens emissary quest is somehow related.

Good luck, Rythal. I know this sort of bug is a nightmare to find and fix.

If all else fails, though, I have a suggestion. Call it a feature! "Carbonite will now encourage you to complete your Wardens world quests by lowering the fps until you do."

FPS dropped again sometime later, as I began other world quests.

oatimusprime 09-10-16 10:50 PM

LVL 106 and having this issue
I haven't even gotten past 106 and i haven't been able to use the quest module. I really want to but the only way to fix my fps at this time is to turn it off. Let me know when there is a fix for this because I love this addon. Thanks for your hard work

ircdirk 09-11-16 09:57 AM

There is fix for this issue on Carbonite GitHub repository, download latest version (link in my signature).

Tested it and fps are better after this Rythal commit.

oatimusprime 09-11-16 03:55 PM

now maps is not working either. still have the low frame rate, as in playing on my moms 12 year old lap top kind of frame rate. i have 16 gigs of ram and a gtx 970, and a I 7 3.4 ghz so it's not my machine. did a clean install of the current master file. so i don't know what to tell you. my map is solid yellow, and the low frame rate.

oatimusprime 09-11-16 05:42 PM

Fixed the fps issue, it was an incompatability with the new Lightheaded Addon. maps still are yellow using the master file, but if i update off of curse it's fixed. go figure

ircdirk 09-11-16 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by oatimusprime (Post 318959)
Fixed the fps issue, it was an incompatability with the new Lightheaded Addon. maps still are yellow using the master file, but if i update off of curse it's fixed. go figure

Download latest version from github, disable all addons except Carbonite and check if issue persists. There might be other incompatibilty. Rythal fixed problems cousing fps issues with quest module.

Tinibree 09-11-16 11:42 PM

Thanks Rythal for the quick fix! :)

Swirrel 09-12-16 06:46 AM

Rythal, you're a god. Thank you for making the fix. Playing WoW without Carbonite Quest has been a bitch!.

Thank you to you and your team :)

Edit 1: I can't abandon an Emissary quest.. Well it was an Emissary quest, but the questlog says it's a Pet Battle Quest in Dalaran for Stitches Jr. Jr. I just killed that pet in a pet battle and now it's changed. Clicking on the quest it says: Court of Farondis.
I tried abandoning it, which did nothing. The quest is still there and showing the wrong thing.

Edit 2. Something is up with Carbonite Map... when scrolling out to see more of Broken Isle than just Dalaran, moving the mouse between different areas sometimes makes Carbonite Map flash green.. It started early yesterday for me, but I thought it was because at that time I didn't have Carbonite Quests turned on. Now that I have your new fix for Carb quests it's still there... also the icons for where like normal quests, WQ's and other stuff are on the map seems to be "stuck" on parts of the map so when you use the mouse to move the map with the icons follow suit, instead of staying where they're suppose to be or was when you opened the map the first time around. Sometimes they swap back to their original place when you close or minimize the map, but not always.
I've saved the old files from before the most recent Carb quest fix. I'll try and and swap the new one for the old one and see if that makes a difference. Either way I'll report back with another edit.
Edit 2a: Swaping the new carb map for the old carb map did bring back the ability too see many more WQ's on the map. with the new map I was only able to see the pvp WQ's and not any others. With the old carb map the flashing of green stuff mousing between fx. Azsuna and Suramar is much more prominent than before. But at least the icons are sticking to where they're suppose to be and the fps is normal so no lag either. Adding a screenie, so you can see the the green flashes I'm talking about.

Suggestion: Maybe instead of changing Carb Quest too much, add yet another addon and name it Carbonite World Quest, that would work with Carbonite Map and Carbonite Quest but not make it mandatory to have so those who's unlocked WQ's can use it and turned off on a toon that's not unlocked WQ's yet. It's not to add to your workload, it's merely an idea that popped in to my head the other day.

Rythal 09-12-16 10:53 AM

Emissary quests I need to treat special, they shouldn't be in the quest log... but for now they are. You can't abandon them because they are world daily quests and not something you pickup or abandon.

Green flashing has actually been happening since launch, it's caused by missing texture which quickly gets replaced and shows... haven't found yet which texture it is

World quests on the map, old one showed them all because it considered them bonus quests, the code turning them into world quests is only just started which is why on the new one it's just PvP and Pet Battles.

Shamroxx81 09-12-16 01:21 PM

The new version that I downloaded seems to have taken care of the fps issues as far as I can tell. I also haven't had the icon / minimap issues since changing the glow delay setting as suggested.

However, now I'm running into a different issue. The quests don't seem to be syncing up right. For example, if I complete a few quests and turn them in, the question marks are still on the minimap after doing so. The auto completing quests, where you do the "click here to complete" in the quest module, don't seem to be showing up at all. I have had to use the blizzard log for these ones.

Aalwein 09-15-16 11:10 AM

I have The Wardens today for the first time and got slammed with the lag. Finished up the four world quests and turned in to Marin Bladewing and lag vanished. Chat log indicates the final "quest" was called "The Wardens" (log says "The Wardens completed.").

jclement30 09-15-16 10:15 PM

same issue with quests. I just enabled world quests today, and fps dropped from 99 to 9. found it was the quests module. then found this thread.

I'll check out the github - since I see from this thread there is some kind of fix there. will report back.

jclement30 09-15-16 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by jclement30 (Post 319082)
same issue with quests. I just enabled world quests today, and fps dropped from 99 to 9. found it was the quests module. then found this thread.

I'll check out the github - since I see from this thread there is some kind of fix there. will report back.

And...that's a confirmation... I'm back up to 75 fps. Much appreciated, Rythal, good sir!

Tinibree 09-18-16 12:17 AM

Can confirm sadly that it's back. Completing the Suramar ones showed no change. Once again completing wardens improved my fps but not to usual levels. Kirin tor even better, but still not 100%

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