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Gethe 08-09-14 02:08 PM

RealUI beta

All Resolutions - All Classes - All Roles

In order to prepare RealUI for its release, I need your help!! Specifically, I need to know what changes need to be made for your class/spec. I don't play all the classes so I don't know what changes will be necessary for things like the AuraTraker.

Known Issues:
Unit Frames: These are being re-writen and are currently in a rough state.
Skada: Division by zero

Bug Reports
  • Check for errors. If you have any, there will be a red bag icon with the minimap buttons just below the minimap. Post them here in [code] tags.
  • Be as detailed as possible. Include where you were, what you were doing, any other addons you may be using, or anything else that might be relevant to the issue.

Ordrosh 08-10-14 01:22 AM

3 Attachment(s)
The Debuff from a glyphed Avengers Shield is lingering on top of the minimap when it should be above the target frame. (see attached image)

Class: Protection Paladin with Glyph of Dazing Shield
Addons: just Blizzardsstuff and those that came with RealUI Beta

Some Error From Bugsack I got while fighting mobs in the southern half of Gorgorond:

32x Skada\modules\Debuffs.lua:153: Division by zero
Skada\modules\Debuffs.lua:153: in function <Skada\modules\Debuffs.lua:125>
Skada\modules\Debuffs.lua:215: in function `Update'
Skada\Skada-r567.lua:1842: in function `?'
...faceGrid2\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0-16.lua:41: in function <...faceGrid2\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:36>

self = <table> {
 SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:398
 Enable = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:325
 NewModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:266
 Update = <function> defined @Skada\modules\Debuffs.lua:214
 EnableModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:363
 modules = <table> {
 GetModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:241
 IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:473
 IsModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:248
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 SetEnabledState = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:455
 baseName = "Blizzard_CombatLog"
 enabledState = true
 scanned = true
 defaultModuleState = true
 moduleName = "Buff uptimes"
 GetName = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
 metadata = <table> {
 Disable = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:345
 IterateModules = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:468
 name = "Skada_Buff uptimes"
 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
 IsEnabled = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:482
 orderedModules = <table> {
 SetDefaultModuleState = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:418
 DisableModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:381
win = <table> {
 changed = false
 metadata = <table> {
 selectedset = "current"
 dataset = <table> {
 selectedmode = <table> {
 bargroup = SkadaBarWindowSkada {
 db = <table> {
 usealt = true
 display = <table> {
 history = <table> {
set = <table> {
 healingabsorbed = 0
 _playeridx = <table> {
 dispells = 0
 ccbreaks = 0
 time = 0
 interrupts = 0
 damage = 3925
 players = <table> {
 deaths = 0
 mobs = <table> {
 mobtaken = 3925
 healing = 0
 starttime = 1407649904
 power = <table> {
 overhealing = 0
 shielding = 0
 name = "Current fight"
 mobname = "Heartsting Pollinator"
 damagetaken = 0
 mobhdone = 0
 last_action = 1407649904
 mobdone = 0
updatefunc = <function> defined @Skada\modules\Debuffs.lua:125

And 2 minor change requests:
a) put the Garison minimap button with the other minimap buttons please, maybe make it visible for a short while when/if it would flash, if that is possible
b) bartenders cooldown overlay is a bit to bright at least for my tastes and its cooldown doesn't seem to be that reliable, but that prolly is just the lagging server

Edit 1: After playing in an area that was a little more crowded I think its all debuffs that end up in the upper left corner, additionally they cover each other as if they are all anchored to the top left most point of uiparent. (seen Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Censure (Judgement from Seal of Truth) and Execution Sentence up there so far.

Edit 2: The descriptive Texts in the rewards section of both the quest accept and quest hand in frames are too dark. (see lower half of the 2nd image)

Edit 3: And another error, might be related to Edit 2 or to this:
Noticed that the highlighting for the selected questreward is not showing up, selecting itself and then finishing the quest still works fine though. Quests I noticed this on were 2 of the Wanted: ... Quests in Talador on the alliance side (the bird and the riverbeast one, forgot the names sorry)
anyway this is what bugsack caught:

14x Aurora\aurora-6.0.lua:2084: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Aurora\aurora-6.0.lua:2084: in function <Aurora\aurora.lua:2082>
Aurora\aurora-6.0.lua:2089: in function <Aurora\aurora.lua:2088>
[C]: in function `SetPoint'
FrameXML\QuestInfo.lua:12: in function `QuestInfoItem_OnClick'
[string "*:OnClick"]:9: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>

self = QuestInfoItemHighlight {
 0 = <userdata>
 SetPoint = <function> defined =[C]:-1
clearHighlight = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:2082
r = 0.96
g = 0.55
b = 0.73

And one more for Bartender:
The Cooldown overlay ignores the visible state of the bar, only noticed that during combat not sure if it shows up out of combat (see image 3)

Gethe 08-11-14 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ordrosh (Post 295118)

Thanks for the reports. I have an update in the works that will fix most of these.

The Garrison button is a tough one, and i'm not really satisfied with where it's at. That said, I don't think putting it with the other minimap buttons would be a good solution considering the impact it will have in WoD. I have tried to have it hidden by default, but the pulse animation is somehow preventing it from being shown again.

The Skada error is a result of tighter asserts in the code for beta, and will not be present on live. Due to this, it is unlikely to be fixed.

Haleth 08-11-14 03:53 PM

The quest stuff is being worked on :)

karigi 08-12-14 02:02 AM

My chat keeps getting spammed with Map: WORLD_MAP_UPDATE

I see you posted something about skins and I figure this falls under that category, but I figured I'd mention anyway.

Gethe 08-12-14 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by karigi (Post 295249)
My chat keeps getting spammed with Map: WORLD_MAP_UPDATE

I see you posted something about skins and I figure this falls under that category, but I figured I'd mention anyway.

Oops, forgot to remove some debug prints. I've re-uploaded beta2, just copy over !Aurora and nibRealUI.

Please see the OP about bug reports. What you have here is not much to go on, especially since I'm not getting them.

karigi 08-16-14 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 295257)
Oops, forgot to remove some debug prints. I've re-uploaded beta2, just copy over !Aurora and nibRealUI.

Please see the OP about bug reports. What you have here is not much to go on, especially since I'm not getting them.

Server: Beta Leveling Realm 02
Class/Spec: Paladin/Ret Level 98
Location: Everywhere
Other addons: Monomyth, DBM
Turning off the !Aurora addon made the chat spam stop immediately.
The spam occurs more often when I open the world map or turn in/accept quests. It happens out in the world as well as in instances regardless of what I'm doing.


1x Aurora\aurora-6.0.lua:272: attempt to index local 'f' (a nil value)
Aurora\aurora-6.0.lua:272: in function `ReskinDropDown'
Aurora\aurora-6.0.lua:2205: in function <Aurora\aurora.lua:2181>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `Show'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1940: in function `SetUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1745: in function `ShowUIPanel'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1655: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1651>
[C]: in function `SetAttribute'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2414: in function `ShowUIPanel'
[string "*:OnClick"]:2: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>

line = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
dropdowns = <table> {
 1 = "Graphics_DisplayModeDropDown"
 2 = "Graphics_ResolutionDropDown"
 3 = "Graphics_RefreshDropDown"
 4 = "Graphics_PrimaryMonitorDropDown"
 5 = "Graphics_MultiSampleDropDown"
 6 = "Graphics_VerticalSyncDropDown"
 7 = "Graphics_TextureResolutionDropDown"
 8 = "Graphics_FilteringDropDown"
 9 = "Graphics_ProjectedTexturesDropDown"
 10 = "Graphics_ShadowsDropDown"
 11 = "Graphics_LiquidDetailDropDown"
 12 = "Graphics_SunshaftsDropDown"
 13 = "Graphics_ParticleDensityDropDown"
 14 = "Graphics_ViewDistanceDropDown"
 15 = "Graphics_EnvironmentalDetailDropDown"
 16 = "Graphics_GroundClutterDropDown"
 17 = "Graphics_SSAODropDown"
 18 = "Advanced_BufferingDropDown"
 19 = "Advanced_LagDropDown"
 20 = "Advanced_HardwareCursorDropDown"
 21 = "InterfaceOptionsLanguagesPanelLocaleDropDown"
 22 = "AudioOptionsSoundPanelHardwareDropDown"
 23 = "AudioOptionsSoundPanelSoundChannelsDropDown"
 24 = "AudioOptionsVoicePanelInputDeviceDropDown"
 25 = "AudioOptionsVoicePanelChatModeDropDown"
 26 = "AudioOptionsVoicePanelOutputDeviceDropDown"
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 26
(for step) = 1
i = 1
options = true
F = <table> {
 CreateBG = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:100
 colourArrow = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:258
 ReskinPortraitFrame = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:546
 Reskin = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:149
 ReskinDropDown = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:271
 dummy = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:87
 ReskinExpCol = <function> defined @!Aurora\!Aurora.lua:140
 ReskinArrow = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:402
 ReskinSlider = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:478
 ReskinFilterButton = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:612
 colourExpandOrCollapse = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:496
 CreateBDFrame = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:576
 clearExpandOrCollapse = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:503
 clearArrow = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:264
 ReskinTab = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:171
 SetBD = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:533
 ReskinInput = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:378
 ReskinClose = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:331
 ReskinColourSwatch = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:596
 ReskinRadio = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:453
 CreateBD = <function> defined @!Aurora\!Aurora.lua:12
 ReskinExpandOrCollapse = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:511
 ReskinScroll = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:197
 CreateGradient = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:117
 ReskinMinMax = <function> defined @!Aurora\!Aurora.lua:81
 ReskinCheck = <function> defined @Aurora\aurora.lua:421

Another Aurora error pertaining to the minimap but it could be related.

2x !Aurora\Misc\MiscSkins.lua:34: attempt to index upvalue 'F' (a nil value)
!Aurora\Misc\MiscSkins.lua:34: in function `Skin'
!Aurora\Misc\MiscSkins.lua:116: in function <!Aurora\Misc\MiscSkins.lua:115>
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5>
(tail call): ?
...aceMasque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:558: in function `EnableAddon'
...aceMasque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:571: in function `EnableAddon'
...aceMasque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:651: in function <...aceMasque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636>
[C]: in function `LoadAddOn'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:324: in function `UIParentLoadAddOn'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:398: in function `TimeManager_LoadUI'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:798: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:763>


Gethe 08-17-14 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by karigi (Post 295427)
Server: Beta Leveling Realm 02
Class/Spec: Paladin/Ret Level 98
Location: Everywhere
Other addons: Monomyth, DBM
Turning off the !Aurora addon made the chat spam stop immediately.
The spam occurs more often when I open the world map or turn in/accept quests. It happens out in the world as well as in instances regardless of what I'm doing.


Beta3 is up and has fixes for these issues.

Note: !Aurora is being renamed to !Aurora_RealUI to remove ambiguity with Aurora. Please be sure to delete and copy over the correct addons.

Gethe 08-18-14 09:46 PM

It looks like a bunch of spells got officially removed in the latest build. Due to this, there are a number of errors resulting from looking for a non-existent spell. Once I track down these changes I'll post an update.

Moodib 08-19-14 12:49 AM

Thanks for getting this going for beta. I just got in today and I will be doing some testing later this week. I haven't posted anything previously as RealUI has just worked out of the box for me, but I see that some work will need to be done to get it working well for WoD.

All that said, I'd probably have a rough time playing this game without RealUI. Not to say that I would quit altogether, but this is just such an awesome solution. Blizzard should take a note out of your design if they ever decide to redo their UI. Either that or hire you. :)

Edit: Is this the correct spot for most up to date (beta 3) download?

Gethe 08-19-14 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Moodib (Post 295640)
Thanks for getting this going for beta. I just got in today and I will be doing some testing later this week. I haven't posted anything previously as RealUI has just worked out of the box for me, but I see that some work will need to be done to get it working well for WoD.

All that said, I'd probably have a rough time playing this game without RealUI. Not to say that I would quit altogether, but this is just such an awesome solution. Blizzard should take a note out of your design if they ever decide to redo their UI. Either that or hire you. :)

Hah! That would be Nibelheim if anyone, i'm just here to keep it running. :p She's the one that made the design.


Originally Posted by Moodib (Post 295640)
Edit: Is this the correct spot for most up to date (beta 3) download?

While you can get it there (check the releases link), the prefered location is here on WoWI (image link in OP).

mascano 08-21-14 05:15 AM

RealUI beta 4
1 Attachment(s)

I have some spam in chat with "GetauraInfo"

If i disable nibRealUI, it's disappear.


Gethe 08-21-14 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by mascano (Post 295761)

I have some spam in chat with "GetauraInfo"

If i disable nibRealUI, it's disappear.


Yup, I saw that last night and re-uploaded that version. Download it again and copy over the nibRealUI addon.

Moodib 08-22-14 07:56 PM

I've noticed that if I have quest items and try to use them from the on screen quest tracker that I get an aurora pop up as such. In order to use the item, I have to open my bag and find the item.

Gethe 08-22-14 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Moodib (Post 295847)
I've noticed that if I have quest items and try to use them from the on screen quest tracker that I get an aurora pop up as such. In order to use the item, I have to open my bag and find the item.


Next time you see this, please also post the error message you get. It can be found by clicking the bag icon below the minimap.

Moodib 08-23-14 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 295849)
Next time you see this, please also post the error message you get. It can be found by clicking the bag icon below the minimap.


1x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn '!Aurora_RealUI' tried to call the protected function 'UseQuestLogSpecialItem()'.
!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:586: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:586>
[C]: in function `UseQuestLogSpecialItem'
..._ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:202: in function <..._ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:195>


Gethe 08-23-14 09:55 PM

That function is not used *anywhere* in RealUI or any of the addons it includes. Make sure you're using the most recent version, and disable any other addons you're using.

Ordrosh 08-24-14 12:11 AM

just got the same error moodib posted using just beta4 and the 'usual' blizzard addons
I wouldn't be surprised if that error comes from their addon code, wouldn't be the first time

Phanx 08-24-14 12:19 AM

"X tried to call the protected function Y" errors are not meant to be taken literally. (Well, maybe Blizzard intended for them to be taken literally, but if so they royally botched the implementation, because it just doesn't work that way.) It almost never means that X actually tried to call Y directly. It just means that X touched something that touched something that touched something that touched something that touched something that's somehow involved somewhere in the chain of Blizzard code that calls Y, rendering the whole chain of execution tainted.

Look for any places in your code where you overwrite functions or variables that are originally defined in Blizzard code, or if it's not obvious, you can enable taint logging to get a full report of everything you're tainting. Find the ACTION_FORBIDDEN error in the taint log, figure out which variable it says is tainted, and then trace that variable back through the log to see where it was first tainted.

Gethe 08-24-14 01:05 AM

Well some how I'm not getting this error, and you guys are. I even rolled back my local version to beta4 just to be sure, no dice.

So Ordrosh and Moodib, do this:
Get to an area where you can get this error, then start logging by entering

/console taintLog 1
into chat. Do whatever it is you're doing to get the error, then type

/console taintLog 0
to stop logging.

Then go to World of Warcraft Beta\Logs, upload the taint.log file to your favorite file sharing site, and PM me the link.

Ordrosh 08-24-14 05:51 AM

here you go:

8/24 13:49:55.693  Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:202
8/24 13:49:55.693  An action was blocked because of taint from !Aurora_RealUI - UseQuestLogSpecialItem()
8/24 13:49:55.693      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:202

got that 4 times for clicking on the questitem button 4 times (quest in nagrand at the ancestral grounds (Lighting the Darkness)
Edit: something I noticed: it appears to only show up after picking up a quest with a button in the questtracker, after a reload of the UI the button works just fine while before the reload the taint popup shows

Gethe 08-24-14 09:27 AM

Is that the entire taint log? Try that again, but with

/console taintLog 2

Ordrosh 08-24-14 12:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
will get back to you once i get across another quest with that particular feature

edit there you go, I hope it helps but I doubt it

Moodib 08-24-14 10:46 PM


8/24 15:43:55.084  Global variable stringHeight tainted by !Aurora_RealUI - Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:309 SetStringText()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:71 SetBlockHeader()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:450 Update()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:1011 ObjectiveTracker_Update()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:614
8/24 15:43:55.084  Execution tainted by !Aurora_RealUI while reading stringHeight - Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:322 SetStringText()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:292 AddObjective()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:478 Update()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:1011 ObjectiveTracker_Update()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:649
8/24 15:43:55.084  Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:202
8/24 15:43:55.084  An action was blocked because of taint from !Aurora_RealUI - UseQuestLogSpecialItem()
8/24 15:43:55.084      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:202
8/24 15:43:57.340  Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:202
8/24 15:43:57.340  An action was blocked because of taint from !Aurora_RealUI - UseQuestLogSpecialItem()
8/24 15:43:57.340      Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker\Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:202

That is from my file...

Gethe 08-25-14 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ordrosh (Post 295913)
will get back to you once i get across another quest with that particular feature

edit there you go, I hope it helps but I doubt it

This was very helpful, thank you. Beta5 should fix this.

Haleth 08-25-14 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 295955)
This was very helpful, thank you. Beta5 should fix this.

What exactly caused this? I'm trying to iron out taint in my UI as well and I get the problem with the objective tracker too sometimes.

Gethe 08-25-14 11:01 PM

I can't say for sure since I never got the error, but the log pointed out a leaked global. Seeing this, I went and grabbed the WoW Global Finder to track down others. Quite a few typos >_<

Nibelheim 08-26-14 12:05 AM

Blizzard has "stringHeight" accidentally declared as a global. Silly Blizz. :p

karigi 08-26-14 12:21 PM

During the "The Thunderlord Clan Approaches" scenario in the Garrison, there are a lot of NPCs which have icons on the minimap which I think are flagged as rare, making the rare alert spam its brains out. There are three different icons that I noticed: an X, a green circle, and a red circle. When you hover over the red circle it says "invader" in the tooltip and "follower" for the green circle. The X is for the Legionnaire dude. Any time a new icon shows up on the minimap the rare alert starts losing it's marbles. The game crashes a lot during this scenario for me so I don't have much more information.

edit: I'm using v5 and no other addons aside from the WoW defaults and Monomyth.

Nibelheim 08-26-14 01:38 PM

Looks like Blizz has added more triggers for the VIGNETTE_ADDED event. Hopefully one of the return args will allow discernment between types of minimap icons.

Gethe 08-26-14 02:14 PM

Yeah blizz is using the Vignettes a lot more in Draenor. I'll probably end up making a session cache for vignettes you've seen or a throttle, maybe both.

Evabi 08-29-14 07:11 PM

Upon logging in on a level 100 feral druid, I received this bug:


4x ...ns\nibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\Modules\SavageRoar.lua:52: Usage: UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"])
[C]: in function `UnitAura'
...ns\nibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\Modules\SavageRoar.lua:52: in function <...ns\nibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\Modules\SavageRoar.lua:51>
...ns\nibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\Modules\SavageRoar.lua:68: in function <...ns\nibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\Modules\SavageRoar.lua:59>
...ns\nibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\Modules\SavageRoar.lua:193: in function `AuraRefresh'
...enibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\AuraTracking.lua:280: in function `RefreshIndicatorStatus'
...enibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\AuraTracking.lua:456: in function `RefreshMod'
...enibRealUI\HuD\AuraTracking\AuraTracking.lua:462: in function `?'
...que\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:147: in function <...que\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147>
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4>
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:13: in function `?'
...que\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function `Fire'
Bartender4\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0-3.lua:120: in function <Bartender4\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>


When entering and leaving combat (feral), I am also getting the following in chat:


After Savage Roar falls off the player, it counts in negative numbers. I see a default set up in the auras panel, but it doesn't look like the other player buff auras. Setting it up manually is difficult because when clicking on buttons or radio boxes or using sliders, no change is seen until you close the auras panel and reopen it. I may have also configured my new "Savage Roar" aura incorrectly, because the white time in the upper right hand corner of the aura (that shows how long it will last if you cast it with your current combo points) did not appear.

(I moved the chat box in order to select the "copy chat" option. It goes below the bottom of the screen.)

A default Aura for level 100 Talent, "Bloodtalons" would be a great help too.

Also, it would be nice, in my opinion, to have combo points moved over to the left side next to the player health bar and show without a target. In WoD, they are tied to the player, not the target, and they degrade slowly over time (out of combat).

Sorry for the super long post, and for any additional walls of text that I post in the future. Thanks so much for maintaining this UI!

Nibelheim 08-30-14 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Evabi (Post 296088)
I may have also configured my new "Savage Roar" aura incorrectly, because the white time in the upper right hand corner of the aura (that shows how long it will last if you cast it with your current combo points) did not appear.

The custom auras don't have the ability to display pre-calculated time-remaining for abilities such as these (requires calculations based on talents/set bonuses/cp/etc), which is why a specific Savage Roar module was made. Gethe is quick so you'll get a working SR aura again soon :)


Also, it would be nice, in my opinion, to have combo points moved over to the left side next to the player health bar and show without a target. In WoD, they are tied to the player, not the target, and they degrade slowly over time (out of combat).
Interesting. Us Rogues have only been asking about that one since Classic :cool: Hopefully they don't revert it :eek:

Celestalon "Yes, Combo Points are 'on the Rogue' now. Could revert based on feedback, but trying."

Fizzlemizz 08-30-14 01:44 AM

In WoD, combo points are still primarily for use against the current target, Recuperate being a secondary use. In this reguard, not much has changed other than showing available combo points on loss of target if that is possible.

On aquiring a new target in WoD, they get the available/unused points (the only real difference).

Moving Combo points to display on the player would be a mistake IMHO, moving them there on loss of target (if possible) is just an eyball dance)

Nibelheim 08-30-14 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 296092)
In WoD, combo points are still primarily for use against the current target, Recuperate being a secondary use. In this reguard, not much has changed other than showing available combo points on loss of target if that is possible.

On aquiring a new target in WoD, they get the available/unused points (the only real difference). Moving Combo points to display on the player would be a mistake IMHO.

Aye, good point.

It's a tough one. Generally the Player side for buffs and stacks/points for effects which affect the player (i.e Soul Shards) and the opposite for the Target side.

Some things kind of fall in the middle, such as Holy Power. Stacks on the player and can affect a range of abilities that work on both player and target. So Holy Power is displayed in the center of the HuD instead of on one side or the other.

Combo Points could become similar, but it's still going to affect abilities used, in the majority of cases, on the target. Perhaps moving it to the center would be the right move.

Lombra 08-30-14 03:23 AM

Couldn't the same be said for any secondary resource? All of them are on the player frame, and they are all very much used primarly offensively. The only difference, until now, is that combo points were attached to targets. I don't think it makes sense to keep them on the target frame any longer.

Fizzlemizz 08-30-14 03:52 AM

WoD Target/Combo point swapping is instentaneous. I don't have to wait for a "resource" cooldown/proc/whatever.
Combo points "fade" over time out-of-combat not increase/rejuvinate. ie. they are the reverse of most secondary resources as they are reliant on having a target aquired (and in combat if you start out with none).

I can see the argument that combo points are now a class bar rather than a target bar.


Originally Posted by Lombra (Post 296099)
Couldn't the same be said for any secondary resource? All of them are on the player frame, and they are all very much used primarly offensively. The only difference, until now, is that combo points were attached to targets. I don't think it makes sense to keep them on the target frame any longer.

Ordrosh 08-30-14 05:10 AM

from what I've read here it seems to me that combopoints behave just like holypower, with the exception that paladins spent starting with 3 for full effect, so treating them similarly would be my thought (for example putting the cp display in the same area where the hp display is).

Gethe 08-30-14 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 296101)
WoD Target/Combo point swapping is instentaneous. I don't have to wait for a "resource" cooldown/proc/whatever.
Combo points "fade" over time out-of-combat not increase/rejuvinate. ie. they are the reverse of most secondary resources as they are reliant on having a target aquired (and in combat if you start out with none).

I can see the argument that combo points are now a class bar rather than a target bar.

In this sense they behave just like Chi for Monks, which is currently located next to the player. How it happens mechanically is irrelevant imo, what matters is how it feels and how it can be used. I've tested this out, and you can totally spent combo points even if you don't have a target.

Fizzlemizz 08-30-14 11:31 AM

Combo points have spent the last 10 years anchored to the target and they're still there on the default UI. Make of that what you will.


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 296106)
In this sense they behave just like Chi for Monks, which is currently located next to the player. How it happens mechanically is irrelevant imo, what matters is how it feels and how it can be used. I've tested this out, and you can totally spent combo points even if you don't have a target.

Evabi 08-30-14 12:49 PM

A lot of really good points have been made here. I can definitely see both sides of the argument, but combo points have also spent the past 10 years being attached to the target instead of the player. (Mechanics-wise)

Seeing as how the way combo points behave is changing, I would argue for a change to how they are displayed on this custom UI.

A good middle ground might be to have a setting allowing the player to pick which side to put them on.

def9 09-03-14 08:45 AM

Since the last update the info bar with friends,gold etc is no longer showing. No error in regards to it is being thrown in game though.

Ordrosh 09-03-14 12:57 PM

getting a few errors with the todays build
Number 1:

2x Grid2LDB\Grid2LDB-r720.lua:13: Usage: GetAddOnInfo(index)
[C]: in function `GetAddOnInfo'
Grid2LDB\Grid2LDB-r720.lua:13: in main chunk

DataBroker = <table> {
 attributestorage = <table> {
 pairs = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:70
 NewDataObject = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:36
 callbacks = <table> {
 ipairs = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:81
 RegisterCallback = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
 GetNameByDataObject = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:63
 GetDataObjectByName = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:59
 UnregisterCallback = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
 domt = <table> {
 proxystorage = <table> {
 DataObjectIterator = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua:55
 namestorage = <table> {
 UnregisterAllCallbacks = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:202
Grid2Layout = <table> {
 layoutSettings = <table> {
 SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:398
 UpdateSize = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:417
 Enable = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:325
 UnregisterAllEvents = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:202
 groups = <table> {
 EnableModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:363
 modules = <table> {
 GetModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:241
 IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:473
 ResetPosition = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:502
 debugFrame = ChatFrame1 {
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 UpdateColor = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:466
 db = <table> {
 frameBackdrop = <table> {
 baseName = "Grid2"
 PlaceGroup = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:283
 SetFrameLock = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:534
 Scale = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:527
 defaultModuleState = true
 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
 SavePosition = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:484
 debugging = false
 AddLayout = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:306
 name = "Grid2_Grid2Layout"
 CheckVisibility = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:473
 IsEnabled = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:482
 orderedModules = <table> {
 UpdateTextures = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:451
 DisableModule = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:381
 indexes = <table> {
 defaultDB = <table> {
 UpdateDisplay = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:410
 RestorePosition = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:511
 RegisterMessage = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
 UnregisterMessage = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
 ReloadLayout = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:314
 SetClamp = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:310
 FrameLock = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:234
 AddCustomLayouts = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:544
 CreateFrame = <function> defined @Grid2\GridLayout.lua:258
 IsModule = <function> defined @Ad

Number 2:

2x ...RealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary-91091.lua:384: Usage: GetAddOnInfo(index)
[C]: in function `GetAddOnInfo'
...RealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary-91091.lua:384: in function <...RealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:378>
...RealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary-91091.lua:419: in function `IsNewVersion'
...RealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\Tablet-2.0\Tablet-2.0.lua:17: in main chunk

major = "Tablet-2.0"
AceLibrary = <table> {
 GetLibraryVersion = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:585
 GetInstance = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:479
 IterateLibraries = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:723
 Register = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:534
 scannedlibs = <table> {
 error = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:75
 libs = <table> {
 IsNewVersion = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:417
 argCheck = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:129
 pcall = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:167
 HasInstance = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:446
 frame = <unnamed> {
 positions = <table> {
 finalizedExternalLibs = <table> {
TryToEnable = <function> defined @nibRealUI\Libs\Libs\TabletLib\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:358

Number 3:

2x nibRealUI\Modules\InfoLine.lua:4: Cannot find a library instance of "Tablet-2.0".
[C]: in function `error'
Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:23: in function `LibStub'
nibRealUI\Modules\InfoLine.lua:4: in main chunk

self = <table> {
 NewLibrary = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:11
 minors = <table> {
 minor = 2
 IterateLibraries = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:28
 GetLibrary = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:21
 libs = <table> {
major = "Tablet-2.0"
silent = nil

Number 4:

2x nibRealUI\Modules\ScreenSaver.lua:2: Cannot find a library instance of "Tablet-2.0".
[C]: in function `error'
Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:23: in function `LibStub'
nibRealUI\Modules\ScreenSaver.lua:2: in main chunk

self = <table> {
 NewLibrary = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:11
 minors = <table> {
 minor = 2
 IterateLibraries = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:28
 GetLibrary = <function> defined @Masque\Libs\LibStub\Libstub.lua:21
 libs = <table> {
major = "Tablet-2.0"
silent = nil

Number 3 and 4 look like they are related to number 2
Number 3 is also the reason why the infoline doesn't showup

Gethe 09-03-14 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ordrosh (Post 296226)
getting a few errors with the todays build
Number 3 and 4 look like they are related to number 2
Number 3 is also the reason why the infoline doesn't showup

Yeah I saw that. Blizz changed the function GetAddOnInfo. You used to be able to use an addon name, but now you can only use the list number.

Phanx 09-03-14 05:38 PM

Eww, you're still using Tablet-2.0 and Ace2?! Upgrade to QTip already... :(

Gethe 09-03-14 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 296240)
Eww, you're still using Tablet-2.0 and Ace2?! Upgrade to QTip already... :(

It's on my list

Phanx 09-04-14 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 296241)
It's on my list

Ace2 has been officially deprecated and unsupported for over 4 years now. I'm actually amazed to find any part of still being used in an actively developed addon... it's like meeting someone who owns a smartphone and does all their shopping online but still commutes to the office by horsedrawn carriage. :o

Gethe 09-04-14 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 296246)
Ace2 has been officially deprecated and unsupported for over 4 years now. I'm actually amazed to find any part of still being used in an actively developed addon... it's like meeting someone who owns a smartphone and does all their shopping online but still commutes to the office by horsedrawn carriage. :o

Well that portion of the UI was probably originally written close to 4 years ago, but since then Tablet has been working fine so there hasn't been any real reason to upgrade. In fact, this is the first time i've actually had to do any kind of maintenance for it.

Regardless it is one of my TODOs, but right now rewriting the unit frames is more pressing.

Kayhos 09-06-14 02:52 AM

I just made an account to say, that I LOVE the look of this UI and it's overall vibe/feel.
Please continue the development once WoD hits live (:

LonghornsER 09-07-14 09:58 AM

This error occurs when i fight agianst a Lumbering Ancient, and get a Chattext warning :

MSTB: Error with event merge; failed for evebnt with stats: OUTGOING_ABSORB nil Lumbering Ancient WARRIOR
Including this taint/loop LUA error:

Message: Interface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTMain.lua:661: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'amount' (a boolean value)
Time: 09/07/14 17:51:29
Count: 2281
Stack: Interface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTMain.lua:661: in function <Interface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTMain.lua:618>
Interface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTMain.lua:1238: in function <Interface\AddOns\MikScrollingBattleText\MSBTMain.lua:1226>

Locals: numEvents = 139
currentProfile = <table> {
 normalFontSize = 20
 critFontName = "Friz Quadrata TT"
 critOutlineIndex = 2
 scrollAreas = <table> {
 normalFontName = "Friz Quadrata TT"
 normalOutlineIndex = 2
 creationVersion = "5.7.131"
unmergedEvent = <table> {
 damageType = 1
 class = "WARRIOR"
 eventType = "OUTGOING_ABSORB"
 name = "Lumbering Ancient"
 amount = true
 eventMerged = true
doMerge = true
(for index) = 3
(for limit) = 139
(for step) = 1
i = 3
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
mergedEvent = <table> {
 damageType = 1
 isCrit = false
 class = "WARRIOR"
 eventType = "OUTGOING_ABSORB"
 numMerged = 2280
 numCrits = 0
 name = "Lumbering Ancient"
 amount = false
 eventMerged = true
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = "OUTGOING_ABSORB"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Lumbering Ancient"
(*temporary) = "WARRIOR"
(*temporary) = "attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'amount' (a boolean value)"
unmergedEvents = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
 5 = <table> {
 6 = <table> {
 7 = <table> {
 8 = <table> {
 9 = <table> {
 10 = <table> {
 11 = <table> {
 12 = <table> {
 13 = <table> {
 14 = <table> {
 15 = <table> {
 16 = <table> {
 17 = <table> {
 18 = <table> {
 19 = <table> {
 20 = <table> {
 21 = <table> {
 22 = <table> {
 23 = <table> {
 24 = <table> {
 25 = <table> {
 26 = <table> {
 27 = <table> {
 28 = <table> {
 29 = <table> {
 30 = <table> {
 31 = <table> {
 32 = <table> {
 33 = <table> {
 34 = <table> {
 35 = <table> {
 36 = <table> {
 37 = <table> {
 38 = <table> {
 39 = <table> {
 40 = <table> {
 41 = <table> {
 42 = <table> {
 43 = <table> {
 44 = <table> {
 45 = <table> {
 46 = <table> {
 47 = <table> {
 48 = <table> {
 49 = <table> {
 50 = <table> {
 51 = <table> {
 52 = <table> {
 53 = <table> {
 54 = <table> {
 55 = <table> {
 56 = <table> {
 57 = <table> {
 58 = <table> {
 59 = <table> {
 60 = <table> {
 61 = <table> {
 62 = <table> {
 63 = <table> {
 64 = <table> {
 65 = <table> {
 66 = <table> {
 67 = <table> {
 68 = <table> {
 69 = <table> {
 70 = <table> {
 71 = <table> {
 72 = <table> {
 73 = <table> {
 74 = <table> {
 75 = <table> {
 76 = <table> {
 77 = <table> {
 78 = <table> {
 79 = <table> {
 80 = <table> {
 81 = <table> {
 82 = <table> {
 83 = <table> {
 84 = <table> {
 85 = <table> {
 86 = <table> {
 87 = <table> {
 88 = <table> {
 89 = <table> {
 90 = <table> {
 91 = <table> {
 92 = <table> {
 93 = <table> {
 94 = <table> {
 95 = <table> {
 96 = <table> {
 97 = <table> {
 98 = <table> {
 99 = <table> {
 100 = <table> {
 101 = <table> {
 102 = <table> {
 103 = <table> {
 104 = <table> {
 105 = <table> {
 106 = <table> {
 107 = <table> {
 108 = <table> {
 109 = <table> {
 110 = <table> {
 111 = <table> {
 112 = <table> {
 113 = <table> {
 114 = <table> {
 115 = <table> {
 116 = <table> {
 117 = <table> {
 118 = <table> {
 119 = <table> {
 120 = <table> {
 121 = <table> {
 122 = <table> {
 123 = <table> {
 124 = <table> {
 125 = <table> {
 126 = <table> {
 127 = <table> {
 128 = <table> {
 129 = <table> {
 130 = <table> {

Gethe 09-07-14 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by LonghornsER (Post 296368)
This error occurs when i fight agianst a Lumbering Ancient, and get a Chattext warning :

Since this affects more than just RealUI, I posted a link in this thread with an updated version.

Gardorian 09-08-14 08:29 AM

Bartender Config Problem
first off, amazing work, LOVE your UI and I usually Hate packaged UIs
that said, the only thing missing in my life now is conditional bar swapping. Bartender does this, however whenever I uncheck to RealUi Control and press the Advanced Settings Button, or type in /bt, bug sack catches the error listed below
I also wanted to know if this was a RealUi issue, or a Bartender issue and it seems to be bartender, as when I disable all addons and only run BT and type /BT, the error comes up again

Oh an tho I'm guessing it would be practically impossible as you are combining many addons you don't have control over, I would love to see a Global Profiles deal so that I don't have to spend hours reconfiguring my UI from toon to toon

Thank you again for all that you do

51x ...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-58.lua:1803: 66AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15:ValidateOptionsTable(): expected a string or funcref, got 'nil'
[C]: ?
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:50: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:45>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:187: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:182>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:221: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:259: in function `ValidateOptionsTable'
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:312: in function `app'
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-58.lua:1803: in function `Open'
...acenibRealUI\Config\ConfigBar\ActionBars.lua:300: in function `func'
nibRealUI\Config\ConfigBar\GUI.lua:447: in function <nibRealUI\Config\ConfigBar\GUI.lua:447>

msg = ": expected a string or funcref, got 'nil'"
errlvl = 9
t = <table> {
1 = "Bartender4"
2 = "args"
3 = "bars"
4 = "args"
5 = "1"
6 = "args"
7 = "state"
8 = "args"
9 = "stances"
10 = "args"
11 = "berserker"
12 = "name"
select = <function> defined =[C]:-1
tinsert = <function> defined =[C]:-1
error = <function> defined =[C]:-1
MAJOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0"
tconcat = <function> defined =[C]:-1

LonghornsER 09-08-14 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gethe (Post 296389)
Since this affects more than just RealUI, I posted a link in this thread with an updated version.

Downloaded and Thanks:)

jeffy162 09-08-14 11:14 AM

If you don't have it already, go to and download and install the latest Ace3 (A: r1112). Install it as a stand-alone. You won't have to do anything (except unzip the file 8^)), just download and install it. See if that cures your problem.

Gardorian 09-10-14 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 296406)
If you don't have it already, go to and download and install the latest Ace3 (A: r1112). Install it as a stand-alone. You won't have to do anything (except unzip the file 8^)), just download and install it. See if that cures your problem.

Unfortunately, that did not solve it :(


57x ...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-58.lua:1803: 66AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15:ValidateOptionsTable(): expected a string or funcref, got 'nil'
[C]: ?
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:50: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:45>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:187: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:182>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:221: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:231: in function <...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0.lua:196>
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:259: in function `ValidateOptionsTable'
...-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0\AceConfigRegistry-3.0-15.lua:312: in function `app'
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-58.lua:1803: in function `Open'
...acenibRealUI\Config\ConfigBar\ActionBars.lua:300: in function `func'
nibRealUI\Config\ConfigBar\GUI.lua:447: in function <nibRealUI\Config\ConfigBar\GUI.lua:447>

msg = ": expected a string or funcref, got 'nil'"
errlvl = 9
t = <table> {
 1 = "Bartender4"
 2 = "args"
 3 = "bars"
 4 = "args"
 5 = "1"
 6 = "args"
 7 = "state"
 8 = "args"
 9 = "stances"
 10 = "args"
 11 = "berserker"
 12 = "name"
select = <function> defined =[C]:-1
tinsert = <function> defined =[C]:-1
error = <function> defined =[C]:-1
MAJOR = "AceConfigRegistry-3.0"
tconcat = <function> defined =[C]:-1

semlar 09-10-14 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Gardorian (Post 296481)

Wow, that is a lot of nested tables.

Phanx 09-10-14 04:48 PM

Berserker Stance is removed in WoD, so any addons that depend on its existence (eg. the stance configuration in BT4) will need to be updated.

Edit: There's a version of Bartender4 updated for WoD available on the WowAce project page:


Originally Posted by semlar (Post 296483)
Wow, that is a lot of nested tables.

Welcome to Ace options tables. :p

Gardorian 09-11-14 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Phanx (Post 296510)
Berserker Stance is removed in WoD, so any addons that depend on its existence (eg. the stance configuration in BT4) will need to be updated.

Welcome to Ace options tables. :p

according to the Bartender4 curse comments, it's specific to warriors (which makes sense with the berserker stance thing)
I did a workaround by going into another toon, copy the realUI profile so that toon can have it's own setup, then switch it back to the realUi profile, configure it how I like it on my warrior, then switch back to the one I had copied for my alt (lock in this case)
Since the profile will stay as the realUi profile, which is the one that my warrior is stuck on, it will still reflect like that when I log onto him

Zorknemesis 09-13-14 03:17 AM

I am now in the beta ,, now Testing this ui:banana::banana:

ievil 09-15-14 12:16 PM

Been playing around with the UI in the beta and there's a few things that pops up so far:

- doesnt work in the garrison building ui.. altho garrisons hardly work as-is.
- when clicking on quest items in quest log on the right side the UI taints.

I like the way it handles in game so far and I just installed the UI for my live install also ;)

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